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Domain F: TPE 6.

4 Artifacts Supporting Documentation

Domain F: TPE 6.4 Artifacts Supporting Documentation

Aaron Mancilla

National University


TED 690

Professor Clifton E. Johnson

February 13, 2021

Domain F: TPE 6.4 Artifacts Supporting Documentation


On this paper, I will explain how I met competency for TPE 6.4. An introduction of the reason of
my election for this paper review is going to be provided. Also, an explanation on how this paper
review addresses TPE 6.4. Lastly, a reflection on how this paper review improved my future
teaching practices.
Domain F: TPE 6.4 Artifacts Supporting Documentation


To demonstrate competency for TPE 6.4, I reflected on the article “Teacher Collaboration

in Instructional Teams and Student Achievement''. The article is about collaboration among

teacher and staff for student engagement. On this paper review, I reflected on how the

engagement of the whole school can provide support to assist students in their learning. I also

demonstrated competency for TPE 6.4 as I explained how I was involved in meetings that

address the needs of students when I was doing a long term substitution at a Charter School.


I demonstrated TPE 6.4 competency by providing a paper review and by reflecting on the

article “Teacher Collaboration in Instructional Teams and Student Achievement''. On this article,

authors conducted a survey online and according to the results of the surveys, the authors

conclude that “collaboration enables teachers to strengthen their instruction, thus improving

learning outcomes for students” (Ronfeldt, Farmer, and Et al, 2015). In other words, when

teachers collaborate they will address the need of each student and they will create a plan to

assist the student in all subjects. Based on my understanding of the article, the gains in reading

the results of math, is that colleagues focus on improving the strategies that are beneficial to

students. Is important to collaborate among teachers because not only the academic aspect can be

addressed but also the behavioral and emotional aspect. Another aspect of collaboration is that it

creates a “school‐wide positive behavior support (SWPBS), [which] is a systemic approach for

implementing a proactive schoolwide discipline and for improving students’ academic and

behavioral outcomes by targeting the school’s organizational and social culture”( Wienen et al.,

2019). Collaboration enables teachers to share strategies that are effective to certain students and

this strengthens their instruction, and improves the student learning.

Domain F: TPE 6.4 Artifacts Supporting Documentation


In my opinion, collaboration among staff and colleagues is necessary to support both the

teacher and student that learn from each other from their performance. A couple of years ago, I

was working as a long term sub, and every Monday the paraeducators and 9th grade teachers

would have a meeting to discuss effective strategies that would enhance student engagement.

During this time we would discuss research based strategies and ideas on how to support certain

students outside of school. It was during this time that I would ask questions about teaching

activities that would help me to engage the whole class. As a result of this paper review, I have

determine to collaborate with the staff and teachers of the school. In first year, collaboration is

going to be crucial as it will provide me with support to address the needs of my students.
Domain F: TPE 6.4 Artifacts Supporting Documentation


Wienen, A., Reijnders, I., van Aggelen, M., Bos, E., Batstra, L., & de Jonge, P. (2019). The
relative impact of school‐wide positive behavior support on teachers’ perceptions of student
behavior across schools, teachers, and students. Psychology in the Schools, 56(2), 232–241.

Ronfeldt, M., Farmer, S. O., McQueen, K., & Grissom, J. A. (2015). Teacher Collaboration in
Instructional Teams and Student Achievement.American Educational Research Journal ,52(3),

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