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You were always quite the loser, Jeremy

My always been the loser, Jeremy

Then I invaded

Then I attacked

And you upgraded

You are also promoted


Jeremy, it's true that I found you

Jeremy, it's true, by I found ditches

But look around you

Men ditches are about


All your peers are just so incomplete

All my colleagues

You can't see it, but they're all in pain

All is good

Their operating system's obsolete

Your operating system is outdated

So let's complete the chains

So let's finish the ropes

And get inside those brains

And into that cell

Let's save the pitiful children

Save the lives of compassionate children


Let's save the pitiful children

Save the lives of compassionate children


Let's teach the pitiful children, who just haven't a clue

Let us teach kind children without revelation

Just what to do

Just do it
Help them to help you

Help them help you

Ah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Can you see the vision clearly, Jeremy?

Do you see well, Jeremy?

Users embracing and interfacing

Users turn and interact

Beep boop beep boop

Shiny, happy people singing sweetly

Miracle people sing sweet songs


Gone is human error and fear

The man's guilt and fear disappeared

Beep bop boo beep bop boo beep bop boo beep

Every issue tucked away so neatly

Every room is hidden so neatly

If you feel a sob or tear

If you hiccup or cry

Just turn that knob, and switch that gear

Just turn the knob to change gear

Let's save the pitiful children

Save the lives of compassionate children


Let's save the pitiful children

Save the lives of compassionate children


Let's teach the pitiful children, who just haven't a clue

Let us teach kind children without revelation

Just what to do

Just do it
Help them and soon this will be you

Help them and it will see you

Let's save the pitiful children

Save the lives of compassionate children

Rap beep beep bop

Let's save the pitiful children

Save the lives of compassionate children

Re bop bo beep bop bo beep bop bo

Let's teach the pitiful children, who haven't a clue

Let us teach kind children without revelation

If that's what we do

If you do something

If that's what we do

If you do something



Everything about us is going to be wonderful

Everything around us will be fine

We love everything about Squips

We love everything with equipment

Everything about us is going to be so alive

Everything around us lives

We could never live without Squips

We would not survive without the waves.

You won't feel left out or unsure

You will not be left behind or feel unconscious

Not pitiful children anymore

No miserable kids


Everything about us is going to be cool

Everything for us was good

When... we... rule!

And ... we ... we are in control!

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