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9 Hypothesis Testing: Two Populations

NOVEMBER 8 – 16, 2020

Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, the students will able to:
o Discuss the procedures in the test of hypothesis of statistics.
o Test the difference between two large samples, using z test.
o Test the difference between two means for small independent samples.
o Test the difference between two means paired samples.
o Test the difference between two proportions.
o Differentiate the tests of differences.
o Apply the formulas on hypothesis testing in different fields.

Chapter Outline
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Testing the Difference Two Means: Large Independent Samples
9.3 Testing the Difference Two Means: Small Independent Samples
9.4 Testing the Difference Two Means: PairedSamples
9.5 Testing the Difference Two Proportions

I could prove God statistically.

- George Gallup

9.1 Introduction

In this chapter we are going to deal with the procedures for making inferences
abouttwo populations. When wewant tocompare two populations we need two samples,
one from each. Two basic kinds of samples can be used the independent anddependent
samples. The independence and dependence of a sample is determined by the sources
used for the data. Asourcecan be an object, a person, or something that yield a part of
data. If two unrelated sets of the sources are used, one set of each population, we have
independent sampling. If same set of sources are paired or matched in some way to
obtain the data representing both populations, we have dependent sampling.

9.2 Testing the Difference Two Means: Large Independent Samples

When comparing the means of two populations, we usually consider the difference
between their means, μ1−μ 2 . The inferences will make about μ1−μ 2 will based on the
difference between the observed sample means, X́ 1 − X́ 2. This observed difference belongs
to a sampling distribution.
If two independent samples are drawn randomly from a large populations with
means μ1 and μ2 and variances σ 12andσ 22 , respectively. This normal approximation is
applicable for all samples sizes given that the populations involved are approximately
normal and the population variances σ 12 and σ 22 are known quantities.
Since the sampling distribution is approximately normal, we will use the z test in our
inferences. The formula for the z test for comparing two means from independent
populations will be determined by

X́ 1− X́ 2−( μ1−μ 2 )
σ 21 σ 22 (Formula 9-1)
√ +
n1 n2
X́ 1− X́ 2−( μ1−μ 2 )
s 21 s 22 (Formula 9-2)
√ +
n1 n 2

Note: If σ is unknown we can make used of Formula 9-2.

wherez=z test for independent samples.
X́ 1 , X́ 2 = the mean values of the sample group 1 and 2.
σ 12 , σ 22 = the variances of the population group 1 and 2.
s21 , s 22 = the variances of the sample group 1 and 2.
n1, n2 = sample population of group 1 and 2.
X́ 1 − X́ 2 = the observed differences
μ1−μ 2 = the expected difference.
σ 21 σ 22
√ + = the standard error of the difference.
n1 n2

Assumptions in z test for Independent populations:

1. Subjects are randomly selected and independently assigned to groups.
2. Population distribution is normal.
3. Population standard deviations are known.

Procedure for z test for Independent populations:

1. Set up the hypothesis:
H0: 1 = 2
H1:12, 12, 1<2
2. Set the level of significance.
3. Determine the critical value of z.
4. Calculate the sample means, then the value of z test for independent samples.

X́ =
∑X (Formula 3-1)
s= √∑ ¿¿ ¿ ¿ (Formula 4-5)

where: X = sample mean.

X = the value of any particular observation or measurement
s = sample standard deviation.
n = number of observation in the sample.
Note: Calculate the sample standard deviation is σ unknown using Formula 4-5.
5. Statistical decision for hypothesis testing:
If zcomputed<zcritical , do not reject H1.
If zcomputed≥zcritical , reject H0.

6. State the conclusion.

Example 1: A real estate agent compares the selling price of townhouses in two major
cities in National Capital Region to see if there is a difference in price. The results of the
study are shown. Is there enough evidence to reject the claim that the average of a price
of townhouse in Quezon City us higher than MakatiCity? Useα =0.05 .

Quezon City Makati City

X́ 1 = ₱2,140,000 X́ 2 = ₱1,970,000
s1 = ₱226,000 s2 = ₱243,000
n1 = 47 n2 = 45

Step 1: State the hypotheses and identify the claim.

H0: 1≤ 2
(There is no significant difference between the average price of townhouses in Quezon
City and Makati City.)
(The average price of townhouses in Quezon City is higher than in Makati City.)

Step 2:The level of significance is α =0.05 .

Step 3:The critical value is +1.645 (one-tailed test).

Step 4:Compute the test value.

X́ 1− X́ 2−( μ1−μ 2 ) 2,140,000−1,970,000−0

z= = =3.471
s 21 s 22 ( 226,000 )2 ( 243,000 )2
√ +
n1 n 2 √ 47

Step 5:Decision rule.

Since the computed z test is greater than the critical z value of at  = 0.001
(3.471 > 1.645), we need to rejectthe null hypothesis.

Reject H0

0 +1.645 3.471
Step 6:Conclusion.
Since we reject the null hypothesis, we can conclude that there is enough
evidence to support the claim that the means are not equal. Hence, there is a
significant difference in the prices and the average price of townhouse in Quezon
City is higher than in Makati City.

Example 2: The operations manager of sales company wants to see whether there is a
significant difference in the ages of male and female customers. He selects a sample of 35
samples for each group. The ages are shown here. At α = 0.05, decide if there is enough
evidence to reject the claim of no difference in the ages of the two groups.

Male Female
X́ 1 = 27.3 X́ 2 = 28
s1 = 2.4 s2 = 3.1
n1 = 35 n2 = 35

Step 1:State the hypothesis and identify the claim.
H0: 1 =2(claim)
(There is no significant difference between the average ages of male and
female customers.
(There is significant difference between the average ages of male and female
Step 2:The level of significance is α =0.05 .
Step 3:The critical value is +1.960 and -1.960 (two-tailed test).
Step 4:Compute the test value.
X́ 1− X́ 2−( μ1−μ 2 ) (27.3−28)−0
z= = =−1.056
s 21 s 22 ( 2.4 )2 ( 3.1 )2
√ +
n1 n 2 √ 35

Step 5:Decision rule:

Do not reject the null hypothesis at α =0.05 ,since /-1.056/ < /±1.960/.
Do not reject H0

-1.96 -1.056 0 +1.96

Step 6:Conclusion.
There is no evidence of significant difference between the average ages of male
and female customers.

9.3 Testing the Difference Two Means: Small Independent Samples

Student’s t test (or t test for independent samples)of difference of means is used to
test the significance of the difference between two samples means. This can be used to
compare the sample means between two independent samples. It is a parametric test
which assumes a normal distribution and it is used for smaller samples (i.e. the sample
size should be less than 30).
The t distribution was developed by G.W Gosset in 1908 and published the
pseudonym Student. As a result, the t distribution is also called student’s t distribution.

Assumptions in t test for Independent samples:

1.Subjects are randomly selected and independently assigned to groups.
2. Population variances are homogeneous.
3. Population distribution is normal.

Procedure for t test for Independent samples:

1. Set up the hypothesis:
H0: 1 = 2
H1:12, 12, 1<2
2. Set the level of significance and calculate the degrees of freedom (df = n1 + n2 - 2).
3. Determine the critical value of t.
4. Calculate the sample means and sample variances, then the value of t test for
independent samples.

∑X (Formula 3-1)

s2= √∑ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ (Formula 4-5)

where: X = sample mean.

X = the value of any particular observation or measurement
s2 = sample variance.
n = number of observation in the sample.
5. Statistical decision for hypothesis testing:
If tcomputed<tcritical , do not reject H1.
If tcomputed≥tcritical , reject H0.

6. State the conclusion.

A. Variances are assumed to be Unequal:
X́ 1− X́ 2−( μ1−μ 2)
σ 21 σ 22 (Formula 9-3)
√ +
n 1 n2
where the degrees of freedom are equal to the smaller of n1 – 1 or n2 – 1.

B. Variances are assumed to be Equal:

X́ 1− X́ 2−( μ 1−μ2 )
2 2
(Formula 9-4)
√ ( n 1−1 ) s 1+ ( n2−1 ) s2 1 1
n1 +n2−1 √
n1 n2
where t=t test for two independent samples.
X́ 1 , X́ 2 = the mean values of the sample group 1 and 2.
s21 , s 22 = the variances of the sample group 1 and 2.
n1, n2 = sample population of group 1 and 2.
X́ 1 − X́ 2 = the observed difference.
μ1−μ 2 = the expected difference.

The number of the degrees of freedom in the test is the total number of items sampled
minus the number of sample groups or n1 + n2– 2.

Example 1: A researcher wishes to determine whether the monthly salary of

professional elementary teachers in private schools and elementary teachers in public
schools differs. He selects a sample of elementary teachers. From each type of school
calculate the means and standard deviations of their salaries. At α =0.01 ,can he conclude
that the private school teachers do not receive the same salary with the public schools
teachers? Assume that the populations are approximately normally distributed.

Private Public
X́ 1 = ₱16,400 X́ 2 = ₱15,170
s1 = ₱700 s2 = ₱800
n1 = 15 n2 = 9

Step 1:State the null hypothesis and identify the claim.
H0: 1 = 2
(There is no significant difference between the monthly salaries of private and
public elementary teachers.)
(There is a significant difference between the monthly salaries of private and
public elementary teachers.)

Step 2:The level of significance is α =0.01anddf = n1 + n2 – 2 = 15 + 9 – 2= 22.

Step 3:The critical value is +2.819 and -2.819. (two-tailed test and refer to Table B)
Step 4:Compute the test value. Use the formula for variances assumed to be equal.
( X́ 1− X́ 2 )−( μ1−μ 2)
2 2

√ ( n 1−1 ) s 1+ ( n2−1 ) s2 1 1
n1 +n2−1 √ +
n1 n2
(16,400−15,170 )−0
√( 15−1 ) (700)2+( 9−1 ) ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Step 5:Decision Rule.

Reject H0

-2.819 0 +2.819 +3.953

Since the absolute value of the computed t is greater than the absolute value of
the t critical value, therefore we reject the null hypothesis (/+3.953/≥/±2.819/).
Step 6:Conclusion.
There is enough evidence to support the claim that the salaries paid to elementary
teachers employed in private schools are different with public schools teachers.

Example 2: A budget head for SSS Sales Inc. would like to compare the daily travel
expenses for the sales staff and the audit staff. He collected the following sample
Sales Staff 105 120 140 160 100 170 160 140 130 16 180 190
Audit Staff 130 50 90 80 70 125 180 80 110

At 0.05 significance level, can he conclude that the mean daily expenses of sales staff are
greater than the audit staff?

Step 1:State the null hypothesis and identify the claim.
H0:1 ≤ 2
(The daily travel expenses of sales staff is not greater than and the audit staff.)
H1: 1>2 (claim)
(The daily travel expenses of sales staff is greater than and the audit staff.)
Step 2:The level of significance is α =0.05 .
Step 3:Determine the critical region. (one-tailed test and refer to Table B)
df = n1 + n2 – 2 = 12 + 9 – 2 = 19 and tcritical = 1.729
Step 4: Compute the t value.
Before we can compute for the t test for two independent samples, we need to
obtain the sample means and sample variances of the two groups first using
Formula 3-1 and Formula 4-4, and then apply Formula 9-4 to obtain the value of
t test.
X1 X2 (X1- X́ 1 ¿2 (X2- X́ 2 ¿2
105 130 1,701.5625 802.7778
120 50 689.0625 2,669.4444
140 90 39.0625 136.1111
160 80 189.0625 469.4444
100 70 2,139.0625 1,002.7778
170 125 564.0625 544.4444
160 180 189.0625 6,136.1111
140 80 39.0625 469.4444
130 110 264.0625 69.4444
160 189.0625
180 1,139.0625
190 1,914.0625
∑ X 1=1,755 ∑ X 2=915 ∑ ¿¿ ∑ ¿¿ ¿

X́ 1 =
∑ X 1 = 1,755 =146.25
n 12

X́ 2 =
∑ X 2 = 915 =101.67
n 9
s21=∑ ¿ ¿¿
s22=∑ ¿ ¿¿

Then we substitute the values on means and standard deviations.

( X́ 1− X́ 2 )−( μ1−μ 2)
2 2

( n 1−1 ) s 1+ ( n2−1 ) s2 1 1
n1 +n2−1

n1 n2
(146.25−101.67 )−0
¿ =3.015
( 12−1 ) ( 823.30 ) + ( 9−1 )( 1,537.5 ) 1 1
√ 12+9−2 √ +
12 9
Step 5:Decision Rule.
Reject H0

0 1.7293.015
Since the computed t value of 3.015 is greater than the t critical value of 1.729
at level of significance of 0.05, the statistical decision is to reject the null
Step 6: Conclusion.
There is enough evidence to support the claim that the daily travel expence of
sales staff is greater than the audit staff.

9.4 Testing the Difference Two Means: Paired Samples

Paired sample t testis a statistical technique that is used to compare two population
means in the case of two samples that are correlated. It isused in “before-and-after”
studies, or when the samples are matched pairs, or the case is a control study. For
instance, if a company gives training its employees and the company wants to know
whether or not the training hadany impact on the performance of the employees, the
paired sample t test can be applied. By using the paired sample t test, the company can
statistically conclude whether or not training has improved the performance of the

Assumptions in Paired Sample t test:

1. Only the matched pair can be used to perform the paired sample t test.
2.In the paired sample t test, normal distributions are assumed.
3. The variances of two samples are homogeneous.
4. The observations must be independent of each other.

Procedure for Paired Sample t test:

1. Set up the hypothesis:
H0: The mean of paired samples are equal (or 1 = 2).
H1: The mean of paired samples are not equal (or 12, 12, 1<2).
2. Set the level of significance.
3. Calculate the degrees of freedom (df = n - 1) and determine the critical value of t.
4. Calculate the paired sample t test.
The formula for the paired sample t test is:
D−μ D
SD (Formula 9-5)
∑D (Formula 9-6)
s D= √∑ D2−¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿ (Formula 9-7)
5. Statistical decision for hypothesis testing:
If tcomputed<tcritical , do not reject H1.
If tcomputed≥tcritical , reject H0.
6. State the conclusion.

Example: the management of Resale Furniture, a change of second hand furniture stores
in Metro Manila, designed an incentive plan for salespeople. To evaluate this innovative
incentive plan, 10 salespeople were selected at random, and their weekly incomes before
and after the incentive plan were recorded.

Salesperson 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Before ₱2,000 3,000 2,500 3,100 1,900 1,750 2,300 3,210 2,340 1,870
After ₱3,500 4,120 3,800 4,200 1,820 1,600 3,400 1,900 2,340 3,290

Was there a significant increase in the typical salesperson’s weekly income due to the
innovative incentive plan? Use the 0.05 significance level.

Step 1:State the null hypothesis and identify the claim.
H0: D ≤ 0
(The income after the incentive plan is not greater than before the incentive
H1: D> 0 (claim)
(The income after the incentive plan is greater than before the incentive plan.)
Step 2:The level of significance is α =0.05 .
Step 3:Determine the critical region. (one-tailed test and refer to Table B)
df = n – 1 = 10 - 1 = 9 and tcritical = 1.833
Step 4:Compute the t value for paired samples.
Before we can compute for the t value we need to obtain the differences.

Salesperson Before(X1) After(X2) D=(X2 – X1) D=(X2 – X1)2

1 2,000 3,500 1,500 2,250,000
2 3,000 4,120 1,120 1,254,400
3 2,500 3,800 1,300 1,690,000
4 3,100 4,200 1,100 1,210,000
5 1,900 1,820 -80 6,400
6 1,750 1,600 -150 22,500
7 2,300 3,400 1,100 1,210,000
8 3,210 1,900 -1,310 1,716,100
9 2,340 2,340 0 0
10 1,870 3,290 1,420 2,016,400
∑ D = 6,000 ∑ D = 11,375,800
Determine the mean of the differences.

∑ D = 6,000 =600
n 10

Determine the standard deviation of the differences.

s D= √∑ D 2−¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿

Determine the test value.

D−μ D 600−0
t= = =2.041
SD 929.50/ √ 10

Step 5:Decision Rule

Reject H 0

0 1.833 2.041

Since the computed t value of 2.041 is greater than the t critical value of 1.833 at
level of significance of 0.05, the statistical decision is to reject the null hypothesis.

Step 6: Conclusion
Since we reject the H 0, we can conclude that there is enough evidence to support
the claim that the income after the incentive plan is greater than before the
incentive plan.

9.5 Testing the Difference Between Two Proportions

This section deals with the procedures for drawing inferences about the differences
between populations whose data are nominal. The number of application for these
techniques is almost unlimited. For instance, operations manager compare defective rates
between two manufacturing machines. A pharmacist test new drugs by comparing the
new and old. Marketing specialist compare market shares before and after advertising
campaigns thru television.
When the data are nominal in nature the only way to make a meaningful
computation is by computing the occurrence of each type of outcome and compute the
proportions. Thus the parameter to be tested and estimated in this section is difference
between two population proportions. The formula for the z test for comparing two
proportions is

( ^P1− P^ 2 ) −( P1−P2 )

√ pq
( n1 + n1 )
1 2

z is approximately standard normally distributed.

X1+ X2 X
where ṕ= ^p = 1
n1 +n 2 n1
q́=1− ṕ ^p= 2

Assumptions in z test for Two Proportions:

1. Subject are randomly selected and independently assigned to two groups.
2. Data are nominal level.
3. Each sample at least 10 times as big as its sample
4. Each sample includes at least 10 successes and 10 failures (some text say that 5
successes and 5 failures are enough).

Procedure for z test for Independent Population

1. Set up the hypothesis:
H0: p1= p2
H 1 : p1 ≠ p 2 , p1 > p 2 , p1 < p2
2. Set the level of significance.
3. Determine the critical value of z.
4. Calculate the value of the z test between two proportions.
5. Statistical decision for hypothesis testing:
If z computed < z critical , do not reject H 0 .
If z computed ≥ z critical , reject H 0 .
6. State the conclusion.

Example 1: In a sample of 240 store costumer, 72 used visa card. In another sample of
190, 76 used a MasterCard. At a = 0.10, is there a difference in the proportion of people
who used each type of credit card?

Let ^p1 be the proportion of visa card users, and
^p2be the proportion of MasterCard users.
^p X 72 1
1=¿ = =0.30 ¿
n1 240

X 2 76
^p2= = =0.40
n2 190
X1+ X2 72+76 148
ṕ= = = =0.344
n1 +n 2 240+190 430
q́=1− ṕ=1−0.344=0.656
Now, follow the steps in hypothesis testing.

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and identify the claim.

H0: p1= p2
H1: p1 ≠ p2 (claim)

Step 2: The level of significance is α =0.10

Step 3: Determine the critical region. z critical =± 1.645
Step 4: Compute the z test value, by using the formula 9-8.

( ^p1− ^p2 ) −( p1− p2 ) ( 0.30−0.40 ) −0

z= = =−2.168
1 1
√ ´ 1+1
(n1 n2 ) √ (
( 0.344 ) ( 0.656 ) +
240 190 )

Step5: Decision rule.

-2.168 -1.645 0 +1.645

Since the absolute value of the computed z value of 2.168 is greater than the z
critical value of 1.645 at level of significance of 0.10, the statistical decision is to
reject the null hypothesis.

Step 6: Conclusion

There is enough evidence to support the claim that there is significant difference
in the proportions of visa and MasterCard usage.

Example 2: In a sample of 150 Ilocanos, 65% wished that they were rich. In a sample of
260 Visayas , 60% wished that they were rich. At α =0.05, is there a difference in the
proportions? Find the 95% confidence interval for the difference of two proportions.

Since the statistics are given in percentages, ^p1=65 %=0.65∧^p2=60 %=0.60.
To compute ṕ, one must determine the values of X 1 and X 2 .
X 1 =^p 1 n1 =0.65 (150 )=97.5

X 2 =^p 2 n 2=0.60 ( 260 )=156

X 1 + X 2 97.5+156
ṕ= = =0.618
n1 +n 2 150+260

q́=1− ṕ=1−0.618=0.382

Now, follow the steps in hypothesis testing.

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and identify the claim.
H 0 : p 1= p2 H 1 : p 1 ≠ p2 ( claim)

Step 2: The level of significance is α =0.05 .

Step 3: Determine the critical region. z critical=± 1.960
Step 4: Compute the z test value, by using formula 9-8

( ^p1− ^p2 ) −( p1− p2 ) ( 0.65−0.60 ) −0

z= = =1.004
1 1
√ ´ 1+1
n1 n2 ) √ (
( 0.618 ) (0.382) +
150 260 )
Step 5: Decision rule.

Do not reject H 0

-1.960 0 +1.004 +1.960

Since the compute z value of 1.004 is less than the z critical value of 1.960 at
level of significance of 0.05, the statistical decision is not to reject the null

Step 6: Conclusion.
There is no enough evidence to support the claim that there are significant
difference in the proportions of Ilocanos and Visayas who wished they were rich.

Name_____________________________Date: ______________Score:___________
Section Exercise 9.2
1. A survey found that the average hotel room rate in Luzon is ₱2,300and the average
room rate in Mindanao is ₱2,150. Assume that the data were obtained from two samples
of 75 hotels in Luzon and 80 hotels in Mindanao and the standard deviations were ₱250
and ₱215, respectively. At α =0.05 can it be concluded that there is significant
difference in rate?
Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________

Step 2: The level of significance and the critical region. a=_____ and z critical=¿¿ _______.
Step 3: Compute the value of z test. z computed =¿__________.
X́ 1 =¿_________ σ 12=¿_________ n1 =¿__________
X́ 2 =¿_________ σ 22=¿_________ n2 =¿__________

Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________

Step 5:Conclusion._______________________________________________________

2. The average credit card dept for a recent year was ₱43,100. Three years earlier the
average credit card dept was ₱ 41,890. Assume sample sizes of 50 were used and the
standard deviations of both samples are ₱7,810. Is there enough evidence to believe that
the average credit card dept has increased? Useα =0.01.
Step 1: State the hypothesis
H 0 :______________________________________________________________
H 1 :______________________________________________________________
Step 2: The level of significance and critical region. α=________ and zcritical ______________.
Step 3: Compute for the value of z test. z computed =¿__________.
X́ 1 =¿_________ σ 12=¿_________ n1 =¿__________
X́ 2 =¿_________ σ 2=¿_________ n2 =¿__________
Step 4: Decision rule.______________________________________________________
Step 5: Conclusion.________________________________________________________
Name_____________________________Date: ______________Score:___________
Section Exercises 9.3
1. Given a sample of n1 =18 from a population with s1=13.5 and an independent sample
ofn2 =28from another population with s2=11.8 what is the value of the t test statistic for
testing H 0 :μ 1=μ2 at α =0.01 if X́ 1 =64.2and X́ 2 =69.1?
Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________
Step 2: The level of significance and the critical region. a=_____ and t critical=¿¿ _______.
Step 3: Compute the value of t test. t computed =¿__________.
Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________
Step 5: Conclusion. _______________________________________________________
2. The mathematical Anxiety rating scale (MARS) measures an individual level of
mathematical anxiety on a scale from 25 (no anxiety) to 100 (highest anxiety). A
group of researcher administered the MARS to 50 students. One of the objectives of
the study was to determine if there is a difference between levels of mathematical
anxiety experience by male and female computer science students.
Gende X́ s n
Male 34.8 10.6 24
Femal 47.2 12.4 26
At α =0.05level of significance, is there evidence of a difference of the mean
mathematical anxiety experienced by male and female computer science students?
Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________

Step 2: The level of significance and the critical region. a=_____ and t critical=¿¿ _______.
Step 3: Compute the value of t test. t computed =¿__________.
Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________
Step 5: Conclusion. _______________________________________________________

Name_____________________________Date: ______________Score:___________
Section Exercise 9.3
3. The economist wants to compare the hourly rates charged by automobile mechanics in
two major cities in Metro Manila. He randomly selects auto repair facilitiesfrom both
cities and records their hourly rates (in pesos). The data is as follows:

City of Manila 190 140 130 212 205 168 135 180
Quezon City 179 150 120 156 175 160 180 200

Is there sufficient evidence to indicate the difference in the mean hourly rates from these
two cities, atα =0.10?
Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________

Step 2:The level of significance and the critical region. a =____,df = _____andt critical=¿¿ ___.

Step 3: Compute the value of z test. z computed =¿__________.

X1 X2 2
( X 1− X́ 1 ) ( X 2− X́ 2 )

∑ X 1=¿ ¿________ ∑ X 2=¿ ¿________ X 1 =¿__________ X́ 2 =¿__________

∑ ( X 1− X́ 1 )2=¿ ¿___________ ∑ ( X 2− X́ 2 )2=¿ ¿___________

s21=¿_________ s22=¿_________ tcomputed = ____________

Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________

Step 5: Conclusion. _______________________________________________________

Name_____________________________Date: ______________Score:___________
Section Exercise 9.4

1. As an aid for improving employees working habits, eight employees were randomly
selected to attend the seminar-workshop on the importance of work. The table shows
the number of workload done per week before and after the seminar-workshop. At
0.05, did attending the seminar-workshop increase the performance level of

Before 10 12 8 7 11 10 13 9
After 9 14 11 12 15 13 12 14


Step 1: State the hypothesis

H 0 :______________________________________________________________
H 1 :______________________________________________________________
Step 2: The level of significance and critical region. α=________ and zcritical ______________.
Step 3: Compute for the value of t test. D́ = ________ sD = _______ and tcomputed = _________.
Step 4: Decision rule.______________________________________________________
Step 5: Conclusion.________________________________________________________

2. The school director of SSC-R wants to determine if the gate point average (GPA) of
accountancy college students decreases during the last semester of their junior year. A
sample of 10 students selected. Their GPAs for the first and second semesters of their
junior years are:

1st Semester 90 88 93 96 86 85 92 84 97 92
2nd Semester 89 90 94 95 90 86 85 82 90 88

Using the 1% is significance level can the director conclude that the GPA of juniors
declined during their second semester?

Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________
Name_____________________________Date: ______________Score:___________
Step 2: The level of significance and the critical region. a=_____ and t critical=¿¿ _______.
Step 3: Compute the value of t test. D́ = ________ sD = _______ and tcomputed = _________.

Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________

Step 5: Conclusion. _______________________________________________________


Name_____________________________Date: ______________Score:___________
Section Exercise 9.5
1. A survey found that in a sample of 100 families, 37 owned cats. A survey done 5 years
ago found that in a sample of 80 families, 37 owned cats. At α =0.05has the proportion
of cat owners changed over the5-year period?
Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________

Step 2: The level of significance and the critical region. a=_____ and z critical=¿¿ _______.
Step 3: Compute the value of z test for proportions. z computed =¿__________.
p1 = ____________
^ ^p2 = _________
ṕ = _____________ q́ = _________

Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________

Step 5: Conclusion. _______________________________________________________

2. A study was designed to compare the smoking habits of married men with those
married women. A random sample of 240 men revealed that 180 smoked. A random
sample of 220 women indicate that 54 smoked. At the 0.01 significance level does the
evidence show that a higher proportion of men smoke?
Step 1: State the hypotheses.
H 0 :_______________________________________________________________
H 1 :_______________________________________________________________
Step 2: The level of significance and the critical region. a=_____ and z critical=¿¿ _______.
Step 3: Compute the value of z test for proportions. z computed =¿__________.
^p1= ____________ ^p2= _________
ṕ = _____________ q́ = _________

Step 4: Decision rule. ______________________________________________________

Step 5: Conclusion. _______________________________________________________.

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