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 ConcAve lens: Diverging: -ve f and P: mirror opposite : myopiA: short sightedness
 ConvEx lens: Converging: +ve f and P: mirror opposite: hypErmetropia: far sightedness
 1/f(equivalent)=1/f1+1/f2..1/fn
 V=uf/u+f
 P=1/f (lens) P=-1/f(mirror)
 Cutting a lens VERTICALLY : F doubles
 Cutting a lens HORIZONTALLY: F constant
 Plane surface: Radius of curvature: ∞
 1/f=(<µlens/µsurrounding>-1) (1/R1-1/R2)
 Oscillation of image in lens= v^2/u^2*oscillation of object=m^2*oscillation of object
 Speed of image= -v^2/u^2*speed of object= -m^2*speed of object

 <Ở> Angle of deviation= (i+e)-(r1+r2) = (i+e)-A: Minimum when <i=<e
 <A>Angle of prism= r1+r2
 Critical angle: r= 90⁰: SinC= µ(rarer)/µ(denser): SinC = always less than 1
 µ(air)=1: <C for glass from air= 42⁰
[Angle @ which light gets refracted @ 90⁰ when moving from Denser to Rarer medium]
 Total internal reflection: incident angle > critical angle

 tanC=R/H R=HtanC
 sinC= µ(air)/ µ(medium) = 1/ µ(medium)  tanC= 1/(√µ^2-1)
 R=H/(√µ^2-1)
 Area of illumination= ∏R^2
 R.D/A.D= µ2/ µ1
 A.D in two media with different h or t= (h1/µ1)+( h2/µ2)
 R.D-A.D= shift
 Shift= A.D(µ-1)= R.D(1-1/ µ) [when µ1=air=1]
 Shift= t(1- µ surrounding/µ slab): t=thickness
 Shift +ve: towards incident ray
 Shift -ve: away from incident ray
 Net Shift in composite slabs= S1+S2+S3..Sn
 Formula to be used when rays are paraxial and medium on both sides of slab is same
 Temp inversely proportional to µ
 In mirage layers near ground are rarer than above layers
 Optical fibres fabricated so that light at any <c suffer TIR
 Fish sees bird higher than it is, so A.D>R.D
 In qs related to mirror/lens image is out of phase with and moves away from surface


 Strongly electron-withdrawing groups reduce the basicity of nearby amines through the
inductive effect. This reduces electron density on the amine. As the distance between
the EWG and the amine increases, basicity increases
 . As the number of -I groups attached to a molecule increases, its acidity increases; as
the number of +I groups on a molecule increases, its basicity increases.
 A compound whose conjugate base enjoys resonance stabilization will be more acidic.
 Aromatic -OH compounds are more acidic than aliphatic R-OH alcohols because of the
influence of the delocalized ring electrons
 Aromatic amines are weaker bases than the aliphatic amines.
 O=C-NH- more acidic than ordinary amines as its amphoteric

 Hot acidic KMnO4 reactions:

1. =CH2 -> CO2 + H2O
2. =CH-R -> R-COOH
3. =C<RR -> O=C<RR
 Rate of dehydration proportional to stability of carbocation
 Alkyne + Lindlar’s catalyst -> cis-alkene
 Alkyne + Na/NH3 (Birch rdctn) -> trans-alkene
 Alkyne + H2/P2-Ni2B-> trans-alkene
 Positive iodoform test shown by compounds with CH3-C=O group in their structure.
 Antiaromatic compounds have dimerization tendency.

 Hybridization : No of sigma bonds + No of lone pairs
 Yne and diene compounds = Functional isomers
 Larger anion gets polarised easily
 N2O, CO, NO, H2O are neutral oxides
 Every electron added or subtracted to 14, reduces the bond order by 0.5. For example,
if the number of electrons is 15, then the bond order is 3 – 0.5 = 2.5

 ƛ= h/mv

 W of deposited metal on cathode : E/96500 X I X t : (t in secs and I in Amperes)
 High SRP (Standard reduction potential) value indicates that solution acts as a oxidizing

 For an isoentropic process

 ΔH=ΔU=ΔT=Pext=w=q=0 in vacuum
 At high P, Slope of Zvs P graph is b/RT

 Pressure will be caused by He gas or α–particle.
heat in nuclear reaction mass number remain conserved so,
Mass of reactant = Mass of product+ 4x
x = moles of α–particle. Substitute x as n in PV=nRT to find missing value
 Nuclear reactions are of 1st order ONLY.

 Rennin and pepsin digest proteins in stomach
 Folic acid and cobalamine should be given to mature immature erythrocytes to an
anaemic person.
 Vitamin A–Fat–Soluble–Night blindness
 Vitamin B5: Pantothenic acid: synthetize CoA (Coenzyme A)

 Down’s syndrome: Extra copy of 21st chromosome : 46+1 chromosome
 Klinefelter's syndome: Only in males, extra X chromosome (XXY): 46+1 chromosome
 Turner’s syndrome: Only in females, one X chromosome is missing or partial :46-1
 Sickle cell anaemia: Autosomal disorder
 A carrier female of Haemophilia will always have affected son, regardless of father:X
linked recessive.
 Colour blindness: X-linked recessive
 A diseased man marries a normal woman and they get three daughters and five sons.
All the daughters were diseased and Sons were normal. The gene of this disease is sex
linked dominant as mother isn’t carrier
 Filariasis: Caused by Wucheria Bancrofti (also causes elephantiasis) and Brugia malayi:
larval form transmitted by mosquito
 Leishmaniasis: Caused by Leismania: Transmitted by sand flies
 Sleeping sickness: Caused by Trypanosoma brucei: Transmitted by tse tse flies
 Ascariasis: Caused by  Ascaris lumbricoides: Most common roundworm infection:
Transmitted by food or drink with infected eggs: Hatch in intestine, the transported ti
lungs, pass up trachea annd coughed out
 Syphillis: Treponema pallidum
 Gonnorhoea: Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Pneumonia: Diplococcus
 Predators maintain species diversity
 Mackarel : fresh water fish
 Platypus and echidna: connecting link btwn reptiles and mammals
 Honey bees and ants haploid: NO meiosis in gamete formation
 Beta, pompfret, sardines: sea water fish
 Parrot: 140 years, Crocodile: 60 years, Tortoise: 100-150 years
 Jawless bony fishes: Silurian period
 Transfeer of genes or alleles from one population to another: gene flow
 Oestrogen: Puberty changes
 Progestrone: Implantation and maintenance of pregnancy
 FSH:  helps control the menstrual cycle and stimulates the growth of eggs in the ovaries.
FSH levels in women change throughout the menstrual cycle, with the highest levels
happening just before an egg is released by the ovary.
 LH: Stimulates ovulation stimulated by glucocorticoids
 Oxytoxin: Uterine contraction during labour: secreted by pitutiary
 Gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and proteolysis stimulated by glucocorticoids
 Menstruation is caused by fall in progestrone level
 Sugary nature of semen due to secretion by: Seminal vesicle
 seminal plasma which is rich in fructose, calcium and certain enzymes.
 The secretions of paired bulbourethral glands also helps in the lubrication of the penis
 The male germ (spermatogonia) cells undergo meiotic divisions finally leading to sperm
formation, while Sertoli cells provide nutrition to the germ cells.
 interstitial cells or Leydig cells synthesise and secrete testicular hormones called
 urethral meatus: exterior opening of penis
 Ascorbic acid: aids collagen fibre formation.
 Erythropoetin secreted by kindney
 Tyroxine: Precursor- tyrosine
  In the stomach, chief cells release pepsinogen

 NAD, NADP and FAD are co-enzymes (A coenzyme is an organic non-protein compound
that binds with an enzyme to catalyze a reaction. Coenzymes are often broadly called
cofactors, but they are chemically different. A coenzyme cannot function alone, but can
be reused several times when paired with an enzyme}

 Ribosomes: RNA and proteins only
 Optical activity of DNA due to sugar
 Lecithin: Phospholipid : aka Phosphatidyl choline
 Leucin and Lysine are strictly ketogenic and can’t be converted to glucose
  whale, seal and shark: convergent evolution

 Mature erythrocythes and phloem sieve cells are enucleate
 Nucleosomes are membrane less. A nucleosome is the basic structural unit of DNA
packaging in eukaryotes. The structure of a nucleosome consists of a segment of DNA
wound around eight histone proteins and resembles thread wrapped around a spool.
The nucleosome is the fundamental subunit of chromatin

 Rate limiting step of photosynthesis: Dark reaction: carried out in stroma
 Lighr reaction: O2, ATP and NADPH: In thylakoid membrane
 TCA Cycle: Mitochondrial matrix
 ETS: Inner mitochondrial membrane
 Glycolysis: Cytoplasm
 Rate of transpiration inversely proportional to pressure
 The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal embryo sac in the dicot plant is 3+2+3
 Starch and sucrose are blue, classifying them as non-reducing sugars

 Tobacco Mosiac virus : single stranded RNA virus: Affects all dicots, esp tobacco and
tomato and plants from solenaecae. Affects photosynthetic tissue and causes
discolouration of leaves.

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