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Republic of the Philippines


Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. (043) 980-0385 local 1128
Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management

My Reflection
“Spend within your means.”

Truly, people have different perspectives and viewpoints in life

especially when it comes to interpretations of quotations. As I go over with this
line, it reminded me that living a simple life is what matters most to all of us
because we believed that there is always beauty in simplicity. Simplicity, as
we all know, is all about focusing on what’s important in our lives and letting
go of the rest. As time goes by, this kind of perspective had really changed a
lot because others tried to focus more on non-essential things rather than the
little things in life. Basically, there are people who only considers their needs
at first, until the time came, they started to pursue their wants limitless and
without taking some important considerations.
Honestly, few of them would really spend more than what they save,
which later on, resulted to some kind of debt. This made us worried especially
when we were hunted down by the creditors. It is difficult to know that were
carrying a financial burden from our past while also trying to provide for the
present. With regards to this, life is more complicated and stressful to all of us.
We could not have some peace of mind because we were bothered about the
consequences of what we have done. This must be taken into a serious note
because our decisions really matter in the end. In order to avoid this, effective
budgeting as well as planning would really help us all the way.
With a little planning, tracking and adjusting the way we spend our
money, we can live happily within our means. We can make budget simply
through examining our income and expenditures to determine exactly how
much money we need. There is also a need for us to recognize the difference
Republic of the Philippines
Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. (043) 980-0385 local 1128
between wants and needs so this help us better understand what spending is
necessary and what categories we could save in.
On the other way around, we might need a little significant amount of
pleasure but we should be reminded of that these expenses do not exceed
our income. It means that we still have freedom to make choices with the
excess or remaining income as long as we were able to save in advance.
After that, we have nothing to worry about. This would really allow us to sleep
better, carry less stress, and live a more relaxed life.
In reality, the world really works hard to convince us to outspend our
means and then provides us a thousand ways to do it. Going back to the old
memories, when we were young, we would rather choose to take a walk from
our house to school but nowadays, most people would choose to take a
vehicle to ride on. Instead of saving our money, we tried to spend on the
things which is practically unnecessary. On the other hand, there might be
number of uncontrollable circumstances that would made this choice
impossible. For example, unexpected tragedy or medical emergencies, we do
not have any choice but to spend our money.
Just a piece of advice, let us remember that sometimes it is in the
simplest things wherein we found our true happiness. I would like to share
with you another quotation from Warren Buffet who says that, “If you buy
things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need”. We do not
want to make it happen and so, this course is of great significant to all of us to
always be wise in spending our resources, mainly our finances. Time will
come and the ideas, knowledge as well as the skills that we acquired from this
session would serve as weapons in order for us to face the battlefield in life.

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