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Learning English through Workplace Communication

You are a teacher working in a local primary school. Recently, some of your colleagues have suggested

that the students in the school should be allowed to play during lessons so that teaching can be more

interactive. Write an email to the principal Mr. Wong to express your view of the suggestion.

上款 Dear Mr. Wong,

Paragraph 1 1. 寫信目的

I am writing to voice my opposition about the recent suggestion of letting our students

play during the lessons.

2. 背景介紹

There is a wide spectrum of opinions on this issue. The advocates insist that this

suggestion can allow the lessons to become more interactive while others proclaim that

this will put students in peril.

2. 明確表達立場

After meticulous consideration, I believe that we should not implement this suggestion.
Paragraph 2 1. 標題句

To commence with, allowing our students to play during lessons is detrimental to

students’ learning effectiveness.

2. 背景

As everyone knows, the students in primary schools are mischievous. Our students are no

exception. Rarely do they sit properly and concentrate on the lessons. A vivid example is

that I have to reprimand the students of my class with a view to asking them to focus on

the lessons.

3. 詳細解釋論點

With the rebelliousness of our students, if we allow them to play during the lessons, they

will be hooked on the games and can hardly absorb knowledge. Take my teaching

experience as an example. I tried to teach my students with a fancy iPad and installed

some games of English word puzzles in the device. Lamentably, all of my students turned

a blind eye to my tutelage and played online games. It is manifest that if our students are

allowed to play in lessons, they will just be soaked in games for the whole lesson and

cannot acquire any knowledge. It is definitely the last thing our school wants to see.

3. 總結句

With this in mind, it is beyond question that this proposal is not suitable for our students

as they hardly follow the instructions of teachers when playing games.

Paragraph 3 1. 標題句

Aside from the concern of discipline, under no circumstances should we overlook the fact

that allowing students to play during lessons will put our students’ safety in jeopardy.

2. 背景

With the traditional chalk-and-talk teaching approach, we can monitor the students easily.

Standing at the blackboard, we can spot the misbehavior of students, preventing them

from danger.

3. 詳細解釋論點

In contrast, when students are allowed to play games during lessons, they will properly

lose their mind due to their excitement. The teacher in the classroom will find it nearly

impossible to handle 20-30 students who lose control as they are dazzled by the games. As

a consequence, the lessons will become chaotic. Eager to win the games, some

mischievous students may quarrel with one another or even punch their classmates.

3. 總結句

In view of this, it is conspicuous that this suggestion will not only undermine our students

learning effectiveness, but also jeopardize their safety.

Paragraph 4 1. 陳述反方觀點

People who cast doubt on this issue may point out that the idea can make the lessons

become more interactive. For instance, students can be immersed in interesting games

and discover the merriment of learning.

2. 承認反方觀點的合理性

Undeniably, allowing students to play during lessons can make the lessons less tedious.

3. 反駁句

Nevertheless, is it really necessary to let students play in the class in hopes of motivating

them to learn? It is worth remembering that there are multifarious alternatives for

teachers to make the lessons more appealing.

4. 詳細解釋

Organizing group discussion after playing entertaining and educational videos and teaching

students with hilarious jokes can also engage every student in the class while guaranteeing

that students will abide by school rules. As a General Studies teacher, I often think of

creative ways to raise their interest in learning. For example, I capture my students’

attention by telling them some of my personal experiences and drawing colourful cartoon

figures on worksheets.

5. 總結句

Evidently, the approaches mentioned above can make sure that our students will be safe

and sound and maximize their learning effectiveness.

Paragraph 5 1. 重申立場,歸納所有論據

總結 To conclude, the cost of allowing students to play during lessons outweighs the


2. 對未來的展望

For the sake of our students, it is earnestly hoped that the school will not implement

this suggestion. Although this idea is well-intentioned, it will probably be hazardous

to our students.
下款 Yours sincerely,

Chris Wong

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