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Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007


No Section Description/explanation Marks

1 a. Able to mark and label correctly

i DNA 1
ii. Bases 1
iii. Chromosomes 1 3

b. Able to state the chromosome number

answer: 1 1

c. 1. a gene consists of a (short) segmen of DNA 1

2. genes carried genetic information in form of 1 1
sequence of nitrogenous base// A,G, T
any one
d (i) Able to name the unit of DNA
nucleotide 1 1

(ii) Able to determine K

(Pentose ) sugar 1 1

(iii) Able to complete the diagram base on following

1. paired base 1
2. position of polynucleotide 1
3. position of hydrogen bond 1 3

e (i) Able to determine the sex

female 1 1

(ii) Able to state the cause and explain the cause of

Cri-du-Chat Syndrome
Sample answer:
1. Chromosome mutation 1
2. a portion of chromosome number 5 was deleted// 1 2
break off

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

2 a (i) Able to name Q

vascular bundle 1 1

(ii) Able to state two tissues

1. xylem 1
2. phloem 1 2

(b) Able to explain the adaptation of P base of the

following criteria
F : structure of cell
E : function of the structure
Sample anwer:
F : The palisade mesophyll cells are cylindrical// 1
they are vertically and closely packed
E1 : contain many chloroplast to enable them 1
E2 : to absorb maximum light for photosynthesis 1 3

(c) Able to describe the distribution of stomata and

sample anwer:
Aquatic plants e.g Hydrilla sp
1. do not have stomata 1
2. chloroplast are found in thr leaves and stems 1
of these plants//
water lilies
1. have large,round and flat leaves 1
2. the stomata are mostly distributed on the upper 1 2
surface of the leaves
any two

Dessert plant e.g cacti 1

1. sunken stomata to prevent from water loss 1
2. reduced leaves 1 2
3. chloroplast found in the succulent stem

any one

(d) Able to explain the importance of green plant to

living organisme
sample answer:

F1 : green plant convert the energy of sunlight 1

chemical energy (stored within organism)
E1: organic molecule provide fuel for other 1

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

F2 : plant remove carbon dioxide from the air and 1
produce oxygen 2
E2: The oxygen used by living organisme during 1
any F and P
F1 with E1
F1 with E2


3 (a) Able to state the dominat trait

F :Free earlobe, 1
E : the number of children with free earlobe is 1 2
higher than attached earlobe

(b) Able to determine the inherited trait

F: Not sex linkage inheritance 1
E: Both boy and girl inherit the trait 1 2
(c) Able to draw a schematic diagram
Father x Mother

Parental free earlobe free earlobe


Genotype Ee Ee

Gametes E,e E,e


Offspring EE Ee Ee ee

Phenotype free free free attached
Earlobe earlobe earlobe earlobe

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

Parent genotype 1
Gamet 1
Offspring genotype 1
Offspring phenotype 1 5

(c) (i) Able to state the type of variation

Discontinuos variation 1 1

(ii) Able to state the cause of variation

The trait is controlled by dominant and recessive gene, 1 2
no effect of environmental factor

(d) Able to define mutation based on the diagram

A permanent change of white bodied moth to black 1 1
moth due to a change of environment//
adapt to the environment

4 a) Able to state the changes in the blood vessel

increase 1 1

b) Able to explain the importance of having thick wall

Sample answer:
F : withstand the high pressure of blood
E1: (thick wall) have muscles that can contracts 1
and relax 1
E2: control blood flow (to cell according to the
the body’s need) 1 Max 2

F with any E
c) Able to explain the role of nearby muscles
Sample answer:
F : nearby muscles contract and relax//nearby musles 1
squeeze the vein
E: push blood back towards the heart. 1 2

d) Able to explain the adaptation of blood capillaries based

on following criteria
F : structure of capillaries
E: explanation bases on structure of capillaries

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

Sample answer : 1
F1: the walls of capillaries are only one cell thick 1
E1: substances do not have very far to
diffuse through them 1 2
E2: increase TSA for diffusion to occur
Any F and E
F1 with E1
F2 with E2
e) (i) 1 1
Able to sketch the graph

Able to state the term and explain
F1: 120: refers systolic pressure
E1: (peak of pressure) that contracting ventricles
1 4
F2: 80 refers to diastolic pressure
E2: (the lowest arteriole blood pressure)when ventricles
are relaxing
Any 3


5 (a) Able to explain the competition

Sample answer:
F: intraspecific competition 1
E: Plants that grow quickly,obtain sufficient light will 1 2
survive at theexpense of others

(b) Able to state the factors and explanationn

Sample answer 1
F1: light intensity 1
E1: light is important for photosynthesis that
Produce energy for a crop plants and weed 1

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

F2: water 1 4
E2: to replace the water lost caused transpiration

(c)(i) Able to choose the species correctly

Answer : 1 1
Species A
Able to explain the succesfull species due to the
number of adult beetles
Sample answer 1
1. number of adult species is higher than species B.
2. after 300 days the number of species B decrease but 1 2
species A1 increase

Able to explain the effectof the parasite

(c)(ii) Sample answer:
1. species B more succesful/survive in the 1
2. parasite destroyed species A 1 2

6 (a)(i) Able to name cell division process and the significants
Sample answer:
1. mitosis 1
2. replacing dead cell/repair the damaged tissue/organ 1
3. increases the number of cells(for 1
growth/development in living organisme)
4. asexual reproduction (for unicellular organisms) 1
5. maintain the chromosomal number(of daughter cells)
Point 1-compulsory
Point 2-5 max 3 1 4

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

(a)(ii) Able to draw and explain the phases involved in mitosis

Sample answer:
Diagram Explanation
Prophase Chromosomes become
Condense , shorter/
thinker 1,1

Metaphase Choromosomes are

line up on a metaphase

Anaphase Sister chromatids of

each chromosomes
separate at the

telophase Set of chromosomes

reach the opposite
poles of the cell

Cytokinesis The cytoplasm of the

cell divide to form two
daughter cells.
1,1 10
The diagram must be in sequence.
If not, maximum mark is 3

b) Able to describe the formation of cancerous cells .

Sample answer:
1. the exposure damage the DNA of the cell 1
2. a cell divides through mitosis repeatedly. 1
3. produces cancerous cell 1
4. due to (severe ) distruption to the mechanism 1
that controls the cell cycle 1
5. cancerous cells divide freely / uncontrollably

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

heeding the cell cycle control

6. (these cells ) compete with surrounding normal 1
cells to obtain nutrient / energy (for growth)
7. invade / destroy neighbouring cells 1
8. (they can spread to other organ and) initiate
cancers there . 1 Max 6
any 6 points


7 (a) Able to describe process 1 to 5 based on diagram.

P1 – Ovulation releases a secondary oocyte , which 1

enters the oviduct.

P2 - The secondary oocyte starts meiosis II which 1

progresses until metaphase II.

P3 - The nuclei of a sperm cell (n) and the ovum (n) 1

fuse and form a diploid zygote (2n). // A sperm fertilize
the ovum to form a zygote.
P4 - Zygote begins to divide repeatedly by mitosis as it
travels along the fallopian tube towards the uterus.

P5 - Morula is form followed by blastula. 1

P6 - Implantation occur / The blastocyst attaches itself 1 Max 4

to the endometrium.
Any 4 points

b) Able to explain why Pregnant woman are advised not

to smoke and avoid from drugs and alcohol.

Sample Answer :
P1 Cigarette contain nicotine / DDT / lead particles. 1

P2 - The wall of maternal blood capillaries and the 1

wall of foetal blood capillaries are semi-permeable.

P3 - Nicotine, drugs and alcohol are small in sizes. 1

P4 - Nicotine, drugs and alcohol can diffuse from

maternal blood capillaries to foetal blood capillaries / 1

P5 through the placenta 1

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

P6 The substances carried by umbilical vein to the 1


P7- Nicotine, drugs or alcohol can effect the 1

development of foetus
1 Max 6
P8 (example) cause disable / miscarriage . birth defect/
illness in the resulting baby.

Any 6 points

Able to explain the technique

Sample Answer:
P1 : Modern technique that can be used :
The couple can use the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) 1
P2 : mother undergoes hormonal treatment to 1
produce more secondary oocycte
P3 : In this method a fine laparoscope is used to 1
remove the secondary oocyte from her ovary.
P4 : The secondary oocyte are placed in a Petri dish of 1
culture solution .
P5 : Then ( concentrated ) sperms from the husband 1
are added to the secondary oocyte.
P6 : The sperms and ova fuse and develop into 1
embryos/zygote // fertilization occurred to form zygote
P7 : After two to four days when the embryos have 1
reached the eight-cell stage
P8 : they are inserted into the uterus through the cervix 1
P9 : for implantation on the uterine wall. 1

P10 : If the procedure is successful, the embryos 1

develop to foetus.
1 Max
P11 : Babies conceived this way are sometimes called 10
test-tube babies.

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

Any 10 points


8 (a) Able to explain the assimilation of digested food of
glucose , amino acids and lipids

Sample answer
P1 : Excess of glucose in the blood is converted to 1
glycogen and stored in the liver
P2 : In the liver , if glucose level in blood is low 1
glycogen is converted to glucose
P3 : Excess of glycogen is converted to lipids by the 1
P4 : Reaching the body cells , glucose is oxidized to 1
release energy in cellular respiration

Amino acids
P5 : In liver , synthesized of plasma protein from amino 1
P6 : In liver excess of amino acids ( cannot be stored in 1
the body but) undergo deamination process.
P7 : Urea is then eliminated by the kidney 1
P8 : In body cells , amino acids is used to synthesise 1
new protoplasm and repair of damaged tissues
P9 : In body cell , amino acids is used to synthesise 1

P10 : Excess lipids is stored in adipose tissues 1
P11 : Phospholipids and cholesterol make up the plasma 1 10
Any 10 points

(b) Able to calculate the energy value taken daily

Sample Answer
Total energy value is
5250+1500+2400+2400+750+2500+400+600=15800KJ 1

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

Able to explain the consequences of the habit when

taking the menu daily for a long time

Sample answer

P1 : The menu is not a balanced diet // does not contain 1

the 7 classes of food in appropriate ratio

P2 : Menu is highly rich in carbohydrates and fats // no 1 3

vegetables and lack of vitamins
Higher energy intake compare to energy requirement
for a girl aged 15

Sample Answer

P3 : Constipation 1
P4 : lack of fiber , faeces moving to slowly through the
colon 1

P5 : Scurvy
P6 : lack of vitamin C //any other vitamins deficiency 1
with explanation 1

P6 : Obesity
P7 : increase in body weight drastically due to energy 1
requirement is less then energy intake 1

P8 : Diabetes mellitus
P9 : excess of glucose contain in blood , food is highly 1
rich in carbohydrates 1

P10 : Arteriosclerosis
P12 : fats deposited in the lumen of blood vessel 1
P13 : Heart attack
P14 : blockage in the coronary artery // 1
Any other cardiovascular diseases with explanation 1 7

Any 4 consequences
Max 7


Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

9 (a) Able to explain based on following criteria :

F : name of the tissue
P : explanation

Sample answer:
F1 : Tissue P is a ligament 1
P1 : strong and elastic 1
P2 : it binds two bone together at the joints 1
P3 : prevents dislocation of bones at the joints during 1 3
movement / walking / running
F1 with any two P

F2 : Tissue Q is a tendon 1
P1 : strong and inelastic 1
P2 : binds skeletal muscles to the bones across the joints 1
P3 : it passes the pulling force of the muscle to the skeleton /
1 3
F2 with any two P

F3 : Tissue R is a (skeletal) muscle 1

P1 : which has the ability to contract 1
P2 : during which it will exert the pulling force on the bones 1
across the joints 3
P3 : and causes the limbs / arms / legs to flex / bend or to be 1
extended / straightened
F3 with any two P

P4 : The socket and ball joint in the elbow 1 1

P5 : enables the movement of the arm in all direction / angle 1
of rotation of 3600
any one point


(b) Able to explain the good and bad effects of drugs and

Samples answer

About drugs and steroids

F1 : they are chemicals that may activate / promote
cellular activities / anabolism in cells like / muscle cells 1

P1 : drugs are psychomotor substances / chemicals

which may interfere nervous coordination / locomotion. 1

P2 : frequent use of drugs / steroids over a long period

of time may lead to certain complications / side effects /

Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007

drug or steroid abuse 1

P3 : which is harmful / may produce bad effects to general

health / body growth 1
P4 : hormones like testosterone, adrenaline are few examples
of steroid hormones
1 4
F with any 3 P
Steroids on muscle growth
F : some anabolic steroids promote muscle growth /
P1 : frequently consumed by athletes to get a stronger muscle 1 2

Effect of drugs on impulse transmission:

F : repeated / prolonged impulse transmission at synapses /
neuromuscular junction 1

P1: it may stop/delay impulse transmission across the 1

1 2
P2 : results in hallucination, impaired body movement /
balance or perception
F with any one P

Other Alternatives:
F : regular exercises 1

P1: help to maintain the structure, texture / strength and 1

function of muscles

P2 : better blood supply / nutrients / oxygen supply to muscle 1

cells / nerve cells

P3 : for better / more efficient of impulse transmission along

1 2
the nerve fibers
F with any P




Mark Scheme, BIOLOGY Paper 2, Trial SBP 2007


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