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History of the Atom

Small Group Presentation

We have not always known that the world is made up of tiny particles called atoms. This concept took

years and years to create and has evolved over time because of the hard work of many great scientists. To help

our Science 9 class learn about the History of the Atom, our class will be preparing short presentations on 4

different theories about atomic structure. Each one has helped us to better understand the atom and the

important role it plays in science.


In your small group of approximately four people, you will research one of the following atomic models.

- Dalton model
- Thomson model
- Rutherford model
- Bohr model of the atom.

Each was “discovered” and named after the scientist who “came up” with this model. Your group must:

a) Prepare a presentation that:

- explains this person’s model

- explains how it disproved other models before it (if any)

- explains why this model is important.

b) Create a 3D model that represent’s your scientist’s theory.

c) Create a short handout about your theory for the class with 10 blanks on it that your classmates must

fill in during your presentation (and an “answer key” for Ms. Jacobson).

d) Create THREE Multiple Choice OR True and False questions about your theory that will be handed

in to Ms. Jacobson (also with an answer key).

Marking Guide:

Presentation (30 marks)

- Were all group members involved in the presentation?

- Did the group members speak slowly and clearly so that the audience could hear all of them?

- Was it obvious that a lot of research went into this project?

- Did the presentation and handout match? (Did you speak to each point on the handout, in the

order they were presented on the handout)

3D Model (15 marks)

- Was the 3D model creative and interesting to look at?

- Was the model accurate?

- Was it obvious that the group put a lot of effort into making the model?

- Was the model used during the presentation to help the audience understand the theory?

Handout/Test Questions (10 marks)

- Did the handout have at least 10 blanks that were relevant to what the audience should know

about your model?

- Was the handout organised in an easy-to-read, easy-to-follow way?

- Was an “answer key” handed in separately from the “fill-in-the-blank” handout?

- Were the three multiple choice or true or false questions handed in on a separate piece of paper

with an “answer key”?

Peer/Self Evaluation (20 marks)

- You will be filling out a peer assessment on each of your group members. You will need to grade

your team members on how well they used their time in class, how much they contributed to the

project etc. You will also fill out a self evaluation about how you contributed to this project.

Total: 75 marks

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