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Ivan Seth S.

Abragan November 19, 2020


Global Media Culture:

1. How is globalization facilitated through media?
Today, through international news, TV, digital technology, film, and music
broadcasts, the mass media are seen as playing a key role in enhancing globalization
and allowing cultural exchange and multiple transfers of knowledge and images between
countries. There are several television media channels, for example, the Internet, TV,
radio, newspaper, books, and etc. These media channels serve to us to be connected to
the world and be able to be aware of the happenings worldwide. Media allows us to gather
the information that is freely available to all of us. Media is part of the globalization
process, through media it provides a systematic transnational transfer of cultural
products. The role of electronic media is most involved in globalization that has a major
effort in the goods, markets, and commerce. The invention of the printing press leads to
a simpler way of printing books led to more inexpensive books, which meant that not only
the elite and the wealthy could now afford books, but the poor could also. The demand
for books increased and improved the economy with more durable and well-made books.
On the other hand, newspapers were more regular products produced by the printing
press, which created a huge burst in newspaper demand. Books provided data for
individuals to learn and build more work. Stores are now able to sell and purchase books
more easily. Also, the market for books and newspapers led to more printing innovations
to expand the economy. Finally, printing became a huge industry and prompted numerous
businesses to move into wide noisy factories, meaning many to recruit workers, produce
more books, and sell more books.
2. Are there detrimental effects of media to culture? How is it possible
Nowadays, culture is widely spread via media from a newspaper, magazines,
movies advertisements, radio, television, internet, and many others. Through media, they
also establish numerous and continuous connections between cultures. But at the same
time, it also has bad effects. The reality is that the media is almost omnipresent,
influencing different facets of our lives, be it television, magazines, or the Internet. For
example, the goods marketed by the media and the ways they are advertised are bound
to influence people's practices. In particular, television has a major impact on the young,
even infants, as it affects their viewing habits throughout their lives. Vivid output
characteristics are followed by television abuse; children are predisposed to search out
and pay attention to sex and violence, even in cartoons. The negative effects of the media
on children are manifested in terms of their changing mental climate and the deteriorating
consistency of their lifestyle. Today children who spend their time reading good books,
studying, playing outdoors, practicing, and participating in social activities spend their
evenings glued to the TV. The negative psychological impact of the media is seen in terms
of shifting the perspective of people on life in the media. The cultural and moral values of
society have been modified by the media. Many people believe in what is represented in
the media. Youngsters and children also under the influence of the mainstream media,
appear to merge the reel and the real world. Culture can be described as a way of life
that involves a civilization's beliefs, aesthetics, and institutions. The media is an important
entity in our society given today's way of life.
The Globalization to Religion:
3. Why are there religion-based conflicts?
Beliefs emerging from dedication to religious forms and imitation of ancestral
values have obstructed humanity's development for centuries, it is apparent. How many
wars and battles were waged, how much rivalry, disagreement and animosity were
sparked by this kind of discrimination. Intolerance against the religious beliefs or practices
of others causes religious conflict. The explanation for so much violence and destruction
is very clear. This is because both sides do not grasp the true essence of their religion.
It's about explaining which faith or which faith is better and which is superior.

4. Is it possible to have unity despite religious diversity? How?

Through deeper awareness of religion, religious abuse can be healed. To teach
individuals to value all religions, a worldwide movement must be initiated. If we teach our
children that Christians are nonbelievers, that Muslims are terrorists, that Hindus are
radicals. What do we expect then? We're pouring hate into it and we're going to get the
hate out of it. We should have equal treatment for each other. When you behave towards
others, so others behave towards you. If you want respect, then respect must be granted.
When you ask for empathy, you must demonstrate empathy. You have to guarantee that
you do not offend anyone if you do not want to be offended. Despite the differences, we
must teach them to accept all religions. No matter if there is a religion different from ours,
we have to be respectful of others. To acknowledge the similarities and appreciate the
distinctions, we have to be transparent and we have to be broad-minded.

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