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Characteristic of Online Learning

1. Require internet access
2. Using Mobile/Pc Devices
There are 2 problems that we found. Some of the students don’t have priviliges to access the
online learning. It’s only make them get the double struggle to face the pandemic. Second of all the
problem is not only by the students but also the an example the teacher cant reach the
student whom doesn’t have the devices.Moreover online learning doesn’t really effective because
the teacher doesn’t really explain the material at all. So the problem within the online learning is
First is the accessibilty and the second is the Effectively. Therefore we should regret online learning.
This is not only for the pandemic situation. In order to maximize the education and maintain the
quality of the education we should regret online learning.

1) Why Online learning should be regret??

As you can see, the problem of Online learning is not only about the accessibility but its also
about the discipline everyone. In the context of Pandemic we acknowledge that it is but online
learning is make the education get worsen. We know that some of school have the discipline to
use the virtual meeting or something, but its not enough to give the student the exact material
they needed.Therefore online learning cant get the purpose of education itself.
If this pandemic situation is dangering the society, we arent saying we wanted the full offline
learning, but we wanted to offline learning at leat 2 times a week. We regret online learning, but
in the situation of pandemic, we still need the online learning. This 2 times on a week needed to
give the evaluation about the material that given in the online learning. The offline learning is
still be conducted by the health protocol such hand sanitizer, using mask, and the social
distancing. This is gonna be effective because this offline meet bcs the teacher can review what
we get on the online learning. Then the purpose of the education can be realizationed


We believe that gov has make the best argument for regreting the online learning. In the context of
pandemic there are so many cases everyday. The increasing of the cases is making us scared to go
outside. So the online learning could be effective.

They say that online learning is not effective,we say no , because the teacher is still take the responsible
to teach us and get maintained by the headmaster. They say online learning is not accessible but we say
no, bcs the government has gives us educaational internet support to access the online learning and
even you have no devices, the school is already preparing the devices for the student that has no
priviliges to access the online learning.

**Copying Mechanism**
1. Psychological
2. Increasing the spread of virus

Instead of getting the good education its just gonna increase the spreading of the virus. They say that
online learning is full of disturbing that would make us not focused on the material,

Why online learning is the only way for us to survive in pandemic?

In the context of education what should we do is to create the impowerment of student to get the

Online learning is the best way to get the educational

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