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1. A plane strikes N220E and dips 400E contain few lines of different orientation,
these are: a) N300E, b) N800E, c) due east, d) due north, e) N110W, f) N170W and
g) N670W. Plot the plane and lines in lower hemisphere equal area net.
2. A bed strikes N350W and dips 300SW. Determine the apparent dips in vertical
planes trending N150E, EW, NS and N600W.
3. A bed strikes N400E and shows an apparent dip of 300N on a vertical cliff trending
N100E. Find the true dip and direction of the bed.
4. A plane containing two lines, one plunging 230 N760W and the other 130 S040E.
Determine: a) the attitude of the plane, b) the angle between the two lines and c) the
pitch of both the lines.
5. In an area of regional dip, two apparent dips are determined on a shale bed : 150 E
and 210 S200E. Find the true angle and direction of dip.
6. The apparent dips on a sandstone bed have been measured in two vertical joints.
One joint strikes N500E, the plunge of the apparent dip is 400 NE. The other joint
strikes due north, the plunge of the apparent dip is 300 S. Determine: a) the strike
and dip of the sandstone, b) the apparent dip of the sandstone as seen in a vertical
joint striking N380W and c) the bearing and plunge of the apparent dip as seen in a
joint striking N900E and dipping 200 N.
7. An amphibolite bed that crops out on a horizontal surface strikes N200W. On a
nearby outcrop surface that trends N520E and is inclined 350 SE, the pitch of the
trace of the bed is 350 SW. Determine: a) the bearing and plunge of the apparent
dip on this inclined surface, b) the strike and dip of the bed and c) the apparent dip
of the bed on a plane that strikes N900E and dips 300 N.
8. The attitude of four planar structures are as follows: A) 500 N900W, B) 800
N520W, C) 600 S120E and D) 410 S340W.
a) How many intersections are there?, b) Is it possible that a fifth plane is
perpendicular to all four planes ? What is the angle between the perpendiculars to
planes B and C?
9. The two limbs of a fold strike N500W and N300E, and dip 350 NE and 500 NW
respectively. a) What is the plunge of the fold? b) If a fault striking N800W and
dipping 600 S intersects this fold, what will be the rake of intersections of these two
limbs in the fault plane?
10. One limb of a fold strikes N450E and dips 500 SE. The other limb strikes N800W
and dips 300 S. Determine : a) the bearing and value of plunge of the fold, b) the
attitude of the fold profile and c) the dihedral angle of the fold.
11. The western limb of a fold strikes N150E and dips 670. The eastern flank strikes
N370E and dips 380. Determine the attitude of a plane that bisects the fold into two
equal halves.
12. One limb of a small scale symmetric anticline have an attitude of 710 N130W, the
other shows 600 N500E. Determine: a) the plunge and trend of the fold axis and b)
the strike and dip of the axial plane.
13. On an outcrop surface that trends N700E and is inclined 350 SE, the rake of the
trace of the axial plane of a fold is 340 SE. The hinge of the fold plunges 340 N430E.
Determine: a) the attitude of the axial plane, b) the bearing of the trace of the axial
plane on a horizontal surface and c) the plunge of the trace of the axial plane on a
vertical cliff trending EW.
14. During a period of deformation the pebbles in a conglomerate became elongated in
one direction. These elongated pebbles were involved in a later period of folding. In
one outcrop the long axes of the pebbles plunge 380 S700E. In a second outcrop
they plunge 220 S100W. A fault striking N600E and dipping 500 N disrupted the
fold, the rake of the fold limbs in the fault plane was found 820 W and 740 E. What
was the orientation of the fold axis in this period of deformation?
15. The following attitudes were measured on a folded limestone bed: i) N160W, 610 E;
ii) N480E, 700 NW; iii) N490W, 510 NE; iv) N780E, 550 N and v) N750W, 490 N.
a) the bearing and plunge of the fold axis by preparing a pi (i.e. S-pole)
b) the bearing and plunge of the fold axis by preparing a beta diagram.
c) the strike and dip of the axial plane of the fold, given that the axial trace on
a horizontal surface trends due north.
& d) the pitch of the fold axis in the axial plane.
16. The following measurements were made on a overturned plunging fold:
a) N230W, 500 E f) N, 740 E k) N740W, 400 N
b) N200W, 550 E g) N160E, 900 l) N650W, 420 N
c) N300W, 520 E h) N800W, 420 N m) N600W, 410 N
d) N100W, 630 E i) N900W, 440 N n) N620W, 440 N
e) N050W, 650 E j) N700W, 380 N o) N690W, 430 N
The axial trace as obtained from the aerial photographs is N450W. Determine the
attitude of the fold axis and axial plane.
17. Following attitude data has been measured from the two limbs of a fold. Find the
axis of the fold.
a) N680E, 300 NW c) N600E, 450 NW e) N880E, 160 N
b) N350E, 350 SE d) N410E, 500 SE f) N200E, 200 E
18. The beds below an angular unconformity have an attitude of N300W, 400 W. The
sequence above the unconformity is tilted (N200E, 300 E). What was the attitude of
the lower beds before the tilting of the younger beds occurred?
19. A sandstone bed of Tipam Formation striking N320E and dips 200SE contains
current bedding that strikes N600W and dips 210 S. Determine the original current
20. A fold plunges 500 N250E. At a point on the overturned limb, a lineation is found to
trend due east and the strike of the plane containing the lineation is due north.
What was the orientation of the lineation before folding?
21. The vector of the earth's past magnetic field is found to plunge 400 N200E in
sediments which strike N300W and dip 350 SW. What was the paleomagnetic field
orientation at the time of deposition?
22. A vertical fault which strikes N100W pivots the southern portion of the east block
downward through an angle of 25 degrees. What is the new strike and dip of the
beds on the east block after faulting, if their strike and dip on the undisturbed west
block is N300E, 400 SE?

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