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Ro-Sham-Bo Football
Grade Level: 3-6

Standard: 4: Students will understand the components necessary to maintain a healthy level of
fitness to support physical activity.

Skills: Running, Endzone, Rock-paper-scissors

Equipment: 6 rubber chickens (rings, bean bags, or footballs can be used as well), 12 cones

 Discuss with students how to score points in football.  Discuss touchdowns and how to
score a touchdown one must carry the football into the end zone.  
 Also discuss how we use rock paper scissors as conflict resolution.
 Have 6 cones lined up on one side of the gym with 6 more spots directly across on the
other side of the gym.   
 Have students line up in groups of 4-6 behind each cone.  
 Start with one chicken in the middle between each set of spots/groups.  
 On “Go” one student from each team runs to the middle, standing over their chicken and
plays rock, paper, scissors with the opposing teams representative.  
 Whoever wins, picks up the chicken and starts running towards the other team.  
 Whoever loses, runs back to their team and goes to the end of the line.  
 The first person in line watches and if their teammate lost they will run to meet the
person that won.  
 The players stop wherever they meet, and they put the chicken back on the ground and
play rock, paper, scissors.   
 If a player can get past the line of cones they score a touchdown and the game starts over
with the football in the middle.  

 Change depending on grade level.
 Can change to play “Jumping Rock-Paper-Scissors”
--Feet are together = Rock
--Feet are apart = Paper
--Feet are split forward and back = Scissors

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