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Rancangan Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan Harian

第(1)学期 第(1)周 Isnin 星期一(1.1.2018)

科目/年级:体健 1B Time: 07.30am – 08.00am (½ 小时)


Subject / Class: English 2H (1) Time: 8.30am – 09.30pm (1Hour)

Topic: Unit11, Unit 12, Unit 13, Unit 14 Focus: Listening
Theme: - CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letters
Learning Standards : 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
target language phonemes
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. listen and reproduce target phonemes /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/
2. read the words with /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/sounds correctly
Teaching Aids : Power point, big book, worksheets
Moral Values : Confidence
Activities - Pre-lesson : Pupils listen to phoneme songs.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/using big book.
2. Pupils listen and repeat.
3. Teacher read phonemes with actions and pupils follow.
Post-lesson Pupils listen to teacher and match the phonemes to form words.
LINUS : Pupils read words consist of /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/sounds.
Reflection :


科目/年级:体健 2H Time: 09.30am – 10.00am (½ 小时)

主题: 单元一 躲猫猫
内容标准 : 介绍课程
学习目标 : 1. 学生能够说出体育课规则。
跨课程元素 : 价值观
教具 : 课本
价值 : 合群、互相尊重
教学活动 : 1. 教师进行导入。
2. 教师向学生们介绍一整年的课程大纲。
3. 教师向学生解释体育课的规则并要求学生遵守。
4. 学生重述规则。
5. 教师总结课堂内容。
教学效应 :

Subject / Class: English 1B Time: 11.20am – 12.20pm (1Hour)

Topic: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4 (1) Focus: Listening
Theme: - CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letters
Learning Standards : 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
target language phonemes
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. listen and reproduce target phonemes /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/
2. read the words with /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ sounds correctly
Teaching Aids : Power point, big book, worksheet
Moral Values : Confidence
Activities - Pre-lesson : Pupils listen to phoneme songs.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ using big book.
2. Pupils listen and repeat.
3. Teacher read phonemes with actions and pupils follow.
Post-lesson Pupils listen to teacher and circle the right words.
Reflection :
Rancangan Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan Harian
第(1)学期 第(1)周 Selasa 星期二(2.1.2018)

Subject / Class: English 3H Time: 07.30am – 08.30am (1Hour)

Topic: Unit 1 My Loved Ones Focus: Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm
and intonation.
Learning Standards : 1.1.2 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
Objectives : By the end of the lesson,pupils will be able to:
1. read the text correctly
2. sing the song with action
Teaching Aids : Video clip, textbook, power point
Moral Values : Love your family
Activities - Pre-lesson : Teacher plays a video clip ‘I Love You’ by Barney.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher model reads the text and pupils follow.
2. In groups, pupils practise singing the song with actions.
3. Groups of pupils perform in front of the class.
Post-lesson Teacher asks questions related to the passage and pupils answer.
LINUS : Pupils read one paragraph of text with guidance.
Reflection :


Subject / Class: English 1B Time: 09.00am – 10.00am (1Hour)

Topic: Unit 5, Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8 (2) Focus: Listening
Theme: - CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letter
Learning Standards : 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
target language phonemes
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, of the pupils will be able to:
1. read the words with /i/ /n/ /m/ /d/ sounds
2. listen to words and write the initials correctly
Teaching Aids : Power point, video clips, worksheet
Moral Values : Confidence
Activities - Pre-lesson : Pupils listen to phoneme songs.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ using big book.
2. Pupils listen and repeat.
3. Teacher read phonemes with actions and pupils follow.
Post-lesson Pupils listen to teacher and circle the right words.
Reflection :

Subject / Class: English 2H Time: 10.20am – 11.20am (1Hour)

Topic: Unit 11, Unit 12, Unit 13, Unit 14 (2) Focus: Reading
Theme: - CCE: Language
Content Standards : 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letters
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing
Learning Standards : 3.1.3 Recognise and sound out with some support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
4.1.2 Write letters and words in a straight line from left to right with regular
spaces between words and spaces
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, of the pupils will be able to achieve:
1. read the words with /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/ sounds
2. fill in the blanks with correct words
Teaching Aids : Power point, video clip, worksheets
Moral Values : Confidence
Activities - Pre-lesson : Teacher plays a video clip.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/ to pupils with action and pupils
2. Teacher reads the words and explains the vocabulary.
3. Pupils read the words aloud.
Post-lesson Pupils fill in the blanks with correct answers.
LINUS : Pupils read words with /ear/ /air/ /ure/ /er/ sounds.
Reflection :


科目/年级: 设计与科技 6B Time: 11.20am – 12.20pm (1 小时)

主题: 单元一 生活中的小发明
内容标准 : 4.3 用非金属材料、金属材料和机电系统设计并制作物品
学习标准 : 4.3.1 说出用来制作物品的非金属材料如聚氯乙烯(PVC)和有机玻璃
4.3.2 说明手工具名称与功能:手锯、手弓锯、线锯机、凿子、勾刀、钉枪
学习目标 : 1. 学生能够说出用来制作物品的非金属材料如聚氯乙烯和有机玻璃。
2. 学生能够说明手工具名称与功能。
跨课程元素 : 科学与工艺
教具 : 课本
价值 : 细心
教学活动 : 1. 教师进行导入。
2. 教师向学生们介绍用来制作物品的非金属材料如聚氯乙烯和有机玻
3. 各组学生进行讨论。
4. 根据讨论结果,学生们用思路图记录下来。
5. 教师总结课堂内容并灌输道德价值。
教学效应 :
Rancangan Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan Harian
第(1)学期 第(1)周 Rabu 星期三(3.1.2018)

科目/年级:体健 1B Time: 07.30am – 08.00am (½ 小时)

主题: 动物-认识我的角色
教学活动 : 1. 教师播放有关动物的影片。
2. 教师向学生们介绍动物。
3. 教师进行‘比手画脚’游戏。
4. 教师总结课堂内容及灌输道德价值观。
教学效应 :

科目/年级:体健 2H Time: 08.30am – 09.00am (½ 小时)

主题: 单元一 躲猫猫
内容标准 : 2.1 有能力根据动作概念进行各种动作
学习标准 : 2.1.1 根据空间分辨动作
2.1.2 确认可以加快速度的动作或姿势
学习目标 : 1. 学生能够根据动作概念进行各种动作。
2. 学生能够加快动作及更换动作的姿势。
跨课程元素 : 价值观
教具 : 杠杆,三角柱
价值 : 合群
教学活动 : 1. 教师进行导入。
2. 教师给予指导如何进行活动及热身运动。
3. 各组学生排成直线,根据空间大小及地形走动。
4. 教师领导进行暖身运动。
5. 教师总结课堂内容及灌输道德价值观。
教学效应 :

Subject / Class: English 1B Time: 11.20am – 11.50am (½Hour)

Topic: Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit 11 (3) Focus: Listening
Theme: - CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letter
Learning Standards : 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
target language phonemes
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, of the pupils will be able to achieve:
1. read words with /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/ sounds correctly
2. listen and colour the correct word
Teaching Aids : Power point, video clip, worksheet
Moral Values : Confidence
Activities - Pre-lesson : Pupils listen to phoneme songs.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/ using big book.
2. Pupils listen and repeat.
3. Teacher read phonemes with actions and pupils follow.
Post-lesson Pupils listen to teacher and colour the right words.
Reflection :
Subject / Class: English 3H Time: 12.20pm – 12.50pm (½Hour)
Topic: Unit 1 My Loved Ones Focus: Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand
and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
Learning Standards : 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by (b)
answering simple Wh-questions
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, of the pupils will be able to achieve:
1. talk about the pictures shown
2. talk about how they help their family members
Teaching Aids : Textbook, video clip
Moral Values : Love your family
Activities - Pre-lesson : Teacher plays a video clip.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher shows pictures to pupils and asks questions.
2. Pupils look at the pictures and talk.
3. Teacher asks questions and pupils answer.
Post-lesson Teacher summarises the lesson and instills moral value.
LINUS : Pupils read two sentences with guidance.
Reflection :

Rancangan Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan Harian
第(1)学期 第(1)周 Khamis 星期四(4.1.2018)

科目/年级:体健 1B Time: 07.30am – 08.00am (½ 小时)

主题: 动物-快与慢
教学活动 : 1. 教师进行导入。
2. 教师引领学生进行热身运动。
3. 学生们以各种速度做各种动作。
4. 教师引领学生进行暖身运动。
5. 教师总结课堂内容及灌输道德价值观。
教学效应 :

科目/年级:体健 2H Time: 09.00am – 09.30am (½ 小时)

主题: 单元二 下课了
内容标准 : 2.2 有能力运用知识进行移位和不移位的动作
学习标准 : 2.2.1 确认移位和不移位的动作的特点
学习目标 : 1. 学生能够进行移位及不移位的动作。
跨课程元素 : 价值观
教具 : 呼啦圈,杠杆
价值 : 合群
教学活动 : 1. 教师进行导入。
2. 教师向学生们解释技巧及示范。
3. 学生分组进行活动。
4. 学生进行暖身运动。
5. 教师总结课堂内容及灌输道德价值观。
教学效应 :

Subject / Class: English 2H Time: 09.30am – 10.00am (½Hour)

Topic: Unit 15, Unit 16, Unit 17, Unit 18 (3) Focus: Listening
Theme: - CCE: Language
Content Standards : 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of
sounds of letter
Learning Standards : 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
target language phonemes
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, of the pupils will be able to achieve:
1. read words with /ay/ /ou/ /ie/ /ea/ sounds
2. paste the pictures to match with correct words
Teaching Aids : Power point, video clip, worksheet
Moral Values : Confidence
Activities - Pre-lesson : Pupils listen to phoneme songs.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/ using big book.
2. Pupils listen and repeat.
3. Teacher read phonemes with actions and pupils follow.
Post-lesson Pupils paste pictures to match with correct words.
Reflection :

Subject / Class: English 3H Time: 10.20am – 11.20am (½Hour)
Topic: Unit 1 My Loved Ones Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends CCE: Language
Content Standards : 2.1
Learning Standards : 2.1.1 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in
single syllable words within given context (a) ay
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, of the pupils will be able to achieve:
1. read words with /ay/ sound correctly
2. fill in the blanks correctly
Teaching Aids : Textbook, video clip, activity book
Moral Values : Love your family
Activities - Pre-lesson : Teacher plays a video clip.
Lesson Development 1. Teacher introduces the /ay/ sound with action.
2. Teacher introduces and explains the words with /ay/ sound.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks. Teacher discusses answers.
Post-lesson Teacher summarises the lesson and instills moral value.
LINUS : Pupils read four /ay/ sound words with guidance.
Reflection :


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