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Vol, 28-No 50


HERE AND ISenator to Speak

Townsend Dies
H eart D Isease
LOlver Merion Renelvs Feud With Radnor High
I n SeCOJ1d Garne 0 f PIAA B as ketba II Tourney;
Board to Check
Ceiling Prices
The Aldmole Will Pllce and
Red Cross Raises
THERE On '44 State Issues
Ed\\ald Young To\\nsend sec
I etal y of the Real Estate Tr ust
Company died MondaY of a heart Maroon Gets Scare Before Beatine Y eadolt
Ratlonll1g Board today announced
that the~ \\ III cooperate in a na
$140,0000£ Quola
dIsease on an Eastbound Malket u to APlll 15 It IS hoped that
Stl eet EI tI am as It left 46th St tIll ough thiS sun ey \\ hlch WIll 'Yorkers Review Task
N arb erth an d L. M, MI Townsend 65 Il\ed at 813 FOI once 111 hIS gloomy hfe bas \lIle ale flRUled to \\in and meet \\ho taIlled five field g-oals and a CO\eI a lalge numbel of Items
Ahead At Rickoff
JIlSt imagll1e the thllll of t"o
0 , P• W omen t 0 Montgomelv A\enue BI~n Mawl
A gladuate of the Umvelslty 0 I ketball Coach BIll Andelson IS
f tl dlstlict title on tile same
01 le
flee thlo\\ fOI 11 pomts 111 a Ie
serve lole
tl t tl
t Ii I h
lose sOles w 1 c 1 a\e
be n
bl othel s meet mil' III Ita, I TI M ee t In R os eIn 0Ilt
la s Pelll1s ' I' anla I1C \\ as sel'l etal yI Of
. . "ettlncr a little .ympathy alound
h'" ~
COUI t next Tuesday
Lo\\ eI MellOn defeated Radnor
Yeadon usml! its hell! lt to ex
\ 10lat1l1g ceiling Pi lees \\ III be diS
CO\ el cd so that legal actIOn may Luncheon
what happened to Bob and BIll the U ust companv fOl mOle t 1311 Lo\\el Mellon HIgh School Aftel 42 26 at DO'\I1s gym and til cellent ad\ anlage took an 11 5 b k t t tl 0 m
ele" tfal oemn to~ ePlclollaelCges leTlclenpsullce
Call 011 sons of Malol and MI s
Whalton B Calloll Bo IS a filst b
state SenatOl a J Ta man
40 ,eal s HIS fathel the late
Henl' T To\\ nsend was PI eSldent
of th~ LOKan lion WOlks
t II
wa c 1 ng
M 0 n Qllilltet
al 0
balel~ beat Yeadon 35 32 last
I mphe a
d t C II 43 28 d
oatesvl e Ul
ing the lel1:l1lal season but Coach
lead m the filst pellOd was out
scoled in the second ut st Ie
- . I By Monday night the Main Line
Panel of the Boald undel the Blanch of the Red ClOSS had 8J)-
Ileutenant m a serqce SQuad and Lclll~h Count~ \\111 M To\\nsend IS sUlvl\ed b~ Fliday 111 the opelllng 1011nd of the Andelson says thiS doesn t meall tamed the edge 17 15 at half Challmanshlp of Benjam1l1 V IploXlmatelY $140000 lepresentll1g
~~gk 1~0~p~ec~?1~I1Ilef~\1~~ntJ~1O~ tllle~ sisters Mldsses :~el ail~IM ~~}~~~~~te ~~~~fi~d~ \~~~e P;~)A ~~~~h~~ bl~e~~~~il sti~I~lt~t;eO~n ~I~e thl~jle Q~i~~~ \~~lc11 e~~~l~~ ~fg~~~s ~tll~~~e~~;dtl;~~ ~~~I~~~I~li clllCfly speCial gifts in ItS 1944
Whalton B Callol1 S somc\\hele LOUise To\\nsen an IS I lllr vll1ced that Andys clying act this foot 4 centelman \'ho now is In eight pomts but Lo\\el Mellon da' by day check that is be1l1g Wal Fund coffel
111 England-\\hlle Maty Calloll L Van Vechten He \\as a mem ~eal \\as on the le\el the Almy and s1l1ce then he snatched the game out of the fhe conducted in thiS commull1tv Blanch offiCials notmg that
thell mothel IS keepmg the home bel of the Mellon Cllcket and St E\en so mo t fans behe\e Lo\\el claIms Radnol and Coatesville I y OUtSCOI1l1g- the SectIOn F' \e pllces \\III be kept \\Ithm the es neaJly one \\eek of the dllve had

Anti-que Show
fire bUlnmg at Thiel' Tops the I AnthonY Clubs _.____ Mellon \\ III SUI '11\ I' the DIStllct 11a' e ImPI 0\ ed Immensely champs 12 7 In tile final Qual tel tabllshed ceiling all eady passed and that $370 000
lome on G,ps~ Lan('
, *
One 1'1 minatlons and Ilt least get RadnOi balely ellmmated Jen Lo\\el MellOn made 13 held
1 Clack at the DlstllCt Thiel' kmto\\n 40 39 111 Its filst stall goals on 41 shots \\hlle Yeadon TII
e S 0f Re ross
_ _ .~__ of the $510000 Quota lemamed to
d e b e collected cOntmued to 111ge re

II n Baled
Met BIll Kenncd Pfc I ollle on champIOn elthel Lebanon 01 bit Coates\llle \\as \elY ImPlessl\e made bit 11 on 54 tlles Both doubled effOit on the palt of so-
sr en da fllllo gl f om Cape Coel Chamb(,1 sbUl g- befO! e glVlllg up ~s it dl ubbed BlldgepOl t 40 29 teams \\ el I' POOl at the foul 11I1e hCltOIS and contllbutols
Mass He s n the anti anclaft al Se \ ce Bill
tllIC! He 1S the son of MI and
M1S Raymond D KennodY of Zol H Ibel JI
11l1~el Wa\ Mel 01
Co nC11 pIe Ident MIS Jol n Y
\\Ill pI('slOe and III
t educe the speakel Tea \\ II be
a- ynwy
the state (Jtle It has "on the last JI1 a doubleilel'del at Villanova Yeadon comeltmg but ten of 21
thlee vealS TUesdaY Glen Nor leached the tlles Ilnd Lo\\el Mellon makmg
On the othel hand the close f'mlfinals by bo\\hng- o\el LoVier but nll1e of 18
batlle \\Ith Yeadon dldn t even MOleland 41 27 at NOlllstO\\n the It "as Lowel Mellon s 17th vic
or at theFront
Wal Fund Chan man Fledertck
W Dlehel \\hlle explessmg grat-
lficatlon at \\hat he termed a
good begmnmg po nted out that
el \ eel follo\\Ing the plOg am The ~hake the ~upleme confidence of ~ame Illll:ht ton 111 18 stalls thIS sea.son It \las these mltlal subocllptlOns do not
Call Ne\\ bIg mach 1I1 t 2 ld follo\\ 111 R \\ III I a\ e rhal ge of the h 21 othel 1ootel s TheY belle\e the k it I Yeadon s filst defeat smce ItS Iepl esent Iesponse flom the gen-
clll~s home on 12 daY' fUlIOUgl-lmeetll1g MIS R P Lo\elY of Starts l\'larc ; thllllel Vias Just \\hat the team Lo\\er Mellon da;vedodo~s~ts C'penmg game and ended a 14 B H d S k elal pubhc
the son of MI Ilnd MIs Wilham BI n Ma\\ MIS J Waltel Ham W'll E d M h ')3 needed to make It right fOI thc afr:!,I~~s~ve~~i~s~nYeaJ~nand as a game sheak lower Menon esse owar po e SpeCial gifts he cxplamed It
Ne\\bolg of 212 Woodbll1e A\e
monds of BI~n Ma \1 MI Edgal
H Cockllll of Nalbelth MiS
I n a r c ""' tough gllnd ahead They poml ~10~t ~ ~ d II tl
out that coatesville extended the lesr t lal I' ~ le \\
ay until the
Calm" !
1e~d0'h F P
3 3 9 Harman! I 1 3
G F P At Narberth Women's \Ital and lalge palt of the Mam
L ne s donatIOns ale not howevel
VlIgII11a DUlb1l1 a fie hman at Samuel L Vetch of Prnn W~nne
State spent hp mid' eal \ aca d M Ra Sot Tanllell II of
An antique show \\Ill be he d Maloon to an exUa pellod a cou las wo mlllll es
Ille yeal s ago and that dldn t slg
Mencsc"! 2 2 6 Pcacock! I 1 3
A long fwld goal bY Dan Palmer Kelor c o o 0 M t2501 ncO 1 I
Club Tuesday oalnel('d t1llough door to door
ltd t tIllS latter
tlOn \\ Ith hel pal rnts Ml al d M s I ' Ibv tile Woman s Club of Bala mf, an ea Iy eXit 10 the toUl ne~ \\ ho had lUst entel ed the game Pcr l g 5 3 13 Belber g 2 3 7 0 Il'l at10n an I IS
W liJam DUI b 1 of 400 Al tl \ ~ n B ~n l\~ I~ I am 0 lIced the ap Cym\ \ d at the rlubho Ise open111<T I In fact L M lebounded f om that as a substitute ga\ e Lo\\ 1'1 MellOlI ~~r c~l ~I i
t} ~ ~~S~t" egg ~ I R The Red ClOSS tl es to bllng a SOUl ce to \\ hlch \\ e look for the
Rd Me 101 t t i\'! MOIS Geen at7P M Malch21andlOntnu dOse one to \\1l1thecI0\\n It ,,,,'\IS a 3332 lead \\Ith 111l1mte 50 Roge"! 0 liVe esc 000 tOlch of home and Amellea tOlbllkof OUJ quota
I ~tnrn 0 I
P I amenta lall at mg t ou~h Malll '1'1 ane! Malch SC' JauntIly today econds to gO and t!wn the \ etl~1 "Ii P mc g I 0 21 bo\ S at the flOnt Be se HO\\ al d Any letdo\\ n after OUI open
Be t Wheelel-oll the S nat a t e mo e a a ee n of 23 flam 11 A M to 10 P M Lo\\ el Mellon battles RadnOl Dick \Vlllt1l1g shpped a\\ av fOI a Totals 11 10 32 - told membel s of the Women s mg \\ eek he added can CliP
plOglam Wednesda\ n ght \\anted
to know \\ hethel to Ilnse 01 soak
g e execI tl\e bO~~nd~' tat~ the
e CO mCI on
All melchandlse \\111 be fo saIl' FlIday mght 111 tho cllstllct semi layup g-oal on a fast cuttlllg pla~
B Id n Ilnd tea \\ 111 be sel \ ed the la t fmals at VIllanova College Coates to CInch It Yendon 11
6 8
13 935 CommullIty
7-32 Tuesday
Club of Nalbelth pie tl1JS ~eal s Wal Fund dnve
be, ond I epal OffiCials WOl kels
kleenex-won del \\hele he found Lo\\!' MCllOn To\\nslllp u I g It\\O aftellloons The show \\11 \Ille meets Glen Nor m the second Spalkplult of the \\mning- lalI~ Lo~;rc ;j~~'hnerk ~nd kOclgen? ss 12-35 MISS Ho\\ald ladlO commenta and the p Ibile must contmue to
an~? Al rd lIn OlLe It St d\ GIOUP ofl be open to the public game The MalOon and Coates \\as little agg-lessl\e Hen deSoto
tOI and lectUlel 11as lecenth Ie coopelate doublv hald m the face
le egis a 1\ I' U
The BOIollgh Off ce cClta nly tI I' COl nc I \\111 111cet on Ma](h 21 E Le\elmg Mill Rd
\\as the busllle t spot III the VII lt 11 00 A 111 at the home of MIS chauman of the \\a~s and means
MI s GeOl ge M Slttel lev of 96
C~n\\y I d S
F- I t
ee dF-IShelog Gear tUlned fJ om sevel al months of Of a doubl~ gl eat chal1enge
flcld \\Olk \\Ith the Red ClOSS m As soilcltatlOn Illong the Mam
la~e last \\eek What \\ th all the ~I I~ M;a~1I1~ll~~as t~l~no~~~~~O~\ coffmmlttAl'e IS 111 1 chalgethOf th~ rIcO S eec 0
c lorry
the Neal East She sailed flom Lme began thlS week the biggest
thiS eountl\ on a tloopshlp \\Ith smgle event \\as the kickoff
last mmute taxes to be pa d and I
the legulal 1011d of compla nts t e c b d
BM'I.tlBleoIWOUa~I-)olaff\lece~O(IMIleS\('IRmlltelt) St
I au man MI Benjam n Z a an

sona \\\III II gP
e su gjecahnddElect DeVIlbiSS
ss stmg ler on
b t fOI d s elal commIttee WIll be MIS E B
e gen
Present 0peretta c FOB Had
or verseas oys}-'I
n we come

~mpa1llons ,
7000 soldlCl sand 70 othel Red luncheon Tuesday at the Red
l""'IOSS \\olkels She letUlned on a ClOSS Centel
\\olkelS 0 ffi CIRS Ian
Ardmole \\hele
dlepi e sc nta
" ... 1 I B
Glllce to ~ou She las tlat 01 pamphlet dlstllbuted b~ the Na M
be selectlll
ling 111 1944 as P Ib lIS e 111 a W Melchel MIS MOiIlS Jones
B Supplee
I FlIght On '[hIS
calgo ship
At the Red ClOSS clubs MISs tl\es of local olgamzatlOllS 1e-
Ho\\ald said sen Icemen ale plO \Ie\\ed the task ahead
oUJZh Office at hCI filgeltlps and
really ~I\CS ser\lee WIth a snllle tlOnal Fe elatIOn 0
d f Womens IS 1111 es eVI e
Kite MIS Cilffold Naillgan MIS
rs IP d t '
T The story comes home of an eX Members Of Rod and
\Ided \\lth looms lecleatlOn and
leJaxatlOn \\lthout chalge
Cillef speakel at the luncheon
The \\as Ramone SEaton Eastetn
~~~:l~~ ~ll;aR~~~~r ~r~~%~;~ BrOStUC 10dn 0 onJ~ cost IS a nommal one for Alea manager of the Red ClOSS
Callsbad Ne\\ eXlco \\It 1 el
h Isband Lieutenant John E Oatis
a pIlot 111 the Almy All COIPS Call
Ina eport F0r
Hel lovely daugMhtel Bett\ II I III Republlran Clubs
MIS G H Gdbelt
Conllmttee mem els 10m th
f n
e age
At Town Hall I
pellence \\hleh Staff Selgeant
Challes L McGort~ of 108 Con
\\ay A\e Nalbelth had lecently
Gunk Club
M to
a e C0II ec t*Ion
meals HIS plea fOI SUPPOlt of the War
And If a soldlel doesn t ha\e Fund dllve was corto])01ated in
the mone, 01 If he needs moneY bllef talks b' MIS HelllY C Ealll
County Loan D-
Dcha\en Glace Jr II'I son fil an ~SI~1 c:J~b ~Nd bMIr:ISJO?l~1 DUllllg a mISSIOn o\er Italy Mc to get back to hIS post the Red sha\\ chan man of the Mam Line
a\la.tlon cadet III ad\anced
sci 001 at Columbu • \1ISSlss PPI
rive Tuttle On Satmday e\enlng Malch 18 GOII~ found 111mself fi~mg \\111g to
Membels of the boald of the Fllends Select School \' III Plesent \\Illg With a Flylllg FOltless man
S enlOl CI u b \\1 II sene as I t '
lOS esses Gllbelt and SullIvan s Patience ned b~ a Gelman cleW He could tOPICS \\hen J B MacCall JI
New FIsh fm Old Rnels and ClOSS loans It to h m MISS Ho\\ Blanch and Call R Fleehafer of
Gems of the Gaspe \\111 be the aid lelated About 95 bPelk cent BI~n Ma\\1 chapter vIce chait
10f those loans al e paid ac
TheIl' IS nothmg \\llIch deilghts m n
a of bl anches
the fil st mght Hostesses fOI the
e\enmOS of Malch 22 and 23 \\Itt as Its s xth annual opel etta As do nothmg about It fOI feal of W~nne\\ood \\111 addle<s and show Ian Amellcan man mOle lan Ice a talk b WOlld Wal II Veteran
tl I A speakmg tllbleau musIc an

ChaIrman Henr) MIS CilffOld Naillgan and MIS 111 tIle tno ple\IOUS yeals the PIO do\\nmg other Amellclln planes III motion plctUles to the Lo\\el Mel leam and apple pIe and the Red Y T

Harral Expresses
Thanks to Workers
clude MIs C Lester Shelman Hall With the cUltam at 830 P M
1111 s Wal tel H Wild MI s Ralph
E P VanTme Chaumen \\111 m ductlOn \\ II be staged at To\\n tI I' fOlmatJoll
Theu game \\as to ladlO glound 15 in the Amellcan LegIOn [all sa d
gunnel s the altitude speed an I Nal bel th
White MIS P S S\\eetzel MIS The opel etta which mcludes most othel mfolmatlOn so they could
ClOSS tJ es to upply both these
IOn Rod and Gun Club on Malch I fa 01 tes as often as pOSSible she
MI s Ho\\ al d pa d tllb Ite to the
At Its Malch 15 meeting also thousands of uns mg helOes \\ho
Wams Agalnst
Co t 1 cd on Page


Gene Da 11 I lome f 0111 an Exceed n

HalOJd Guckes
D Il1ne MIS H W McHose MIS
MIS Ralph membels of the selllOl high school pot US \\Ith :flak
Hall ~ Rldg\\ av MI s FI ank Allen lIS undel the genel al management
I tid
the Lo\\el MellOn Rod and Gl11 \\olk bell111d tIle Imes
Market Aid
The plane whlc 1 appal en Iv la Club \\ III collect Flshmg Tackle The e soldlel s al I' not III as
ewht \\eeks SOJOllln 1ll Flollda- MIS GeOlge Selb, MIS HOlae of MIS Glace B Cla~ton been lepalled b~ the NaZIS aftel FOl OUI BO\s O\elseas Club glrat actual dangel she saId 1
sa \ s l1e ne\ 1'1 enco ntel I'd finel
\\ ea tI CI
Wells MIS Donald McBI de MIS
H SI M J I C t
I WIth the expectatIOn accOlded Clash ng behllld thell Imefl dloP membels \\111 bl1ng to the meellng b It then ta ks ale monotonOus
ped back and dlsappealed befOle flesh and salt \\atel fishmg- tackle hald and often accomphshed un
M~~I \ CI~:: l~s V;ealoJ~iIT a~, then ple\ 10Us etIOl ts \\ hlch 111 leachm rr the tal get 01 fishmg tackle pal ts \\ hlch "Ill del dl eadlul \\eathel ondltlons ---
Last S 11 dav M Gco r Bl 101
of 0\ el bl ook celel)] a ed h(,1 831 d
John KI amel MIS J L Hem clude The Mikado The SOIcel A \ etelan of 50 miSSions m the be assembled b~ \ olunteel \\Olkel s I I a\ e een tl e tempel at Ie \\ !lei c ExplaIns What to Do
MIS A J Battillelm MIS S T el and PmafOle the cast ale M('dltellanean alea McGolIY Illto usable eqtupment and these I \\a ~o up to 150 deglee
bll t hrla y a t the home of hel son McCaltne, MIS A \V Rltrhmgs lehealslllg the famlhal tuneful 110Ids tI e DIStll1gU shed Flnng 1\\111 be sent to Hallan Mala of MIS Cmtls Glcen mtJoduced I When New LIcense
n 1 I daughtf' 111 IH :\11 I i\1 MIS L W Chne MIS J K melod es Suppo ted bv a lalge ClOSS the An Medal and 11 Oak New YOlk a \etelan of WOlld IMISS Howa d Hostesses fOI the h I I d
Herbelt A Ballon of 100 Melon
Ave Nellte and Hel b entel tamed
Koonce MIS Flank Lvman MI IChOIllS of lo\eslck madens and Leafclustelsand thePUlpleHealt Wall \\ho has fOI some time aC aftelnoon \\elC MIS Bu ns Best Num er s ssue
J H Pell~ 11 MIS H R R l1e dlagoons the n181n chalactels In - - - -••- - - tuall~ been gett ng fishIng- tackle and MIS Paul MalIO\\ M sEC
35 of MI s Bal ton s fllends at
corktall pal t \ follo\\ ed by a buffet hatt MIS DeWitt B Housman elUde Roy Tobias as Bl1nthollle !{enealy to Speak II1tO the hands of thousands of Gllswold and MIS Ralph DickeY A dwe to obtam 100 per cent
The committee m chalge of the John Hatfield as GIOS\eIOl and Ammlcan bo~s \\ho ha\e lequested PJeslded at the tea table compliance \\Ith OPA s gasoline
suppel flo\\el allangements WIll COllSISt Joseph Flasel as the Duke Tins On VIctory Gardens It flom ovel thele and \\ho ha\e The next meet ng of tl e c1lb
of MIS Harold Backus Chahman lexpellenced tilO has alteady eam IIlfolmed Hallan MajO! that tle~ \\111 be the Lte at Ill' Depaltment latlOn coupon endOlsement Ie
A miscell n('o I slto \ LI \\ as 1\11s F M Ha\\tllO!lle M W An opLn meetmg of the W,nne find them'5el~es on mnny o('('n Ions lice n n Ma eh 14 'hen 1\"11 CIU lei lent sl 0 lId ha\e the support
ll.lypn las SunclH~ aftel n0011 fOl Is i l l e d lecogl tlOI fOl t el lilt PI e \ 00 IInplo en ent ""~so(11tiOn IS whel e fish ale plent ful and the\; \ e S VallO Btl en Conm 11 \.' 111 Ie\ le\\
Eleanol Ca bl ey of \\ mdsol A\ e L Road L MI s Alex J McCalte tlOn of The Mikado The title I ]) I ld tl h II f St Pa IIs ' of r\ p good cItizen said Hem Y
MIS CliffOld Nalllgan MIS Ale.... loll' \\111 be pla~ed b' Suzanne 0 e e III Ie a 0 t time to fi.~h - but no tackle B Ima S ngeon b' GOIdon Sea
b~ hel nunt MIS Edgal T Hoff andel Re' nolds MIS Geo Pawl Sci Oil WItli Anne Keene Balbala Luthel an Cit 11 ch W~ llne\\ood ITillough coopel atlOn With the ora I' Pell \ Cha1l man of the Blyn Mawl
nel at hel home 111 Dlcxel HIII
Eleanol IS the daughtel of MI and
mg and MIS A A Walklmg Coopel Anne Palmel and Blanche Road and Athens A\enue on Philadelpilla Chaptel of the Izaak
The dool committee \\ III be 1\11 s Wilson m sUPPoltmg lOll'S Blake T lesda~ e en 11'( MalCh 14 at 830 Walton League of Amellca Ha Ian L G ClaCel and MI s S J Mc
Follo\ ncr the book le\ e ~ 1\1 s 1\\ al Pll e and Rat ol11ng BOllld
The man Ulat neglrcts to wllte
MI s Ra, mond Cabl e~ and Iec('n t Will T ROllche MIS GOldon H Campbell Hugh Radblll and Allan P 1\1 on the sUbjects of \ICtOI~ Majol s plea fOl MOIl' Tackle fOI Cattne of the Intr national Re 1 s !lrcnse n mbel on each coupon
I~ announced hel engagemellt to Palklllll MIS Helbelt POOle MIs Clayton \\111 also slllg 111 lead nil' a drn ng and home cannmg OUI Boys O\elsea~ IS Ilt thIS tIme latIOns gloup \Ill dlscu s A IsLJa n a be 111 \lttmgly aldmlt the
Lieutenant WIII am F Fox-no Alex J McCal te MI s Hem Y pal'. Tl I' neet mg \\ III be addl essed bemg blought to tl e attent 011 of I a black Illal ket 111 gasol ne An un
L M Tearn
some\\ hel e III tile PaCific CIa \ ton M C A F I f M s .., lJ\ J C Keneal\ Lo\\ el MellOn Penllsyl\ ama SPOI tsmen
* Chas Dea/dolff MI~eII~~:~ K:l I The annuallopeletta IS the out to\\l1s111P tIel' walden \\ho has Membels of the Lo\\el Mel 011 rl1dOlsed latlon may be lost and
Ha\e 'OUle d Goorlllldlt S\\l'ct sha\\ JI MI s Alexandel Re, standmg soc a e\ent fOl pupils 0 f bern act ng as supel WISOI of the Rod and Gun Club who WIll not fall II1to \\long I ands he sad
PlInce b~ Gene Fo\\ lei? It s the nolds MI s W P Subel s Mlo Fllends Select School sll1ce Its at t acts PIO\ ded b\ the township I be able to attend the Malcl 15 PellY emphaSized that motollsts
life StolY of John Ball ymOl e m Speneel Heane' MIS Wm T tr acts the attention and Illtel est fOI HctOi ~ gal dens Kenealv will meetll1g l1s \\ ell as pel sons "ho • • hould not offel uncndorsed
rludlllg hIS fOUl Bt s ACCidents
as he Hfels t.o h s maillages In
Co n cd 0 Po Ie 7 0
Mal tm 1\.11 sEE Hanscome T lof aluml11 pal ents and Sa\ o~ al ds f 111 h suggestIOns fOI the plan ale not membels of thIS club but
MIS LIO'\ell L Lane and MIS A 1
111 genelal TI e Palent Teachel nmg and call' of VICtOlv galdens who ha\e some fisl mg tackle WhiCh
tI \ll C Ha\\ kms 1\1:1 s \V T ASSOCiation of \\lllCh DI FI edellck fl1 d ~ III also explam the sel vIces the~ could donate to the cause al e
W-ms Agam- 1
co Ipons to the flllmg statIOn tl1l'Y
nl(' not legal tendel until the
lt ~Ctliloell 11~lal~~~~nalf~I;~a~~~~;:~~k
Roache IS the cha I man B Iglel IS Pi es dent SCI \ es as p 0\ Ided b~ the to\\ nsillp thlough Ul ged to telephone Sunset 6404 n
MIS AI tl1\ll C Ha\\kll1s Cll1l11 sponsol fOI the pelfollnance II office (Uppel Dal b\) and the Secletal 10 lI1dehble penCil
Ph la Pell y explamed tha t the PIO
mill1 and hel comnllttee consls A I epi csen t a t n e 0f le
fDe eats Ahmgton I
[The WAR and YOU) lI1g of MI s ChaJles Ne\llle MIS
Leon Melchel and Mrs G H Gil
belt \\III ha\e ehalge of pubhclt,
Peddle School DUl ner
Jelse~ AlumnI Of The Peddle
I of the Club \ III all ange fOI a club
delpilla Electllc Company \\ III talk membel 11\ 1I1g 111 thell neUl"hbol
on home cannmg and ans\\ er hood to Pick up then donatIon
The Phlladelph a and South Questions on thIS subject
EqUIpment 01 palts don ted should
be tagged \vlth the nailles and ad
By 35 to 31
Cf Q 11 e on the ne v IIcen e plate
J1\ mbr sWill br a follo\\ s
t01 sts II Penns\ 1\ an a \\ ho "Ill
lecene one ne\\ license plate thIS
The LO\\Cl Mellon rTill s \\un month S110110 ne elthe]p~::; put

REMINDERS Worse Than Bombs School Hlghtsto\\n N': J held a

dmnel on Wedne~daY at the Wal
RelIef Below 1943 dlesses of the donOls and HaLlan
MajO! \\111 ackno\\ledge lecelpt of 111 ng team aga n c rat('1 A
d f h d le f tI I plcsenl n nubrls on all coup
OIb 0 (ns no\\ III then POSSI'Slon When
Meats Fats-Blo\\n stamps Y and Z 111 Book ThIel' ale good One match dlopped calelesslv \\Iek Hotel Among membels of Dllect lelJef pa~ments made to the donations thrll fOll11el league Il\a mg tl f new tag sPit on the cal the
thlough Milich 20 Red 10 pOlllt stamps AS B8 and C8 III Book III the pme needles of a natIOnal the dmnel committee \\ele DI lesldents of MontgomelY County ton to lel11am undefrated so fal 111 11I0tOI ts slmpl \\ te the new tag
fOlest mav do mOle plope!tY Halold \V Jones of 323 Auble
FOUl lIle good thlough Ma, 20 Waste kitchen fats ale ledeemed at damage than hundleds of II1cen Rd \v~nne\\ood and HO\\llld E totalled $632 "0 \\hlch was $20770
I I1I1g til' \eek Endcd Malel l
til(' I rason I mbel on tl e co el of thrn la
Blanc] e Mphl and c a p ta I~ DOllS tlOn books They \\JII not be re
t\\O latlon pomts plus fOlll cents a pound dlalY bombs dlOpped b' a fleet of COl' of 262 Hatha\\a, Lane less than those of the compalable I D t F TI GllIggan s\\am off \\ t 1I tti P 110nOl Q lied to chan"e the endOlsement
Plocessed Foods-Gleen stamps K Land M ale good tI11011l;1t enemv planes
WHlIle\\ood \\eek of laot yea I
F lrec rom Ie b' takmg fll t and srcon p ace III on
both the 40 ,aid and 20 ~ald flee
tI tl Id h

Sugal-Stamp 30 111
A8 B8
Book FOUl IS good
TOWNSHIP SHOULD SET UP $100 000 POSTWAR FUND Mem~~~~fll~~ 1~~oR~~scross I{~~~\\ei~~{l:Ai:~~\oJ~~~~~i:c~~~:~ It~~~:~~~~~K~{ihldhr~~~~I~d~~£db~neo~~
C8 D8 and E8 III Book
lllaefil11tel~ fOI fhe pounds , took tIme out thIS "el'k to let CO\rl call es bot teo an e\\

~~:;~::h~,,;:t~;'::::5~::,:O:t:::, :',::::::,:,,':::::"::::t: INCREASE PARKING FACIUlIES FOR BUSINESS

Ma~ 8 In State outSIde the East Coast area A 10 coupons ale good
f:f.l~:f!::~;~:~f'~:~~;~r J~: ~ir:Fl:;~~~~~ii:~::~1~3i~~£t I~:;~'en CI~ b Will
l\'leet March 13 Fund drlve 40 'aId fl('cstvle 24 -Mchl L
tl -+r--------------. I M GI ug~en L M MIIlel A I
I e 0 r N 0 P rogress H as
I I 2
1I0Ugl Malcl 1 H I S ays L'ttl Dlggmg mto ItS files the brancl 20 ~ald fJeest\le ll-Mehl L The Penn Valle~ Galden Club
THe InspectIon Deadlmes-For A coupon holdels Malch 31 fOI arra Mrs Arnold carne up '\1th fervent aPlleds for 1.1 GJuggen L M Sutch A Will meet on Monday Malch 13 at
C coupon holdels Ma\ 31 and for B couPon holdels June 30 Been Made On Most VItal Problem I Sponsors
Red Cross support from such men I 20, aiel backstloke 13 -Mehl L 1030 A M at All Samts Church
as Generals Douglas i\IacArthul M Ebl\ A Squlle L M PailSI House Wvnne\\ood Theil'
Fuel Oll-Pellod 3 coupons are good t1uough Malch 13 111 alJ FaCIng ShoppIng Centers., "Community That DWight ElsenhO\\er and Jlmm 20 vald backstloke 13 -Mehl L \\111 be an exhibitIOn of forced
aleas except the South Pellod 4 coupons ale good in all alelS GIant Carner Doohttle l\ar prisoners combat M Ebl\ A SqUl eLM bulbs and t\\l s The plO~lam is
t1l1ough Septembcr 30 Pellod 5 coupons all' good III the Mldd e Stands Still Is On Down Grade." He Says I officers and rank and filers from '10 ad bl('a tstlOke 15 CO" m chalge of MISS Fanney Loos
\\ est and South and lemam good thlo Igh Septembel 30 A giant ImaSlOn call lei tl f' Hah s mudd) fields to the at()ols aid A Ballenbel~ A Scott L and MIS E C Dlew
n \al auxlhal~ GENERAL M C 01 the Plelfic M M('mbels of the Galden Club Will
Shfes-Stamp No 18 III Book One IS good thlougl1 APIII 30 Ail Lo\\el Mellon To\\nshlp should set a!';lde *100000 for MEIGS "as launched today Some of the comments DI n~-Hr\ Itt L M dl cuss the follo"mg
plane stamp No 1 111 Book Thlee IS good Illdefimtel\ AnothellatlOn posb\al expendltUles and should plo\lde tllcleased parkIng f om U S Steel s Fedelal Ship Genertl Eisenhower II'O/lSlllcr A K Ihn A MIS L W Zunmelman Illowlng
stamp good fOI one pail of sho('s begmnmg Ma~ 1 "Ill be announced nld hr1e MIs Henl\ H AlIlold the Red Cross an auxlhan Of 1m 60 vald medley 383 espalheled tiel's MIS Robert
facIlitIes for local bus mess center s Hem y D Hall al told WIfe of lhe COl11mandmg GenI'I al I
arm, and we SImply couldn t get COl' a1 d Ballenbel g A Ta~ 101 novelties III tl ees and
soon members of the Ardmore Chamber of Commerce Wednesday \~fasththeeUspoSnsoArI my An FOlces along \\Ithout It Lace\ GI uggan L M bushes MIS John A T afOie lases
Income TaX-March 15 IS deadIlne fOl filmg 1943 letUll1S D a t e ' General MacAI thur 'I he Red 80 yal d I elll~ -Ballenbel g UI MIS E C DI C" \ egetables Mrs
for 1Umg 1944 DeclalatlOn of Estimated Income and Vletory Tax is noon ThiS was the seventh mvaslOn Cross has never failed the Amen mel Sutch Elb\ A Biddie Rau W H Hendllckson flults and I
extended to Aplli 15 The meetmg \\as held at the Ha\el~Old COUlt Hotel s~~~I~~te~e~~ldnf~et~~c~nRJkt1~s ft~: h~~~e:/~~~<;erhe~re~I~:In:u~n(_O_OkS_qu_l1~L 1\1 \e:g.._e~_ta.. _b,-__l_e_s~,-_---,- _
Local Selectl\e Sen Ice Boalds ha\e beell dllected to le\le\\ casns
Ha\erfold Wl1ham J Llo~d preSIdent pleslded
AltllOUg I1 secletal~ of t h e L owel and loud Let s thlllk of local tax
'eal It IS the lalgest non com
batant ship belllg I
tamed 111m In IllS hOur of palll H 01ne F rOlll SOILt I P -f- Ilve~t ac~ ~c,
fllst on the and
hour Itof has comforted 111m in hIS a
of all1eglstlants 18 tillough 37 ~eals old and defelled m classes 2A Mellon Plannmg
AtlantiC Coast
commlsslOnl es at least as pa~ment made 101 t~pe took to salt \\ater hell'
2B 2C and 3C Paltlculal attentIOn \\111 be gl\en leglstlants undel Hallal spoke as an AldmOle lesl ,Sel\lCeS lendeled You can rxelt last Malch 21
of the death
General Doolittle 0111 bo,s III
the hospital get Rl'd Cross sUP I
H ell II
BOllr(1 Meln ber T e IIS

26 ~ea1s 0 f age m 'Ie\\ 0 f t h e Plesldents statement that agllcultUle dent and a Lo\\el Mellon Town mftuence II hel
k e e\ en If '0\11 lOcalf MI AII10ld"" as bOll1 III I
1111'S b 00 k s games In d en t I'r t a In II
and mdustry should Ielease the ~oungel men fOI lllllltalY servICe
~e IS \\ ea m natIOnal eal s I
I Roclle"tel N Y but her home
sillp CItizen Walter D Fulle1 somehtmg yOU \\ant IS wOlth the latel ~vas III Aldmore not fal
I 0
~entR d C ur f~m~n lea
I d f
o~ Of Med-lea l Work I Trop;cs
IF YOU MADE A MISTAKE challman of the Townships plan cost ~ou ale wlllmg to pay fOl It hom the bnthplace of Genelal a~~ re~axat~~~s ~ou oneo~a~ t~I~~1I ~ 11 II
lllng comm'"Slon and plesldent See to It that VOUI lOcal tax con Alnold at Glaaywne Genelal th R d C t tl U S Arm'
If you find you made a mistake III yoUl mcome tax leturn and 01 CUltlS p{ibllshing Company IS tlibutlOn is suffiCient fOl the pm- nd MIS Alnold now !lve at AI~ F;rces r:~:ls~as Ie .,
already have filed It what do ~ou do? If your ellor \\ as snnply one leglonal challman of tile Nation pose that whatevel Its amount It For t Myel Va Charhe Camilbell (Nal:\' electrl I
The membels of the Lo\\el Mel and heated chellllcally to purify
of alithmetlc yOUl mIstake plobabl~ \\ III be cDlrected \\ lthout ~ OUI al Committee for ECOnOll11c De IS spent \\ Isely and well Genelal MontgomelY C MeIgs clan s mate) If you hal en t gav Ion TO\\ll hip Boald of Hea Itl I t It The mol ale hftmg effect of the
a Illp S call s~ stem when it broad
actIOn I f you ma d e a mlsta k e 111 'OUl l11come 01 deduct Ion entlles \ elopment fOI Penns' 1\ a1lla New In closmg let me expless once fOI \Vll01TI tile hIp is namea \' as en 0 t th e e R d C t then
ross gil C O l theu le"ulal monthlY meelmg on I rast TI e soda fountam IS now
agam m~ pllllosoph~ that makes I born May 3 1816 at Augusta
J ,
Jelse~ and Delawale until It hurts because no mlttci Monday e\ enmg In the To" n lup open \\ as vel y e\ Ident on the
contact the office of the collectol \\ hel e YOU filed ~ OUI letuln You Speakmg of a post \\ al I esel ve mE accept an 111\ ItatlOn to S\\ eat Ga Hnd dlee JanualY 2 1892 hon much 30U Or I IPve "e can
may need to flIe an amended letUln and palkmg facllltles Hallal saId o\el a talk to ~ou We can t go 1 II; Wasllmgton D C Aftel ncvcr repay them for "hat thc~ BUlldmg \\ el e stll pllsed b' the un faces of the ]('sclled sel vIce men as
l'xppcted alll\al of DI Rlchald A they well' blOUght on boald the
Lo\\el Mellon could ha\e laid back aftel a. catastlophe and pICk ltansfellmg hom altillel\ to thr did f r mc
SI GL E R A TIO N BOOK FOR FOOD aSIde $100000 as a lesene against up "'hell' \}e left off We tiled and COlPS of EnglllEelS he \\ns en ""a~ Prisoner III Germany Red Kem of 1239theRemmgton Road hospital shIp The hung condl
After good shoppels have used then blo\\n Y and Z stamps the~ futUle necessalY capital expen failed The yeRI 1929 mal ked al1 naged m the bUlldmg of FOlt Cross is wonderful so gIve thcm a Wynnewood VICC PI eSldent of tions on the Islands \\ ere not so
the Boald \\ho has completed bad cven at I1Ight as the temper-
do all their food shoppmg With Wal RatIOn Book FOUl The lation dltures It \\asn t done To do so endmg and a begllmmg We can t DelawRle in the IInplovement~ generous donation neally t\\O ,eals medICal ser\lce atUle nevel got above 100 degrees
token plan now III effect eliminates use of stamps of four denom1I11l would have meant an mClease of go back The depreSSIOn the New of the halbOi of the Delawale CaptaIn A Leffert (Italy) The 111 the Southwl'st Pacific alcas at any time but the humIdity was
a mill m the tax rate Old you Deal the global WOlld War II Rn er and Bay and in vaal Red Cross have the onb real \\ ith the lank of Captam m the at the satUl aUon pomt The in
tions (8 5 2 and 1 points) and uses stamps of one denominatIOn kno\\ the problem? Old you make ale hlStOllC facts The gOOd old ous othel wOlks along the At doughnut makl1lg mlchinl's III Na\ al Resen e Most of the tune sects \\ el e bad and had to be re
<10 points) with one pomt latlon token fOI change YOUI conclusions known one \\a~ da3s if they \\ele good old da~s lanhc Coast untIl 1841 when he tillS area The) set up a bar he was statIOned aboald U S hos pelle<! by the lise of chenllcal solu

01 the othel? ale gOne We. can slide \elY easl became supellntendmg engmeeI ber shop too and hot nalel pltal ships aldmg the Sick and tlons some of "Illch ale secret
CARE FOR 20,000 BABIES The Plannmg ComnllSSlOn has b mto Stale SOCIalism-some of the constllictlon of FOlts
offeled a pial) to stilnulate busl I a'el \"itll ploof to matcll tllat \VaYne
I for full tonsolhl eo01fOlt rllC3 \\ounded mcludmK some of the 1cllnulus of the gO' ell1ment and
Neally 200000 babIes and then 1110thels \\ele caled fOI up to ,y d M POI t tel Nlaga a Ontallo i
are do ng a Sil en I did j0b Jap fOl ces "Ill nol fmd then \\ a\ mto civlllan
ness b~ plo\ldmg Incleased palk \\ e Ie thele alleady 01 \\e can I un on gomelY Private Gordon Granger Jr DI Keln descllbed IllS wOlk m use untIl aftel the \\al
FeblUary 1 under the Emergency Matell1lty and Infant Call' Pro ing !acliltles Little 01 no pIogless bl11ld a ne\\ and mfinltely bettel Ch -h M-··-'-CI b (North Ireland) I can t teli you field hOSPitals oontlOl of malalla The food plovlded was fair he
glam Hospital and medical care are pro\lded Without cost to \\ives has been made On what I consl system stili based on an lll1ploved urc en s u how much the Red Cross is doing b~ mosQUIto lepelents and told said but m all the times away he
of service men in the four 10\\ est pay glades durmg plegnancy chlld- del the most Vital ploglam facing puvate entelpllse if we "ant it t* H ld M for the boys over here You how llttle typhOId fevel typhus or had only one real cooked in-the
birth and fOI six \\ eeks after the baby IS bom and fOI the mfant thIS gloUp here Have ~ ou studied bad enough e ee lng would actually have to be here to Qlpthelia thele was Ple\alent in shell hen s egg That was for a
the solutIOn otIeled WIth an open If we ale selfish enough to tl, The regular meeting- of the realize half of what they are do the PacifiC Islands Powdeled food Chllstmas bleakfast Dr Kern has
during its first year mind? I m so SUle It s the right unselfish coopelat!oll if we ale Men s Club of St Faith s P E ing-to tell the truth thcy are such as milk eggs and Ice cleam ncw been transfelled to an official
ROUND.UP answer ld stake my Job on its wlllmg to think enough if we ale Chulch Blookllne was held Wed. Just like a second home well' eaten on most of the CIllIse position on the staff of the Phila-
success Ha\e you exmessed your "lIllng to \\olk enough \\e can nesdayevenmg Malch 1 at \hlch Lieutenant James Hurlburt Many of the Islands impOi tant m I delphia Naval Hospital which
As a lesult of lecent OPA actions Glass jalS of apples apple opinions m a commcmg mannel do thIS I m not too confident time Rev N Lascelles Wald ga,e (First Marmc combat reporter UI1 the ne\\S of the \\al "ell' \lslted \\OIk he has alteady begun al-
sauce apple juice and s\\eet cidel \\llJ sell at letall fOI aPPioximateh to 'OUI govell1lng bod~? 1abom it all I lathe1 think we 111 a ,ely intelestl11g talk on the der fire) I\'I~ mcssage from such as New Zealand New GUIana though he only allived home Sun
two cents mOle than the same slze~ tin cans 10000 new pas One thing is celtain-the com ,mUddle mto something \\e ne\el Ploblem of Japan The meeting the Marines is Ulllt no ma.tter Solomons and \ allOUS small Atoll day ml{ht aftel a long tIllee weeks
senger automobiles and 7500 new bic'cle \\111 be a\allable ulld~ munlt~ that stands stlII is on the\\\anted The Ploglaml>f conceit lwas well attended and eig-ht new "hat ~ou do for the Red Cross glOUpS journey bY land and sea It IS ex-
J r down Rlade You and glOUpS Ilk.e ed planned action Is the best I membols lomed the club whether it is a gift of time or a He told how bathmil' \\ a tel was pel' ted that DI Kern WIll be able
rationing to civilians 10 Malch Ration point values for country ~ou must interest youlselves in car. see 1m wllIing to wOlk a\\ The next meetinl{ wlIl be Apill gift of dollars somewhere a boy obtained by catchinp; the lain too attend the meetings of the
Contfnue4 on Pane Two
" it if somethinlt is bad Yell good think?'
butter "ill be loweled in BIell.8 \\hele necessary to move it fastel and civic plans If something is good fully hald at It Postwal planning 112 when there will be anothel in-
let your government hear about is worth a trial What do you telestIng speakel subject to be an-
niunced later
in the service will return thanks water and how hald It really does Board of Health In the future as
immeasurably in prayer and rain there Drinking water was he Is now on shore duty and wUl
thou&,ht " dlst11led flom the laW sea water be stationed here for 80me time

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