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Performance Coach Tool #6

If distraction and procrastination are two unwelcomed guests, you're going
to love this tool because it's all about the POWER OF FOCUS. Well it's
more of an exercise to get a point across.... but strategy or tool is what will
come after.

My good friend Dave Crenshaw in his book “The Myth of

Multitasking” (filled with amazing tips and tools!) talks about the power of
focus and shows you how you can DOUBLE your productivity each day! I
went through this exercise myself and was blown away and how much
time I was losing each day by trying to multi-task.

“It is those who concentrate on but one thing at a time

who advance in this world”
- Og Mandino
Here is an outline of the excercise:

Step 1: You are going to need:

• Pen
• Piece of Paper
• Stopwatch
• Friend to time you (not necessary but it helps with accuracy)

Step 2: Write down the phrase “Multi-tasking is a lie” at the top of your
piece of paper.

© 2017 Jairek Robbins Companies, LLC. (JRC). All right reserved reproduction in any 1 of 3
form without express permission of JRC is prohibited.
Performance Coach Tool #6
Step 3: You are going to attempt to multi-task. Here is how… I want you
to copy down the phrase “Multi-tasking is a lie”, one letter at a time. As
you write each letter I also want you to write an ascending number below
it, before writing the next letter.

M U L…
1 2 3…

* You MUST write an ascending number below each letter before moving
to the next.

Step 4: Time yourself going through this multi-tasking activity and see
how much time it takes.

How long did it take:__________ Seconds

Step 5: Now we are going to repeat the process with one small variation.
The variation is that we are going to be focused on just ONE task at a
time. This round I want you to start the clock over and copy down the
entire phrase “Multi-tasking is a lie” and then write the ascending numbers
(1-18) below it.

Step 6: Time yourself going through this single focused activity and
compare your numbers to when you attempted to multi-task.

How long did it take:__________ Seconds

© 2017 Jairek Robbins Companies, LLC. (JRC). All right reserved reproduction in any 2 of 3
form without express permission of JRC is prohibited.
Performance Coach Tool #6
What were your results?? Well if you are like most people you should have
nearly doubled your speed (and sometimes accuracy) while staying single
focused! Isn’t that incredible??

So what is today’s exercise…

Today is your opportunity to practice staying laser focused on just one task
at a time!

Meaning: only focus on one activity at a time!

If you are answering an e-mail and the phone rings. FINISH answering the
email entirely before moving to the phone. (I would recommend turning off
all beeping, buzzing or alerts around you to help you stay laser focused)


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© 2017 Jairek Robbins Companies, LLC. (JRC). All right reserved reproduction in any 3 of 3
form without express permission of JRC is prohibited.

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