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Missing At Time

Of Filming

Vol. 2q
No. _ tf.....-..~-=---~
Date 'd, 2... '9~

'''A ..... : .... r--.-;· C'"
1, r rl D~ :) R AVE •
Vol. 29-No. 47

·51 College Girls To

Pupils Get"$' Tips At Stepping Aside
Four Out Of215 Fail
1Become Nurse Aides Career Conference To CJean Sidewalks
------,. B0 r 0 ugh Council Tells Magistrate to Go
• Bryn Mawr Answers President's Appeal; ~I. SO Business Representatives Tell of Pitfalls
As Well as Profits; Outline Work of Dif- Ahead and Prosecute; List Compiled By
• lows Students to Drop One Course; Will The Police.
Practice in City Hospitals ferent Vocations.
}< 11t~
-one students at BI J n l\Id\\ 1 College, Bn n Mawr, Representatn;es of ~O
busmes!\es and plofesSlOl1S dlS- Summons to appear befOle MaglstL ate Vmcent ColellI
• have el1l olled fOI tl a 111111 g as ,oll1nteel l1l1l se :s aides 111 the cussed theIr WOl k and Its ad' antage and dlsad\ antages at a fOI faI1ul e to cleal then sIde" alks of lee and snow have been
nlst plan of Its kll1d 111 the East, l\hs Theodole A Plulhps, cal eel confelence held last Thulsday at Lower Mellon High Issued to fOUl resIdents of Nalbelth ThIS ",as Ieported by
.. recently elected chanman of the l\Iam Lllle Red ClOSS, an" School Flanklm C Hutchmsoll, challmart of the pubhc safety com:
nounced tod:n ... The caleel confelence Is held W Wallelgh blokel H Mos- mlttee of the Nal bel th BOIOUgh CouncIl at the CouncIl
evelY four yeals by the gUidance sm busmess admmlshatOl D1
have undcl taken tl amJnr:; 0 I1n R oac h T a k es
JOver depal tment of the High School Allen Day chemIcal engmeellng meetmg Monday lllght
on the campus and ha\e been pel- New Job As SpeakelS \\ele asked to sUess the Russell Byelley constlUctiOn NotICes and \\almn~s wele sent
mltted to shOiten then acadenllc
time schedule b\ one comse dUl-
1I1g: tile second semestel
District Manager
PleSldent of Keystone Auto-
mobIle Club \\as honored last
pitfalls as \\ell as the Plofits and Challes G RUle funeIaI dnectOl
pleasules of then Walk Dl Elnest Dunn geologIst MIS
Speakels outhned the ImpOlt- SamUel Haston Blown house\\lfe
Plesldent of the LO'\\el Mellon-
HERE AND to 215 homes These four WP-le
the onlY ones who failed to make
any effolt to\lalds cleanng their

Bn 11 Ma\1 I IS the fll st colleITe
m the East to schedule such t1am
mg fOl students
Ted Schlangel Phlladelpllla Fllday ntght at a drnnet given
zone managel of Walnel Blothelsl at the Belle\ue-StratfOld Hotel,
TheaLtes announced last \\cek the PI I d I I b
ance of thell bustrlesses to the Hall: Allman mteliOl decolat-!
commumtv the type of \\olk one mg PlofessOi Senn mtelpletel
does when engaged In hiS voca- Edwm J Pollock Jotllnahsm MIS
Nal bel tIl Council of Repubhcan
Women \\ho announced at a
meetmg of executive boald on
THERE slde\\ alks he said
A list of all lesldences "ho had
nov complIed \\Ith the to"'nshlp
Flft:v -one gnls emolled 111 the appomtment of John Roach fOl- 11 a e P lIa y emp oyes In
tlon the t:vpe of pel son who IS Packel labOl atOlY techl1lclan J FeblUalY 5 that she would not OIdmance that states that I'C,ve and
.. COlli sc al e SIIClldlll"" 10 110111 s a nl01 ,_ lnanngel
, of tIle AI dmol e Tlle- salY celeblof attonhIS of the 25th With
asSOCIatiOn auntvel-
apt to succeed m t h ose vocatIOn Schaffel la\\ MIS Helen Monks
the be a candidate fOlIe-electIOn 1- BETSY ANN sno\\ must be clealed flom slde-
uY ;

\\cek 111 theOletlcal tlallllllg thiS
Aftci 35 hoUis of theOl\ the
~mls \\ III bf' gl\ en 45 hOlll~ of
PI act I( I' tl all1mg III Philadelphia
atle as dlStllCt managel fOI Waln_ Club
1'1 s West and NOI th\\ est PllIladel-
phil Theatles
Roach \\ ho 1l'SlJeS at 5803
Chestnut St 111 Phlladl'lplllu has I
oca portsmen
t!ammg lequued PlaetIcal ex- Ilbiallan P W Wilson machm
pellence WhICh may be applied 1St MISS Ehzabeth Fultz medical I
and the lewards one obtams from secletalY DI Smyth medlcme
the vocatiOn boys Edna P Blandau costume
In each of the 50 glOUps was deslgnmg MISS Ulsula MUliay I
MiS Hubel has held the Coun-
cil office of plesldent fOI neaIly
15 yeals CandIdates to lun fOI
the offICe at the COlmclI s an
\\ialks 01 cmdels sa\\dust or slm-
Ilal Items placed on the walks
\\Ithm 24 haUl aftel the snow
Weathel-that s al\\ avs a safe fall ceases was comPlIed by police.
nual electIOn thiS Spllng Will be tOPic of com elsatlOn You ma~ aftel the filst heavy snow fall this
, hO~Pllflls rhey should be acc I I'd
!ted and capped bv the filst of
Thl' 51 gn Is al e dn Ided mto t\\ 0
becn associated \\lth the Phlla-
delpllla MotIOn PlctUle Theatles
fOI 27 \ eal s stal tmg \llth the
Stanlev Compan:v of Amellca In
e FeedB-IfdS
plesent a student-chairman and oanemg Dl
faculty advlsol
Lall:V F Glaves
To aVOid Ovel- dentstlY MISS Millel dietitian
clowdmg of the rooms and to pel- MISS Thompson dIplomatic selV-
mit mOle students to attend two lee MIS Cla~ ton B Mathel dla-
selected by a nommatmg com I mention It to a fllend 111 passmg season
mittel' conslstmg of MI~ J C 01 chat about It \llth a nelghbOl
Sellel sChau man Ml s Joseph when ~ ou can t thmk of an~ thmg gess Rlchald I Millel and notices
Callns MI s Ed\\ m Voegel MIS bettel But all ]okmg a'ide \\e ve \\ el e Sl'nt In all 215 homes wele
The list was then 11;1\ en to 'BUt-

classes Thllt, meet on the cam 1918 and \\as managel of the meetmgs the mornmg was dl- matlCs W E It\\m electllclt~ GeOlge LeWIS and MIS Guaud had plenty of Jt so fal thiS \eal- notIfied
pus flom 130 05 P 1\1 on Mon Stanle~ Theatle m Phlladelpllla vlded mto t\\O pellods Each Nick Olchoff engmeellng Dean Foote lam-hall-sleet-sno\\ and Ice Of the fOUl people to whom
• da~s and Tuesda~s and at Glaclu-
ate Hospital PhllaaelpllJa hom
9 A M to Noon Satul la\s Tllen-
fOI foUl "cals PIIOI to mo\mg to
the Aldmole Theatle m 1929 He
\\111 'Uppllise the Belm Columbia
un u
M b
em ers
Scatter Grain And
~b meetmg was one hour m length GlOff electllcal engmeeJlng Cap
the last half-hour bemg de\oted tam William Shaeffel
to questIOns flom the students wOlk L N COllell fOlestlY DI
pohce PTA Program T0 I
melOUl galdens dlY up thiS Sum- summons \\ele sent one Iefused
\\e ean t blame It on the lack to pay t\\O did not appeal and
of snO\1 Won t It be \\ondelfuJ to one leplied 111 a letter. refUSing
t~ -one meet ft om 1 30 to 5 P M
Weanesaa:vs flnd ThUlsda\s and
ft om 1 to 4 P '!vI Sa' til days at
GJaduat" Hospital
o~s Ke~
C( IllI JOdol e CI
motnt Impellal 60th St Lmdy
Llbelt\ Columbia AH'
Ollent and Palk Theatles These
S Fall
Build Shelters
Led b" then field captall1 Eln-
The followmg speakels took Maxwell medlcme Relllens Ul-
palt m the ploglam
E P Blan a count n
llch melchandlsmg and selhng
Helb 1t Th R
1 g e e ev
augenvel mmlstlY
Smith ad\eltlsmg Lieutenant R MI" Kathellne deReedel model-
MarkFounder Day I see the lobms agaIn?
• " •
to pay
Mag-J<tlste ColellJ In R com-
Not e\ en thl' \1 eathel stops the mUnIcatlon to CouncIl asked that
11111' UP fOI (lgalcUes \\hen the~
ale sold eat II 111 the mOll1lng- }~~I~I~ ~~Irlea~ ~~o\\~~~~s~~UI:I~~
Plactlcal tIallllng \1111 be gl\en
dUllng Mal ch at PI esb\ te\lan b~ thelltJes \\ele fOlmellv supe1\lsed est Jenkms of Nalbelth oonsel-
John lexe:, 1ecently deceased the LOI\ er Menon Rod and Gun
F Shimel aelonautlcs A G mg L Flye musIc MISS La"-
Waltz agllcultUie Geolge Tlaut- field nUl smg MIS Willaid OCCU-
sometimes the Ime IS a half block
long You can a 1\1 a\ stell \Ihen ~~~t a \\ ail ant 01 to stal t a CIVil
• Trmp]r Unl\rl It\ and Phlladel
phla Grnl'l al 110spltal s
John Latlmel tlansfels flom Club sp"nt last Sunday aftel-
the Wa\ ed\ Theatl e to the Ald- noon dlStllbutll1g glaIn m neal bY
fem alehltectUie Dl Helman patlOnal thelapy G Schotelthv
GI endelshelmel alt R alp h osteopath, MI Ashenfeldel pel-
J dge W'lnnet W i11
U onh la~ mil; up fOi the futU! e
customelS ha\e cIg-alettes and ale SOhcltOI Hpl1lv A F1~e was m-
stl urted bv Council to \1 lite to
Gladuate \\111 be expected to mOIl' leplacll1g John Roaeh as \\oods and fields to help Wild llfe SPllngel automotl\e mdustlY sonnel MI Mellick phalmacy Speak on JuvenI'le The~ haggle O\el tlie blands on Colelh statim: that the people ale
de\ ote at least 10 hOUl s a \\ eek to malHgcl and William Da\ Ison SUi \ Ive thiS Wmtel \\ hlch ac- DI B Baldwm baCleliologlst Contl1l11ed on Page Three the shelf and aftel a \\ elght\ de to be plosecuted and he IS to use
• 5C1\ lce m al ('a hospItals dlllllW
the balal (C of the college \Cal to
fOl mel lOtatll1g manager Will no\\ COl ding
manage the Wa\pll\ Theatle
to the
Game Commission has been dlf- Name Mam- Lm-e Gasua l ty L 1St
Pennsyl\ anI a
· Delinquenc.y clsJOn take anothel fi\ e mmuteS \\ hate\ el piocedul e he thlllks
to find sIxteen cents to pa~ fOI necessal~

Ircrne (lleu time eledlt and IIpon
\tl~~~1 1~lletgll~~ ~1001~tl1ellufeOltlleSlllll\1\mOlrkl Clean RJ-ver B.·II .__ flcult fOi bllds and ammals
Sunda\The outstandmg
s ploglam b" actl\ltyC fCC -tt
Lo\\elofMer-last Next Palent
belth Monda'Teachels e\ enll1g the Nal CI
them The customel \\ho IS out
\\ III lust sa\ GI\ e me
TlleUes-anvthlllg DaDCe PIannedFor
\1111 adopack

m connrcwm \\!th thell local

, Rrd ClOSS chaptels Each upon
. New Support
IOn Club membels was the bUild-
mg of sheltels to plevent snow 0 _ omml ees _
KILLED tlOn \\111 celeblatl' Foundel s Da\ call them stoops - sometime
S 2/c Wilham Wilson \\hose The meetmg \llll be held at the snoops \\ould be a bettel name I
entelmg tlallllllIT aglees to \\OIk
aa nNllllnlUsel ISInAl10dfe150 houls a 'eal as
MI s PllJlhps saJd GaiDSI flom co\elmg glam \\hlCh the
the specialty left fOI
the placmg of ealS of COIn on
undel them while
pheasants Ch "as
N arne Is f
\\Ife the f01mel Ml'S Elean01 ·chool and \\111 stalt at 815 P M I ' • •
Narbelthhvesat on sea WoodSide
accOIdmgAveto chan Theman Re\ of the Rlchald
ploglamH comn1Jt Tafel Anth\\\n
\lOld J ecelVed b\ MIS Wilson Feb- tee \\ III ITn e J bllef talk on the 10\\ slllp Committee of the Nal-
MIS Wilham H DUlbl11
Rd enteltamed S·IgDaI Corps Men
the Fel
The neea fOI \olUl1teel .11\1Se~ sticks \11111'11 \Iele PLlshed mto the A db C t lUa~y 7 foundel Ahce MeLellan Blll1e~ belth Women s Commul1lt~ Clubl
• Rlcte~ IS a natIonal ploblem 1'10\\ C t L . I t pprove Y oun Y D0I1erty Heads Work
mg as the J UlSIl1i! shOitage gIO\\' oun egIS a ors Y
glound so that the gl am \\as
]list 11Igh enough fOl game buds Court
Pvt John Clements 20 son of and Phoebe Appel son Heal st \1 ho at luncheon and blldge on St
Ml and MIS J W Clements of stalted the natIOnal PTA m Valentmes Da~ Thele \Iele fOUl
We slllcrlll\ hop! and rxpect thatl
othel colleocs hel e and tlll ough
Agree To Vote "Yes" to leach but out of the \\ay ofl
fIeld mICe and I ats The sheltels I
404 Essex A\e Nalbelth m Lux 1897
emboul g JanualY 24 Guest speakel fm tile e\ l'nllll?;
.. • ..
. 0 r der
out the countn WIll follo\\ the
example of thiS outstandll1 IT Alll-
When It ConIes Up well' constlucted flom blanches Committee appomtments for A gladuate of Lowel Mellon \\111 be Judge Nochem S Wilmet
lea\c~ etc and can be used 1945 Well' announced at a lunch- HIgh School Sgt Clements at of Philadelpllla \\110 \\111 talk on A e a' Colon pI 111 the Red
Mrs Hall\ Sperk ?1 Woodbme ICOmml·ttee
pllcan cducat IOnal InSlltutlOn I t1l1oughout the lemamclel of the eon meetmg of the Mam Lme tended Lehigh Unl\ el 'Ity \\ hell' Jm emIl' DehnQuenc\ CIO'S dll\ e 111 Nal bCI th I'lltel \ ----
• kllo\\ of no bcttl'l pIl'palatlon fOl Thou'ands of ll1dl\lduals and Wmtel SpOitsmen plan to le- Chambel of CommelCe at thelhe \las a membel of the ROT The PTA ChOlllS undel the tamed tile captams and l11a10lS at The MasoniC Mlhtan :tnd Ser-
hfe and 01 no bettel paltlclp1tlOn OlgalllzatlOns afllhated \llth the plel1lsh the supp]\ of glam undel Ha\elfold COUIt Hotel on Wed- C He \\ent oveJseas last AplII dnectlon of MIS W J Dlennen a tea held In the Commlllllt\
In \\ al a\ allable to \\ omen toda\ Schm lklll Rl\ (1 RestOl them e\ el v fe\\ da:, s nesday noon a" a 1eplacement m Genel al pat Will SIlW: se\ el 301 sl'lectlon' MI s Room Thlll sda\ Fl'bl uan 15 at \Ice Comnllttee \\ 111 gn I' a dance
tllan \\olk as \Ohlllteel lilliSl s
:, Feedmg of \\Ild hfe has fOl l Announcement was also made ton s 90th AltlllelY DI\ISlon Thiel' We'll' I P Dunnmgton \\111 be the 3 0 clock The gul'st speakel \\as fO! men of the Signal COlPS sta-
Itlon Assocl\tIon many of \lhom :,eats bee 1 an Impoltant palt ofl at the meetlllg that MontgomelY \\eeks PIIOl to IllS death he \\as accompal1lst MIS PhllllllS nell Chauman of tlOned at the Plant AssemblY Cen-
In 1Ius conner tlOn KatlJ Hille 11 e IpSIC!CutS of thc Mam Lme and the Wmted plOgl am of SPOI t s- County COUl thad aPPloved tlansfelled to the mfantl y * the M lin Ll11e BI llleh of t he Red tel Blooklme on Wednesday
I The Nalbcltl1 PTA s hlstOJ~ ClOSS also Chanman of the War
• E McBIlae pie Ident of the col- Uppel Dalb\ ale thiS \Ieek con men s glOUps tllloughout the changmg the name of the Aid
the Illllsr s aide PlO~lall1 onp of
Im::e said the studpnts lJa\e found lactll1 ~ thOl leille e'ntall\" ~ III
• the brsl 0PPOllllnI til'S fOi SCI \ \( r Hou I' at Halllsbm g u gmg sup Ilonged pellods and make It Im- mel ce
the State
snO\1 eO\el eSPl'cltallly \lhen Ice and mOle Chambel
Ie glOund fOJ p 0- the Mam Lme ChambeI of Com- I)f Commelce Fund Workers to
- - - -••- - -
goes back to Octobel
\\hen nllle Nalbelth mothels I l l " " *
tel est m a mOl e ~~ mlJat he Ie uu
2::> 1926 Fund Im
gIt F 1
1 ~
The comnllttee ICpleSel1ts the
1\11 and l\Il s 111'1111 J DI1IC- I M I'onw FI al rl nil Y III Pennsvl\ a-
The COlli se 1eductlOn offr] ed b\ I ' l l t of Housl' HIli No,. 1 lilt I0 pos~lble fOI bUds and anunals to
1he [<1"11t< tl11 eme lei pel RlIl-s (I cpd b\ 5t jte RcP~ eSl'nt atl\ e pI ocm e food \I Ithollt aid Local the dmmg hall 1\ as CIO\\; ded and
• many mOl e stUdents to undel takl' LI alles ITH Bll\llll£l Jl.~ to Ollda\1 spOlt5nll:'1l who ha\ e been CO-I the attenCiance one of the best
the \\ 01 k TIns ne\\ plan (omes at dumpm" of coal slit mto the opel atmg- m thiS \\ olk dUllng the m lecent months
Despite dIfficultIes m tta\ elIng
Cover ML
. _I-n Day
c!l'l standmg bet \1 ern mothel. ann que I 22 Nal bl ook Pal kale 1e lila and IS undrl the leadel ship
teachelS 01 g3111zed a Mothel S CPl\ lI1g congl atlllatlons on tile of John H DohI'I t\ Haverford
1) I til of ~a son
MI s R G Aun~st educatIonal tellan HOSPital S ltUlda~ Febl u-
Counc I 001 n 111 PI f"b\ - To\\ nshlp (OnUl1l~SlOnet
As thl' eommJltee s chief fune-
a time \\he th t t tleams of PennS\!\aI1l3 mcludmg past se\elal eeks ale WIlliam J Lloyd lecentlY le- chauman of the NaIbelth Com an 10 tlOn IS to enteltam senlce men
d d II ell' IS glea jJlescn the Scllll\lklll Rl\el Llo'id DuBOIS of Bala-CYn-1 elected Plesldent pleslded mumt\ Club and one of the 01 1Il hosPitals the en~agement at
• ~~~ an posslbh Rleatel futUle

Dul' to suon OPPositiOn bY the wyd Plesldent of the Club
nt n aClte moustl j the fIght to Challes E Spencel Sl 1etumg slstant to the \Ice plesldent m
I The speakel K M Il\\lll as- March 4 Set For gamzels of the Mothels Counnl
\\ as elected Its fil st PI eSldent So
!'Ie\1 Books rillS "eek tile Plant AssemblY Center \\IIJ be
The HI h Ro Id - FI ances one of the fe\\ VISits to outSide
Ch I,~' ;1 Vde named I
MI s I I mOl e (oal SIlt fl0111 the Schm I PI eSldent John Albl echt Jl R chal ge of engmeellllg of the Phil S0I'leI a IOn; D'lscar d
't t· laPld \1 as the gI0\\ th of the Co un Gllmstl'ad The st01\ of a man placcs
• I II lila Ie ps GI ant dean of kill Rn II has been long and dlffl Clipsham Ho\\ aId Cottel Jl adelphHI Electllc Company told cil that \11 F'l'bIUal\ 1927 thl' I'X faltn big- l'nough to Iegenrl ate EI el \ month a PI ofesslonal
t le college (hall111an of a facult\ IUlt PubliC Opl11l0n ho\\ e\ el has Hem \ Hopkms EI nest Jenkms of hIS expellences In Fiance dUl- 3" Week Canvass eellt \ e comnllUee of the Com staRe sho\\ I~ "1\ pn a I the Phlla-
~mn~lttee to unplpment the pl,1I Sll ldlI~ mounted \\ Ithm the past Tllomas Ma\\ 11mnCj Waltel Mle-lll1g the Summer of 1944 He told ml\lllt~ Club \1 as petItIOned to ap
C01l11ll11ld on Paqe 711rec
- - _•••- - - clrlphll Nal al Hospital Valley
em CIS Illcluae MIS AnlJlr LelITh fe\\ \CaIS ana \llth the aId of the sen John and Howald Millel Eatl of the speed With which public
~oUghton dean of lIeshman j'lcscnt admmlsllatlon pllnclpall\ MOQle all of Nalbelth Vlctoll utilities Well' lestOied as fast as
] s Helen Taft Mannlllg pJ a of GOI elnOt Maltll1 and AttOlne:v S\I eet of AI dmOi e and Ho\\ ell tellitolles" ere hbelated flom the Red ClOSS PI epallng fOi Its 1945 body ThiS petition \\ as apPl 0\ ed
plo\e thc OlganlzatlOl1 of the
The Mam Lll1e BIlIl1ch of the Mothels Council as a 'epalate Realty ProJ-ect To FOlge Genelal Hos)Jltal S\\alth-
mOIl' HOSPital Annex
The commlttre has also span-
, fessm of hlstol \
MOlgan Schensk
NIl s EUlllce Genel al James H Duff the anti and Ellen Dletllch of Upper NaZI 1ule PO\\ el m PailS he said
pJ01CSSOI of pollutlOn mo\ement IS stlOngel Dalbv
Flench and MiSS Ma1\ S Gald than nel
BI· Typh·d ---.----
\\as lestOled m 12 ho US He said Wal Fund campaign next month
that food stocks In PallS wele de- announced a new featUle thl~ Woolmmgton NalblOok Pal~ suc
and gl anted
In Septembel 1929 MIS C H
ep ace 0If CIUb
'01 cd cal d pal tlc'
sPNlal cnteltamments
dancrs and
tCIS of Masons assist the commit-

mel plofpsSOI of blOlog\i MISS L11:v The BI unnel Bill IS expec l ed
eJeVe 01 pleted and he paid $34 fOl a meal \\ eek ceeded MI s Aungst as Pi eqdcl1t of tel' hostl'sses

• ate
om students
deanlof the Glaau- soon to come out on the fiOOl of
100 IS \11 e lalge of gladll- lhe House fOI \ote-and membels
tt t d Ilal tlClpatloll TI-.n '" 01 the HOllse of R ,
ml ee 0 a\ ISSlled thls state- fl om Monlgomel\ Count\ \\ hom
IS TaperJng Off
L o
fO! two
The follo\\mg committee ap-
polntments "ell'n announced
DISCaldmg the eustoma1\ tJlIee- the Mothels CounCil In 1930 tile
k I
\lee so chauman
\\ea\el ICltatlOn Thomas
of the LInea
name 01 the oH!,al1lzatlOl1 \1 as
dll\e changed to the Nalbellh Palent $~
Fmance-Walter E L II Will said that the blanch alea \\ ould Teachel ASfloClatlol1 and III 1932 • ;)"
000 000 C0111n1 unIty
PI anne d b Warner~
FOUl sun lOoms have been
I'QUlPPl'd at be Na\al HOSPItal
and t\IO HCleallOn looms a t I h e
Valle\ FOI ge }{ospltal bY the com-
Plesldpnt Roo~e\('lt lesldents ale dclug\llg \\lth telr
s mr'Sage I"Ilms lettels and telephone calls
Chauman J HalOld Watt Louis b
H Hem Joseph Esley
d d d the Nalbelth AS'oclatlOn became
e camasse m one ay-Sun a:v a standald assocJatlOn In 1933 Y
mlttcl MOle than 300 ladlos
ha\e been ((I\en to senlce men m
• to Conglcss on the state of the hl\e af'leed to SUPPOlt It
nalton \Ia' We mllnedlate orca-I In 1943 State RCPlesentatl\e
MembelshlP-C LOUIS Selden- MaTllch 4
belg Chan man DI Da\ld W le one a~ campaign es e 'ollatl~n-=.'the filst assoClltlOn I1l
d t t d Nalbel'h "as lated a supellOi as W es In H aver or d t' f til(' hosPltal«
TI\O membels of the commlLtee
d t d e
slon fOi faclllt\ aetloll llllple- BIUllnll InllodllC'd a
• ce en.p
at Bl\n MaWI \\ 11Ich House Bill 57 \1 hlch although It
,~lnlllal Four New
R d. Cases
L Are t
b I uppel
HOln B M Waltel Case Nal fOI t",o yealS m cOmmUl1ltles of Ne\\ YOlk
el t 1 VIola FIUel L Stanley such a succe's that the concen latll1g
State has been MontgomelY Count~ to attalll thIS all' Ipcon d 1~lOnll1g la rI lOS f 01 sel-
Walnel WI st COl POI atlOn ex- \ Ice men \\ Ith no chal ge except
plo\lded fOi hghtelllng the aca- 'as SUPPOI tpd b~ membel s of the epor e In ower Kmg B C tI ated campaign Will be attempt- The PTA ChOlllS has PI 0\ en pects to complet set tlement III 101 paILS RadiOS fOI dLstllbullon
demlc time schl'dule of those stud- House \\ho lrplesellted the coun M . Retallels-James L Ritchie ed hell' on the Mam Lme a \ e1\ \ ltal pal t of the Nal bel th I (ll( next tIll Ie \\ eeks fOI the 110 to sel I 11 e mcn \1 III be accepted by
Immedlatcl~ fOl mtensl\ c tl amll1g fmah defl'at ed
ents \\lshmg to gl\e theu tune tIeS of the 3chmlkl1l Valley \\as erlOn James 0\\ ens H Rubmsolm Because the man-po\\el sholt PTA \\lth MIS W J Dlennen lCIC Penns\!\al1ln Golf Club thl' can Il1I"!ee
Ralph Dunne Geo F Adam JI age has taken mall' \\ omen \\ 01 k- as dn eel 01 fOI mOl e tha.n ten tl act \\ hele the COl POI atlOn plans ViOl k of the commit tel' IS be-
as nUlse s aides In 01 del to stlengthen the ef FOlll new cases of typhOid wei" James McIntYle Mahlon Hutch-, el s mto busll1ess and mdustlY and yeals the c1101llS has pal tlclpated n $5000000 1eal estate de\ ~Iop- mg financed bv Illdl\ Idual dona-
• T\\ent\ t\\o Bl\n Ma\\l students fOits of the clean stIeams ad\o ICPolted m LOI\el Mellon Town Inson has leduced the numbel of \01 m man:v mUSical ploglamS 011 the ment allel the \\al tons hom membels of the Ma.-
ale ahead\ \\olkmg In Plllladel- call'S as \Iell as to gam SUppolt shm last \\eek but health author- NatIOnal Affans-Ralph Dunne unteel SOhCltOls Wal Fund Dine MaIn Lme Neal 1\ a qUlltO of a million somc 0 de
phla alea hOSPitals and 14 stud- fOi othcl State \\ldl' consel\atlOn Itles \\ele 'atlsfied that the cases Chauman J Waltel Hammonds leadels ale a.sklng all contllbutols Mueh of the success of the Na dollals \\111 be pmd fOI the plOP- ----.----
• C071111l1lc(l07 Page T1W legislatIOn thelefOie 22 State ollgmated flom the same source J Helbelt Bludel to lemam home Sunda~ aftelnoon belth PTA IS due to the finc elt\ b' the bUlldmg and lealt:, U. S. Marl·lle Corps
\\ Ide 01 gal1lzatlons 1ecenth JOmed and that tile localized Pld PublicltY-A E Hickel son I k I kl t f tl Pi I Ial of the
'a·fl.nes to fOlces at a I11l'l'tmg m HalllsbUig
ThiS gloup the Pennsylvallla COil \\aNs apelIlllg off b
t e emlc Chauman
t d I Geolge A Walkel
Wilham Kameldze "0 t lat \\01 els can QU c Y can 'UPPOI 0
\ass then teilltoues N
Ie 11Cll cOlpolatlOn
To Open Enlistment
l eanlbealltlldl StlCllel00telSacMllllllITV.srtaJffDlel1 ApPlOxlmatch 500 smgle hom-
Women M 't ~ Nal bel tl B Ot 11 d 1 TIle p~'st PI eSldents of tIle Nal es cos t 11g a b ou t $8 000 a pleo~ AgaI' n For
' Women
• ""I\atlon
'c COlllnllttee elected a" 0 eases lave een lepol e n Post Wal Plannlnn--Joseph
'" Shale the
d 1945
11 b 1 ...
See k e"r R ecrUI sN tl ell peunanent Chan man Julge 1 01 Ig an on y one Calms Jl Chan man L A Ep- slog-an of t 1e Wal Fun \\ I e bel tIl As7;'oclatlOll m 01 del of SCI all' planned tOi the ploJect

Women s Resene IS Ie opellmg Valle~
GIO\el C Ladnel of Philadelphia In Havelfold To\\nshlp
The Umted States M",lme COIPS plesldent of the SCI1U:vlklll Rlvel
pingel Dl DaVid W HOin RalPh featUied m the campaign With
HlstOiles taken of the fotll new Dunne J Helbelt BlUder Waltel a quota of 170 000
RcstOiatlOn ASSOCiation cases all hace back to pastlY thev E L It\\lll
$5 denommatiOn the Mam Lme
each of vice all'
MJS R G Aung~t MI~ ~ ffi 1
0 Cla of Walnel West COI-
C H pUlatlO11 at thell office at 7052 Womens Reselve celeblated Its
Tl U t d st t M
le 111 e a es allne orps

the enll'tment lolls accO! dmg to ana as theu SI'CI etal v n easmel I'ad eaten flom the FullebOin
ne~ b~
(To be appointed) Replesenta- BI anch \\ III need e\el Y available WOOlnllngton Ml s S J Mccal t G III ett Rd Uppel Dal b\ thiS second anm\ elsalY TuesdaY Bnd
b~ ~l
the leciultlllg office m the Cus- MIS Ellen A DIetllch of Upper Bake Shop m NOith AldmOle tlve of Philadelpllla Subulban \\olkel and the coopelatlOn of MIS W G Blmel MIS Ileek saId that the golf coulse I malkcd the date le-openmg
• tom House PIllladelphla D 11 \\ ho IS also publ1clty chan _ Undel the dn ectlon of Lowel Watel Co and Phlla SUbUl ban contllbutOls to leach ItS goal Il1 WesleY DUl1l11ngton MI s Edmund unClel the dll tlOn of a \\ ell-I the enhstmC.l1t lolls alcOIdlng to
The ollgmal WOl11rn s Resel \ I' man and actnw; secletal\ of the Mellon health autholltles emplov- Tlanspol tatlon Co one Allen Wllltmg MI s Challes L knOll n plO \\ ould be kept open the leclllltmg office here In the

Quota \\as fiJlrd QlIIckh and fOi SchmlklJl Rlvel Valle\ Restola es of FullebOln BakelY stalted PIOgtamme-GeolRe F Adam Celtlficates of paltlClpatlOn Will VlguelS MiS Gelald Coholan fot anoUlel season Gladmg and Custom House
• spO d e Ht10m\\ee\eenlhSdtmllecnttos \t\lleel elestcoell)lt tiOn ASSOCiatIOn ThiS ne\\ "
ell1 ecloelalllltlelllgAI\IPe twheedAnledSmdaOyle stOle on W JI ItChauman
H 1 J Halold Watt C $5 be shale
I'sued mto theeachWalPUlchasel
Fund These of a MIS Of Russell
these Baslel Mesdames Woolmg tI e~ sale! opel
bUlldl11g atlOns
as soon tl t I aleMOl
\Iould st all'
as PllOlltlCS ethanthe
makmg 19000 AmCllcan
slogan Be a guls
Contnessl 0n a Iact Ion pe ll1lttmg ha~ plrdges allrady gamrd
m sUPPOI t ofanti
the pollullon
Bl unnel TIle GellnantO\\n blallcll of tIle a on a e •• _ _ cel tlficates bealll1g the name 0f ton Blmel VIguel s an d B as Iel lI,t d I' an d cansLlllC t 1011 t l s llne F lee a M aline to F l!~ ht a.
ma ella
the contllbutor ma~ be dedlcat
f "'.
.. the Women Malll1es to sel
Peal 1 HaibOl and the need fOi
l I e at Bill flom all 0\ el Pennsylvama bakel Y has been pel mltted to open
b~ the Pl1l1adelpllla Boald of
A ppointed to Board ed to any lelatlve m the aimed
COlltl1l11cd on Paqe TICO
all' a\ aillble Dcpendlllg on the 1eallt\ 'rhey ale engaged In more
plOgl sS of the \Ial the offiCIals than 200 tasks hell' and ovelseas
leplacements the Mallne COlPS Health fOlces Ol to any pelson the don- I dP 't Said the~ hoped to open up the and hale leplaeed enough Leath·
now IS acceptmg a limited num- Legion Post Will Robel t Thomas Lowel Mellon The followmg have been ap- 01 deslles ssue errol s dl'\ elopment 1I1 tlie Spllng of ewecks fOl combat to folm a full
bel of \I ell Qualified gil Is bet\\ een " health offlcel <tlld that all of pomted as BORI d Membel'S of the .--- At tlie meetlllg of the Nal bel th 1846 dn lSlon
the ages of 20 and 36 Hold Open House FullebOlns emplO\es \lould ha\e Blyn MaWl Wal Pllce and Ra- Receive Pool Tabl~ BOlOUgh CounCil Mondav 11Ight 011 11ers of tlie plOpell~ the Today Women Mallnes num-
• •••• to Ploduce health cel tlficates tlOning Boald No 26464 Loms A Young (han man of thc Penns\!\ tlua Ral!lOad Comp UI' bel apPloxl\nately one-thUd to
The Nal bel th Amellcan Le!!lOn s110\\ mg they \1 ell' typhOld-fIee GOldon M Bllllmgame 611 The Glad\\yne Fue Compa \ Pi opel tv committee 'ePOI tl'd one \1 lIe onl:v \\ Illmg to Conlll11t lone half of the post tlOOPS at 1ep-
Post No 356 and thell AuxlllalY befole the AldmOle stOle was Haillton Rd Blyn Ma\\l MIS A wele the leclplents of a pool table btllldmg pell11lt and t\\O 011 bm-I t1ll111sehes tlllt ,aL of the land lescntatl\e stations m thiS coun-
MEN AND Umt \\111 hold an open house lopened He said the disease was C Soper Olchald Way Rosemont and equipment thiS week The nel petnuts Issued and fOUl III \1 as on tile \ elge of settlemel1t tl~ At Headqual tels In Washlng-
P M 111 the FeblualY 27 atWmd-
LegIOn looms 815 on the declme
mdlcatiOns thatand thelesPleadmg
It \\ias \\ele no S RndBowmanDI Albeit
AveE MellonBlackburn 706 File
StatiOn Rift was made by the Blyn Mawl spec t Ions rna d e d tIlmR tIle mOll tl1 DUlmg the last ten \eals thelc t on \\oml'n fill 87 pel cen t 0f the

Hugh D Leah' of 208 Gla\lmg
SOl Ave Nalbelth

;':~l~ell~~~II~~htl~~m~tl~:~lmgrt1~~ ab~Yltet1;~l1~~~~gtl~;
Vutuallv all of them gave hlS-
Speakels Will be James P MUl- tOiles of onset of the disease Fordsave
H Subur bTl
cases "ell'
W h G ~ \la~
an it e I-t I-n rasp co~~~~l~~n O~ncPl~ts ~~{~i~e Wt~~~ Report
of Janua1\ hl\e been numelOUS lumOlS tlllt enlIsted complement
t\ plopeltJ about to oe sold ----.. - -

• Ave NaibeItIl has lecently been Amellcan Legion

promoted to ~Ist.he.utenant "Rhodes
nl111al dDepaltment
WIlham J lepOited Josephme GlangUlho 28
of tl Pennsyhal1la
Cl~I~lnce BI~~n 9U~\~~~ ~~e ~~ld~~~~ i ~O
N 212 i Gleenfield l I\ve AldmOle
After Smash-log V-Ietory 0ver Lower Merloo
1 S Lu- - ~~OPt~;;:V )lIO~~~I~:vt W~~l~~ln m~lu~~~ And ComplaInts Cll\tlS Engmeelll1J1; Compan:v ha\e
pUld a $25000 R ldepOSit
Ib ondd the FI anklm C Butchmson chalr-
Charlp.s L l\lcGorn Jr 21 son pgst
GOI1\ of 108 COl1\\a~
• mcal sel geant \\1th the 15th AAF
" of Ml and MI s Cha! les L Mc tllCt Commandel and Hem v M Robel ts and Ashblldge Rds Rose-
A\e Nal- Halmon Deputy DIstllct Com- mont MIS' Rae ChlcalellI 201
bel til ha.' been plomoted to tec h- mandel

The entel tamment \I III featme Sl~flso~ ~he c~s~;Oll~POlted are f ou can dlaw up a new lease
dAd Y
1 It was a hlstOlY makmg event
y man of the public safrtY commit·
aJ old Il ht-of way of the 1all- tee of the Nal bet th BOl ough

load \\as opo ned Watnel-W.est ComH11 lepOlted thlee stop SIgn
H J\\ evel should the HaPlfOid OftI'I cd the 11Igh~st puce
\ 10latlOns 15 pal kll1g '1OIatlons.
and 215 people notlficd to clear
heavv bombel base In Italv He Doc 11\ mg and Pllncess Yvonne mild fOlms of the disease Thom- ~lb th; bas~etball thlone m the m many \\ ays Nevel befOle In ItS boys come an\ II hel e close to du Thele IS no qUestiOn about go- 'nOI\ and Ice flom slde\\ alks dUl-
lS tall gUnnel of a B 17 Fh Illg plus a \ allet~ of othel stal s Past as saId MU ~I a~i I ne ~ague Lo\\ el hiStOl:V had a Havel fOld basket- pllcatmg Tuesda\ s pla:v It IS ~lald mg tIll ough \\ Itil the de,ll an mg Janualj at the meetm~ of
It FOI tl ess and IS a \ etel an of mOIl" Post Commandel FJ ank J .____ tI el gn t g 1 PloU tegant fOI b~ II team been so blJllIant sO com- to see hO\\ the\ can nllSS m u III 011lclul of the COl pOlltton sud the COllnlll held MQnda~ mght
than 70 bombmg mlS"lOns o\el D\\\cl \1111 be III ehatgl' of the Women's 1?Q.deratl.on ~;ses~~d ~IX ,ealst las eeiJ dlS- pletely the champIOn as It \\as mg off \\Jth theu filst leagU~ Hl\\elfold TO\ll1shlp offiCials The chauman of the \\ater.
oCCUPied EUlope He IS C1edltrd entl'ltamment AssIStll1g 111m \1111 c th f m lat JUS ~s qlllc y as III esday III bleakll1g tip filst Clolln sillce 1932 sud :VCSt~l(ta~ tllat the Hact \ltS Itght and health committee Rob-
• WIth do\\mng thlee enem, all- bl' D C Mmel and F nk CI 1 ,...~
claft and has beell al\llded 1" I
~. engCI la OG.lve F ash'Ion ShO'V
la- ...
e 01 a Ill'S ean e cOmpletea place tie and W1I1ll111g ItS 15th
Havelfold High expeet to take "'arne In 16
1I1 del ,I C lesldentlal zonl11g E1t M Camelon lepolted 4 gal"
SIS an s Ie c llng somethmg to thlllk lbollt \\ hen It lllS-lficltlOn \\hlcll m Ins thll bago' 10111plamts flonl fOUl peo-
ta t d t t l Cheltenham ga\e the FOlds
~ pI~
• ovel'"
Oak Leal Clustel to the An Med
al fOI ll1elltollOUS arhle\ ('ment
The publtc IS lll\lted
.___ _
For 'Vounded Vets. lofty qual tels available when I~ Stl alght It \\as the filst time a aftelnoon at the expense of Illgh- at Ie 1st a 50 loot flont WUlnel- 1'1 III the BOlou!!h dUllng Janu"
HavelfOld pelsonally made th ItS CUllent \\ Innmg stleak to nme seoled Its filst \tctOl\ Tuesday u' houses consLluctcd must ha\ e and no I ases of typhOid fev-
In the \Ial agamst Gelman~ El1SI'gI1 R. T. Burke A faslllon sho\\ and cald palty told Lower Mellon to glt by tIle HavelfOld team eHI outpla~ed a Iy f2\OIed UPIJel Dubl 43 31 at \-Vest slid tint some 01 \lIe homes lIY
• • • fO! the benefit of the Valley FOlge fOlceful deCISive tune of 38-25 I Bill Andelson coached t.~am de- Elkms Pal k NOlllstown needed nJOie tlle\ expected to bUIld \\ould h ne -.--- -
• Techlllcian fllUl tit glide I{illed in California Genetal Hospital \1111 be held by Tuesday at BlOokllne The Ma_IClslvelv m evelY depaltment and Ilmost pelf'ct foul shootmg_16l than a 50-foot flont and First Hand Reports
Charles NO! rls IS home on Hl eight the MontgomelY County Fedela- lOon took one look at Havel fOld, m so domg the FOlds became the out of 17-111 01 dl I to get b Ab- that the a\ ela1?;e flontag~ \Iould
day fllllom:h flom Camn Mackall EnSIgn Robelt T BUlke 21 son tlOn of Womens Club on Malch champIonship statUte and decldedlfi st league team to defeat L M mgton 40-37 and Ietam Ythud be about 60 fect All the homes FrOITI Overseas
N C He 1etUl neo last July aftI'I of Ml and MIS Patllck F BUi ke 12 reluctantly It could get alonR In t\\lce In the sam' season smce lace they saId \Iould hl\ e good set-
Lo\\el Mellon must take on Ab- and slllubbel~
• 29 months m the South PaCific 1301 Montgomel\ A\e Wynne The funds Will be used to furn- at flat on the second floor aftel NOlllstown ttllne,p. the tnck in p backs With attlacll\e landscapmg ReSidents of the Mam Line.
• • • \\ood \IRS killed \\hen hiS fightel Ish a SWl loom at the hOSPItal fOl all 193& \\ho ha\e membels of then faml-
• Coxswam Donald W Evans son plane CI ashed 111 San FI anclsco the pleasme of the seIHCeml'n who I ThiS second meetmg of the It \I as the biggest moment fOI mgton at DOI\ns g:, m Fllday en-
bouml~d b~
The plopel t:, located m Llan- h 01 fllends statIOned m combat
Apt~ fll~l1t Nrt\~ se~-Ir R~el
of Mr and MI s CIl ulps M EI _ B:n Sal III 1110 ht \\ Inle on a III e patlrnt s the! (' r.elghbollng IIvals lac ked the lanky StC\ e lut'nll,cl 111 tile till Cl to t<lms Atlc ntO\\ n C I lltolic HIgh e Ich IS un tllO Sill S zones
1 on Feb 20 at 7 30 P M at
ans of thp Alun Nllbclth tlnll1l11g tile has an I TJ1P lalel 1JUItY WIll be held at thlills of lhe filst When lIavPI- YI'UIS Ites been head coach but hell TUtsll!\1 mel dOSlS Its lllm LUll and MlllOI Rds UP 1\ 11n Line ClOSS HcadQual-
IS nO\1 selvll1g m the PaCific Ill' nounced tlle Stla\\blldge and Cloth leI fOld bad to eome flom behllld to he Sllllllllg!:v accepled eOn\!HllUla- Oil III NOlllstll\\n a \\epk IIOUI jJll 01 NOlt!l\\I'SI ClIllIPI 01 till hiS all A\enue Ald-
.' was in England flom D-Day to Ens Bmke and MISS Elsie spat- Stole Philadelpllla at 130 P M bal"ly squeeze Ollt an extIa pelioli tiOns \\ltb the \\aUll1lg \\e Ie not FJllta:v tlHct IS oul\ alloHt five blocks mOll' \\111 lieul 11lst Itauc! what
~lOl11e Olll~h
Fovembel 7 \\hen he sailed fOi ola \\ere mailled last Jllh MIS Monday Malch 12 A fashion show 29-27 decision but It was none- 111 yet Which IS good adVice as Bulhnnt \\olk b:v Gun- fJom the Penfield stolJ of tile till' Reel CLOSS IS e10lUK fOl men
Upon all I\lng he met hi:; BUI ke 11\ es 011 Gal den Rd 0\ 1'1- undel the dn ectlon of the stol e s the-less saUsf J Ing to a stllCtly nothing is eel tRm III any SllOI t- thel ClljJU11Il Ray Edelmun aud Plillielelplnll llilel Wt stein HUI1- allel \Iomen nlll oftll tltl two

~~X;\\:1I~1E~at~~e sglp t1~~ ~~~e~ mund Michael Blu ke fOI mel Unt-I be given Chel~nham ~~l~~k~\~~n~~~ ~~~~~~O~~t1h~~I~;
• Lt Chailes M E\lIl1s Jl blook A blothel Lt (j g) Ed- fashlOu dllectol Ella Watels wlll Pia Ha\ellOid clowd of 1200 (L least of all basketball-and nelth- JaCK McCuusluuel uutlel tile \\Ill \lIllle Lhe :SoHUle 1St cOlllel 01 Its Ic(enth letull1ecl ovelseas
• b~fu.;' b f 7 \r of PelUlsylvanla football cald palty conjunctIOn WIth the
~ hUUStn0m lOll 01 3stlalght 5 alsltywas lecentlv Rwalded the The county Red ClOSS chaJI-
In i\{ was allotted only 300 tickets) el 01 Uppel Dal b:v boalds did mOl e than any thmg IS only a blOCK flom tll!' Manoa

\\hlCh had been waiting countless the Iemalnmg league foes who else to dynamite LO\\el Mellons Ref stop of the Red AllOW Lines t I I d t
the harbol of Cher- ~Ittt" ~\ah for gallantl)' in actlOn Iman MiS Edgar Wambold, is RCi~n\l1t ~~~)Sr~Cllt Re~
\eRIS for the day When thelhave to be plaYed away tillS FlI- These langy Havelfo,dILJolle:vs mel' IllR IS PilmallY pannc 0
e a an ca~p~ign Co~e~~as
e mIghty Maloon would be powel- day anr the next can be taken slaIs grabbed evel)' rebound, thus In ans\\ er to a JUntOl titat lOW e CIOS,
planning the affair. less in the irasp of the Fordt., for gianted.· conttnued on Page Four COlltlnued on Pags Two I tigne e YPe 0 wor

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