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Professional Education 224


Module VII


Materials Written by:

CEd Instructor

Materials edited by:


CEd, Dean

Module 7 Students who are Gifted and Talented is the seventh module in
Professional Education 224. It starts on the Central Concepts of Giftedness and Talent.
This is followed by Human Intelligence, its theories and definition, the multiple
intelligence and the groundwork for a lifetime of intelligence. The Definition of
giftedness and talent are presented as well as their characteristics and its processes
which will be employ in assessing children to be gifted and talented. Creativity ability
is considered as central to the definition of giftedness, thus dimensions of creative
behavior will be tackled and their most common characteristics. The differentiated
curriculum and instructional systems are also described.

The material is also accompanied by the students assessment such as quizzes,

essays and group work activities. There’s also a link attached for the slides
presentation and a Google Classroom (code to join my class: ypyjw7f)
created/developed to compile all materials and E-books materials for your ready
reference in teacher college education classes.

This module shall deal with the philosophies, theories and legal bases of special
needs and inclusive education, typical and atypical development of children, learning
characteristics of students with special education needs (gifted and talented, learners
with difficulty seeing, learners with difficulty hearing, learners with difficulty
communicating, learners with difficulty walking/moving, learners with difficulty
remembering and focusing, learners with difficulty with self-care) and strategies in
teaching and managing these learners in the regular class.

The graduates of the Bachelor of Elementary Education/Bachelor of

Secondary Education/Bachelor of Physical Education and Bachelor of
Technology and Livelihood Education programs must be able to:
1. possess wide range of theoretical and practical skills of an effective delivery
2. perform the necessary competencies needed in the different learning areas in
the elementary/secondary school;
3. conduct research of instruction;
4. undertake actual training in community development through extension
5. apply appropriate innovative and alternative teaching approaches
6. practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching profession;
7. demonstrate desirable Filipino value as a foundation for social citizenship

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this module, the students shall be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of the human intellect as expounded by philosophers,
psychologist and educators through the centuries.
2. Enumerate and describe the theories and definitions of intelligence.
3. Enumerate and discuss the multiple intelligence of a person.
4. Discuss the concepts on brain development before and after birth.
5. Enumerate the ways and means by which intellectual development may be
6. Compare and contrast the various definitions of gifted and talented children.
7. Enumerate and discuss the characteristics of gifted and talented children.
8. Describe the assessment procedures, curricular programs, and instructional systems
for gifted and talented children.

Topic Topic Title Page

1 Thirty Years of Enhancing Giftedness and Talent
Among Filipino Children and Youth
2 Vignettes on Children and Youth who are Giftedness
and Talented
3 Great People of the 20th Century: Gifted and Talented
4 The Central Concepts of Giftedness and Talent
5 Human Intelligence
6 Theories and Definitions of Intelligence
7 The Multiple Intelligence
8 Laying the Groundwork for a Lifetime of Intelligence
9 Definitions of Giftedness and Talent
10 Characteristics of Giftedness and Talented Children
and Youth
11 Creativity as the Highest Expression of Giftedness
12 Assessment of Gifted and Talented Children
13 Differentiated Curriculum and Instructional Systems
Further Readings
My Score
Planned Hours: 2 lectures (1-hour presentation, 1 hour student activities, 1-2 hours
student research and study)
Class Discussion
1. Compare and contrast the theories and definitions of intelligence as advanced by
the the following proponents, Alfred Binet snd Theodore Simon, Charles
Spearman, Lewis M. Terman, Edward L Thorndike, Louis L. Thurstone, J.P.
Guilford, Robert Sternberg, Howard Gardner.
2. What is creativity? Why is it considered as the highest expression of giftedness?
3.Quote the portion of the definition of giftedness by the authorities under the
following headings:
A. Creativity
B. Intelligence
C. Talent
D. Task commitment
E. Leadership role

What will students learn in this topic?

 Students will discuss the nature of the human intellect as expounded by
philosophers, psychologist and educators through the centuries.
 Students will enumerate and describe the theories and definitions of intelligence.
Enumerate and discuss the multiple intelligence of a person.
 Students will discuss the concepts on brain development before and after birth.
 Students will enumerate the ways and means by which intellectual development
may be enhanced.
 Students will compare and contrast the various definitions of gifted and talented
 Students will enumerate and discuss the characteristics of gifted and talented
 Students will describe the assessment procedures, curricular programs, and
instructional systems for gifted and talented children.
Topic 1: Thirty Years of Enhancing Giftedness and Talent Among
Filipino Children and Youth


Student who are Gifted and Talented

Intelligence quotient scores seem distributed throughout the 1997population

according to the normal curve or bell curve. Approximately 34.13% of a given
population fall on standard deviation above the mean and another 34.13% below the
mean. The 68.26 % of given population are expected to have average mental ability.
Meanwhile , there are students who fall two or more standard deviation above the
mean who compose 16% of a given population. These students are described as above
average, bright, superior and high achievers. They belong to the group who are
endowed with intellectual giftedness. It is not unusual for them for excellent academic
performance. Meanwhile, there are students who may not be as intellectually
endowed but who, nevertheless, manifest their talent in many ways.

This module covers the central concepts on giftedness and talent, the theories and
definition of human intelligence with an expanded presentation on the multiple
intelligence theory by Howard Gardner. The groundwork for a life time intelligence
traces the essential concept on the development of the brain. The emerging paradigms
and various definition of giftedness and talent, the characteristics of gifted and
talented persons, assessment procedures and instruction systems are presented as
Thirty Years of Enhancing Giftedness and Talent Among Filipino Children and

Dr. Aurora H. Roldan, President of the Talented and Gifted Philippines

Foundation, Inc. (TGP) and a pillar in the education of gifted Filipinos children and
youth recalled the first step of faith in the Filipino gifted that she took in December
1973 (Sunday Inquirer Magazine, Feb, 20, 1994) She hosted the Children’s Festival
of words, a creative writing workshop for verbally gifted youngsters. She wrote that
such move seemed ordinary then when the word “gifted” was bandied about very
casually. Many schools, parents, government agencies.

Dr. Roldan did not use the term gifted in the early years of the children’s festival
of words. She simply invited private and public schools to nominate student as CFW
participants on the basic of academic excellence and writing ability. Through the
years, CFW discovered a treasure trove of delightful talents. For one, Lea Salonga
joined the Festival as a preschooler 1997. Talented young strata participated in the

Dr. Roldan recalled the turning point for gifted education in the Philippines when
she organized and hosted the Fifth World Conference on Gifted and Talented
Children in Manila in August, 1983. Gifted education specialists from all over the
world exchanged views on the theories and practices on gifted education. The event
provided the impetus for the establishment of the Talented and Gifted Philippines
Foundation, Inc. (TAG-Philippines). From then on, TAG has actively fought to fulfill
its objectives of conducting research on the unique characteristics, needs and concerns
of the Filipino gifted child and his or her family, to help design and implement
educational provisions, both in and out of school, to best nurture such giftedness, and
to develop and publish instructional and reference materials for educators, parents and
the gifted youth themselves.

Vignettes on Children and Youth Who Are Gifted and Talented

The following articles highlight the achievements of young Filipinos who show
advanced cognitive development, superior intellectual ability and talent in the arts.
These children and youth are gifted and talented. Find out what their characteristics
are that make them different from children and youth of the same chronological ages.

Meet the gifted

Conversations have never been this interesting. Emil Justin Cebrian talks about
his admiration for the wisdom of Confucius, his thoughts on the spread of the SARS
epidemic, and his disapproval on the use of contraceptives – just like any learned,
opinionated adult. Except that he is only 12 years old.
Meet the gifted children. “Alam ko nam,an, higher level ang apg iisip ko kaysa
iba,” Justin says, insisting that “most of the time, I don’t think about it. I’m really just
and ordinary kid.” Hardly, According to parents, Fred and Ceres, Emil, Justin, named
after the great French sociologist Emil Durkheim, was already talking before her
turned one. He mastered National Anthem, flags, capitals and Philippines presidents
before he turned two. After several accelerations, the award-winning storyteller of
Museo Pambata is now an incoming senior at Arellano High School and, as usual,
gunning for the highest honors. When that happens, he will perhaps be the youngest
valedictorian in the country (Nathalie Tomada, The Philippine Star, May 19, 2003)

Whiz kid
Omar Parrenas Rizwan of East Hanover, New Jersey is a Microsoft Certified
Professional (MCP), recognized and promoted by Microsoft as an expert with the
technical skills needed to design, implement and support solutions with Microsoft
His MCP lapel pin, certificate of excellence and official ID card identifies his
status to colleagues and clients, certifying that he has the skill to work in network
support for many companies.The things is, Omar just turned nine last April. Omar is a
computer whiz kind, the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional in the world.
Presently, he is taking a series of exams to become a Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineer by the time he turns ten in April 2004
“I don’t know where that amazing talent came from because there was never a
genius in my family.” says Rizwan’s mother, Lea Parrenas-Rizwan, a registered nurse
and natrive of Pototan, Iloilo. My husband is a physician and he’s smart and
intelligent, but not that extraordinary like Omar.” Her Pakistani-American husband,
Dr. Mohammad Rizwan, an internal medicine specialist at New Jersey’s Columbus
Hospital, is also an awe of his eldest son’s advanced computer skills. “Maybe it’s pure
God-given talent,” Dr. Rizwan says. “And he deserves it because he’s a very good
boy and he works hard for it.” Omar, his parents recall, began reading his ABCs at 18
months. At age two and a half, he could identify all car models. At three, he could
read traffic signs and tell directions.
His interest in computers began at age five when his father bought a computer
book. “His learning of the computer was gradual, but his being a fast reader helped a
lot,” says Mrs. Rizwan While other kids his age are throwing tantrums at Toys ‘R Us
outlets Omar would rather be at Barnes and Noble, quietly browsing through
computer books. “It’s very seldom that he would ask for a toy. He’d rather read his
computer books at home,” says Dr. Rizwan. But he does have the complete Harry
Potter series.
A week before turning nine, Omar took the MCP exam at Infotech Research
International, an East Hanover testing facility. Omar passed the test in half the time –
45 minutes – leaving his fellow examinees, all adults flabbergasted. “Those are not
ordinary exams. Omar must be a very brilliant young mane. The exam is not the kind
of thing that you can just study and regurgitate,” says Dr. Merten, vice president of
education for the Chubb Institute, a reputable technical school. The multiple-choice
tests ask very specific questions about Windows KP, such as the best way to
configure a computer to run a particular application. Examinees must know all sorts
of computer applications known only in the world of computer geeks. May testing
centers offer preparation classes, but Omar did his own preparation in the confines of
hi family’s upscale home.
Omar is now preparing to become a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. The
certification which encompasses all kinds of subjects from computer hardware to
database design and management and network infrastructure design inquires nine
exams. Omar who eventually wanted to be a programmer passed the second exams in
ten minutes. He hopes to pass all nine tests before he turns ten.
His aunt says that despite his enormous talent, he’s a very normal kid. He usually
sits on her lap and talks about computers. He also loves to tease his sisters. But he
never brags about his talent. He is not affected by all the attentions he’s getting. When
asked about his favorite TV show, he said he does not like TV and does not watch it.
Omar, who is a recipient of the 2000 Young Writers and Illustrators Award and a
straight A student also plays chess, piano and soccer. He had become too advanced
for his class where he will be in fourth grade this fall. As of now, even Bill Gates’
men are unsure of what to make of Omar, who is still years away from the legal
working age. (Edmund M. Silverstre, The Philippine Star, July 23, 2003)
Gifted and Talented Filipino Youth

Aliw Award affirms Karel’s Exceptional Gift

When the Aliw Foundation recently gave its Best New Female Artist award to
Karel Marquez for “Magnificat” friends, were especially thrilled, because they had
practically seen the popular teen talent grow up in front of their very eyes.

Passion for Theater

In some TV interview, Karel has said that her love for performing bloomed
during those rehearsal and performances, during which she imbibed the passion for
theater that her mother Pinky shared with musical’s other original performers like
Andy Bais, Rito Asilo, Jingle Buena, Dulce and Bodjie Pascua. For our part, we have
always been struck by Karel’s unique Combination of “ Frenchy “ looks and husky
singing Voice. We urged Pinky to give her young daughter opportunities to perform,
but it took year before Karel herself realized that she felt most fulfilled when she was
singing and acting.

Career Boost
But Karel’s biggest career boost came when she was chosen over many other
audition for the coveted slot veejay. Despite all these successes, Karel continues to
dream of doing more than just walk-on-roles in theatrical production. Which is why
we sat down with Pinky & Karel to conceptualize a play that will star Pinky & Karel
in a story about a Mother & Daughter, to be mounted early next year. Karel’s new
Aliw award affirm what those who’ve known her for years have long been aware of:
That she’s a young talented and genuine gift and love for performing that will take her
far in the field of entertainment. (Nestor U. Torre, Philippine Daily Inquirer, August
28th, 2004)

Topic 2: Great People of the 20th Century: Gifted and Talented All

In 1996, the editor of TIME, the weekly magazine, published a special edition
that featured the remarkable characters that influenced the forces and great events of
the pas one hundred year. Titled “Great People of the 20th Century” the book
presents the biographies and achievements of the most memorable and unforgettable
individuals. As stated in the book, the six sections “Brim with insight into the life and
times of an unforgettable gallery of men and women: the diplomats and the warriors,
the scientist and the moguls, the explorers who surprised us and the artist who moved
us” These are:

• The Leaders- The Diplomats And Dictators Who Have Shaped The Destiny Of
American President Theodor Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson
and Richard Nixon; Russian Marxist Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin,
Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, Chinese Communist Leader Mao
Zedong, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, British Prime Minister Winston
Churchill, French President Charles de Gaulle.

• The Activists- The Men And Women Who Fought For Chance From Outside
The Traditional Hall Of Power

Indian peace advocate Mohandas Gandhi, South Africa President Nelson

Mandela, Israeli President David Ben-Gurion, Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran,
German Doctor Albert Schweitzer, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, Yugoslavian
Mother Teresa, American Educator John Dewey, Italian educator Maria
Montessori, American Margaret Sanger, American preacher Billy Graham,
Pope John XXIII, Pope John Paul II, Polish President Lech Walesa, and
Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino.

• The Pioneers- The Men And Women Who Have Dared To Explore New Field
And Breakdown Barriers

American pilot Charles Lindbergh who pioneered the first solo flight across
the Atlantic Ocean, American pilot Amelia Earhart, the First woman to fly the
Atlantic solo, American pilots Wilbur and Orville Wright, French Jacques
Costeau who explored the depths of the oceans, mountains climbers Edmund
Hillary and Tenzing Norkey, American Environmentalist Rachel Carson,
Viennese father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, Swiss psychologist Carl
Gustav Jung, French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, American baseball player
Jackie Robinson.

•The Innovators- The Gifted Few Whose Visions Have Changed Our Lives

American Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co., American Pilot Eddie
Rickenbacker, American Newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst,
American Cartoon filmmaker Walt Disney, British Economist John Maynard
Keynes, Russian David Sarnoff, the father of mass media, American Ted
Turner, Founder of Cable News Network or CNN. American Computer genius
and founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates.

•The Scientist-Searchers Whose Work Has Revolutionized Human Society In

The Span Of Only 100 Years;

Albert Einstein who revolutionized modern physics with his work on the
atomic nature of matter, Polish scientist Marie Curie who discovered radium,
Scott doctor Alexander Fleming who discovered the antibiotic nature of
penicillin British Francis Crick and American James Watson who identified
the double helix structure of the deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, American Dr.
Jonas E. Salk who discovered polio vaccine, American Chemist Linus Pauling
for his work on chemical bond, British mathematician and theoretical physicist
Stephen Hawkins, wheelchair best-known scientist in the World. American
Astronomers Edwin Hubble who proposed the theory of the expansion of the
universe, Kenyan born paleoanthropologist Louis and Mary Leaky who
discovered bone fragments of apelike prehumen called homo habilis, American
anthropologist Margaret Mead.

•The Creators- The Artist Whose Work Has Shaped And Mirrored The

Spanish visual artist and painter Pablo Picasso, considered as the century’s
most significant artist who created the cubist style of art, German architect Mies
Van Der Rohe, American photographer Alfred Stieglitz, American painter
Georgia O’ Keefe, American novelist James Joyce, British novelist Virginia
Woolf, Irish play right George Bernard Shaw, British stage and film actor
Laurence Olivier, stage and film comedian Charlie Chaplin, Russian
neoclassical choreographer George Balanchine, Russian composer Igor
Stravinsky, American jazz band leader Louis Armstrong, American composer
George Gershwin, American Rock and roll legend Elvis Presley, British pop
star’s band called the Beattles compost of bassist Paul MacCartney, lead
guitarist George Harrison, rhythm guitarist John Lennon and drummer Ringo

Topic 3:
The Central Concept of Giftedness and Talent

The prominent men and women from different countries all over the world who
have carved a name for themselves in their respective fields of endeavor, as well as
the many other people who have excelled in their lines of expertise, have four things
in common: they possess the central elements of giftedness and talent, namely,
intelligence or high intellectual ability, creativity, talent, and task commitment.

Can you Imagine what it is to be like Lea Salonga or Cecile Licad who attained
international fame and brought honors to our country through their outstanding
achievement in the performing arts at a very young age? Or Emil Justine Cebrian,
John Santiago Tiosin and Omar Parrenas Rizwan whose remarkable and impressive
academic achievements at early age accelerated their education? Their in school
indicate that their mental ages are far advanced that their chronological ages.

How about our National Hero, Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Y. Alonso Realonda,
Who is one among the geniuses of renown in the world? Not far behind are the other
exceptional Filipino heroes whose intelligence and creative talents showed in the roles
they played in the attainment of our freedom from the foreign conquerors. Likewise,
worthy to recall are the many other compatriots and leaders, both rich and poor, in
various fields of endeavors, who pursued their commitment to serve the people
through significant leadership roles, innovative ideas, creative interventions and
similar achievements.
The nature of human intellect has fascinated scholars and became the subject of
debates, studies and propositions as early a during the time of the Greek philosopher
Plato & Aristotle. When the field of psychology began to emerge in the 17 th & 18th
centuries as a discipline separate from philosophy, mathematicians and biology;
individuals such as John Locke, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton and Charcot
continued to influence the study of intelligence. A number of prominent European
schools of Psychology flourished until the early part of the 19 th Century. Some
American Psychologist studied in Europe and returned home to established
influential psychology programs in the United States. The study of intelligence gained
popularity and greatly influenced by the works of Wilhelm Wundt, James McKeen
Cattel. G.S. Hall and Herman Ebbinghaus.
The prominent psychologist of the 20th Century were Edward L. Thorndike,
Alred Binet, Pearson, Charles Spearman, Goddard, Stern, Theodore Simon, Yerkes,
LEwis Terman, Hollingworth, Goodenough, Vigotsky and Jean Piaget.
In the latter part of 20th century, new statistical designs and modern experimental
strategies were developed that made psychological testing popular in most Western
countries. The theory of multiple intelligence began to appear, particularly in the work
of Thurstoneand Guilford. The prominent theorists were Burt, Thurstone, P. Cattel,
Wechsler, Guilford, Vernon, Hunt, Anna Anastasia, Thorndike, Inhelder, Taylor
and Eysenack.
Current trends in intelligence theory and research involves the formative of more
complex multiple intelligence theories. Standardized tests to measure intelligence are
used only as one of the sources of data about mental ability. The fields of genetics and
neurological research methodologies on the measurements of intelligence has
generated a number of factors on intelligence. Other data are considered
simultaneously in determining the intelligence level of person. Data are derived form
the environment, biological factors and psychological aspects of the intellect. The
prominent theorists in the present movement include R. Cattell, Carroll, Jensen,
Kamin, Renzulli, Gardner, and Sternberg.
Topic 4
Theories and Definitions of Intelligence

1. The Binet- Simon Scale (1890’s)

The modern approach to understand the concept of intelligence began with the
work of Alfred Binet, a French Psychologist (1857-1911), and his colleague,
Theodore Simon (1873-1961). Binet was hired by the Paris school system to develop
tests that would identify children who were not learning and would not benefit form
further education.
Together Binet and Simon developed and co-authored a test to roughly measure
the intellectual development of children between the ages of three to twelve. They
wanted to find to measure the ability of children to think and reason. Binet developed
a test that asked children to follow commands, copy patterns, name objects, and put
things in order or arrange them properly. From Binet’s work, the term intelligence
quotient or IQ evolved. The IQ is the ratio of mental age to chronological age with
100 as the average.

2. Spearman’s Two Factor Theory of Intelligence (1904)

Charles Spearman, a British Psychologist (1863-1945), advanced the two factor
theory of intelligence “g” and “s”. thus the performance of any intellectual act
requires some combination of “g” or general factor which is available to the same
individual to the same degree for all intellectual acts, and of “s” or specific factors
which are specific to that act and which varies in strength from one act to another.
The theory explains that if one knows how a person performs on one task that is
highly saturated with “g” one can safely predict on level of performance for another
highly “g” saturated task. Prediction of performance on tasks with high “s” factors is
less accurate.

3. Terman’sStanford Binet Individual Intelligence Test (1906)

Lewis Madison Terman, an American cognitive psychologist (1877-1957),
published a revised and perfected Binet-Simon Scale for American populations in
1906 while he was at Stanford University. In 1916 he adopted William Stern’s
suggestion that the ratio between mental and chronological age be taken as a unitary
measure of intelligence multiplied by 100 to get rid of decimals . The resulting
intelligence quotient became known as the IQ. The class formula for the IQ is IQ=
mental age divided by chronological age x 100.
4. Thorndike’s Stimulus Response Theory (1920’s)
Edward L. Thorndike, an American psychologist (1874-1949) and his students
used objective measurements of intelligence on human subjects as early as 1903.
During the 1920’s he developed a multifactored test of intelligence that consisted of
completion, arithmetic, vocabulary and directions tests (CAVD). the logic behind the
CAVD tests eventually became the foundation of modern intelligence tests.
He drew three broad classes of intellectual functioning:
 Abstract intelligence- measured by standard intelligence tests
 Mechanical intelligence- the ability to visualize relationships among objects
and understand how the physical world works.
 Social intelligence- ability to function successfully in interpersonal
He proposed that abstract intelligence has four dimensions, namely:
 altitude or the complexity of difficulty of tasks one can perform,
 width or variety of task of a given difficulty,
 area which is function of width and altitude, and
 speed which is the number of task one can complete in a given time.

Thorndike is cited for his work on what he considered as the two most basic
 trial error and
 stimulus response association.
His proposition stated that stimulus response connection that are repeated are
strengthened while those that are not used are weakened.

5. L.L Thurstone’S Multilple Factors Theory Of Intelligence (1938) .

Louis L. Thurstone was an America psychometrician (1887-1955) who studied

intelligence tests and tests of perception through factor analysis. His theory stated that
intelligence is made up of several specific factors his Multiple Factors Theory of
Intelligence rather than a general factor and several specific factors. His Multiple
Factors Theory of Intelligence identified the seven primary mental abilities as:
 verbal comprehension,
 word fluency,
 number facility,
 spatial visualization,
 associative memory,
 perceptual speed, and
 Reasoning.

Thurstone was among the first to propose and demonstrate that there are
numerous ways in which a person can be intelligence. His multiple factors has been
used in the development of intelligence testes that yield a profile of the person’s in
each of the seven primary mental abilities.

6. Catell’S Theory On Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence.

Raymond B. Catell , a British-America psychologist (1905-1998), theorized that

are two types of intelligence:

 Fluid intelligence- is essentially nonverbal and relatively culture free. Fluid

intelligence involves adaptive and new learning capabilities, related to mental
operations and processes on capacity, decay, selection and storage of
information. This type of intelligence is more dependent on the physiological
structures or parts of the brain that are responsible for intellectual behaviour.
It increase until adolescence, then goes through brain’s physiological

 Crystallized intelligence- develops through the exercise of fluid intelligence.

It is the product of the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are strongly
dependent upon exposure to culture. It is related to mental product and
achievements and highly influenced by formal and informal education factors
throughout the life span. Crystallized intelligence continues to increase
through middle adulthood.
7. Gulford’S Theory On The Structure Of The Intellect (1967).

J.P. Guilford, and American psychologist , advanced a general theory of human

intelligence whose major application or use is for educational research, personnel
selection and placement and the education of gifted and talented children. The theory
on the structure of the intellect (SOI) advances that human intelligence is composed
of 180 separate mental abilities (the initial count was 120) that have been identified
through factor analysis.
The mental abilities are composites of three separate dimension, namely: contests,
operations and products.

The four type of contents are:

a. Figural or the properties of stimuli experienced through the senses visual,
auditory, olfactory, gustatory and kinesthetic, Examples are shapes and forms,
sizes, colors, sounds, temperatures, intensity, volumes;
b. Symbolic or letter numbers, symbols, designs;
c. Semantic or words and ideas; and
d. Behavioral or actions and expressions of thoughts and ideas.

The five kinds of operations are:

a. Cognition or the ability to gain, recognize and discover knowledge
b. Memory or the ability to retrain, store, retrieve and recall the contents of
c. Divergent productions or the ability to produce a variety of ideas or solution
to a problems;
d. Convergent production or the ability to produce a single best solution to a
problems; and
e. Evaluations or the ability to render judgment and decide whether the
intellectual contest are correct or wrong, good or bad.

The six kinds of products are:

a. Units that come in single number, letter or word;
b. Classes or a higher order concept, for example, men and woman= people;
c. Relations or corrections between and among classes and concepts;
d. System or the system of ordering or classifications of relations;
e. Transformation or the process of altering or restricting of intellectual content;
f. Implications or the process making inference from separate pieces of

Guilford developed a wide variety of psychometric tests to measure the specific

mental abilities predicted by the theory. The test provided operational definitions of
the mental abilities proposed by the theory. The following examples illustrate three
closely related abilities that differ in terms of operations, content, and product:
1. Evaluation of semantic unit or EMU measured by the ideational fluency
test in which respondents are asked to make judgements about concepts,
for example; “which of the following objects best satisfies the criteria
hard and round; an iron, button, a tennis ball, or a light bulb?”
2. Divergent production of semantic units or DMU would require the
respondent to list all the items he or she can think of that are hard and
3. Divergent production of symbol units or DPU involves a different
content category, for example: List all the words that end in tion.

8. Sternberg’S Triachic Theory Of Intelligence (1982)

Robert Sternberg of Yale University theorized that intelligence is a fixed

capacity of a person. Hence, with higher intellectual capabilities, as in the case with
children and youth who are gifted and talented.
The Triarchic theory of intelligence seeks to explain in an integrative way the
relationship between:
1. Intellectual and Internal world of the individual, or the mental
mechanisms that underlie intelligent behaviour.
2. Intelligence and external world of the individual, or the use of these
mental mechanisms in everyday life in order to attain an intelligent fit to
the environment,
3. Intelligence and experience, or the mediating role of one’s passage
through life between the internal and external individual.
Sternberg call his theory triarchic because intelligence has three main parts or
 a contextual part,
 an experimental part, and
 a componential part.

Contextual Intelligence- emphasizes intelligence in its sociocultural context, thus,

intelligence for a child requires adaptive behaviour (children’s basic cognitive skills
according to Gesell) that is not required of an older person. Similarly, it may be stated
that intelligence for a Filipino child, especially those who are deprived of the basic
needs, requires adaptive behavior that is not required of an American child.

Experiental Intelligence- emphasizes insight and the ability to formulate new ideas
and combine seemingly unrelated facts or information. Sternberg emphasizes the role
of experience. He says that the habitual, highly practiced ways of dealing with the
environment are true indicators of intelligence. Rather it is the way a person responds
to an event that is new, novel and even unexpected that shows how smart he or she is.

Componential Intelligence- emphasizes the effectiveness of information processing.

Sternberg defines component as the underlying cognitive mechanism that carry out
the adaptive behavior to novel situations. The cognitive mechanisms are equivalent to
the skills, knowledge and competencies that a person would have acquired mainly
through education and experience.
There are two kinds of components:
 Performance Components - are used in the actual execution of the
tasks. They include encoding, comparing, chunking, and triggering
actions and speech.
 Metacomponents- are the higher order executive processes used in
planning, monitoring, and evaluating one’s working memory program.
Sternberg has identified six significant metacomponents:
a. Recognition of what has to be done. Understanding the task at hand;
b. Selecting performance components and encoding important features of
c. Selecting an appropriate mental representation visually or verbally;
d. Organizing performance components by formulating plans for organizing
and sequencing the steps or procedures in the process;
e. Deciding how to allocate attention and resources; and
f. Monitoring one’s performance.

9. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence (1983)

Howard Gardner is a psychologist and professor at Harvard University
Graduate School of Education and Director of Project Zero. He developed his
breakthrough theory of multiple intelligence or MI. He did a massive synthesis of a
lot of research including brain research, evolutionary research and genetic research.
He did brain research on stroke victims, prodigies, people with autism and even “idiot”

Topic 5
The Multiple Intelligence
The MI theory advances that in teaching anything, a parent or teacher can draw
on a child’s many intelligence's which are linguistic, logical-mathematics, bodily-
kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. The theory
rejects the idea of central intelligence, rather, it subscribes to “each his own learning
style.” Gardner emphasizes that MI is originally not an educational theory. It is a
theory on how the mind is organized and developed.

1. Linguistic Intelligence- is the ability to use language to excite, please, convince,

stimulate or convey information.
Indicators of logical-mathematical intelligence are manifested by person who:
 Ask a lot of questions, particularly “why” and “ what if” questions
 Have a good vocabulary, enjoy talking, can spell easily
 Pick-up new language easily, bilingual, trilingual, etc.
 Enjoy playing with words, word games, word puzzles, rhymes
 Enjoy reading, love stories, jokes, riddles
 Like to write
 Can talk about language skills
Linguistic intelligence can be developed through the use of the following
activities : reading fiction and nonfiction, literary work, newspapers, magazines,
reports, biographies, bibliographies, the Internet ; engaging in storytelling, debates,
plays, listening to audiotapes, watching films; writing reports, stories, speeches.

Practitioners who have high linguistic intelligence include novelist, poets,

journalist, storytellers, actor, orators, comedians, politicians.

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence- is the ability to explore patterns, categories

and relationships by manipulating objects or symbols and to experiments in controlled,
orderly ways.
The indicators of logical-mathematical intelligence are manifested by person
 Want to know how things work.
 Are interested in “if…then” logic.
 Oriented towards rule-based activities
 Play with numbers , enjoy solving problems
 Love to collect and classify object.

Logical- mathematical intelligence can be enhanced with the use of the following
activities; mazes, puzzles, outline, matrices, sequences, codes, pattern, logic,
analogies, timelines, equations, games, formulas, theorems, calculations,
computations, syllogism, probabilities.

Person who excel in the following in professions have high logical-mathematical

intelligence: mathematicians, scientists, computer engineers and programmers, doctor,
astronomers, inventors, accountant, lawyers, economists, detectives, trivia champions.

3. Bodily-Kinethetic Intelligence refers to the ability to use find and gross motor
skills in sports, the performing arts, or arts and craft production.
The indicators of this components of the multiple intelligence's are observed
among person who:
 Have a good sense of balance, good eye- hand coordination
 Have sense of rhythm , graceful in movements
 Communicate ideas through gestures, body movements and facial expression
“read’” body languages ,
 Have early ease in manipulating objects and toys.
 Solve problems through “doing”.
The following activities develop bodily kinaesthetic intelligence : role playing,
dramatization, skirts, mimes, body language, gesture, facial expressions , dancing,
sports, games, experiments, laboratory work. Persons who are successful in the
following professions have high bodily kinesthetic intelligence: ballet and folk
dancers, choreographers , sculptors, professional athletes, gymnasts, surgeons,
calligraphers, jewelers, watchmakers, carpenters, circus performers.

4. Spatial Intelligence- is the ability to perceive and mentally manipulate a form or

object, perceive and create tension, balance and composition in visual or spatial
display. Some indicators of this aspect of MI are manifested by person who:
 Like to draw, doodle, sketch.
 Have a keen eye for detail.
 Like to take things apart, like to build things.
 Have a good sense of relating parts to the whole.
 Enjoy puzzles, riddles
 Remember places by description or image, can interpret maps.
 Enjoy orienteering, mechanically adept.

Some of the activities that enhance spatial intelligence are: illustrations,

construction, maps, paintings, drawing, mosaics, sketches, cartoons, sculptures,
storyboards, videotapes. Person who are successful in the following professionals
have high spatial intelligence: urban planners, architects, engineers, surveyors,
explorers, navigators, mechanics, curators, map, designers, fashion designers, florists,
interior, designers, visual artist, muralists, photographers, movie directors, set
designers, chess players, cartoonist.

5. Musical Intelligence- is the ability to enjoy, perform or compose a musical piece.

The indicators of musical intelligence are shown by person who :
 Have sensitivity to sound patterns, hum or move rhythmically.
 Capture the essence of a beat and adjust movement patterns according to
 Have good sense of pitch
 Hum tunes, can discriminates among sounds.
 Play with sounds, remember tunes and sound patterns

Person who succeed in the following occupations have high musical intelligence :
composers, musicians, conductors, critics, opera artist, singes, rapper, instrument
makers and players, sounds recording artists.

6. Interpersonal intelligence- is the ability to understand and get along with other.
The indicators of this components of the multiple intelligence are observed in person
 Demonstrate empathy towards others, feel so much for others.
 Are sensitive to the feelings of others.
 Act as mediator or counsellor to others
 Relate well to peers adults alike, like to be with other people
 Are admired by peers, make friends easily
 Display skills of leadership
 Work cooperatively with others
 Enjoy cooperative and group activities.

The types of activities that will develop interpersonal intelligence include group
project and charts, communications, social interaction, dialogues, conversations,
debates, arguments, consensus building, group work on murals and mosaics, round
robins, games, challenges and sports.
People who succeed in the fields of endeavour have high interpersonal
intelligence: Teacher, Social workers. Doctor and nurses, anthropologist, counsellors,
priests/ministers, nuns, entrepreneurs, ombudsmen, managers, politician, salesperson,
tour guides.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence- is the ability to gain access to and understand one’s

inner feelings, dreams and ideas. The indicators of this element of multiple of
intelligence are evidenced by the people who:
 Are goal-oriented, develop plans carefully
 Are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, confident of their own abilities
and accept their limitations
 Are self-regulating and self- directing, do not need to be told what to do
 Motivate themselves to engage’s in projects
 Work towards the achievement of one’s goals
 Express preferences for particular activities
 Communicate their feelings
 Engage in creative thinking, novel and original ideas
 Keep hobbies, productive pursuits diaries.
The activities that will enhance interpersonal intelligence's include insight and
intuition, creative and critical thinking, goal setting, reflection and self-meditation,
self-assessment, affirmation, keeping journals , logs and reflectionnaires. “I”
statements, discussion, interpretation and creative expression of values, philosophical
thoughts and ideas, quotations.
8. Naturalist Intelligence- is the most recent addition to the original list of seven
multiple intelligence. Naturalist intelligence refers to the person;s ability to identify
and classify patterns in nature. A person uses his or her naturalist intelligence inthe
ways he or she relates to the environment. A person who has naturalist intelligence
abilities is likely to be sensitive to changes in flora and fauna, weather patterns and
similar environmental factors.

Topic 8
Laying the Groundwork for a Lifetime of Intelligence

There are essential concepts on brain development “in utero” or in the mother’s
womb that every special education student must understand (Healy, 1996).
 Life begins in the mother’s uterus eighteen to twenty-four hours after
fertilization- sperm cells from the father and the egg cell from the mother
unite to form the zygote, the one celled organism that will develop for the
next nine months into the embryo, the fetus, and finally will be born as the
 The zygote undergoes meiosis or cell division from two, four, sixteen until
there are millions of human cells, clusters of which are predetermined to
develop into the central nervous system, the skeletal system.
 The brain cells begin to form as early as three weeks after fertilization had
taken place.
 The pregnant mother’s condition and the uterine environment exert
tremendous influences on brain development. There are pieces of evidence
that specific academic disabilities such as reading or mathematical may be
affected by hormones secreted during pregnancy. Poor mental nutrition and
lack of protein retard brain growth. A pregnant woman’s heavy use of
alcohol, prohibited drugs, even common drugs for headaches, heartburn,
diarrhea without doctor’s prescription can affect brain development.
 The natural pattern of brain development shows that the brain is organized in
systems of connections that do increasingly complex functions as they
mature mainly from inside to outside and from back to front.
 The neurons or brain cells begin to form as early as three weeks after
fertilization, multiplying more rapidly than the other cells of the body. A thin
layer of neurons in the developing embryo folds inward and rises to a fluid-
filled cylinder known as the neural tube. The cells produced in the neural tube
will migrate to another locations and accurately lay down the connections to
link one part of the brain to another.
 Starting at the top of the spinal cord, the fetal brain first develop brain stem
structure of reflexes and basic motor coordination. Rocking movements help
develop part of this complex. The cerebellum and the vestibular system
which is linked to the balance mechanism of the ear undergird the later
development of higher cognitive skills.
 Neurons, the future thinking cells, are produced in abundance. Many neurons
migrate to particular sections of the brain to form part of the subsystems that
will later control reflexes, voluntary body movements, perception,language
and thinking. Some neurons fail to attach themselves to any area and
disintegrate or disappear. The process of differentiation and migration
determines the future structure of the brain.
 Ten to twelve weeks after conception during the first trimester (3 months of
pregnancy), the neurons that carry electrical messages through the nervous
system and brain send pulsing stacco bursts of electricity. The distinctive
coordinated waves of neural activity change the shape of the brain and curve
mental circuits into pattern that over time will enable the newborn infant to
perceive a father’s voice, a mother’s touch, a colorful mobile moving over
the crib. The most breathtaking is the finding that the electrical activity of
brain cells changes the physical structure of the brain. For the rhythmic firing
of neurons is no longer assumed to be by- product of building the brain but it
is an essential process that takes place in utero.
 The growth spurts in the formation of neurons or brain cells lasts from the
second trimester of pregnancy (4th to 6th month)until the age of two.
Meanwhile, glial cells begin to form and nourish the neurons and hold them
The cell system are the raw materials for the normal development of the brain.
Any disturbance in the process may cause cranial malformation, a learning disability
of mental retardation.
Studies on the impact of the mother’s emotional state on brain development
suggest that pregnancies marked by excessive fear , anger or stress may produce
irritable infants. Intense feelings release chemicals that are passed from the mother’s
bloodstream into the infant’s circulatory system. Children of depressed mothers have
slightly altered patterns of brain activity that may put the infant at risk for depression.
Later on, these children may exhibit difficult disposition, impulsivity, and learning
Modern technology makes it possible to study the “seat” of intelligence , the
human brain directly. Neurology or brain investigation that are noninvasive or
harmless are done with the aid of computerized scanners and techniques for
measuring the intensity of electrical impulses or chemical changes. Neurological
studies show that conducive home environment correlate positively with school
achievement. Early childhood education influence better intellectual growth.
Research findings indicate that children need different types of learning at different
ages. Early age-appropriate experiences provide little children with a strong base for
the acquisition of later skills.
Experts agree that the infant does not come to the world as a product of heredity
or a blank state at the mercy of the environment. Rather, focus of neurological
research centers on the ways in which genetics and environment should interact for
intelligence to develop to the highest possible level.
Studies show that the interaction between genetic traits and experiences is
constant from the time of conception.Every baby inherits a physical brain structure as
well as certain chemical and electrical response patterns that strongly influence the
ways in which the brain responds to environmental stimuli while in the mother’s
womb and after birth. A current study shows that a child’s personal tempo- the natural
pace of responding and the speed of carrying out activities- seems to be genetically

Topic 9
Definitions of Giftedness and Talent

Through the years, the concept on intellectual giftedness had changed as shown in
the following figure: (Heward, 2003).
Old Concepts Emerging Paradigm
Giftedness is high IQ Many types of giftedness
Trait-based Qualities-based
Subgroup Elitism Individual excellence
Innate, “In There” Based on context
Test-Driven Achievement-driven “What you do is
Authoritarian “you are or are not gifted” Collaborative , determined by
School-oriented Field-and-domain oriented
Ethnocentric Diverse


The first federal definition of the gifted and the talented was contained in the
1972 Marland Report. Gifted and talented children are capable of high performance
and demonstrate potential ability in any of the following six areas:
 General intellectual ability
 Specific academic aptitude
 Creative or productive thinking
 Leadership ability
 Ability in the visual or performing arts
 Psychomotor ability
The Gifted and Talented Children’s Act of 1978 defined gifted and talented
children as those “possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give evidence of
high performance capability in such areas as intellectual, creative, specific, academic
or leadership ability, or in the performing or visual arts and who, by reason thereof
require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school.” the definition
encompasses almost all of the areas where a person can demonstrate outstanding
The 1991 “Report on National Excellence: A Case for Developing America’s
Talent” deleted the term gifted and used outstanding talent and exceptional talent
instead. The definition stated that talent occurs in all groups across all cultures and is
not necessarily revealed in test scores but in person’s high performance capability”
in the intellectual, creative and artistic realms. Giftedness is said to connote “ a mature
power rather than a developing ability.”


Renzulli’s Three Trait Definition- states that giftedness results from the
interaction of:
1) Above average general abilities
2) A high level of task commitment
3) Creativity
Gifted and talented children are those possessing or capable of developing this
composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human
performance. Children who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction
among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and
services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.

Piirto’s Pyramid Model of Talent Development- states that the gifted are
“ those individuals who, by way of having certain learning characteristics such as
superior memory, observational powers, curiosity, creativity and the ability to learn
school-related subject matters rapidly and accurately with a minimum of drill and
repetition, have a right to an education that is differentiated according to those
characteristics.” Piirto further states that even if gifted students do not become
producers of knowledge or makers of novelty, special education should train them to
become adults who will produce knowledge or make new artistic and social products.
Piirto’s pyramid model is composed of:
1) A foundation of genetic endowment
2) Personality attributes such as drive, resilience, intuition, perception, intensity,
and the like
3) The minimum intelligence level necessary for function in the domain in which
the talent is demonstrated.
4) Talent in a specific domain such as mathematics, writing, visual arts, music,
science or athletics and
5) The environmental influences of five sun of home, community and culture,
school, chance and gender.

Maker’s Problem-Solving Perspective- incorporates high intelligence, high

creativity, and excellent problem-solving skills. He enumerates the following
characteristics of a gifted person: a problem solver- one who enjoys the challenge of
complexity and persist until the problem is solved in a satisfying way. Such individual
is capable of:
1) Creating a new or more clear definition of an existing problem
2) Devising new and more efficient or effective methods
3) Reaching solutions that may be different from the usual, but are recognized as
being effective than previous solutions.

Topic 10
Characteristics of Giftedness and Talented Children and Youth

Highly gifted students, according to Silverman’s studies (1995) have IQ scores 3

standard deviations or greater above the mean. The IQ score is greater than 145, or 35
to 55 points more or even higher than the average IQ scores of 90 to 110. Among
American children, there is only 1 child in 1, 000 or 1 child in 10, 000. Siverman
found the following characteristics among these highly gifted individuals.
 Intense intellectual curiosity
 Fascination with words and ideas
 Perfectionism
 Need for precision
 Learning in great intuitive leaps
 Intense need for mental stimulation
 Difficulty confirming to the thinking of others
 Early moral and existential concern
 Tendency toward introversion
Shaklee (1989, cited in Heward, 2003) listed the identifiers of young gifted and
talented children as follows:
 Exceptional learners in the acquisition and retention of knowledge:
a. Exceptional memory
b. Learns quickly and easily
c. Advanced understanding /meaning of area
 Exceptional user of knowledge in the application and comprehension
of knowledge
a. Exceptional use of knowledge
b. Advance use of symbols systems-expressive and complex
c. Demands a reason for unexplained events
d. Reasons well in problem-solving -draws from previous knowledge
and transfers it to other areas
 Exceptional generator of knowledge- individual and creative
a. Highly creative behavior in areas of interest and talent
b. Does not conform to typical ways of thinking, perceiving
c. Enjoy self-expression of ideas, feelings or belief
d. Keen sense of humor that reflects and advanced, unusual
comprehension of relationship and meaning
e. Highly developed curiosity about cause, future, the unknown
 Exceptional motivation- individual motivation attributes
a. Perfectionism: striving to achieve high standards, especially in areas
of talent and interest
b. Show initiative, self-directed
c. High level of injury and reflection
d. Long attention span when motivated
e. Leadership-desire and ability to lead
f. Intense desire to know

Topic 11
Creativity as the Highest Expression of Giftedness

Creativity ability is considered as central to the definition of giftedness. Clark

(1986) refers creativity as the highest expression of giftedness. Sternberg (1988)
suggests that creative, insightful are those who make discoveries and devise the
inventions that ultimately change society.
There is no accepted definition of creativity . In his studies on creativity, Guilford
(1988) enumerates the following dimensions of creating behavior:
 Fluency- the creative person is capable of producing many ideas per unit of
 Flexibility- a wide variety of ideas, unusual ideas, and alternative solutions
are offered
 Novelty/originality- low probability, unique words, and responses are used;
the creative person has novel ideas
 Elaboration- the ability to provide details is evidenced
 Synthesizing ability- the person has the ability to put unlikely ideas together
 Analyzing ability- the person has the ability to organize ideas into larger,
inclusive patterns. Symbolic structures must often be broken down before
they can be reformed into new ones.
 Ability to reorganize or redefine existing ideas- the ability to transform an
existing object into one of different design, function, or use is evident
 Complexity- the ability to manipulate many interrelated ideas at the same
time is shown
Torrance (1993) found in a 30-year longitudinal study that high-ability adults
who were judged to have achieved far beyond their peers in creative endeavors
possess the following ten most common characteristics:
 Delight in deep thinking
 Tolerance of mistakes
 Love of one’s work
 Clear purpose
 Enjoyment in one’s work
 Feeling comfortable as a minority of one
 Being different
 Not being well-rounded
 A sense of mission
 The courage to be creative

Topic 12
Assessment of Gifted and Talented Children

Similar to the screening and location and identification and assessment of

exceptional children, the following processes are employed:
1. Pre-referral intervention- exceptional children are identified as early as
possible. Teachers are asked to nominate students who may possess the characteristics
of giftedness and talent through the use of a Teacher Nomination Form.
2. Multifactored Evaluation- information are gathered from a variety of sources
using the following materials:
 Group and individual intelligence tests
 Performance in the school-based achievement tests
 Permanent records, performance in previous grades, awards received
 Portfolios of student work
 Parent, peer, self-nomination

Topic 13
Differentiated Curriculum and Instructional Systems

A differentiated curriculum that is modified in depth and pace is used in special

education program for gifted and talented students. Curriculum compacting is the
method of modifying the regular curriculum for certain grade levels by compressing
the content and skills that high ability students are capable of learning in a shorter
period of time. Enrichment of the regular curriculum allows the students to study the
content at a greater depth both in the horizontal and vertical directions employing
higher order thinking skills. The differentiated curriculum goes beyond the so-called
“basic learning competencies” or BLC and allows the students access to advanced
topics of interest to them. Meanwhile, acceleration modifies the pace or length of
time at which the students gain the skills and competencies in the regular curriculum
to accommodate the enrichment process.
Horizontal enrichment adds more content and increases the learning areas not
found in the regular curriculum for the grade level. The students go beyond the grade
requirements and move on to study the subjects in the higher grades.
Vertical enrichment allows the students to engage in independent study,
experimentation and investigation of topics that interest them. Social studies and
“Makabayan” subjects lend themselves well to vertical enrichment activities that will
give the high-ability students opportunities to share their ideas in solving related
problems at home, the school and the community.
Most of the special education classes in the different regions of the country
utilized the self-contained class. High ability students are enrolled in a special class
that is taught by a trained special education teacher. Mainstreaming activities are
arranged so that the students can socialize with their peers , share their knowledge and
assist in peer mentoring the slow learners.
Essay No. 7
Individual Work: Answer the question below. Give reasons for your answers and
include relevant examples based on research and from your own knowledge and
experience.Write at least 250 words

What are the outstanding achievements of the talented children and

youth? What makes them different from normal boys and girls?

Tips in Writing Your Essay:

1. Start with an introductory paragraph, with a general statement of the topic in your own words.
Include a sentence which directly answer the question.
2. The main body of your essay should consist of at least two paragraphs which discuss both views.
Each should have a topic sentence and supporting evidence. Use specific ideas or examples to
support the views from the task.
3. In the last paragraph, you should summarize the main points discussed in the body of the essay
and include a solution, prediction, result or recommendation. If appropriate you may include your
point of vies in the conclusion.

Research and Practical Activity No. 7

Research and Practical Activity
 Look for references and materials on the great people of the 20th century-the
leaders, activists, pioneers, innovators, scientists and creators.
 Write a brief paper about them and place that in your portfolio.

Group Work No. 7

Slogan: Quote the portion of the definition of giftedness by the authorities under
the following headings: (1/8 illustration board)
1. Creativity
2. Intelligence
3. Talent
4. Task commitment
5. Leadership role
Quiz No. 7
Multiple Choices. Write only the letter of your choice in your answer sheet. Erasures
are not allowed. (1 point each)
1. All are central elements of giftedness and talent, EXCEPT:
A high intellectual ability
B creativity
C talent
D No task commitment

2. All were prominent psychologist of the 20th Century, EXCEPT:

A Charles Darwin
B Lewis Terman
C Vigotsky
D Jean Piaget

3. Who developed the tests that would identify children who were not learning
and would not benefit form further education?
A Edward L. Thorndike
B Lewis Madison Terman
C Charles Spearman
D Alfred Binet

According to Edward L. Thorndike, all are the four dimensions of abstract

4. intelligence, EXCEPT:

A altitude or the complexity of difficulty of tasks one can perform

B area which is function of width and altitude
speed which is the number of task one can complete in a given time stimulus response association

Who is the America Psychometrician that studied intelligence tests and tests
of perception through factor analysis, his theory stated that intelligence is
5. made up of several specific factors his Multiple Factors Theory of
Intelligence rather than a general factor and several specific factors?
A Louis L. Thurstone
B Raymond B. Catell
C J.P. Guilford,
D Robert Sternberg

All are related abilities that differ in terms of operations, content, and
6. product that Guilford developed, a wide variety of psychometric tests to
measure the specific mental abilities predicted by the theory, EXCEPT:
A Divergent production of symbolic units
B Intelligence and experience,
C Divergent production of semantic units
D Evaluation of semantic unit

7. Sternberg call his theory triarchic because intelligence has all the main
parts or dimensions, EXCEPT:
A a contextual part,
B an experimental part
C a componential part
D a symbolic part

8. Each are Sternberg six significant metacomponents, EXCEPT:

A Monitoring all performance.
B Selecting an appropriate mental representation visually or verbally
C Deciding how to allocate attention and resources
Organizing performance components by formulating plans for organizing and
D sequencing the steps or procedures in the process;

9. All are logical-mathematical intelligence indicators, EXCEPT:

A Play with numbers , enjoy solving problems
B Oriented towards rule-based activities
C Want to know how things work
D Ask a lot of questions, particularly “why” and “ what if” questions

Communicate ideas through gestures, body movements and facial

10. expression “read’” body languages is an indicator of what theories of
Multiple Intelligence?

11. A person who have a keen eye for detail is an indicator of which of the
following theory of Multiple Intelligence?
A Linguistic Intelligence
B Musical Intelligence
C Spatial Intelligence
D Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Riana is sensitive to changes in flora and fauna, weather patterns and

similar environmental factor person. She manifest an indicator of which of
the theories of Multiple Intelligence?

AB Linguistic Intelligence
CD Musical Intelligence
Spatial Intelligence
13. What is gifted and talented?
A Gifted and talented children are capable of high performance and demonstrate
potential ability.
Gifted and talented children as those “possessing demonstrated or potential
abilities that give evidence of high performance capability in such areas as
B intellectual, creative, specific, academic or leadership ability, or in the
performing or visual arts and who, by reason thereof require services or
activities not ordinarily provided by the school.
They demonstrate general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude,
C creative or productive thinking, leadership ability, ability in the visual or
performing arts and psychomotor ability
D All of these

14. According to Renzulli’s Three Trait Definition, giftedness results from the
interaction of the following, EXCEPT:
A Creativity
B Above average general abilities
C A high level of task commitment
D None of these

15. All are listed under Shaklee’s identifiers of young gifted and talented
children, EXCEPT:
A Exceptional user of knowledge in the application and comprehension of
B Exceptional learners in the acquisition and non retention of
C Exceptional motivation
Exceptional generator of knowledge
Name: Course/Year/Major: Date:
My Scores
Category Score
Essay 7
Group work 7
Research and Practical Activity No. 7
Quiz 7

Teacher Remarks:
Further Readings
How Can You Accommodate Students Who Are Gifted and Talented?

In addition to students who cannot meet typical curricular expectations, you also will have in your
classroom students who have extraordinary abilities and skills. The term used to describe these students
is gifted and talented. The federal definition for this group of students is stated in the 1988 Jacob
Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act (Javits Act, P.L. 100–297), which identifies children
and youth who possess demonstrated or potential high-performance capability in intellectual, creative,
specific academic and leadership areas or the performing and visual arts. The federal definition further
clarifies that these students need services in school that other students do not. However, unlike the
services offered through IDEA, federal legislation does not require specific services for gifted and
talented students, and so the extent to which programs exist is determined largely by state and local
policies (Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted, 2007). In fact, the Javits Act is not a
funding mechanism for programs for students who are gifted and talented. Its purpose is to provide a
means of coordinating efforts to enhance schools’ ability to serve these students, and its emphasis is on
identifying and educating students who are traditionally underrepresented in programs for students who
are gifted and talented (for example, students with disabilities). Because the provision of service to
students who are gifted and talented varies across the United States, prevalence is difficult to determine.
In today’s schools, approximately 6 percent of students are served as gifted and talented (National
Association for Gifted Children, 2008). The reported prevalence of giftedness and talent is greatly
affected by two factors.

First, over the past several years, researchers and writers have offered alternative definitions of
giftedness and questioned traditional criteria for identification that rely on intelligence measures (that is,
IQ tests). For example, Gardner (1993, 2006) argues that measured IQ is far too narrow a concept of
intelligence and that a person’s ability to problem solve, especially in new situations, is a more useful
way of thinking about intelligence. He has proposed that multiple intelligences describe the broad array
of talents that students possess, and he describes these eight intelligences:
1. verbal/linguistic
2. visual/spatial
3. logical/mathematical
4. bodily/kinesthetic
5. musical
6. intrapersonal (that is, self-understanding)
7. interpersonal
8. naturalist
9. existentialist
Notice the wide range of abilities captured in this notion of intelligence. The impact of using these
broader definitions is that 20 percent or more of students could be identified as being gifted or talented,
according to some estimates (Callahan, 2005).

The second factor that affects the number of students identified as gifted and talented is the notion
of potential. Although some students who are gifted and talented easily can be identified because they
use their special abilities and are willing to be recognized for them, others go unnoticed. These students
mask their skills from peers and teachers because low expectations have been set for them or their
unique needs have not been nurtured. Groups at risk for being underidentified include young boys,
adolescent girls, students who are so highly gifted and talented as to be considered geniuses, students
from racially and culturally diverse groups, and students with disabilities (Birdsall & Correa, 2007;
Moore, Ford, & Milner, 2005). In many school districts, focused attention has been placed on these
groups to ensure such students are identified.

Characteristics and Needs of Students Who Are Gifted and Talented

Students who are gifted and talented have a wide range of characteristics, and any one student
considered gifted and talented can have just a few or many of these characteristics. The following
information about student characteristics is intended to provide an overview of students who are gifted
and talented and should be viewed as a sample of what is known, not a comprehensive summary.
Intellectual Abilities and Academic Skills The area of intellectual functioning and academic skills is
the most delineated aspect of gifted education. Students who are gifted and talented generally have an
extraordinary amount of knowledge because of their insatiable curiosity, keen memory, unusual ability
to concentrate, wide variety of interests, high levels of language development and verbal ability, and
ability to generate original ideas. They also have an advanced ability to comprehend information using
accelerated and flexible thought processes, a heightened ability to recognize relationships between
diverse ideas, and a strong capacity to form and use conceptual frameworks. These students tend to be
skilled problem solvers because of their extraordinary ability to pick out relevant information and their
tendency to monitor their problem-solving efforts (Reis & Sullivan, 2009). The intellectual abilities of
students who are gifted and talented sometimes lead them to high academic achievement, but not
always. Consider these three students who are gifted and talented:

• Belinda was identified as gifted and talented in second grade. She has been reading since age 3, seems
as comfortable interacting with adults as with peers, and invariably becomes the leader of the groups of
children with whom she plays, even when they are older. She enjoys school immensely and wants to be
a university professor when she grows up.

• Tomas also is identified as gifted and talented. He has been taking violin and piano lessons since age
5, and now in the seventh grade he is an accomplished pianist. He already plans to major in music
theory when he goes to college, and he offers his own interpretations of both classical and
contemporary music. In his academic studies, however, Tomas is slightly below average in
achievement. He also is somewhat shy; he appears more comfortable with his musical instruments than
with his peers.

• Charles is a sophomore in high school. He lives in a neighborhood where education is not valued and
getting high grades is viewed as showing off. As a result, the nearly straight As that used to define
Charles’s report cards have dropped over the past year, and now he is earning mostly Cs and Ds. How
might the needs of these students differ? How could you encourage each student to reach his or her

Social and Emotional Needs Socially and emotionally, students who are gifted and talented can be
well liked and emotionally healthy, or they can be unpopular and at risk for serious emotional problems
(Lopez & Sotillo, 2009; Van Tassel-Bask, Cross, & Olancho, 2009). Affectively,they tend to have
unusual sensitivity to others’ feelings as well as highly developed emotional depth and intensity, a keen
sense of humor that can be either supportive or hostile, and a sense of justice. They often have a sense
of obligation to help others and may become involved in community service activities. Teachers
sometimes assign these students to help other students, an acceptable practice unless done so often that
it interferes with advanced learning opportunities. These students often set high expectations for
themselves and others. That sometimes is positive, but it also can lead to feelings of frustration,
isolation, and alienation, especially when they cannot meet the expectations they have set (Peterson &
Ray, 2006; Renzulli & Park, 2002). Because some students who are gifted have a superior ability to
recognize and respond to others’ feelings, they can be extremely popular with classmates and often
sought as helpmates. However, if they tend to show off their talents or repeatedly challenge adult
authority, they may be perceived negatively by peers and teachers and have problems developing
appropriate social relationships (Colangelo & Davis, 2003). For example, Ms. Ogden is concerned
about eighth-grader Esteban. On some days, he seems to have just a four-word vocabulary: “I already
know that.” He says this to his teachers, his peers, and his parents about nearly any topic under
discussion. Although it is often true that Esteban does know about the subject being discussed, Ms.
Ogden finds herself becoming annoyed at his style of interacting, and she knows the other students do
not want to be grouped with Esteban because of it.

Behavior Patterns Students who are gifted and talented display the entire range of behaviors that other
students do. They can be model students who participate and seldom cause problems, often serving as
class leaders. In this capacity, students are sensitive to others’ feelings and moderate their behavior
based on others’ needs (Colangelo, 2002). However, because students who are gifted and talented often
have an above-average capacity to understand people and situations, their negative behavior can
sometimes be magnified compared with that of other students. This behavior can be displayed through
an intense interest in a topic and refusal to change topics when requested by a teacher. Other behavior
problems displayed by some students who are gifted and talented include being bossy in group
situations, purposefully failing, and valuing and participating in counterculture activities (Colangelo,

Interventions for Students Who Are Gifted and Talented Although some school districts operate
separate classes and programs for students who are gifted and talented, you likely will be responsible
for teaching these students in your classroom. Four specific strategies often used to challenge students
who are gifted and talented are curriculum compacting, acceleration and enrichment, specific
differentiation strategies during instruction, and individualized interventions (VanTassel-Baska, 2003).

Curriculum Compacting Some students who are gifted and talented already have mastered much of
the traditional curriculum content of the public schools, and they may be bored when asked to listen to
a lecture or complete an assignment that does not challenge them (Reis & Renzulli, 2004). In
curriculum compacting, teachers assess students’ achievement of instructional goals and then eliminate
instruction on goals already met. The time gained is used to pursue special interests, work with a
mentor, or study the same topic at a more advanced level. How could you use curriculum compacting
in your planned teaching?

Acceleration In some school districts, you may learn that acceleration is part of the programming
available for students who are gifted and talented (Colangelo et al., 2010). That is, these students may
skip a grade or complete the standards for two grades in a single year. In high school, acceleration may
relate to a specific subject. For example, a student with extraordinary math skills might enroll in
advanced coursework in that area while following the traditional curriculum for English and social

Enrichment Enrichment is an instructional approach that provides students with information, materials,
and assignments that enable them to elaborate on concepts being presented as part of the standard
curriculum and that usually require high levels of thinking (Eckstein, 2009; Reis, 2007). This common
classroom option requires you to find related information, prepare it for the students who need it, and
create curriculum-relevant alternative activities for them. For enrichment to be effective, you need to
ensure that students have opportunities to complete assignments designed to encourage advanced
thinking and product development, that they do such assignments in lieu of other work instead of as
additional work, and that many learning resources are available to them both in and out of the

Differentiation Perhaps one of the most practical approaches you can use for working with students in
your class who are gifted and talented is to systematically plan lessons based on differentiation, the
same approach introduced for your work with students who have disabilities (Hertberg-Davis, 2009;
Tomlinson, 2005). Recall that differentiation is based on the understanding that students should have
multiple ways to reach their potential. Just as you will analyze the strengths and needs of students with
disabilities and design and evaluate effective ways to teach them, you should do the same for students
who are gifted and talented. For example, Ms. Clinton’s English class is reading Romeo and Juliet. Six
students—four who have disabilities and two who are English language learners—are experiencing
difficulty reading the play and have been provided a version with contemporary language. The
questions they are assigned once they have read the first act include these: What is the Capulet family
like? The Montagues? Why don’t the two families like each other? However, the pretest data of two
students indicate they are familiar with the play and know its detail. Their assignment after reading the
first act is to stage that part of the play, setting it in modern times. They also are asked to explain how
Romeo and Juliet is an example of classic tragic form, a topic they are expected to research

Specialized Interventions All of the previously described approaches may be effective for students
who are gifted and talented, but students who have special circumstances—those who live in poverty,
who are from nondominant cultures, or who also have disabilities—may need even further special
attention. For example, some students may downplay their abilities because academic achievement is
not valued in their immediate community and they fear being rejected (Van Tassel-Baska et al., 2009).
For these students, you may want to find mentors from similar backgrounds so students see that
drawing on their talents can lead to positive outcomes.
Gifted Underachievers

Gifted underachievers may be students who do poorly on tests, do not turn in daily work, or achieve
below grade level. At the same time, they learn quickly when interested, are highly creative, and value
projects they choose themselves. The following strategies help you better match your instruction to the
needs of these students.

Provide more flexibility to foster peer and social relationships among students
• Allow students to teach classmates and others.
• Organize multiage groups across grade levels.

Assist students with successful transitions

• Develop a mentor programfor younger students by older students.
• Offer transition survival courses when students change grade levels/schools.
• Provide parent education programs about transitions.

Promote empowerment and autonomy for students

• Solicit student input for planning learning activities.
• Include some self-paced/mastery learning opportunities.
• Promote recognition and awards for achievement and effort.
• Provide leadership training and opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership skills.
• Involve students in evaluating school activities and providing and implementing ideas for

Improve the learning environment for students

• Expand learning beyond the classroom and into the community, including service learning.
• Create ways for students to participate in classroom and school governance.
• Use flexible instructional groups based on needs.
• Create alternative assignments that students do in lieu of traditional classwork.
• Make sure your classroom is culturally responsive, that is, respectful of students’ diverse backgrounds
and needs.
• Promote grading systems that encourage students to continue to try (for example, provide full credit
for work, even if submitted late).
• Enlist the assistance of parents in encouraging their children and helping them manage the stresses of
• Encourage positive confrontation and conflict resolution.

Think about how each of these ideas applies to the grade level you plan to teach. Teachers sometimes
refer to students such as gifted underachievers as “unmotivated,” inferring that unless the students
change, they will not learn. What is your role in motivating such students? How might your teaching
strategies relate to student motivation?

Source: “Gifted and Talented Students at Risk,” by K. Seeley, 2004, Focus on Exceptional Children,
37 (4), pp. 1–9; and Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement. (2008). Gifted and
talented students at risk for underachievement [Issue Brief]. Washington, DC: Author.
Inciong, T.G. Quijano, Y.S. , Capulong, Y.T. (2020). Introduction to Special Education. A
Textbook for College Students-First Edition
*Friend, M and Bursuck W.D. (2012). Including Students with Special Needs. A Practical Guide
for Classroom Teachers- Sixth Edition
*Farell, M. Wiley-Blackwel (2009): Foundations of Special Education An Introduction

*Books/Reading Materials were uploaded in our Google Classroom with class code ypyjw7f for your ready

For any questions, concerns and any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by email
(, facebook messenger or by posting comment in the stream of our Google Classroom.
Thank you!
Mrs. T.

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