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Social Studies Name:

Directions: Complete the following questions using the website listed below.

1. When did France begin explorations in the Mississippi River Valley?

2. By the middle of the 18th century, controlled more of the present-day

United States than any other European power:

3. According to the website, what occurred in the following years?

a. 1762:

b. 1763:

c. 1796:

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4. Why were Americans uneasy about France regaining control over the Louisiana Territory
in 1801?

5. Who was the leader of France in 1801?

6. What did Thomas Jefferson say in regards to the French potentially controlling
New Orleans?

7. Who was ordered to begin negotiating with the French in order to purchase the
Louisiana Territory?

8. According to the website, why was France and Napoleon likely in favor of offering to
sell its Louisiana Territory?

9. How much did the United States pay for the territory?

10. How many square miles did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory?

11. The treaty was dated . In October, the U.S. Senate

ratified the purchase, and in December 1803

12. Why was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory significant for Thomas Jefferson?

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13. What was the first state to be created out of the territory?

14. Who did Thomas Jefferson send to explore the new territory after purchasing it?

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