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Brad Pilon Intermittent Fasting Articles

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Make Sense Of Confusing Nutrition and Exercise News — Health
Author Brad Pilon Simplifies and Interprets The Research So You
Don’t Have To
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Introduction to Intermittent Fasting

The following are a collection of the best posts for explaining my specific approach to
Intermittent Fasting:
Introduction to Intermittent Fasting
My Philosophy of Intermittent Fasting
Beyond Intermittent Fasting
How to Approach Intermittent Fasting
What will fasting do for you
Intermittent Fasting – Setting the Record Straight
Intermittent Fasting and Acne
Intermittent Fasting and Depression

Muscle Building
Weight Loss

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Why we hate the BMI

A new study adds to the growing evidence that an elevated BMI increases the risk of a heart
attack in otherwise healthy people. In what has been called the largest study of its kind (data on
over 500,000 people) researchers classified participants based on their body mass index (BMI),
calculated as weight (kg) divided […]

How Many Calories can you Burn in a day?

Have you ever stopped to think that there might be an upper-limit to human metabolism?
Basically a ‘ceiling rate’ at which we can burn through calories? Probably not, but don’t worry…
I did for you! I’ve heard rumors of people eating well over 10,000 calories during a single cheat
day, or even every day during […]
Reverse Taper Intermittent Fasting

The concept of the Reverse Taper Diet is still one of my favorite ideas. Without getting too
technical, the concept is that you should be in your largest calorie deficit (eating the least amount
of food) at the beginning of your diet, when you have the most fat to lose and thus the most fat

Fasting for Weight Loss – Setting the Record Straight

Paleo eating and vegan eating are the EXACT SAME THING. This is why any and all research
on Paleo diets can be used for Vegan diets, and vice versa. It’s also why any personal
experiences people have had with a Vegan diet can be directly applied to what you will probably
experience with the Paleo […]

The Curious Case of Black Coffee

It has been a great year for Eat Stop Eat. Lots of people tried this way of life, and almost as many
fell in love with its simplicity and effectiveness. And, I heard from a lot of people following Eat
Stop Eat… Almost 10,000 emails about Eat Stop Eat, and over 1,000 comments on this […]

Meet Brad
Hi, My name is Brad, I’m the author of Eat Stop Eat.
Eat Stop Eat is the result of the Graduate Research I did at the University of Guelph, in
Guelph Ontario, Canada…But I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself.
I grew up in Burlington Ontario, a small suburb outside of Toronto. I was bit with the
‘muscle bug’ early in life. Personally, I blame Lou Ferrigno and his 1980’s TV show “The
Incredible Hulk”.
When I was in grade school, while most guys my age were collecting baseball cards, I was
collecting issues of Muscle and Fitness and Flex Magazine.
When I was 14 I had a subscription to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and by 16,
I was selling supplements to all the bodybuilders at my local supplement shop.
After 4 years of University I graduated with honors (and Dean’s list too) with a degree in
Applied Human Nutrition.
And then things got interesting….
My first Job out of University was as a Research Analyst with a little supplement company
out of Toronto. When I started we’re about 40 people in total.
Fast-forward 6 years and I was Research & Development Manager at the same company,
only now we were no longer a ‘little supplement company out of Toronto” we were one of
the top supplement companies IN THE WORLD.
I was constantly travelling all over the world, meeting with leading researchers in the field
of muscle building and fat loss. Not only was I attending major scientific conferences, I was
sponsoring them!
I sat with top executives from multi-national food ingredient supply companies, and have
seen firsthand the powerful effect that supplements can have on the world-wide economy.
I had an unbelievable amount of access into the scientific world of health and fitness. And I
also had an unprecedented access to world of professional Body Building.
I’ve had meetings with Mr. Olympia champions, dinner with Arnold Schwarzenegger and
workouts with 400-pound strong men.
Despite being given this amazing opportunity, and despite the fact that working in this
company was a lot of fun, and was an experience you could never re-create, after 6 years I
knew it was time to move on.
So I left a very lucrative position in a very well-run company to take the leap back into
When I started my graduate studies, I had NO IDEA what was in store for me.
My plan was to study Leucine and Protein Synthesis, maybe design the ultimate diet and be
done with it.
But then something happened.
Quite simply, I realized I did not know NEARLY as much as I thought I did about how the
human body worked.
And through a combination of happenstance, luck, and a big heaping dose of swallowing my
pride, I ended up focusing all of my studies on the metabolic effects of Short-Term fasting.
Long story made short – I discovered that a number of things I believed to be true were in
fact false, AND I discovered that much of what I thought to be false was actually true.
The result of this education comes in the form of my books Eat Stop Eat and How Much
Protein, and the workout programs The Adonis Effect and Anabolic Again.
Even after writing Eat Stop Eat, I’m still amazed at how many things we believe are
‘needed’ or ‘required’ to be healthy are actually NOT needed and even (in some cases) are
actually unhealthy.
Probably most importantly, it was this nutrition and exercise ‘epiphany’ that led to the
philosophy of “Health Attraction”.
And this is why this website exists.
I know the difference between the truth and bodybuilder myth. I know the marketing, inside
and out. Not only do I know what the myths are, I know WHY these myths are still around.
“Eating less will stop weight loss” ,
“Eat more protein”,
“Eat six meals per day”,
“It’s nutrients, not calories that count”,
“It’s hormones”.
You hear these things for one reason and one reason alone – The people behind supplement
companies are FANTASTIC marketers. They are so good that even well-meaning fitness
professional’s fall under their influence.
This is why you constantly see these myths being perpetuated…and it’s why I can help you
lose weight and build muscle in a way that is far simpler, and much more direct than most
people. Quite frankly, I know what’s true and what’s marketing.
My goal is to help you lose fat and gain muscle as simply as possible.
Without all the clutter and misinformation. Without the constant doubt of thinking that
maybe the approach you are using isn’t the best approach.
Without stress, without an obsessive-compulsive, all-encompassing addiction to ‘eating
right’ and exercise.
My goal is to help look your best and live your best as easily as possible. And this is exactly
what I know how to do.

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