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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Hailey Lewis
Name of Teacher Candidate Hailey Lewis
Lesson Overview
Grade Level Kinder
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
Students will learn to blend onsets with the rime, “-it” with an engaging
music video, an anchor chart during content input, a picture sort during the
Lesson Description
guided practice, and finally by completing a writing worksheet for
(2) Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonological Awareness. Students
display phonological awareness. Students are expected to:
Content Area Standards
(F) blend spoken onsets and rimes to form simple words (e.g., onset/c/ and
rime/at/ make cat);
Technology Standards N/A
Objectives TSWBAT blend onsets with the rime, “-it” to form simple words.

Onset - beginning sound
Rime - ending sound, usually a vowel and consonant
Technology Resources Smartboard
document camera
Anchor chart paper- needed for content input
A box of markers- for the teacher and students to write on the anchor chart
1 copy of the guided practice picture sort and baggie of the corresponding
picture cards- for the teacher to facilitate guided practice
15 glue sticks - for students to glue pictures onto their post assessment
Other Resources
picture sort
15 baggies with picture cards - for students to sort and glue on their post
assessment picture sort worksheets
15 picture sort worksheets - for post assessment (independent practice)
A pencil for each students - for students to write their name on their work
Lesson Procedures
This template is built on the A step-by-step description of the Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
traditional “Madeline scope and sequence of lesson the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
activities, with estimated time on task including role of teacher and will be used, and describe
Hunter” lesson structure. noted in parentheses for each step. learners (who is doing what in detail how they will be
In other words, completely describe at each point), location used.
the flow of the lesson-the content to (e.g., classroom, computer Note who will be using the
be presented, and the strategies to lab, outside), and any tool and in what ways. Note
be used. Include actual words you special considerations, such any safety considerations
will use and questions you will ask as for differentiated needed.
students. Consider items such as: instruction.
parts of the lesson that might be
difficult, and how you will know
whether you can go on; how to
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Students will be at the This Jack Hartmann it
4 minutes
carpet on their word family video will
Students will be sitting at the
designated spots. The be used to engage
carpet and the teacher will be
teacher will be students and
at the front of the room. She
responsible for introduce the “-it”
will remind students to
Focus/Anticipatory Set projecting the video, word family.
participate with the video and
(motivational hook) turning the lights off in A computer will be
to stay seated criss-cross on
the classroom, needed to project the
their power spots. She will
monitoring student video on the
play the video on the
behavior, and smartboard.
smartboard and monitor A smartboard will be
encouraging student
participation. needed for all
students to be able to
see and participate
with the video.
Content-input The teacher will turn the lights The teacher will be Anchor chart paper
(Could include content on in the classroom. Students responsible for will be needed to
outline, presentation, will remain at their spots on monitoring student create the anchor
questioning, modeling, the carpet. The teacher will behavior, asking chart with students. A
examples) ask students to turn their questions and eliciting box of markers will be
Modeling: Should include bodies to face the anchor responses, and for needed for students
both Tier 1 (examples) and chart paper. She will ask facilitating the anchor to write their
Tier 2 (think aloud) students, “What was Jack chart. responses on their
Hartmann talking about in the Students will be at their anchor chart, each
video?” spots on the carpet. student using a
She will explain how families They will be different marker in
often share the same last responsible for order to maintain
name, using her family as an listening, staying COVID safety.
example. She will relate this to seated, raising their
word families, explaining that hands to speak,
word families have the same participating in class
ending letters and sounds. discussion, and writing
She will explain that words in a their responses on the
word family have the same anchor chart.
rime, or ending sound, but
different onsets, or beginning
sounds. She will tell students
that they will be learning about
the “-it” word family, in which
all words end with it. She will
direct students to the anchor
chart, and explain that
together they will come up with
as many words in the “-it”
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
family as they can. She will
ask, “What vowel sound is do
you hear in ‘it’?” She will ask,
“If the vowel is I, /i/, could the
word cat be in the it family?
Why not?” She will say, “I’m
thinking about what sounds I
can put before it to make a
word in the “it” family. What
about if I put a ‘b’ in front.
/b/ /b/ bit! Is that a word that
ends in ‘it’?” She will write the
word on the board. She will
say, “Now I want you to help
me. What words can you think
of that end in ‘it’?”. She will
remind students that they can
look at the letter wall for help.
She will remind students that
she will only call on students
who raise a quiet hand. As
students give responses, the
teacher will have them come
to the anchor chart and write
their word. When finished with
the anchor chart, the teacher
will ask students to count
together how many words they
thought of. She will have the
class read the list together.
Guided Practice The teacher explain that they The teacher will be Document camera-
Include Check for are now going to work through responsible for so all students can
Understanding Questions a picture sort together. She monitoring students', see the teachers
will ask students to turn their facilitating the word worksheet
bodies back to the sort, and asking Computer: to project
smartboard. She will project students check for the document camera
the picture sort worksheet and understanding Smartboard: to
explain that one side is for questions. Students will project the document
words in the “it” family, and the be responsible for camera
other side is for words not in sitting on the carpet Baggie of picture
the “it family”. She will go one and staying on their cards: for teacher and
picture at a time, showing spots, staying focused class to sort
students the picture card, and participating. Picture sort
asking what vowel sound and worksheet: for sorting
ending sound they hear, and the pictures
sorting the cards as such.
Pictures will include: top, mat,
boy, hat, sit, pit, kit and bit.
After completing the sort, she
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
will facilitate a brief discussion
over what they are learning
and check for student
The teacher will tell students
that they will be doing a
picture sort independently.
She will remind students what
independent means. She will Students will at their
tell students that she will pass seats. They will be
out the worksheet, and when responsible for
they receive one to return to completing their work
their tables and begin writing independently, Each student will
their name. She will pass out following directions, need a post
baggies of picture cards and and listening to the assessment
Independent Practice
glue sticks to each student as teacher. The teacher worksheet, a baggie
Include Check for
they write their name. She will will be facilitating the of picture cards, a
Understanding Questions
then walk around the room as assessment, giving glue stick, and a
students work to complete the students each word pencil to complete the
sort to clarify pictures and and walking around to picture sort.
monitor student behavior. If make sure all students
students finish early, they will are staying on task and
be instructed to try and write completing their
the words next to the pictures. questions.
When all students are finished,
the teacher will ask students to
hold their papers in the air so
she can collect them.
Students will be at their
spots on the carpet.
The teacher will be
standing and leading a
brief discussion. She
will be responsible for
After picking up student work,
facilitating the
the teacher will ask students to
discussion and asking
move to their power spots on
Closure students questions, N/A
the carpet. She will lead a brief
monitoring student
discussion on what students
behavior, and
learned in this lesson.
encouraging students
to participate. Students
will be responsible for
listening and
responding to the
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Plan for Leading a 5-10 Launch Frame
minute Discussion Following We have been learning about the “-it” word family today. Can someone tell me
Guided Practice what a word family is?
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion

What is the same about words in the “it” word family? What is different?
How do you know what words belong in the “-it” word family?
What do you listen for to know what word family a word belongs to?

Conclusion Frame
We have been learning about the “it” word family. Next you will be doing an
independent spelling practice with words in the “it” word family.
Launch Frame
We have been learning about the “-it” word family. What can you listen for to
help you know what words belong in a word family and which words don’t?

Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion

Plan for Leading a 5-10 Can someone tell me what a word family is?
minute Discussion Following How can word families help us in reading and writing?
Independent Practice What stays the same in all words in the “it” word family? What’s different?
What can you listen for to help you know if a word belongs in the “-it” word
Conclusion Frame
We have been learning about the “-it” word family. In the next few weeks we will
continue learning about other word families that can help us read and write!.
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations
A resource teacher will accompany special education students throughout the
lesson. I will monitor special education students to make sure they maintain
Special Education Students focus and do not become distracted. If they are becoming distracted, I will have
them move closer to the front of the carpet. I will use picture cards of sitting criss
cross and quiet mouth to remind students of expectations.
Pictures will be used in independent practice to aid english language learners.
English Language Learners The teacher will draw a picture on the anchor chart next to words to provide
visual reference.
Students will be told if they finish early to sound out and try to write the words
Gifted and Talented
next to each picture in independent practice.
Students will complete a picture sort to assess their learning. On the worksheet, there will be 2 columns
labeled “it” and “Not it”. Students will receive a baggie of picture cards: bit. hit, sit, kit, fit, pen, rat, pig, log,
pan. They will sort and glue the picture cards into the corresponding columns.
Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson
When students move from the carpet to their seats, they will be told to stand up and freeze in their best
superhero position, to prevent students running from the carpet. They will have designated “power spots” to
sit on at the carpet. They will use the poster of Leo the Lion as a reminder of how to correctly sit at their
seats. On the carpet students will be expected to sit criss cross and not to shout out without raising their
hands. I will have a picture card of criss cross and quiet mouth to redirect student behavior. If a student has
to be redirected several times, they will lose a dojo point.
Lesson Resources
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
1. Jack Hartmann, Word Family- it
2. Teacher created resources

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