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Writing – Louis “Greywolf” Ray

Art -

Proofing – Aaron Dykstra, Hjal Nelson

Maps -

Shadowrun Missions Logo – Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt

Shadowrun Missions Developer – Danny Oliver

Shadowrun Developer – Jason M. Hardy

Art Director – Brent Evans

1 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Victor Kozlov was deep in thought. Pacing across his office floor, he paused in front of his bookcase to idly run his
hand along the spines of his antique books. They were the one extravagance that he allowed himself, an eccentricity his co-
workers didn’t understand. He found it deeply satisfying to acquire knowledge through ink and paper, holding a leather-bound
volume in his hands. The intangible ones and zeros buzzing around behind a commlink screen just did not compare.
Something was wrong and he knew it was important that he figure out what it was. Victor had spent countless hours
during the last three years learning how to get a good read on Ryota Nakagawa, his boss and Arasaka Buki’s CEO. The man was
generally inscrutable but he did have a few tells. Everything Victor had learned told him Nakagawa was hiding something,
something big, something important. He could see that Nakagawa was nervous in the days leading up to his “team building
retreat”, a retreat that Victor had not been invited to attend. Nakagawa had claimed that Victor’s presence was crucial to the
operation of the facility and that he couldn’t leave while everyone else was gone. That was true, but it was obvious the offhand
compliment was insincere, just an attempt to hide what he was up to from his security chief.
Victor knew that his employment at Arasaka Buki had been arranged by the upper management of Evo specifically to
keep an eye on Nakagawa. Of course Nakagawa-san knew this too, so he kept Victor as busy as he could with petty distractions.
The solution had been to build a network of spies all around the CEO, spies that were currently in Nakagawa’s entourage, already
at the location of the retreat with him. All Victor could do now was to wait for the reports to come in, soon he may know if his
suspicions, and the suspicions of the Evo management, had any merit.
The security offices were normally about empty this time of night, just the late shift supervisor and his assistant; and of
course Victor when he was too wrapped up with work to leave. A commlink was chirping in the outer office and Victor started to
turn around, realizing that it had been doing it for a while. He thought “why hasn’t that girl answered the damn thing?” As he
looked toward the outer office he saw a young woman in a security uniform that he didn’t immediately recognize, standing just
outside his doorway. Very attractive, blond, Caucasian, wait… ear points, an Elf? There was no one matching that description
employed in Arasaka’s security force. Just as Victor made that realization another blond haired Caucasian, a man, stepped past
the woman and into his office doorway, an Ares Light Fire 75 held up and ready. Frag! Shadowrunners! Victor had his Nambu 72
heavy pistol half way out of the holster as the first rounds struck him in his chest. Falling back into the bookcase, he pulled the
shelves down as he slumped to the floor, books falling around him in what seemed like slow motion.
As his vision faded to black and his life’s blood pooled on the carpet, Victor reached out to run his hand across the
cover of one of his beloved books, he could see that it was The Prince by Machiavelli; he had that one on his list to reread …

2 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds is a Shadowrun Missions living campaign adventure. Full information on the
Shadowrun Missions living campaign is available at and includes a guide to
creating Missions characters and a regularly updated FAQ. All maps, player handouts, and other playing aids are found at the end
of this document.


SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds is intended for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and all character and rules
information refers to the fifth edition of the Shadowrun rules.

Adventure Structure

SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds consists of several scenes. These scenes form the basis of the adventure, which
should be completed in approximately four hours. If you are running short on time, you should streamline each and be a little
more generous with clues, target numbers, and other requirements to aid in guiding the players through the adventure.
Each scene outlines the most likely sequence of events, as well as how to handle unexpected twists and turns that
inevitably crop up. Each one contains the following subsections, providing gamemasters with all the information necessary to run

Scan This provides a quick synopsis of the scene’s action, allowing you to get a feel for the encounter at a glance.

Tell It to Them Straight is written to be read aloud to the players, describing what their characters experience upon
entering the scene. You should feel free to modify the narrative as much as desired to suit the group and the situation, since the
characters may arrive at the scene by different means or under different circumstances than the text assumes.

Behind the Scenes covers the bulk of the scene, describing what’s happening, what the non-player characters are
doing, how they will react to the player characters’ actions and so forth. It also covers the setting of the encounter, going over
environmental conditions and other properties of the location as well as providing any descriptions of important items.

Pushing the Envelope looks at ways to make the encounter more challenging for experienced or powerful characters
and other ways you can add some “extra spice” to the scene. This subsection should usually only be used for home games, or
games where time is not a factor. At most convention and Open Play events, gamemasters should omit this information. It adds to
the scene, but does not contain important information.

Debugging offers solutions to potential problems that may crop up during the encounter. While it’s impossible to
foresee everything that a group of player characters might do, this section tries to anticipate common problems and other
suggestions for dealing with them.


Gamemastering is more of an art than a science, and every gamemaster does things a bit differently. Use your own style
when it comes to preparing and running the adventure and do whatever you feel is best to provide the best Shadowrun game you
can for your players. Shadowrun Missions adventures are designed to run in a standard four-hour convention time slot.
Please keep this in mind when running the adventure. You should leave at least 15–20 minutes at the end of the time
slot to complete any necessary paperwork and pass out the players’ Debriefing Logs. (Make sure that you have enough copies of
the Debriefing Log for this adventure to give one copy to each player after running the adventure.) This section offers some
guidelines you may find useful in preparing to run SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds (or any Shadowrun Missions adventure).

Step 1: Read The Adventure

Carefully read the adventure from beginning to end. Get a feel for the overall plot and what happens in each scene.
That way, if something different happens, you won’t be caught off guard and you can adapt things smoothly.

Step 2: Take Notes

Take notes for yourself while reading through the adventure that you can refer to later on. Possible things to note
include: major plot points (so you can see them all at a glance), the names of various non-player characters, possible problems

3 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

you notice, situations where you think a particular character can shine and other things you’ll want to keep in mind while running
the adventure.

Step 3: Know The Characters

Prior to the start of the adventure, examine the PCs’ record sheets and Debriefing Logs for your reference and have
basic information about their important abilities handy so you can refer to it during play. Also go over the characters and keep
their previous events listed on the Debriefing Logs in mind when determining non-player character actions in various scenes if
such a dynamic has been included.

Step 4: Don’t Panic!

Gamemastering involves juggling a lot of different things. Sometimes you drop the ball and forget something or you
just make a mistake. It happens, don’t worry about it. Nobody is perfect all of the time and everybody makes mistakes. Just pick
up from there and move on. Your players will understand and forget about it once you get back into the action.

Step 5: Challenge the Players

Gamemasters should challenge the players, but should not generally overwhelm them. This is not to say that games
cannot be deadly. If the characters die through their own actions and repercussions of those actions, then so be it. But the idea is
to challenge the players and their characters, not to overwhelm them. If the enemies and challenges are too light for the characters
present, then increase them. On the other hand, if the characters are badly outmatched by the enemies, then tone them down.
Make things difficult but not impossible.


Shadowrun Missions adventures use the rules presented in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition (SR5). Standard rules such as
success tests, glitches, critical successes, and other common mechanics are described in SR5 and are not repeated in this
Please keep in mind when preparing for the adventure, that the PCs will not necessarily be comprised of a balanced
party. It’s entirely possible that the party will be made up entirely of technomancers or back-to-nature shamans. If the characters
run into a brick wall because of such complications, show flexibility and use your best judgment in how you lead them back to
the plot.

Non-Player Characters

Non-player characters (NPCs) are essential to any adventure. They are the allies, antagonists, and background
characters in the adventure that interact with the player characters. NPCs in this adventure have already been created and can be
found throughout the adventure.
Minor NPCs are found in the individual scene that they appear in, and generally have a brief write up, noting only their
important skills and the gear they are carrying.
Major NPCs can be found in the Cast of Shadows at the end of the adventure, and have more detailed write ups, and
include most of the skills and the gear they have access to.
The NPCs in this adventure should generally stand up to the average player character but may need some adjustment to
suit a particular group of characters, especially a more experienced and powerful group. The scenes and NPC descriptions offer
tips on adjusting the NPCs to suit the abilities of the characters in your group. To adjust the power level of an NPC, refer to
Helps and Hindrances (p. 378, SR5). Take the player characters’ abilities into consideration when assessing the NPCs in this
adventure and modify them accordingly.

Mission Difficulty

GMs are encouraged to use their own judgment, and to adjust the difficulty of the encounter to take into account the
abilities of the players. If the players have no magical support, replace magical defenses with mundane ones. If the players are
weak on combat, reduce the number of enemies by one or two. Conversely, if they’re steam-rolling the opposition, add one or
two enemies to the fight. Missions should be difficult and something of a challenge, but should not be insurmountable.
A simple method for adjusting difficulty is to simply increase the dice pools and Professional Ratings of the enemies. A
simple +1 or +2 to all combat and defense tests gives enemies a minor boost in power, while a +3 or 4 will make them truly
formidable. Adding to their Professional Rating will give them a larger group Edge pool to draw from, and gamemasters are
encourage to use this Edge when logical.

4 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Often a combat scene will tell you if it’s supposed to be challenging or is simply there to serve as filler or a minor
obstacle that the players should steamroll through. When possible, use this as a guide to know when to tweak the enemies and
encounters. If it doesn’t say, assume the scene should present a challenge to the power levels of the players.

A Note on Loot and Looting

Gamemasters should be careful what they allow players access to, because they can and will try to steal everything not
nailed down (and even then, they often have pry bars and claw hammers to deal with those nails). Shadowrun Missions operate
under the assumption that two players who have run the same missions will have roughly the same amount of resources available
to them (give or take some negotiation and a little bit of minor loot fenced), so when players are able to steal and fence a lot of
gear or are able to get their hands on high-priced vehicles, cyberdecks, or foci, it can unbalance the game and make it unfair to
players who didn’t have the opportunity to get those items. Gamemasters should avoid letting the players get into a position to do
high value looting whenever possible.


Neo-Tokyo is widely considered the business capital of the world. Vast economic wealth fuels cutting edge research
and development which have shaped a city that rivals any other in terms of technological wonder. Robot vendors are more
prevalent than flesh and blood ones and drones are used for even the most basic tasks. AR spam often crowds out the meat world
completely, catering to a baffling breadth of 'moe', the mania that surrounds obsession with anime, aidoru culture, and every
single fad that passes through the country.
The newest trends in fashion, business, and technology belie a culture steeped in tradition and old-world ideals.
Japanese ethnocentrism is firmly entrenched and makes its appearance routinely in dealings with gaijin or the metahumans that
many Japanese still see as a disgrace to their society. Only recently have reforms been enacted to grant human rights to Japan's
metahuman population and it will take generations to erase the prejudices that have festered for decades.
Perhaps it is that whole-hearted embrace of tradition that has led the city to insist on employing a metropolitan police
force rather than contract a private security firm such as Lone Star. The Neo-Tokyo Metropolitan Police are a source of pride for
the citizens. Highly trained and well-equipped, the NTMP is fiercely loyal to the metroplex and the Japanese Imperial State,
rather than to corporate interests. They make extensive use of drones and POLNET, their communications and surveillance
system, rivals the capability of any megacorporation. Beat cops operate out of bee-hive shaped police stations in each ward and
every pair of officers is tailed by a surveillance drone. Mages patrol astrally while watcher spirits observe from crucial vantage
points, reporting suspicious magical activity to awakened dispatchers. When the situation calls for it, high threat response teams
are heavily armed and operate on a policy of 'shoot first then arrest survivors.'
In Japan, privately owned firearms are forbidden. Only the police, military, and megacorporate security forces are
licensed to carry firearms. Anyone caught with a firearm can expect to be arrested on the spot. Further, guns are harder to
acquire. While smugglers and arms dealers do what they can to supply 'enthusiasts' with the firepower they want, the obstacles
they face are formidable and the complexity of their methods increase with the size and power of the weapons they mean to
With all the changes enacted over the last decade by Emperor Yasuhito, opportunities are opening for those willing to
run one of the most secure sprawls in the world. The streets of Neo-Tokyo are not friendly to amateurs, but for professionals
who know how to engage with subtlety and read the perfect moment to fully open the throttle before melting back into obscurity,
there is ample nuyen to be shared. In the toughest sprawls, legends are born, and the seat of the empire makes a strong case for
being the toughest of them all.

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
Rules changes and clarifications to Shadowrun mechanics specific to Neo-Tokyo Missions can be found in the
Shadowrun Missions FAQ, however some of the key items are noted here:

Due to the intense amount of matrix traffic and AR Spam that pollute the streets of Neo-Toyko, the average level of
Noise in the sprawl is 2. Commercial zones and other areas can often suffer from Noise Ratings as high as 5. Assume a Noise
Rating of 2 in all locations unless otherwise noted in the scene.

In Neo-Tokyo, the legality classification of all firearms and heavy weapons is changed to Forbidden and licenses
cannot be created for them. The exceptions are weapons categorized as firearms that can never be armed with ammunition that
causes physical damage. While police, military, and corporate security can be granted special licenses, there are no exceptions
for Player Characters.

5 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Social norms in Japan are quite different than they are in western cultures. The idea of 'face' or giri predicates specific
behaviors to ensure that there is no dishonor or shame. Shadowrunners who consistently insult the honor of their employers will
find themselves out of work. Foremost, refusing to appear before Tanaka-san (the Japanese version of Mr. Johnson) is an insult.
It is therefore assumed that all members of the team are present when any offers are made. Payment offered is per person at the
table and anyone who is not present will not receive payment.
Sometimes, a Tanaka-san will fall prey to the prejudices they grew up with. They may refuse to speak to a particular
metatype, focusing only on the metatype they are comfortable speaking with (an awkward situation if the slighted metatype is the
team's face). Major NPCs will have their prejudices included in their descriptions. For every prejudice that a character triggers,
GMs should impose a -1 dicepool penalty on opposed social rolls, up to -2 per character and no more than a total penalty of -6 for
the entire party.
Finally, when negotiating with Tanaka-san, demanding a higher payout is an egregious insult. In Japanese business
dealings, the offer is presumed to be the best offer that can possibly be made and asking for more implies that there is a level of
dishonesty at play. Rather than ask for additional payment outright, a suave negotiator placates their employer, subtly bringing
up their own concerns by ensuring they understand that their employer has already considered them. This is only a thematic
change; the mechanical system for negotiating higher payment is exactly the same. In play, rather than a successful Negotiation
Test increasing the initial offer, the gamemaster records the result and Tanaka-san offers the additional amount as a ‘bonus’ for
exceeding expectations.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
Throughout the Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo arc, there will be plenty of Japanese words, names, and organizations
that may seem challenging to pronounce. Before you are overwhelmed by the thought of having to figure out how to say each
word you find, remember that Japanese doesn’t use the English alphabet and when you find these transliterations, the best bet is
to simply read it like it’s spelled. The letter ‘a’ is generally pronounced ‘ah’ as in the word ‘awesome’, the letter ‘e’ is ‘eh’ as in
the word ‘enter’, the ‘i’ is a hard ‘ee’ sound as in the word ‘ink’, ‘o’ is a hard ‘oh’ such as ‘omit’, and the letter ‘u’ is an ‘ooh’
such as ‘dude’.

In Japan, the surname comes before the given name. Thus, Bob Smith would be referenced as Smith Bob. The
Japanese do now have middle names. However, when using English or other Western languages, Japanese people often give
their name in the Western order, that is given name first and surname last. For the purposes of writing and to minimize confusion
between Japanese names and Western names, names will be presented in the Western style except in dialogue or narrative
expressly meant to be conveyed to the players, where the name will be presented in whichever method makes the most sense for
the voice being used.

Of course, titles like Mr. and Ms. Are Western titles and not universally used in Japanese culture. Instead, titles are
appended to the surname and are not gender specific. The title ‘san’ is the most common, being a standard translation for Mr.,
Ms., and Mrs. It is added to the end of the surname with a dash. For example, Mr. Tanaka becomes Tanaka-san (which is
incidentally the Japanese term for Mr. Johnson).
Sama is the formal version of san and is used when speaking to someone of higher rank or station, or when you wish to
accord someone respect. Note that it can also be used ironically.
Both of these titles are applied to Western names in various situations, such as Smith-san. However, in many business
circles, especially when dealing with foreigners, Japanese people will use Mr. and Ms.
There are other titles as well, offering a range terms that denote relative station, familiarity, or even how cute
something is.


If you’d like to make use of various Japanese words and slang to bring the setting to life, the following list is intended
to give you a very brief start.

Aidoru: Literally ‘Idol’, it refers to the culture of manufacturing young stars and starlets that are admired for their cuteness.
Bosozuki: A street samurai.
Domo Arigato: Thank you.

6 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Gaijin: A foreigner, often used as a derogatory term but is not explicitly so.
Giri: Honor or obligation.
Goi: Cool! Wow! Impressive! Amazing! Derived from old word “sugoi” with the same meaning.
Hai: Yes.
Katagi: A non-Yakuza person, used by Yakuza to refer to outsiders.
Kawaii: Lovable, cute, or adorable.
Kawaruhito: Literally, “changed person”, metahuman.
Kobun: Member of a Yakuza clan or gumi.
Konnichiwa: Hello!
Kyodai: “Older-brother” a term of respect from a subordinate Yakuza member to their superior.
Moe: A strong affection towards characters in anime, manga, video games, or pop culture.
Moshi Moshi!: Hello! (usually associated with answering a call on your commlink)
Mushi: Computer glitch.
Nemawashi: Legwork, laying the groundwork.
Omae: Friend.
Oyabun: Head of a Yakuza clan or gumi.
Samurai: Mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies honor code.
Sararīman: A corporate employee. From a mispronunciation of salaryman.
Shatei: “Younger-brother” a term used by senior Yakuza members when speaking to their subordinates.
So ka: I understand. I get it. Derived from Japanese.
Yak: Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.
Tanaka-san: Japanese equivalent of Mr. Johnson.
Yokai: A catch-all word to describe any Awakened critter or spirit.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends

After running a Shadowrun Missions adventure, there are several important pieces of paperwork that need to be filled
The first is to make certain to distribute a copy of the adventure’s Debriefing Log to each player. As the gamemaster,
please make certain to fill this out and sign off on it for each character. In the interests of time, you may have each player fill out
the sections, with appropriate values that you give them. Please consider the PCs actions in the scenario when providing
Reputation modifiers, per those rules (p. 372, SR5).
The second is to make sure that all players have updated their character’s Mission Calendar. PCs are allowed to go on
one run per week. The calendar is used to track the character’s monthly lifestyle expenses, adventures, and their downtime
Finally, once an adventure is completed gamemasters should head over to the official Shadowrun forums at
httt:// and look in the Shadowrun Missions section. There will be a section to post the outcome of
the Missions adventure. Future adventures will be affected by these results. Without gamemaster feedback, the PCs’ exploits will
be unable to affect the campaign.

The team is called to an upscale rooftop greenspace to meet with Tanaka-san (Kaito Nakamura). They are hired for a
two-part job: to steal a weapon prototype from the Arasaka Buki facility and - more importantly - to frame the CEO for the theft.
They are given access to a safehouse and uniforms to help them blend in.
Presuming they take the opportunity to look around the facility and in the process learn that many employees and
executives are away while the facility undergoes renovation. They are also given the opportunity to discover clues, such as a food
poisoning incident and the murder of the director of security, that point towards another runner team working at the facility.
In order to frame the CEO, the team must enter his home where they may or may not encounter his wife or servants.
Once there, they plant evidence linking the CEO to the theft.
Finally, the team invades the facility to steal the prototype. Once they have it and are escaping, they run across the
other team who tries to take it from them. A possible high speed chase ensues before they escape and deliver the goods to

7 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

The runner’s individual fixers call to let them know they have an invitation to meet with a Tanaka-san. The team goes
to a Nishi-Shinjuku hotel building for an early morning meeting. While waiting they can mingle and introduce themselves.


Sunrise, 7:00 AM. Ghost, what a terrible time for a meeting, it’s the time any normal, respectable Shadowrunner would
be calling it a day. But no, here you are trying to follow your ARO between the glass towers of Nishi-Shinjuku with crowds of
Sararīman filling the streets and pushing against you. The rising sun shines brightly in your face, making you squint as you walk
East towards it. Your commlink chimes letting you know that you’re running late, Drek, better pick up the pace.
From the street the New Keio Plaza certainly looks high-end, it just screams corporate money. Three floors of glass
encased shopping mall spread out around the base of a hundred-plus story skyscraper. When you enter, you see that the doors all
have the deliberately obvious frames of MAD scanners. The two “doormen” are standing just inside reading the display. The
bulge under their jackets makes it clear that they’re really just security goons in pretty uniforms.

After entering the hotel

Your fixer said to ask for the Tanaka Reservation, so you stroll through the lobby across a carpet that cost more than
you made in the last five years and do just that. With an up and down look and a pause just long enough to make it obvious that
you’re being judged, he asks for a name. After a quick check of his list, he points you to the nearby room, “Please enjoy some
refreshments in the lounge and once everyone arrives I’ll escort your party into the meeting.”

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
Jackpoint Search Profile
Atarashi Keio Teien (New Keio Plaza), in Nishi-Shinjuku serves the dining and shopping needs of local corporate
citizens as well as the lodging requirements of visiting corporate executives and wealthy tourists. Plaza security maintains a
visible presence throughout the mall and hotel while security cameras maintain nearly invisible blanket surveillance. The
public entries into the plaza all employ MAD scanners with security teams stationed nearby. If a scanner tags you, or you’re
stopped for looking out of place, security quietly pulls you aside. If they find contraband or illegal weapons, they escort you
off the grounds and leave it at that. Having the NTMP show up with flashing lights is bad for appearances. Of course if you
cause any real trouble, they won’t hesitate to call in the closest HTR team.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends


The runners each receive a call from their fixer inviting them to attend a meeting with a Tanaka-san at the Atarashi
Keio Teien, or the New Keio Plaza in English. The meeting is scheduled at 7:00 AM the next morning. The instructions are
simply to report to the front desk and inquire about the location of the Tanaka Reservation.

Entering the building

The first 3 floors of the New Keio Plaza are a public shopping mall that contains a mix of high end retail shops and fine
restaurants. Security is fairly heavy here, the public entry doors all have rating 6 MAD scanners built into the frames and a pair
of security guards dressed as doormen are stationed by each scanner. Security guards also patrol the mall in two-man teams.
Anyone flagged by the door scanners or simply stopped for looking suspicious will be subject to a visual inspection.
Those with an illegal weapon or other contraband must succeed on an Opposed Palming + Agility [Physical] test (modified by
the items concealability) against the guards’ Perception + Intuition [Mental] test pool of 7 dice (p. 419 CRB). Anyone
suspected of possessing an illegal weapon is asked to leave the plaza with the suggestion that they “should be appropriately
attired, if they decide to return”. Returning something to an offsite location will make the entire team late for the meeting. The
plaza security forces will attempt to avoid a direct confrontation. That is unless the runners create a real problem.

At the front desk

Anyone asking for the Tanaka Reservation at the front desk of the hotel will be sent to a nearby private room where
drinks and refreshments are served. The players can describe their runners to the other team members and role-play introductions.
The room is a small bar and lounge with 1 bartender working, there are no other guests here except the runners. Any
drinks or light snacks ordered will be charged to Tanaka-san. 5 minutes after the last runner arrives the desk manager comes in
and announces that Tanaka-san is ready. He then escorts the team to a private elevator, preprogrammed to travel up to rooftop
greenspace on the 90th floor of the hotel.

8 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

As a side note, the real reason that the runners are waiting in this room is because Tanaka-san has set up a number of
discrete yet powerful scanners here. These scanners are reading all of the runner’s measurements and biometrics, the information
is being sent to a fabrication team that will be hastily making the uniforms and IDs found in Scene 3. If a hacker is looking
around in the Matrix here the scanners are running silent and will not reveal what type of device they are.


4 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 6

Initiative: 6 + 1D6
Condition Monitor: 10
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor: 9
Skills: Close Combat skill group 3, Etiquette 3, First Aid 2, Perception 4, Pistols 4, Running 3
Language: English 3, Japanese N
Gear: Berwick suit [concealable holster], contacts [Capacity 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light] earbuds
[Capacity 1 w/ sound link], medkit rating 3, Renraku Sensei commlink [Device Rating 3], subvocal microphone
Defiance EX Shocker [taser, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5, Modes: SS, RC 0, Ammo capacity 4(m), w/ 8 rounds taser dart
Defiance EX Shocker when used as melee weapon [Clubs, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed Combat, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 4S, AP –0]

If any of the runners are stopped by security and ask to leave for carrying illegal weapons or contraband they will have
to return the item to an offsite vehicle. This will make the entire team late for the meeting and the display of disrespect will
impose a 2 dice penalty on any future Negotiation test with Tanaka-san. If any of the runners cause enough of a problem for the
plaza management to get involved this jumps to a 4 dice penalty. The desk manager will call upstairs to Tanaka-san for
instructions, she explains the situation to him and gives her word that her guests will behave and that she will be personally
responsible for their behavior, the desk manager will then allow the visitors to remain. If the players create a serious problem
(like attacking the hotel security guards) have some NTMP officers show up with the threat of a NTMP HTR team close behind
to back up the patrol. If it’s needed, the write-up for a NTMP patrol is in the back of Scene 5.

9 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

The team goes up to the greenspace located on the 90 th floor of a hotel building. The Tanaka-san, Kaito Nakamura,
hires the team for a two-part run. She also offers the runners the use of a safehouse and some helpful gear.


The elevator glides smoothly upward and with a soft chime the doors slide open. The vista that greets you could best be
described as an elegant garden. The “floor” is a manicured lawn of natural grass, trees and shrubs are everywhere. The scents of
flowers and the sounds of dozens of songbirds fill the air. You can just make out the almost invisible structure supporting the
crystal clear walls and ceiling.
Your gaze is drawn to a strikingly attractive young woman, an elf with Japanese features, who is walking along a
nearby path studying the birds. A large dark haired troll wearing a business suit and sunglasses stands near the elevator with his
arms crossed. With at gravelly voice he says “Good morning, Tanaka-san has been waiting for your arrival, this way please”. As
you approach Tanaka-san pauses in her study of the birds and spares your team a quick glance. “This garden always reminds me
of one of my favorite sayings, Isseki Nicho, or one stone: two birds, in English. The idea that one action can accomplish two
tasks is an especially elegant one, don’t you agree?” She continues after a pause, “I want to explore the possibility of your team
being the one stone that will deal with two birds for me. Would you care to join me for some coffee and discuss the details?”

Tanaka-san walks along the path expecting you to follow and soon steps into a small hidden glade with seats and a low
table. Several decanters are set out, filling the air with the scent of real coffee. After everyone finds a seat her bodyguard fills the
cups, serving Tanaka-san last before stepping back to the edge of the glade.
After a sip she speaks up “Many years ago the Evo Corporation left this small island to take its place in the larger
world, however some company divisions were unable to follow and stayed here in Neo-Tokyo. These subsidiaries have been left
to their own devices for far too long. Lately one has drawn the eye of my employers and I have been tasked with returning them
to Evo’s corporate fold.
Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to study the Yakuza over the last year and I believe that one of their tricks will
accomplish my goal. That trick being, arranging an incident that convinces the target they are in desperate need of protection.
I need a team to help with revealing evidence that a particular CEO is assisting Ares with a hostile takeover attempt.
This should remove the CEO from his position and encourage the board members to seek the protection of Evo, denouncing their
rogue executive. I have prepared the evidence that needs to be left at both the CEO’s home and in the facilities lab. It will
implicate him in the theft of a valuable prototype that is soon to occur in his research facility. Of course I will need someone to
carry out that theft and “accidently” leave the evidence that points to the CEO. Shall I go into further details or would you like to
discuss compensation first?”

The offer
“The prototype is a weapon called Aki-Inazuma, it is located in an underground research lab at the Arasaka Buki
facility. I can offer each of you 7,000 nuyen to steal it and plant evidence in the lab and the house of the CEO, Ryota Nakagawa.
Planting the evidence is the more important of the two tasks; the theft is merely a vehicle to expose the evidence.
I can provide a safehouse in Koto, near the facility, for your use. The evidence that will prove Nakagawa-san’s guilt
has been left there with instructions. You will find some other required items there along with Arasaka Buki uniforms with ID
badges. These will allow you to freely enter the facility and explore how best to enter the lab. Sadly I am unable to facilitate
access to the lab itself, you shall have to achieve that on your own. You will also be on your own when you enter Nakagawa-
san’s house to plant the evidence there.
These tasks are to all be accomplished with a minimum of violence and destruction, the facility and its employees are
all indirectly Evo assets and damage to Evo’s corporate assets will be frowned upon. I am placing a great deal of confidence in
your capabilities and I trust that this confidence is not misplaced.”

As the meeting ends

After all of your questions have been answered Tanaka-san gives you a data file containing the location of Ryota
Nakagawa’s home, the safehouse, and a basic map of the Arasaka Buki facility. She then makes her farewell with a polite “please
excuse me for leaving first” and heads out of the glade towards the elevator with her troll bodyguard close behind. On the way
out she offers you the use of the garden to discuss your plans, for at least as long as the coffee stays hot.


At the 90th floor, the elevator doors open and the runners can see a young female elf of Japanese heritage and a very
large troll. Runners that have Kaito Nakamura as a contact will recognize her and her bodyguard. I f there is no prior history the
runners can see if they know anything about this Tanaka-san. Allow them to make a Knowledge Skill test such as Local Tanaka’s
or Neo-Tokyo Shadows. This will give the same information per success as making a Legwork matrix search. With Kaito
Nakamura’s unique history Knowledge Skills relating to Idoru Stars or J-Pop will also give the runners some information. A
single hit will give a feeling of recognition that they can’t place and three successes will reveal her former identity as Mao

10 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Nakamoto, but no information about her work as a Tanaka-san. After the meet the team can (and should) carry out the regular
Legwork through contacts and / or an actual matrix search, perhaps gaining more information.
Kaito’s bodyguard, Misha Rudov, is a Russian troll employed by Evo and he never strays far from Kaito’s side. A
successful Visual Perception + Intuition [Mental] (3) test will allow them to spot his concealed holster with some manner of
bulky handgun. Misha is a citizen of Evo and is allowed to carry his Savalette Guardian under special license. One of the
stipulations is that it is loaded with non-lethal ammunition however Misha always carries an extra magazine loaded with APDS
in case of emergencies.

The initial offer is 7,000 nuyen per team member to accept the job. A successful opposed Negotiation + Charisma
[Social] Test against her Dice Pool of 15 will result in an additional 500 nuyen per net hit, up to six hits making the maximum
10,000 nuyen per runner. Additional net hits past six will result in Tanaka-san offering 1,000 nuyen per hit as a good faith,
upfront payment, up to the full negotiated amount. Make sure to apply a penalty (-2 or -4) to the negotiation dice pool if the
runners were late or caused problems at the mall or the hotel lobby.

If asked for details before or after the negotiations Tanaka-san will outline the exact specifics of the run, these will also
be in the file that she gives the runners so that it can be reviewed later.
1 - Break into the home of Ryota Nakagawa, the CEO of Arasaka Buki, replace the data core of the CEO’s home
data-terminal and leave one of the commlinks loaded with incriminating evidence in the house.
2 - Break into the Arasaka Buki research lab and steal the functional prototype and the research data for a project
named “Aki-Inazuma” (this translates to “Flash of Red Lightning” in English). Someone, preferably a human male, is to also
imitate a Shadowrunner named “Patriot” in clear view of the security cameras during the theft. He has a distinctive style and
is known to work for Ares while wearing a red, white and blue, star spangled armor and spray painting “USA” to mark his jobs.
Plant the second commlink loaded with incriminating evidence implicating the CEO, it is to be “dropped” in the lab where can
be easily found. Finally set a small demolition charge in the lab to set off the alarms after the team leaves the facility. This is to
make sure that both the theft and the planted evidence will be immediately discovered.
3 - Take the prototype and the research data to a safehouse in Koto, not too far from the Arasaka Buki facility, where
the team can hide out and wait for Tanaka-san to call and set up a meet to pick up the Aki-Inazuma device and project data.

Its assumed (but not required) that the team will use the Arasaka Buki ID’s and uniforms from the safehouse to scout
out the facility and plan out the break-in before the actual run.

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
A relatively new Evo Tanaka-san, Kaito is an elf social adept recruited on the basis of her raw talents rather than
any specific training.  She dresses conservatively in classic fashions that serve to accentuate her figure without being overly
provocative. Her demeanor is calm and friendly and even when she is frustrated she can sublimate her feelings to maintain a
pleasant façade.
If Kaito Nakamura’s full profile is needed it is in the Cast of Shadows Section.


A Russian troll and professional bodyguard hired to protect Kaito Nakamura when she deals with deniable assets in
the field.  A consummate professional, he is exceptionally built and dressed in tailor-fitted armored suits. His hair is black
and cut high and tight in a military fashion and doesn’t exhibit any visible cyberware.
If Misha Rudov’s full profile is needed it is in the Cast of Shadows Section.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends

If you have a team of especially unscrupulous runners they may try to locate Ryota Nakagawa and sell the information
about the run to him. He will be extremely difficult to contact but if they persist he will offer them 4,000 nuyen each for the
information. This will of course have profound effects on the rest of the mission. Nakagawa doesn’t care if a second team makes
an attempt to break into the lab, it actually helps his plan, but he will tip off his own team about the competition. Additionally, his
personal residence will become a veritable fortress for the near future, with a full HTR team parked in the drive and teams of
security officers patrolling the grounds.

11 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

After the meeting with Tanaka-san at the New Keio Plaza the team heads out to the safehouse in Koto to see what kind
of gear Tanaka-san has left for them.


It’s still early in the day as you make your way east, away from the towers of Nishi-Shinjuku and into the industrial
area of Koto. Vehicle traffic is light as you approach the address listed in the datafile, an ancient three story brick and timber
warehouse standing in a row of nearly identical, abandoned looking buildings. As you arrive you can see that a small canal from
the nearby Sumida River runs right up to the rear of the building.
The front of the building has one large vehicle door and a man sized door with a keypad next to it. There are no first
floor windows but there are some higher up; they look so thick with grime you can’t see into them. After entering the code from
the data file the door opens and you can see the building is one large open space with a mobile housing unit set to one side. The
back 10 meters of the room is water, the canal comes inside and right up to a small dock inside the building, the large door at the
rear extends down below the waterline. You also see that there are stairs going up to a roof hatch and two catwalks that circle the
building, giving access to the second and third story windows.
In the center of the floor are four large crates, the lack of dust on top makes it look like they were just delivered.


After the meeting with Tanaka-san the team is free to follow several paths but the most straightforward would be to
head for Koto Ward, check out the safehouse, the fabricated evidence and the Arasaka Buki uniforms with ID’s.
The trip to Koto should be uneventful and the runners can enter the building without any issues. There is a small
parking lot in front of the building and the vehicle door will allow parking inside the building. The canal from the river comes
right up to and through the back wall with enough space for a small boat to be docked inside.
When the runners enter they will discover that there is a modular housing unit (think mobile home) that has water,
power, food, restrooms and a place to sleep. On the floor are several crates that contain the following:
 5 different Arasaka Buki uniforms per runner, already sized to fit.
1 uniform for each of - Cleaning Crew, IT / Matrix, Maintenance, Security, Transport.
The security uniform does NOT include the armor jacket, helmet, goggles or weapons.
 5 different Arasaka Buki ID badges per runner, portraits and biometrics of the runners already included.
1 ID badge for each of - Cleaning Crew, IT / Matrix, Maintenance, Security, Transport.
Each badge is linked to a Rating 4 “fake” Evo limited SIN with a random name that burns after the run.
The Matrix / IT Tech badge includes a Cyberdeck pass listing the worker as a subcontractor with personal tools.
 2 Gate entry / parking transponders (for 2 different vehicles).
 2 Renraku Sensei commlinks pre-loaded with the incriminating evidence.
 An electronic toolkit, optical data cores, and a microtronic-burner pre-loaded with the evidence.
 A red, white, and blue armored jacket, matching ballistic mask and 2 spray-paint cans.
 1 demolition charge (2 kilogram) with a fixed 10 minute timer.
 4 Remote door controls for the safehouse vehicle doors.

If the runners decide that they do not need to check out the safehouse, point out that the “evidence” for framing
Nakagawa is here. At a minimum they will need that evidence to complete the mission.

12 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

With uniforms and employee badges in hand the team can head to the Arasaka Buki corporate facility and plan a way
into the R&D lab. While exploring the facility they discover clues that someone else has already been there setting things up for
the same run. If the Runners decide that they don’t need a “break in to plan a break it” skip this section and go to Scene 5.


Arriving by maglev
The maglev car you’re in is mostly empty as it pulls into the station, a small one by Neo-Tokyo standards. A few
Arasaka wage slaves get off with you and step into the station platform. AR notices remind you to broadcast your SIN and have
your corporate ID ready, in small type it also displays a long list of prohibited items.
A few workers move off to the side counter labeled “Weapons Check” to hand over an assortment of tasers and blades,
including one fellow with a katana who looks like he would only be a danger to himself. The rest of the workers shuffle toward
the one open security station and form a queue. The security presence here are a lot less than you would expect.
As you enter the turnstile of the security checkpoint you can hear the hum of the MAD scanner while the automated
systems run your SIN and ID. Guess they were good because the officer doesn’t do more than glance at the readout before getting
back to his conversation with the other officer. “I don’t know what’s going on with dispatch today. Every time I call in I get put
on hold. They must have gotten some of that bad sashimi too.” The officer sitting next to him replies with “plan on staying, I hear
everyone is working double shifts.”

Arriving by vehicle
There wasn’t much traffic on the access road, most of the workers out here ride in the maglev and the cargo goes in and
out by heavy rail or barge, the road never has much traffic. You cross a bridge over what’s left of Tokyo Bay, really just a canal,
and the view of the facility becomes blocked by a tall concrete wall topped with an electrified security fence. As you approach
what looks like a turnoff you pass “Arasaka Buki KK” stenciled two-meters tall on the wall, this must be the place. The
transponder starts chirping as the automated gate ahead slides open. Driving under the maglev tracks you park by the stairs
leading up to the guard station, the gate closes behind you. You glance at the closed inner gate just ahead and watch as two
security officers’ head down the stairs, SIN scanner in hand, and start walking your way.
As they get ready to run your SIN and ID you can overhear their conversation “Good thing I wasn’t on shift last night,
everyone that was is sick today. I heard it was food poisoning, bad sashimi.”The other officer replies with “I don’t know, but we
must be shorthanded, I just received the order to stay and work for a second shift.”
He turns your way and asks “so, what’s the delivery? I don’t have anything on the schedule.”

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
Jackpoint Search Profile
Arasaka Buki Kabushiki Kaisha (Arasaka Arms Incorporated)
A Japanese national corporation, Arasaka Buki KK is an A-Rated producer of small arms and ammunition, it is a
subsidiary of Yamatetsu Naval Technologies, itself a subsidiary of Evo Corporation. Arasaka Buki KK was formed in 2005
as the result of a successful bid proposal to supply small arms for the newly created Japanese Imperial State. The corporations
name was deliberately chosen to create a sense of connection to the 19 th and 20th century Japanese Imperial State and the
Arasaka rifles used by the imperial military of that era. The Arasaka Model 5 assault rifle and the Arasaka Nambu pistol
entered production and were the standard weapons of the Japanese Imperial Military for nearly 30 years, eventually being
replaced by later Arasaka products. In 2038 Arasaka Buki KK was purchased by Yamatetsu and integrated into the Naval
Technologies division. 2060 saw Yamatetsu move to Vladivostok, and change its name to Evo, however Arasaka Buki KK
was bound by contract to keep its offices and production facilities in Japan. The small Evo subsidiary became a refuge for a
number of Evo’s Japanese executives that were unwilling to relocate to Russia.
In 2072 a design competition was announced to supply the next generation weapon platform to the Japanese Imperial
State and this resulted in a contract being awarded to Yamaha for its innovative caseless ammo, electronic firing system, and
advanced Smartgun system. Yamaha eventually decided against building a new production facility dedicated to the new
weapon and instead proposed a partnership with Arasaka Buki. Facing possible bankruptcy over the loss of its government
contracts, Arasaka accepted the subcontract to manufacture what would become the wildly successful Yamaha Raiden
Assault Rifle. As part of the agreement Arasaka Buki secured the right to market a Yamaha Raiden clone under its own
brand, naming it the Arasaka Model 74.
This very profitable partnership has seen an infusion of cash into the venerable corporation. Speculation is that for the
last 5 years, these new profits have been channeled into research and development. Current rumors say that Arasaka Buki is
set to leapfrog over its competition with access to the Evo’s Monad-generated breakthroughs from its African facility.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends

13 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

There are three locations with detailed descriptions that are important to this scene. Two are locations where clues can
be found, they are listed as Sabotage and Murder. Third is the primary target of the scene, the Research Lab Elevator Lobby.
The rest of the facility locations are there to allow the players to explore and interact with the facility employees.

There is a lot of information in this Scene and it has been organized into 4 main sections.
 The Big Picture – A general overview of the Scene
 The Facility – The general layout of the facility
 General Clues – Information that can be found talking to employees, looking in the hosts, exploring the grounds
 Security personnel are on edge and seem shorthanded
 Evidence of a plot to sicken the security employees.
 Evidence of the murder of the Director of Security.
 Evidence of security system sabotage at the perimeter fence (Sabotage)
 The Engineering Center – information specific to this building
 Evidence of security system sabotage in this building (Sabotage)
 Location of the murder of the Director of Security. (Murder)
 Location of the lab elevator lobby.

The Big Picture:

So what’s going on at the facility? Runners that did any basic legwork will already know that:
 The arms factory is shut down for maintenance and retooling
 The R&D employees are offsite, visiting an Evo lab in Africa
 The CEO is on a “team building” retreat with his top management

What they won’t know yet is that another team, secretly hired by the CEO, has already been planning a run against the
R&D lab. This team has had full access to most of the facility for several days now, and the pep work done has included:
 Sabotaging the perimeter fence sensors
 Sabotaging the Engineering Center security systems
 Poisoning about half of the security officers
 Assassinating the security director
 Changing the work schedule so that the Lab Elevator Lobby is unguarded overnight

The goal for this scene is for the runners to formulate a plan to break into the lab by exploring the facility and
uncovering the other team’s actions. There is not a correct “path” for going through it, encourage the runners to find the available
clues by exploring the grounds, talking to the employees and checking out the hosts. In the event that the runners do not bite at
the guard’s conversation in the “Tell It To Them Straight” and decide to just head straight to the Engineering Center, make sure
you point out that the security personal they see are on edge and anxious. There are also a large number of obvious cameras and
automated sensors covering the facility that will spot the runners if they are doing something out of the ordinary.
It should be made obvious to the players that forcing or just talking their way into the lab is not an option at the
moment. During the day security is alert, both at the security checkpoints and monitoring the cameras and sensors. It will take a
lot of planning to get past security and into the lab, luckily for the players a lot of that has already been done by the other team.

The Facility:
The facility can be broken down into three types of areas. The Perimeter Areas and the Office Areas are locations for
examining the facilities defenses and interacting with employees. The third area is the Factory Complex and it does not have
anything that involves the mission and should be generally made inaccessible to the players.

Getting into the facility

The easiest way to infiltrate the facility during the day is to do it as planned out by Tanaka-san; walk through the
security checkpoints in the maglev station using the uniforms, ID’s and SINs provided. Some or all of the runners may want to
come in by a ground vehicle and try to sneak in some extra gear. This will require the right type of vehicle and the right story to
pull it off. Getting in by boat or railcar is theoretically possible, but difficult, not necessary, and should be actively discouraged.

General Layout
The Arasaka Buki facility is on reclaimed land, or Odaiba, in Tokyo Bay. The factory and office complex sit on a 1,250
meter by 500 meter artificial island surrounded by what is now no more than a 50 meter wide canal. There are two bridges
serving a four lane road that comes from Koto. The road crosses the Arasaka Odaiba and continues on. The employees arrive and
leave by the Neo-Tokyo maglev rail system on the western edge of the facility. Raw material and preassembled components
arrive by both heavy rail and barges at a shipping dock. Finished goods leave in armored cargo containers under heavy guard.

14 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Perimeter areas – A sabotage clue is in this area:
 The Shore – The facility is surrounded by water, the shore is a sheer concrete wall with the ground 4 meters above sea
level with a sensor embedded 4 meter high electrified fence atop the wall. Behind this fence are towers with lighting
and cameras, all hardwired into the security host with no wireless access. At every 250 meters there is a service
building for the hardwired systems. One of the two Sabotage locations is in one of these service buildings.
 The Road – The fencing next to the access road is slightly different, as the road is next to the shore. Running along the
road, opposite the shore, is a three meter concrete wall with three meters of fencing, matching the seawall fencing, on
top of it. The rolling gate for ground vehicles is the only opening in the wall that parallels the road.
 The Dock –The dockyard is a well lit 200 meter by 200 meter open area. The facilities tugboats and GMC Riverine
Security watercraft kept here at a small pier. The dock is surrounded by warehouses and shipping-receiving buildings
that isolate the open dock area from the rest of the facility. The only gap in the shore fencing is at the shipping dock.
 The Maglev Rail System – This is part of Neo-Tokyo’s public transportation system and is how most of the
employees arrive and leave. It includes a security checkpoint where SINs and Corporate IDs are checked.
 Ground Vehicle Gate – A 4 lane road passes along the north-west edge of the island. There is an automated gate and
security station that leads into the facility.
 Heavy Rail System – None of the items produced here are available for sale to private citizens. Everything
manufactured at the facility leaves from the extremely secure shipping warehouse by armored rail cars traveling
directly to government or corporate military depots.

Office Complex Areas

The office complex areas are all the non-factory buildings in the facility and they break down to;
 Support Areas – This includes the buildings and personnel necessary to run a facility of this size but that have no real
impact on the mission other than providing some clues about the competing teams efforts to set up their run.
 Engineering Center – This building is in the target of the run, it sets in the south-east end of the facility about 1,000
meters from the ground vehicle gate / maglev station and 250 meters from the perimeter fencing.
 Security Center – This area takes up the majority of the first floor of the Engineering Center and includes
the Research Lab Elevator Lobby and the location of Murder, one of the two locations for Sabotage.
 Research Labs – The mission objectives for this run are located in the basement research lab. The only entry
and exit to the lab is a heavily guarded elevator lobby within the security center and with the research team
offsite the lab is shut down.

Factory Complex
The factory complex area does not contain any mission objectives. The IDs given to the team do not grant access to this
area. The production lines are currently down for a 2-week maintenance and refit. All of the completed orders have already
shipped out so there are no completed weapons on site, just raw materials and automated defenses.

Maglev Station [Odaiba Station No 3 – unofficially Arasaka Buki Station]

The station consists of a 100 meter with a 10 meter embarking / disembarking platform leading directly to a 100 meter
wide row of automated turnstile style security checkpoints with SIN readers and rating 5 MAD scanners. At either end is
“Weapon Check” signs, employees are forbidden to carry personal weapons in the facility. The automated security checkpoints
run the broadcast SINs and Corporate IDs while arrivals pass through the turnstiles. Disregard any failed checks here as the
runners SINs and IDs have already been added to the Security host by the Evo hired fabricators.
A scanner hit on a legal weapon will generally result in a “you forgot to check that” from the security officers. SOP for
any illegal (F rated) weapons or other contraband that is found are that it should be seized immediately and the person carrying it
held at the security station until a security manager can arrive to conduct an interrogation. The problem today is that there are no
security managers available. After a number of calls being put on hold indefinitely the officers will get frustrated and just tell
whoever has the item to just leave on the next train.

Ground Vehicle Gate

The access road runs along the north-west edge of the artificial island between the water’s edge and the facilities
concrete perimeter wall. Arched bridges pass over the remains of Tokyo Bay at each end of the island and the maglev rail runs
parallel to the road, supported on 15 meter tall pylons. The heavy rail line comes across the bay on its own elevated bridge,
crosses over the road and fencing but under the maglev rail, then enters the facility through a heavily defended, automated gate.
At the center of the 500 meter side of the island there is a turn off from the road with a wide automated gate. The lower
3 meters of the 6 meter wide gate is constructed of heavy steel and above is 3 meters of electrified chain link fencing. Past the
gate is an 8 meter wide by 20 meter long walled enclosure. There is a security station located on a platform 3 meters off the
ground with metal stairs leading up to it. 2 officers will come down with a rating 3 portable SIN verification unit to check IDs.
Disregard any failed checks here as the runners SINs and IDs have already been added to the Security host by the Evo hired
fabricators There is a schedule listing expected deliveries but it’s not uncommon for unscheduled deliveries to come in. If
something seems out of place the officers will want to inspect the vehicle and cargo by hand.

15 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

SOP for any vehicles found to be carrying unauthorized persons, illegal weapons or other contraband, is for the gates
to be locked down and the vehicle held until a security manager can arrive to conduct an interrogation. The problem today is that
there are no security managers available. After a number of calls being put on hold indefinitely the officers will get frustrated and
will just open the outer gate and let the runners leave the facility.

Support Areas for the runners to explore

 Security Stations – Security stations are located at the Maglev Station, The Ground Vehicle Gate, the Dock, the
entrances to the Factory Complex, Engineering Center Lobby and at the Research Lab Elevator Lobby. The smaller
stations typically have 2 officers on duty but with the staff shortage there may only be 1 on duty.
 Employee Cafeteria – Dining together is encouraged as a team building activity and most department teams schedule
meals together at the main dining hall at least a few times a week. The rest of the time meals are delivered to small
dining halls close to each team’s assigned work areas. The kitchen is state of the art with a number of chefs and
automations preparing a wide assortment of meals, Food delivery staff operates out of here as well.
 Medical Center - The small medical building here is completely overwhelmed by the food poisoning incident. Anyone
entering here will be hit with the smell of vomit and antiseptic. There are about a dozen cots out in the lobby filled with
sick security officers, the overflow of patents from last night. There are also several cleaning crews at work here.
 Emergency Services - The offices for a handful of non-security emergency personal are in this building. It also acts as
a staging area for any type of emergency response. The garage here holds 2 Ares Roadmasters outfitted with water
cannons, other firefighting equipment and general emergency response gear. Vehicle stats are all detailed in Scene 8.
 Vehicle Garage – This building and fenced depot are used for storage and maintenance of the vehicles used in the
facility. There are 4 GMC Bulldog Vans, 1 Mitsubishi Nightsky and 3 Honda Artemis security vehicles stored here
during the time the runners are in the facility. Vehicle stats are all detailed in Scene 8.
 The Dock - The dock area is surrounded by large warehouse buildings on three sides and open water on the fourth. The
200 meter by 200 meter open area has 2 deep channels cut deep into the center. There are 8-10 workers here at any
given time operating the drones with RCC’s.
 Naval Pier - This short channel and pier are located within the Dock area. 2 Tug boats used to maneuver barges in and
out of the Dock and 2 GMC Riverine Security watercraft are tied up here. The vehicle stats are detailed in Scene 8.
 Material Warehouse - The warehouses around the Dock have rows of shelves stacked with crates. The back sides of
the warehouse buildings also have loading docks for vehicle deliveries. 4 GMC Bulldog Vans can be found parked at
these loading docks. The vehicle stats are all detailed in Scene 8.
 Factory Complex Entrances - The automated production facilities are located in a series of buildings that extend more
than a kilometer along the north-east edge of the Odaiba. There are 8 exterior doors into the factory complex buildings,
are all armored, flanked by automated weapons, and equipped with a rating 5 maglocks using both a keypad and
keycard readers. The door locks and weapons are tied into the security host. Security stations, each manned by 1
officer, are located next to each of the 8 doors leading to the production facility buildings. The interior is filled with
automated production machines, currently idle, with maintenance crews here and there working on the equipment.
 Shipping Warehouse - This is a large concrete 150 meter by 30 meter building, 20 meters tall. The interior is one large
open space, clear up to the roof overhead. A heavy rail track runs along the length of the wall opposite the door on a
platform 8 meters off the floor. Large empty storage racks cover the near wall and cargo handling drones sit idle.
 Heavy Rail Gate - The exterior of the Heavy Rail Gate is located 8 meters above the ground directly above the
perimeter fence. Cameras and three customized heavy turrets protect the approach to the gate.

Security Patrols
The security patrols operate out of the Security Offices in the Engineering Center but can be encountered anywhere on
the facility grounds. With the reduced security presence in the facility there are only 26 officers available to go out on patrol,
both during the day and for the overnight shift, half of what it would normally be. The current teams break down to:
6 Teams of 2 security officers in each team patrolling the facility on foot in regular patterns
` 3 Teams of 2 security officers in a vehicle patrolling the facility using drone equipped Artemis patrol cars
1 HTR team of 6 HTR officers, 1 HTR Rigger, 2 drones, and 1 Security Mage patrol the facility in a Roadmaster
The balance of the security officers in the facility are stationed to a specific location and will not respond to calls. The write up of
the facilities security officers is in Scene 6 and the HTR team is in the Scene 6 “Pushing The Envelope”.

General Clues:
The best way for the runners to get information about what’s happening at the facility is to talk to the employees;
responses are grouped under possible questions. Game masters can either roll-play out the interactions or have the runners roll an
Etiquette + Charisma [Social] Test to see what information they get.
So what’s going on? (Asking a general employee)
 Maintenance and refit, the lines are all down for two weeks. The machinists are busy as hell right now.
 All the big wigs are out of the office, some type of training. If you ask me off “on vacation” is more likely.
 I heard that the R&D department is shut down, everyone is off on some top-secret trip.
 Security is having some type of problem, they’re asking for temporary transfers to help fill in.

16 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

 I heard that the Security Director Kozlov-san is out sick today. The security team is in chaos without him.
Why is security shorthanded? (Asking a general employee)
 A lot of people are off sick today, bad fish from the cafeteria.
 Most of the night shift is down sick. It’s causing a manpower nightmare moving everyone’s schedule around.
 Food poisoning, the meal sent out to the security department last night had some bad sashimi in it.
Food poisoning, how did that happen? (Asking the kitchen staff)
 The security department had dinner delivered last night. Someone will definitely be fired over this mess
 I didn’t recognize the crew working on the security department food service last night. Didn’t see any
nametags either, new hires I guess. I haven’t seen them around here today either.
 I have no idea where they even got that meal from. We didn’t have sashimi on the menu last night and I
didn’t even know that we had it in stock.
Was it really food poisoning? (Asking the medical staff)
 That’s confidential patient information, I can’t release that.
 I can confirm that it was food poisoning.
 Sure, food poisoning, but I overheard that it was an engineered strain, like a bio-weapon, I don’t see how they
could have been accidently exposed to that.
I hear you have a security staff shortage (Asking security staff)
 Everyone’s off sick, it’s causing a scheduling nightmare around here.
 The meal sent out last night had some bad sashimi in it, most of the night shift is out sick from food
poisoning, day shift is trying hard to make up for it.
 With this many staff off there is no way we can cover the facility. Especially with Director Kozlov-san off.
 Rumor is that it was an attack to cover up for some type of industrial espionage, heads will roll if it’s true.
What’s going on with Security Director Kozlov-san (Asking security staff)
 He’s not in today. I heard it was some family emergency.
 I’m really worried. A lot of people have tried to call him today and he hasn’t returned any calls.
 Strange but it can’t be a “family” emergency; Kozlov-san has no family. He’s a bachelor with no siblings and
his parents have already passed away.

Administrative Host – Hacking for answers

Hacking into the Administrative host (Rating 6, ASDF = 7, 6, 8, 9) and using a Matrix Search action for General
Knowledge (1 minute, threshold of 1), can reveal the answers to some specific questions, depending on exactly what information
the runners search for:
 Food Service files
 The schedule entry showing who prepared the security department meal last night is blank.
 The log entry for the food service delivery to the security department is blank as well.
 The kitchens internal cameras were offline last night.
 There is no inventory entry for sashimi made in the last month.
 The latest “new hire” entry for kitchen or delivery staff is shown as three months ago
 HR / Security Personal files
 Before his shift started today security Director Koslov sent an emergency request for leave in by text.
 Security Director Koslov has not listened to any of the 23 messages sitting in his inbox from today.
 Security Director Koslov has “none” listed for next of kin in his employee file.
 The schedule for security forces has been reworked today using only 50% of the staff.
 A complete list of Security staff off duty from food poising, sent over from the medical center.
 The officers scheduled to work overnight in the Lab Elevator Lobby are also on the sick list. (This means that
due to this scheduling mistake, the lobby to the lab will be unguarded tonight)
 HR / Medical files
 Patient Diagnosis - This file can be understood with 1 success on a Medicine + Logic [Mental] test and it
confirms a diagnosis of food poisoning.
 Patient List - A list of Security staff that are off duty due to the outbreak.
 Doctor’s Notes - Log entries indicate that while the sashimi was originally suspected as the source of the
toxic agent several patients were treated that did not have any of it.
 Lab Results - This file can be understood with 1 success on a Medicine + Logic [Mental] Test. Early results
indicate that the strain of virus is one that has been artificially modified to maximize the virulence and speed
of reaction.
 Memo to Security - A memo was sent to Victor Kozlov, the director of security, warning him that the food
poisoning was a deliberate attack of some type and needed to be investigated by security as soon as possible.
(No Response Yet)

17 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall
6 7 6 8 9

Grid: Evo Global

Installed IC: Blaster, patrol, probe, tar baby, track
Slaved Devices: This host controls the overall data management for the facility such as accounting, food service, human
resources, inventory, logistics, and production.
Sculpting: Reproductions of 16th century Tokyo. Different departments are represented by different buildings, with officials
within those departments given virtual offices inside the buildings commensurate to their importance inside the organization.
A soldiers’ garrison is the Security Host nested within the Administrative host. The security host is detailed below.
Security Procedures: Patrol IC runs at all times searching for marks and silent icons, making a Matrix Perception test
against a Decker’s icon once every 8 combat turns (24 seconds) and will drive the host into alert if it picks up something
suspicious. A successful Brute Force attack or a failed Hack on the Fly attempt will also put the host into an Alarm. Once an
alarm is activated the host launches IC in this order: probe, blaster, tar baby, and track. If one of its IC is bricked, the host
will use the next Combat Turn to reboot that IC rather than moving on to the next one.
Additionally the following actions will be taken by the host if it goes into Alarm:
A Matrix Intrusion Alert is sent to the Surveillance desk in the security center prompting a facility wide security alert.
An audio / visual alarm sounds in the matrix security center and a Security Spider will respond on the next turn,
running silent in cold sim, to investigate and deal with any intruders in the host. The second spider will arrive on the 2 nd turn.
Host Personas: The host bustles with employees’ personas. They are not expected to conform to the sculpted paradigm, so
the feudal Japanese city is populated by the sararīmen of contemporary Neo-Tokyo. On the other hand, IC personas’ all are
designed to look like warriors from 16th century Japan.
Legitimate Access: The host is not open to the public, but employees are all expected to be logged in while on the clock.
They each badge in with a unique maglock passkey backed up by fingerprint verification. Any datastores restricted to
management level access is protected by file protection 4 or greater.


Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall
8 9 8 10 11

Grid: Evo Global

Installed IC: Blaster (*Black IC if Pushing the Limit) patrol, probe, tar baby, track
Sculpting: A stout citadel surrounded by cherry trees and a moat.
Security Procedures: Patrol IC runs at all times searching for marks and silent icons, making a Matrix Perception test
against a Decker’s icon once every 6 combat turns (18 seconds) and will drive the host into alert if it picks up something
suspicious. A successful Brute Force attack or a failed Hack on the Fly attempt will also put the host into an Alarm Once an
alarm is activated the host launches IC in this order: Probe, Black IC, Tar Baby, and Track. If one of its IC is bricked, the
host will use the next Combat Turn to reboot that IC rather than moving on to the next one.
Additionally the following actions will be taken by the host if it goes into Alarm:
A Matrix Intrusion Alert is sent to the Surveillance desk in the security center prompting a facility wide security alert.
An audio / visual alarm sounds in the matrix security center and a Security Spider will respond on the next action pass,
running silent in cold sim, to investigate and deal with any intruders in the host. The second spider will arrive the next turn.
Host Personas: Security personnel are not required to conform their personas with the local sculpting, but many have an
affection for doing so anyway. The IC personas, as in the Administrative host, appear as feudal Japanese soldiers and
Legitimate Access: None. The host is only intended to grant access to legitimate security personnel.


Matrix encounter – Physical gear not shown
3 3 4 2 4 5 4 3 5.9

Matrix Initiative: 8 + 3D6 (Cold Sim VR)

Condition Monitor (Matrix): 10
Limits: Attack 5(6), Sleaze 7(8), Data Processing 4(5), Firewall 6(7)
Matrix Damage Resistance: 13
Biofeedback Damage Resistance: 11
Skills: Cracking skill group: 5, Electronics skill group: 5, Clubs 3, First Aid 2, Perception 4, Pistol 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Language: English 3, Japanese N

18 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Qualities: Codeslinger (Matrix Perception)
Augmentations: Datajack
Gear: Sony CIY-720 cyberdeck [Device Rating 4, ASDF 4/6/5/7 w/ armor, encryption, decryption, stealth, toolbox,
virtual machine]
Matrix Action Dice Pools: Matrix Perception 11 [7], Hack on the Fly 10 [10], Erase Mark 10 [5], Trace Icon 9 [7]
Note: While the virtual machine program is running, the Security Spider adds 1 box to any amount of uncompensated
matrix damage (see pg. 245, SR5).

There are actually two locations where the exact same modifications to the facilities security systems have been made.
Fencing Maintenance Building (see Perimeter) - When the runners get near to the perimeter fencing anywhere
directly adjacent to the water (as in not next to the road) let them find this location. This is one of the service stations feeding
power to the electric fencing and containing the electrical, sensor, and camera controls. The stations are 4 meter square
outbuildings evenly spaced every 250 meters along the fence. One of the runners notice that the door of the closest outbuilding is
slightly ajar and there are some scorch marks around the maglock. The maglock and anti tamper circuit to this door has indeed
been shorted out so entry is no problem. Nothing so obvious has been altered inside however.
Maintenance Room (see Engineering Center) - As the runners start exploring the Engineering Center they will
quickly discover that just like the perimeter the security systems for the buildings are hardwired instead of wireless. In a corridor
next to the main lobby is a maintenance room containing the hardwired connections for the building elevator controls, exterior
maglock controls, door sensor controls, and camera feeds. The door to this room is equipped with a keycard equipped maglock
but if the handle is pulled the runners will discover that it has been disabled.

As the team starts looking at the electronic systems at either of these locations have them make an extended Hardware
+ Logic [Mental] (3 and 5, 5 minute) extended test to try and figure out the electrical control systems to see what may have
been altered. Add +4 dice If the runners have already solved the other rewired systems. Allow a default if no one has hardware.
 At Three successes - It looks like this is set up to cut the power to the electric fence and send the sensor / camera
feeds into a loop at 4:00 AM tonight.
 At Five successes - You figure out how to reprogram the device. you can set it for a different time and access a
wireless interface to grant remote access.

Engineering Center:
Dominating the south-east half of the complex is the Engineering Center. The square 15-story structure sits a kilometer
from the entry gates and in the center of the short axis of the Odaiba. According to data file on the facility the research lab sits
under this building. The upper floors hold offices that have no impact on this mission. The first floor is taken up by the lobby, the
security center, and the research lab elevator lobby.
During the time the runners are exploring there are only 8 security staff in this building there are however several
hundred general office workers in the Engineering Center during the day and a few dozen there during the overnight shift.
The following locations can be explored by the runners as they look for the entrance to the underground lab.
 First floor in general - The first floor past the lobby consists of a series of corridors and rooms with easy to spot
cameras covering every centimeter of the floor.
 Lobby – The main entrance doors open into an ornate marble and glass 4-story atrium, there is a security station in the
center of the lobby with 1 officer stationed here.
 Maintenance Room – This first floor room is one of the two locations for Sabotage.
 Dispatch and Communications – All emergency and security force calls are routed through here. Security officers are
dispatched to calls from this office. 1 officer is stationed there.
 Monitoring and Surveillance – It looks like all the camera feeds and all sensors from the facility can be monitored
here, the walls of this office are covered with old style 2-D screens. Of course every camera can’t be watched all the
time so the majority of the work is automated. 1 officer is stationed here.
 Matrix Security Office – 2 security spiders sit here with cyberdecks in front of them, monitoring the hosts in AR.
 Magical Security Office – This office is unoccupied, there is only one mage on duty who will be with the HTR team.
 Security Management Offices – An area of individual offices. With the staff shortage the daytime managers and staff
(except Kozlov who is missing) are working other positions and the 1 officer stationed here is an assistant manning the
front desk. Kozlov’s office is the location for Murder, there is nothing of any interest in the other management offices.
 Cantina and Dining – This is a large open area with long tables, bench seating and a row of vending machines along
the far wall, you can also see a small kitchen behind an open counter.
 Ready Room and Armory – This series of rooms includes a large meeting room full of chairs, a locker room,
showers, dressing rooms, a small gym, and a secure armory. The lockers all have keypad operated, rating 4 maglocks
and holds the armored jackets, helmets, goggles, tasers and stun batons of off duty security officers. The Armory has a
separate keypad operated rating 5 maglock with rating 3 anti-tamper and holds a few spare sets of armor and weapons.
 Research Lab Lobby – 2 officers are stationed here, see the description below

19 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

First Floor Engineering Center, Security Management Offices, Security Director Kozlov’s Office - After a
number of clues have pointed to the absence of the security director, Victor Kozlov, the runners may be trying to find his office
to investigate. Victor Kozlov’s office is in the Security Management Office.
At first glance nothing in Kozlov’s office appears out of place. A Perception + Intuition [Mental] (2) Test will notice
that the room smells faintly of cleaning fluid and stale blood, 3 hits will notice the imprints in the carpet looks like the furniture
has been moved around recently and 4 hits will notice that a number of the books are upside down on the bookshelf. If the
runners move the bookcase away from the wall they will see several bullet holes and some hastily cleaned up blood stains.
Assensing the room will reveal a shadow of recent death impeding the flow of mana (the room has a background count of 1).
Hints of pain, regret and confusion can be detected but there is no anger, whoever committed this murder did it without passion,
just cold intent. If a mage uses the Psychometry metamagic then read an excerpt from the opening fiction as appropriate for the
number of successes.
A quick search of the desk (or a matrix search) will reveal an active Erika Elite commlink in the bottom drawer. This
commlink was prepared by Nakagawa’s fixer and planted in Victor’s desk by the opposing runner team. There is only standard
protection on the commlink, the runners can get right into it with one success on a Crack File action. The commlink is registered
to Victor Kozlov and has his Evo corporate SIN, personal information, biometric data and a number of banking accounts that
have all just been zeroed out this morning.
There is also a hidden file on the device that can be discovered with a single success on a Matrix
Perception test. After a second Crack File action the runners will discover that it accesses a high rating Aztechnology “fake”
SIN issued under the name of Fernando Guzman and the fake SIN has biometrics that matches Kozlov. The hidden files also
include a number of long text conversations between Guzman and some Aztechnology middle managers, arranging for the
transfer of stolen Arasaka Buki research data and prototypes in exchange for employment and a large “finder’s fee”. The last
message indicates that Senior Guzman has liquidated his affaires in Neo-Tokyo and is on his way to a new job in Tenochtitlan.

Research Lab Elevator Lobby

Scene 6 has the information on this room used for the actual run, this basic description is here for the recon. It should
be clear that getting into the labs at the moment is not possible without taking on the entire facility in a direct assault.
There are 2 security officers here during the day but it will be empty overnight, primarily because of the
manipulations to the work schedule by the opposing Shadowrun team.

The Research Elevator Lobby sits in the center of the first floor with an extra wide corridor leading to the loading dock.
There are keypads and keycard readers on both the inside and outside of the door. The maglock is not active (unless the facility is
on alert), the door slides open whenever anyone approaches. The door is made of extremely thick reinforced steel and the wall is
about a meter thick. The actual lobby is a large 2-story 25 meter by 25 meter room with a blocky 1-story elevator structure
setting in the center. There are wide elevator doors on opposite sides of the block structure. The room has no windows and only
the single door. There are enough cameras in the room to cover all angles, as well as a few sensor housings. Pop-out weapon
turrets are in each of the four corners and gas delivery system nozzles are along the walls. It’s a Perception + Intuition [Mental]
(4) Test to notice the concealed turrets and it takes 5 hits to see the small nozzles along the walls. There is a large mystic circle
inscribed on the floor around the elevator. A security desk sets just outside of the circle and there are two security officers
behind it. The circle is anchoring a rating 7 mana barrier and here is a force 7 air spirit in the astral, both are Shinto
tradition. A Matrix perception test will show the officers commlinks and reveal that the cameras, sensors and maglock icons do
not show up, they are all hard wired into the security host.
Allow the players to have a moment to glance around then have the security officers ask what their business is. If they
can’t give a good reason for being there the officers will tell them to leave.

The air spirit here is primarily placed to prevent astral projecting spies from entering the research labs; however it will
also act to protect the officers. The air spirit will closely watch anyone awakened in the room but will stay in the astral unless the
officers on duty are attacked or if any type of spell is cast on the officers. If any of the runners do that the sprit will materialize as
the spell is being cast and attack on the next combat turn. Facility security will of course investigate why this happened. Any
mage or spirit that approaches the ward in the astral will be intercepted by the spirit, who will issue a brisk warning to “leave this
area”. In the event that the projecting mage or spirit does not immediately leave the guarding air spirit will attack. If the air spirit
is defeated and the astral interloper gets past the barrier there is another force 7 air spirit waiting inside. Both of the spirits have 5
services. The mage that bound the spirits and placed the ward is the director of Magical Security. He is currently at Nakagawa’s
retreat but if a spirit is disrupted or the ward is attacked he will immediately call in an alert to the security center.
The controls to the lab elevators are located behind the security desk. While the labs are closed the power is shut
off to the elevators, it will have to be turned back on from here. If the runners come up with some ploy to get a look behind the
security desk they will see that the elevator controls include a keypad similar to those that protect maglocks. The room has a
number of security cameras that feed into the facility surveillance system and there is a panic button mounted in the desk. If
either of the officers is attacked or the spirit materializes to attack someone, the alarms will sound in the room and the door’s

20 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

maglocks will activate, locking the security door shut. The facilities security forces will converge in force and prepare for a fight
by setting up barricades outside the room.


5 10 11 4 7 7 7 7 4 7

Initiative: 18 + 2D6
Astral Initiative: 18 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 11 / 12
Limits: Physical 8, Mental 10, Social 10, Astral 10
Armor: 0 (14H vs non-magical attacks)
Skills: Assensing 7, Astral Combat 7, Exotic Ranged Weapon: Elemental Attack 7, Perception 7, Running 7, Unarmed Combat 7
Powers: Accident, astral form, concealment, confusion, elemental attack: cold, engulf, fear, materialization, movement, sapience,
Elemental Attack [Exotic Ranged Weapon, Acc 8, DV 14P (cold), AP –7]
Engulf: Air [Unarmed, Acc 8, Reach –, DV 14S, Penetration –7]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 8, Reach –, DV 4S, AP –]
Note: A spirit of air’s engulf damage is resisted as an inhalation vector toxin, see pg. 408 SR5.

Once the Runners have looked over all the locations that they think will be important for the run and have formulated a
plan they will have the rest of the day to do legwork and to track down anything that they need and don’t currently have.
If the runners decide that they want to enter the facility by boat and don’t have one let them make some calls and beg,
borrow, buy or steal one. For runners that want to make a water entry and do not have a team member skilled with watercraft,
they have the option of hiring someone to do that for them. A call to any local fixer can set the team up with Jimmy Quick, the
owner and operator of a no-questions-ask “water taxi” service, moving clients around the bay in his modified Aztech
Nightrunner. He can drop off the team or pick them up for 600 nuyen per runner, both ways for 1,000 nuyen. Jimmy knows
it’s a seller’s market and he’s not a great negotiator so his price is fairly solid. Each net hit on a Negotiation + Charisma [Social]
test against his pool of 8 dice, will reduce the price by 20 nuyen per net hit, up to 5 net hits, for a drop off or pick up (or 50 nuyen
each net hit, up to 5 net hits, for the two way trip) his price will not go lower than that.

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
JIMMY QUICK (HUMAN MALE, RIGGER) Connection Rating: 2, Loyalty Rating: 1
A slightly built Japanese man, Jimmy Quick runs a no-questions-asked water taxi service around Tokyo Bay with
his heavily modified Aztech Nightrunner. He acquired a set of second hand wired reflexes early in his shadow career and the
slightly malfunctioning cyberware imparts a distinct twitchy, jerky edge to his movements and an accelerated speech pattern
that gives him his street name. Jimmy doesn’t talk about his past but his piloting skills and the military issue control rig in his
head make many people speculate that he was a combat rigger in the imperial marines before turning to the shadows.
The profile for the Aztech Nightrunner is in Scene 8 and Jimmy Quick’s full profile is in the Cast of Shadows.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends


This scene is not strictly narrative but it should be non-combat. If you know that you are running ahead add some
encounters with patrolling security officers so that they seem to be around every corner. You could also have the team be
challenged by the employees they meet, questioning why such a mixed group is out of their regular work areas, snooping around
the facility. The host rating could also be increased for teams with heavy matrix support.

Probably the single largest potential problem is that cocky group of runners will decide they can force their way into
the lab during the day. Point out the fact that such a “frontal assault” would be certain to bring down the entire security force on
their heads. Such a group may also decide to start security system bypass now instead of tonight, however the fresh and alert
officer manning the surveillance desk will immediately spot the loop and sound an alert. Security would then discover how the
camera bypass was accomplished, making it useless for a second attempt.
Starting a fight with security in other places in the facility would be nearly as disastrous. Try to steer the players away
from an outright fight. If they insist on getting into combat with a patrol or a posted officer let them get away before the HTR
rolls up, but put the facility on alert and keep it on alert overnight. The security center and the lab elevator lobby will be a lot
harder (but not impossible) to get into with the maglock and automated security activated.

21 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Before the deliberately loud run on the Arasaka Buki corporate compound, the team must quietly break into the CEO’s
mansion in Bunkyo ward and plant the evidence that implicates him in the fabricated Ares takeover plan. In the process the
runners discover an actual plan, for a Renraku takeover.


On the way to the house
It must be your lucky night. As you start out an overcast sky drops a misting rain and a light fog drifts in across the
grassy areas, perfect weather for working in the shadows. Driving out into the darkness, the wet pavement reflects the headlights
of oncoming traffic. This time of night those reflections are most likely NTMP patrol cars, especially here on the upscale
residential streets of Bunkyo. Once in the University District you cut the lights and glide onto Nakagawa’s quiet street. Long,
crisscrossed shadows spring up from the perfectly manicured trees and hedges on the property, retreating away from the lights.
The house sits in the center of the large, gently rolling lot surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens about 100
meters back from the street. It’s large for a traditionally styled Japanese home, single-story but about 30 meters across. The front
door has ornate braziers with a real flame burning at either side. There are no other lights except for some low curb lighting
running along the wide drive from the street to a garage on one end of the house.

Inside that House

After making it in through the door you see that the interior of the home is almost totally dark, only a faint glow of light
coming through the translucent panels set in the exterior walls. The home is also nearly silent, just the soft hum of electronics and
the occasional click of some automated system hidden in the house. The interior of the home is sparsely yet tastefully decorated
and the walls are mostly made of the traditional moving panels that allow the floor plan to change on demand.
It looks like Nakagawa’s study is located just ahead in the center of the house.

In the study
The study has two broad steps leading down to a slightly lower level. The walls here are covered by bookshelves and
display cases, lots of good locations to plant the commlink. In the center of the room three comfortable looking lounge chairs
sitting on a thick Persian rug and facing a large desk, set to one side. There is a slowly flashing notice in the screen of the desktop
computer system, but you can’t make out what’s on it from the door. Regardless, that appears to be the data-terminal you’re
looking for. The optical drive inside will have the communication logs that need to be altered and burned into a new chip.


After the team has finished their legwork and preparations, it’s time for the first half of the two part run. The runners
have a lot of options for how to actually do the run up to and including driving right up to the front door in Arasaka uniforms and
talking their way in. This scene details the stealth entry because it explores the houses defenses, the gamemaster will have to
remain flexible and keep an open mind on whatever plan the runners come up with.
The data file given to the runners with Nakagawa’s home address says that the house is occupied by Nakagawa, his
wife, and two live-in servants. It does not show the internal layout of the house or any details about the security. The runner’s
instructions are to replace the optical drive in Nakagawa’s home data-terminal creating a modified communication log that will
stand up to a forensic examination and then place one of the commlinks, loaded with incriminating evidence, in his study.

Other options
The assumption here is that the home invasion will happen between 11:00 and 2:00 am while everyone is asleep but it
could actually be done at any time. Teams who check out the house early and use surveillance to track the occupants will be
rewarded with an alternate window of opportunity that takes place while everyone is away from the house between 6:00 PM and
7:00 PM. If the runners decide to do something other than one of these two options, check the occupant schedule to see who is
home at the time. (The profiles for the 3 occupants are at the end of the scene if they are needed)
If the runners go back to the home after the facility break-in, all the occupants will be awake and 2 security officers in a
Honda Artemis will be parked in the drive, dispatched to secure the CEOs residence, just in case there’s trouble there.

Occupant schedule
Misaki “Neko” Nakagawa – Former bodyguard turned mistress, now the current wife, Neko (Cat) may be a little long in the
tooth but this kitten’s claws are still as sharp as ever. She is a hand-to-hand combat specialist with extensive bioware.
Schedule 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM Home and awake
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM GONE - Shopping in Harajuku with friends
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Home and awake
10:00 PM - 6:00 AM Asleep (until alerted by Security in response to the facility run)

22 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Lee Iwasaki – Former combat rigger in the Japanese Imperial Marines, Lee is Misaki’s “gardener” and sometimes driver, he
manages the technological defenses of the house, including rigging the exterior turrets if necessary.
Schedule 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM Home and awake
2:00 PM - 7:00 PM GONE – Various errands around town
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Home and awake
9:00 PM - 6:00 AM Asleep (until alerted by Security in response to the facility run)

Ichiro Sakamoto – An elderly Shinto tradition mage, Sakamoto-san is Misaki’s personal assistant and spiritual guide. He
maintains the ward that is the basis of the houses magical security and can summon spirits for its defense.
Schedule 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM Home and awake
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM GONE – Visiting friends in Chiyoda
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Home and awake
10:00 PM - 6:00 AM Asleep (until alerted by Security in response to the facility run)

A Look at the house

The area around Tokyo University in the Bunkyo Ward is an AA rated neighborhood. Remember that this is a quiet
residential street and any vehicles not belonging here may be noticed by a neighbor or flagged by the local NTMP patrol that
drives down the street on a regular patrol.
Next to the street, 100 meters out from the residence, landscaping lights illuminate the ground and an ARO flashes “No
Trespassing – Private Residence”. There is no security at the property perimeter.
Looking over the house from the street the runners will see a large front entry door and two doors in the garage, one
regular and one large vehicle door. If the runners manage a look from the rear of the lot it will reveal two back doors. The wall /
window panels of the home appear to be very thick translucent plates that do not look like they could open. There is no
landscaping that could provide cover within 5 meters of the house. A Perception + Intuition [Mental] (2) Test will also notice
the security drones parked under the eve and 4 hits will notice the ultrasonic motion sensors.
Assensing from a distance will reveal that the walls of the house are warded (rating 6)
Although it does not show up automatically a successful matrix perception test against the host will reveal it. The track
mounted drones, cameras and motion sensors on the exterior of the house do not show up in the matrix, they have no wireless
signals or icons and are hardwired into the homes systems.

The runners have two primary pathways for dealing with the security at the house. If the team has good matrix support
they can hack the host and let themselves through, if not they will have to attempt the much harder task of sneaking past the
sensor grid and bypassing the maglock on a door.


Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall
6 8 6 7 9

Grid: Neo-Tokyo Public (running silent)

Installed IC: Blaster, patrol, probe, tar baby, track
Slaved Devices: Alarms, environmental controls, drones, exterior cameras, maglocks, motion sensors, RCC
Sculpting: A Shinto Shrine in a wooded glade with Fujiyama looming in the distance. Once inside the host, the interior of
the shrine mirrors the house’s layout. Users interact with digital windows coded in wall scrolls and incense smoke to
manipulate slaved devices.
Security Procedures: Patrol IC searches at all times for marks and silent icons, making a Matrix Perception test against a
Decker’s icon once every 3 combat turns (9 seconds). A successful Brute Force attack or a failed Hack on the Fly attempt
will also put the host into an Alarm. Once activated the host launches IC in this order: probe, blaster, tar baby, and track. If
one of its IC gets bricked, it will use the next Combat Turn to reboot that IC rather than moving on to the next one.
Additionally the following actions will be taken by the host if it goes into Alarm:
A Matrix Intrusion Alert is sent to the commlinks of the homes 4 occupants,
An audio / visual alarm sounds in the house alerting the occupants to a Matrix intrusion,
The alert is also sent to the Matrix Security Center in the Arasaka Corporate Compound, who will respond in 2 Turns
by sending a Security Spider thru the Matrix to investigate and deal with any intruders in the Host.
Host Personas: Normally the only personas present are the IC. The patrol IC is sculpted as a traditional Tanuki (Japanese
Racoon Dog) and the other IC spawn as Japanese Shishi temple guardians.
Legitimate Access: None. The host is exceptionally private. Even the resident and his guests just use their own personal
commlinks rather than log in to the host.


Matrix encounter – Physical gear not shown

23 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

3 3 4 2 4 5 4 3 5.9

Matrix Initiative: 8 + 3D6 (Cold Sim VR)

Condition Monitor (Matrix): 10
Limits: Attack 5(6), Sleaze 7(8), Data Processing 4(5), Firewall 6(7)
Matrix Damage Resistance: 13
Biofeedback Damage Resistance: 11
Skills: Cracking skill group: 5, Electronics skill group: 5, Clubs 3, First Aid 2, Perception 4, Pistol 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Language: English 3, Japanese N
Qualities: Codeslinger (Matrix Perception)
Augmentations: Datajack
Gear: Sony CIY-720 cyberdeck [Device Rating 4, ASDF 4/6/5/7]
Programs: Armor, encryption, decryption, stealth, toolbox, virtual machine
Matrix Action Dice Pools: Matrix Perception 11 [5], Hack on the Fly 10 [8], Erase Mark 10 [6], Trace Icon 9 [5]
Note: While the virtual machine program is running, the Security Spider adds 1 box to any amount of uncompensated
matrix damage (see pg. 245, SR5).

Drones, Sensors and Maglocks

If the runners attempt the stealth approach and try to slip past the house sensors they must first avoid being spotted by
the drones visual and ultrasonic sensors (50 meters out), then once the runners reach the cleared area (5 meters out) they will have
to defeat the systems motion sensors, finally at the door a maglock will have to be bypassed
Drone Sensors (50 Meters Out) - The Drones tied into the rail have Rating 4 visual and ultrasonic sensors (Camera [Low-
Light Vision, Vision Enhancement (3)], Single Sensor - Ultrasound) designed to spot man sized targets. These are hardwired
into Lee Iwasaki’s desktop RCC (equal to a Maersk Spider) and use its shared programs. At 50 meters out the drones will
start making Sensor Tests (p. 184 CRB) of Pilot + Clearsight [sensor] using its 13 dice (10 vs man-sized) and limit of 4. It
will do this once each turn against each approaching figure and will attempt to match any hits with a broadcast SIN or facial
recognition. A single hit is sufficient to pick up the runners, however if they are aware of the system they can counter it by
opposing the Sensor Test with an Agility + Sneaking [Physical] vs Pilot + Clearsight [sensor]. A Passive Alert will be
triggered on a single hit unless a recognized SIN or facial profile is matched by the system. Once the system goes into alert it
can only be canceled manually from inside the house or by the host.
Motion Sensors (10 Meters Out) – At 10 meters out the runners can detect the ultrasonic field motion sensors located 5
meters ahead if they are using an ultrasound sensor set to passive mode (p. 365 CRB) or make a perception test with a
threshold of 3. Once they notice the motion sensors they need a single hit on an appropriate knowledge skill (security
systems, electronic sensors, breaking and entering techniques, etc) to understand what it is and how to defeat it.
Motion Sensors (5 Meters Out) - The last 5 meters to the house are protected with ultrasonic field motion sensors (CRB p
365) that extend around the entire perimeter of the house. A test of Agility + Sneaking [Physical] (3) is required to defeat
the motion detectors and if tripped the system will go into an Active Alert.
Door Maglocks with Anti-Tamper alarms (At the doors) - The entry doors are all locked with Rating 5 Maglocks that
have Rating 4 Anti-Tamper protection. The system uses Facial and Voice Recognition to identify the occupants. A card
reader with keypad is also installed on the Rear and Garage doors to allow authorized service people entry. If The Anti-
Tamper alarm is tripped on any of the maglocks, the system will go into an Active Alert

Passive Alert - The 6 rail-drones will take the following actions

1st - Paint any spotted targets with the drones targeting laser (after dark the spotlight will be used as well)
2nd - Use the speakers to broadcast the command “Please Identify” and will continue to scan for a SIN
3rd - Each drone in the system will attempt an active sensor lock
4th - If a spotted and unidentified target approaches within 20 meters of the house, an Active Alert will trigger
Active Alert - The system will take the following actions.
1st - The drones will fire, in autopilot, at any spotted targets within range
2nd - Alert the commlinks of the homes 4 occupants and activate a physical (audio and visual) alarm inside the house
3rd - Place a call to NTMP reporting a trespasser (2 ground vehicle patrols will arrive in 4 minutes)

If lee Iwasaki is alerted and is at home he will Jump-In to one of the drones to see what’s happening. This takes 2 turns
if he is at home and awake, 4 turns if he is asleep. If he is gone, then in 6 turns he will to check the security system cameras and
issue commands to the drones by remote control using his commlink if necessary.


Handlin Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor

24 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

4 1 1 2 6 3 2(4)

Initiative: 6 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 7 / 10

Upgrades: Hardwired to desktop RCC, spotlight, speaker, weapon mount (mini)

Autosofts: (all shared from RCC) Clearsight 6, Defiance EX Shocker Targeting 6
Sensors: Low light, vision enhancement rating 3, upgraded single sensor [ultrasound rating 4]
Arasaka Raijin Taser (Defiance EX Shocker) [taser, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5, SS, RC 0, 8(m) w/ laser sight,
expanded ammo bay, 8 rounds taser dart ammo]

Inside the House:

Once inside the door there is no additional security, that is unless it’s daytime and one or more of the occupants are
home, or it’s at night and one of them wakes up. If it’s after 10:00 PM and everyone has turned in for the night, all the lights will
be off and the interior will be almost totally dark.
The entire house is a faraday cage. Wireless signals will not enter or leave the building, everything going in or out must
pass through the host. This is the primary reason why the communication logs need to be altered. Any commlink calls made from
inside have to pass through the hardwired data terminal and will leave a record.
Characters moving through the house looking for the study will need to make an Agility + Sneaking [Physical] test at
least once between entering and reaching the lobby. Some noise will be made if there are no successes but it will actually take a
Glitch to wake up the occupants. “Neko” Nakagawa has the best hearing and is the lightest sleeper so she will be the one that
wakes up. She will immediately place the homes security system in Active Alert with a panic button, wakening the other two
occupants. Then, depending on the number and how well armed the intruders appear, Neko may confront, or attack, the intruders.

The study is in the approximate center of the house and contains bookshelves, display cases, and a large desk. The data-
terminal that handles communications and interfaces with the residential host is sitting on the desk. There is a flashing message
on the screen that is a key part of the plot; don’t let the players ignore it.
Once the runners look at the screen on the data-terminal hand them Player Handout #1. Nakagawa was apparently
careless enough to leave the terminal open the last time he used it and there are two incoming messages waiting for him. The first
from a fixer he has been working with to hire a team of shadowrunners for the hit on his own R&D lab, the second is from an
executive with Renraku congratulating him on Arasaka’s future move to Renraku (see Player Handout #1 for the exact wording).
The messages can be downloaded by the runners if they want to do that and they will also stay in the data core after it’s removed
The optical data core must be replaced with a new one, modified and burned out on the spot. This job will have to
stand up to a forensic examination; simply altering the file with a matrix action will be insufficient. When the runners get ready
to plant the manufactured data and swap out the optical data core, have them make a Hardware + Logic [Mental] (6, 1 minute)
to open the data-terminal, download and burn the new optical data core and install it. The optical burner automatically combines
the uploaded data with the fabricated evidence.
The team must also leave one of the commlinks hidden somewhere in Nakagawa’s home before they leave.

Leaving the Property

As long as the Security System wasn’t placed into an Active Alert or the occupants woken, leaving will be the reverse
of getting in. Make a sneaking test to get out of the house. The homes defenses’ will not be activated by someone leaving from
one of the doors and walking away.
If the team left the house while it was in Active Alert, (that is with NTMP cars in route responding to a call,) or worse,
chased out of the house by the occupants, then all bets are off and feel free to add a police chase to the escape.

If the runners attempt to contact Tanaka-san with the information downloaded from Nakagawa’s data terminal right
after they leave the house, they will not be able to reach her.


If the players were really fast with their examination of the Arasaka facility (or if they just skipped past it) you may be
ahead of schedule. Here are two options for slowing the runners down; adding some magical security at the house and a run-in
with the NTMP either while arriving or leaving the house.

Optional Encounter 1
At 70 meters out from the house there is an earth spirit (force 6) patrolling the grounds in the astral. This is Buster: a
Force 6, Spirit of Earth. Buster will manifest if he detects anyone approaching the structure or if a projecting mage is detected.
This should be handled as an NPC encounter not a combat encounter, encourage the players to talk their way past.


25 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Buster is a talkative, friendly spirit that is bored with his current task and is looking to make some friends

10 4 5 10 6 5 6 6 6 6

Initiative: 11 + 2D6
Astral Initiative: 12 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 13
Limits: Physical 12, Mental 8, Social 8
Armor: 0 (12H vs non-magical attacks)
Skills: Assensing 6, Astral Combat 6, Perception 6, Unarmed Combat 6
Powers: Astral form, binding, engulf, fear, guard, materialization, movement, sapience, search
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 12, DV 10S, AP –0]

Buster loves the material plane and wants to be a free spirit; he is a talkative, friendly and currently very bored with his
task. Once manifested, he will engage the runners in conversation with a friendly “Oh, hello there, the name’s Buster” and
inform them that they may not approach the house saying something like “Oh, uh, I can’t let you go up to the house, but we
could stay here and chat a bit, if you want”. Buster’s exact instructions are “Stop anyone from approaching the house from any
direction other than the drive; alert me if you are attacked.” If asked, Buster has no problem with telling the runners “exactly”
what his instructions are or providing any other information that he knows (it’s not much). If they continue to move forward after
being warned Buster will use Binding and then Fear (while apologizing profusely for doing it), if attacked he mentally alerts his
summoner, Ichiro Sakamoto, then fights back using Engulf and Unarmed Strike. If the party approached on foot “in the drive” he
will still manifest to talk but will not hinder their forward movement and will excuse himself when the group gets 50 meters away
from the house. If they leave the drive after that point he reasons that they are already “close to the house” by the drive so it’s not
his concern. Buster will completely ignore anyone in a vehicle approaching the house by the drive.
If Ichiro Sakamoto is alerted by Buster (because he’s attacked), Sakamoto will use astral projection to see what’s
happening. This takes 2 turns if he is at home and awake, 4 turns if he is asleep and 6 turns if he is gone. He will respond by
sending in Doug, a bound Force 8 Earth spirit, then return to his body and place the homes defenses into an active alarm. He will
avoid a direct fight and if attacked he will summon an unbound Force 8 Earth spirit to defend him.

Optional Encounter 2
A NTMP patrol stops the team on the way in or is waiting for them at the street as they leave to property. The officers
want to know what the runners are doing in this neighborhood. They will start with asking questions and proceed to running the
runners SINs and searching them for weapons and contraband.
This should be handled as an NPC encounter not a combat encounter, encourage the players to talk their way past..


4 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 6

Initiative: 7 + 1D6
Condition Monitor: 10
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor: 12
Skills: Blades 3, Clubs 3, Perception 3, Pistols 4, Running 3, Unarmed Combat 4
Languages: English 3, Japanese N
Gear: Armor jacket, Jazz (x2), Renraku Sensei commlink [device rating 3], sunglasses [rating 2, imagelink, smartlink],
Ares Predator V [heavy pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP –1, SA, RC 0, 15(c) w/ 15 rounds standard ammo]
Defiance EX Shocker [taser, Acc 4, DV 11S(e), AP –5, SS, RC –, 4(m), w/ 4 rounds taser dart ammo]
Defiance EX Shocker used as melee weapon [Clubs, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Katana [Blades, Acc 7, Reach 1, DV 6P, AP –3]
Stun Baton [Clubs, Acc 4, Reach 1, DV 9S(e), AP –5, 10 charges]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 3S, AP –]
Note: After taking Jazz, the NTMP Officers gain +1 Reaction and Physical Limit, and + 2D6 initiative dice.


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seating

26 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

4/2 4 4 9 8 3 3 4

Condition Monitor (P/M): 17 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, dash and emergency light bars, drone rack [landing, medium – Renraku LEBD-2], gridlink
and gridlink override, passenger protection system 5, personal armor 4, ram plate, rigger interface, searchlight, siren
Programs: Clearsight 3, Honda Artemis Maneuvering 3, Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo]
Sensors: Camera [low-light vision, vision enhancement 2], MAD scanner, radio signal scanner


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
4 2R 1 3 9 4 4

Initiative: 8 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8 / 10

Upgrades: Weapon mount (Mini): expanded ammo: doubled

Programs: Clearsight 4, Smartsoft: Legal Codes 4, Targeting: Yamaha Pulsar 4
Sensors: Camera [low-light, vision enhancement rating 2], MAD scanner, ultrasound
Yamaha Pulsar [Taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC 0, 8(m), w/ 8 rounds taser dart ammo]

Other than setting off the homes defenses or waking the occupants, the most obvious potential problem is if the team
has no one in the house with the hardware skill for the optical data core swap out. In this case allow a Logic -1 default test for this
specific task; you may also have to lower the target number slightly.

27 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

After breaking into the CEO’s house the team returns to the Arasaka Buki corporate compound, after-hours, to begin
the second part of run. (Tasks are to steal the prototype and data, while wearing the Patriot costume, drop the commlink, and set a
demo charge as you leave.) If the runners decided to skip Scene 4 they may have to wander the facility, dodging security patrols,
before they can locate the lab.


The security presence has been really light and getting in has been going smooth, too smooth, so smooth that the little
voice in the back of your skull keeps saying that something should be going sideways by now.

Entering the Lab

It’s hard to tell from inside the elevator car but you think it drops about 30 or 40 meters down under the Engineering
Center. When the doors slide open you’re looking into a large, dark, open room. As the overhead lights flicker on you can see
that the area is filled with workbenches, data-term stations and racks of tools. The room itself looks to be about 60 or 70 meters
square with the ceiling 6 meters overhead.
It’s obvious that there are a number of projects ongoing and you can’t make heads or tails out of most of it. Nothing
here looks like a finished weapon, so no prototypes lying around, but there “is” a large vault is in the center of the room.


The team needs to get (back) into the Arasaka Buki KK facility for the second part of the run. (If they decided to skip
Scene 4 they will have to navigate the facility blind.) Let the runners carry out whatever plan they came up with to reenter the
facility with minimal opposition (unless they don’t have a plan, then feel free to cause them problems). Use the location
descriptions from Scene 4 to take the runners from their entry point into the facility to the Research Lab Elevator Lobby. Use the
location and numbers of security forces listed below to see what security the runners come across.
Play up the light security presence. The fact they are shorthanded and fatigued should be easy to spot as the officers on
duty have all worked at least a double shift by this point in the night. If the runners do get into a fight with security on the way in,
the officers will take a simple action to call in the attack in their first round. The facility will then go into alert, locking down the
Lab Elevator Lobby and making the run a bit harder.
Security Forces On Duty Overnight
The exact security forces that the runners interact with will depend on where the runners make their insertion into the
facility and how they make their way to the lab elevator lobby.

These Security forces are stationed at set locations. The runners will find them at their assigned locations if they go
there, these security officers will not leave their posts to engage intruders however they will call in anything suspicious.
 2 Security spiders are in the matrix security office (they will stay in AR patrolling the host nodes unless attacked)
 2 Security officers are in the admin center manning the dispatch and surveillance desks (normally 4 officers)
 0 Security officers are in the lab elevator lobby (should be 2 but the schedule was altered by the opposing team)
 4 Security officers manning the security checkpoints in the maglev rail station (normally 8-12 officers)
 2 Security officers manning the ground vehicle gate (normally 4 officers)
 2 Security officers patrolling the dock area on foot (normally 4 officers)
 8 Security officers manning the 8 security stations in the manufacturing buildings (normally 2 at each station)

The following forces are patrolling the facility and are able to respond to calls from other stations and move to engage
intruders. There would normally be double this number of teams out on patrol.
 12 Security officers patrolling the facility on foot in 2 man teams
 6 Security officers patrolling the facility in 2 man teams using the 3 drone equipped Artemis patrol cars
 1 HTR team of 6 HTR officers, 1 HTR Rigger, 2 drones, and 1 HTR Security Mage in a Roadmaster

Use the profile “Arasaka Security Officer” for the officers stationed around the facility at particular locations, in 2 man
“on-foot” patrols, and in the 2 man vehicle patrols, of course the vehicle patrol includes the Honda Artemis patrol vehicle and the
Renraku LEBD-2 drone. For the HTR team, don’t let the runners get bogged down in an extended firefight just yet. Use the HTR
team as a bogyman that could be just around the next corner or have them show up at a location just as the team leaves. The HTR
patrol profiles are in the “pushing the envelope” section and include everyone and everything in the HTR vehicle.


4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6

28 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Initiative: 7 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor: 14 (+4 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Skills: Clubs 4, First Aid 2, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Craft 2, Pilot Watercraft 2, Pistols 4, Running 3, Unarmed Combat 4
Languages: English 2, Japanese N
Gear: Armor jacket [biomonitor, fire resistance 4, flashlight, MCT-3500 commlink (Device Rating 3), nonconductivity 4],
goggles [Capacity 6 w/ flare compensation, image link, smartlink, thermographic vision, vision enhancement 2], helmet
[audio enhancement 2, micro-transceiver, respirator rating 4], Jazz (x2), medkit (rating 3), metal restraints
Arasaka Raijin Taser (Defiance EX Shocker) [taser, Acc 6, DV 9S(e), AP –5, SS, RC –, 4(m), w/ smartgun system:
internal, 8 rounds taser dart ammo]
Arasaka Raijin Taser used as melee weapon [Clubs, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Stun Baton [Clubs, Acc 4, Reach 1, DV 9S(e), AP –5, 10 charges]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 3S, AP –]
Note: After taking Jazz, Arasaka Security Officers gain +1 Reaction and Physical Limit, and + 2D6 initiative dice.


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seating
4/2 4 4 9 8 3 3 4

Condition Monitor (P/M): 17 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, dash and emergency light bars, drone rack [landing, medium – Renraku LEBD-2], gridlink
and gridlink override, passenger protection system 5, personal armor 4, ram plate, rigger interface, searchlight, siren
Autosofts: Clearsight 3, Honda Artemis Maneuvering 3, Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo]
Sensors: Camera [low-light, vision enhancement 2], MAD scanner, radio signal scanner


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor

4 2 1 3 9 4 4

Initiative: 8 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8 / 10

Upgrades: Weapon mount (Mini): expanded ammo: doubled

Autosofts: Clearsight 4, Smartsoft: Legal Codes 4, Yamaha Pulsar Targeting 4
Sensors: Camera [low-light vision, vision enhancement rating 2], MAD scanner, motion sensor, ultrasound
Yamaha Pulsar [taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC 0, 8(m), w/ 8 rounds taser dart ammo]

The two Security Spiders will stay in the Matrix Security Office and will only be encountered if they are attacked there


3 3 4 2 4 5 4 3 5.5

Initiative: 8 + 1D6
Matrix Initiative: 8 + 3D6 (Cold Sim VR)
Condition Monitor (P/S/M): 10 / 10 / 10
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 6
Matrix Limits : Attack 4 (5), Sleaze 6 (7), Data Processing 5 (6), Firewall 7 (8)
Matrix Damage Resistance: 13
Biofeedback Damage Resistance: 11

29 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Armor: 14 (+4 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Skills: Cracking skill group: 5, Electronics skill group: 5, Clubs 3, First Aid 2, Perception 4, Pistol 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Language: English 3, Japanese N
Qualities: Codeslinger (Matrix Perception)
Augmentations: Datajack, Sony CIY-720 cyberdeck [Device Rating 4, ASDF 4/6/5/7]
Gear: Armor jacket [biomonitor, fire resistance 4, flashlight, MCT-3500 commlink (Device Rating 3), nonconductivity 4],
glasses [Capacity 4 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light, smartlink], medkit rating 3, stimpatch rating 4 (x3)
Programs: Armor, encryption, decryption, stealth, toolbox, virtual machine
Arasaka Raijin Taser (Defiance EX Shocker) [taser, Acc 6, DV 9S(e), AP –5, SS, RC –, 4(m), w/ smartgun system, 8
rounds taser dart ammo]
Arasaka Raijin Taser used as melee weapon [Clubs, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 2S, AP –]

At the Lab Elevator Lobby

Assuming that the facility is not on alert the runners can enter the lab elevator lobby without issue. Once back inside
they will see that the security desk is indeed unmanned. There are only 4 officers in the security center overnight, 1 each in the
dispatch and surveillance desks and 2 security spiders in the matrix security center, none of whom are overly concerned with the
lab. The camera and sensor bypass set up by the opposing team will keep the automated systems in the security host and the
officer in the surveillance desk from spotting the runners as they enter the Engineering Center. The cameras in the lab elevator
lobby are running a loop that shows two officers quietly sitting at the security desk. Unless the spirit here was disrupted earlier it
will once again watch any awakened runners but will not interfere with runners that stay in the material plane.
If the team managed to drive the facility into an alert, they will have to deal with the automated defenses of the lab
elevator lobby when they get there. See Scene 7 for the specifics but basically it will be the security door and the automated guns,
the Neuro-stun VIII gas release system will not be activated on just an alert.
The security desk has a console for the elevator controls and it includes a keypad to activate it. Use the rules for
bypassing a rating 4 maglock with a rating 2 anti-tamper circuit. Once the controls are bypassed the elevators can be powered up
and opened. The Rating 7 ward surrounding the elevators will need to be passed, crossing it will not be a problem for most
characters but awakened characters with active foci or quickened spells will have to use the rules on p. 316 of the CRB. If the
runners attempt to break the barrier with brute force then the patrolling Force 7 Air Spirit will materialize to attack (with another
on the inside of the ward). The director of Magical Security, currently at Nakagawa’s retreat, will immediately be aware of the
attack on the barrier, or if a spirit is disrupted, and call in an alert to the security center.
Once past the ward the runners may enter the activated elevator and ride it down to the research lab. You may want to
check and see if they remembered to dress someone up in the Patriot costume.

In the Lab
There are a number of easy to spot cameras around the lab so getting recorded will not be a problem. There is wireless
access here and all of the cameras are wirelessly tied into the isolated research lab host, along with all the other lab devices, but
no wireless signals from outside can penetrate the rock overhead. Unlike a standard host the isolated lab host is generated by the
numerous computers around the lab, and is not connected to the foundation. A “really” large explosion here may be an issue but
destroying one or two computers with the explosive charge provided will not have any serious effect on the host, the recording
will still be able to be recovered easily.

The prototype is stored in a large vault set in the center of the lab and there is nothing of any real value is out in the lab.
The vault is closed with a rating 6 maglock operated by a palm print scanner and keypad. It can either be bypassed or
opened through the Research Lab host using a control device action.
The Research Lab host contains all the data for the Aki-Inazuma project. The files can be found with a Matrix Search
action and downloaded with an Edit File action. (If the team does not include a hacker make it a Computer + Logic [Mental] (3)
test instead.) If you do have a good decker and want to be hardcore add a Rating 4 Data Bomb to the files.
Once the vault is opened the runners will see that it contains a rifle sized laser weapon and two power cells in an
insulated carrying case. The weapon itself is ice cold and has a light coating of frost. This is a functional prototype of project
Aki-Inazuma and the powercells are an experimental cold fusion core developed by Evo’s Africa research labs. The cold fusion
cores are what make Aki-Inazuma a viable weapon but they are wildly unstable, a problem that has yet to be resolved. Assensing
will reveal that the weapon has a quickened spell keeping the heat sinks close to 0 Celsius; this is how it deals with the
tremendous heat it generates by firing.

If the runners decide to use the Aki-Inazuma weapon at some point it is similar to the Ares Lancer MP Laser on p. 48
of Run and Gun. The weapon does not generate recoil and may fire up to the 20 bursts per complex action used for suppression
fire. The Active Skill to operate it is Exotic Ranged Weapons: Laser Weapons or the runner can default to Agility -1.
The weapon profile is: DV AP Mode RC Ammo
8P –10 BF / FA NA Special
The Ammo is the cold fusion core and it uses the following special rules:

30 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

 It takes one combat turn for a cold fusion core to activate and began producing power
 The cold fusion core generates nearly unlimited power while it operates, do not count power units expended.
 Have the operating player roll 10 dice minus the number of turns at the end of each turn (9 dice after the 1 st turn, 7 dice
after the 3rd, etc) the roll is made each turn after activation even if the weapon was not fired.
 If at least one hit is scored on a roll the cold fusion core continues to operate normally, if no hits are scored on a roll
it depletes itself and the core becomes inert, on a glitch it arcs out discharging with a massive sphere of electrical
energy exactly as a Force 5 Lighting Ball, frying all of the electrical components in the prototype if it is still attached,
on a critical glitch it detonates exactly as a Hi-Explosive grenade, this will also completely destroy the prototype if the
cold fusion core is still attached to the prototype.
 The cold fusion core can’t be shut off once it is activated, it must run its course even if it’s disconnected from the
weapon. This will require that the runners continue to roll until the core detonates, arcs out, or depletes.

Once the runners have the prototype and the research data they can trash the lab, spray-painting USA on the walls, drop
the commlink in a spot where it can be found, set the demolition charge and leave. The demolition charge has a fixed 10 minute
timer, once it goes off the entire facility will go into alert.


Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall
8 10 9 5 6

Grid: None. No connection to the Matrix or Foundation, GOD has no access, OS does not accrue (see pg. 46, Kill Code)
Installed IC: Black IC, blaster, patrol
Sculpting: A glass walled building floating in space. All the functions of a scientific laboratory are replicated in virtual,
allowing experiments to be conducted without physical presence. Datastores appear as leathery, fleshy eggs that glow green
from within, connected to one another with slimy tendrils that crisscross the laboratory.
Security Procedures: Patrol IC runs at all times searching for marks and silent icons, making a Matrix Perception test
against a Decker’s icon once every 4 combat turns (12 seconds) and will drive the host into alert if it picks up something
suspicious. A successful Brute Force attack or a failed Hack on the Fly attempt will also put the host into alarm. Blaster IC
stays active at all times along with the patrol IC, if the host goes into an alarm it will then launch black IC. If one of its IC is
bricked, the host will use the next Combat Turn to reboot that IC rather than moving on to the next one.
This is an isolated offline host so no additional actions will be taken by the host if it goes into Alarm:
Host Personas: There are few scientists with sufficient clearance available to use host at any given time. While present they
are warily giving the IC respectful distance, as accidents have happened in the past with overzealous IC mistaking a
legitimate persona for an intruder. The IC are sculpted as demonic, four-armed alien humanoids.
Legitimate Access: None. Scientists and Spiders log into the host via hardwired connections with trusted, secured terminals.
Paydata: There are datafiles detailing both Evo and Arasaka research projects that would be worth 1,000 nuyen per runner if
sold to the right contacts.


If you want increase the level of difficulty inside the lab and have enough spare time to run a combat then add some
automated defenses. Use several (up to one per runner) Doberman drones to patrol the lab while it is shut down and unoccupied.
The drones will attack anyone that enters the lab without actively broadcasting the deactivation code (the lead researchers and the
security director are the only ones that have that deactivation code). The drones all run from an RCC console inside the lab and
use its shared programs (equal to a Maersk Spider with +4 additional noise reduction). This console is one of dozens in the lab
and without know exactly where it’s located it will be impossible to find without a thorough search of the room.


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
5 3 1 4 4(8) 3 3(5)

Initiative: 6 + 4d6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8 / 10

Upgrades: Armor Upgrade (4), Rigger Interface, Sensor Upgrade (2) Weapon Mount [expanded ammunition bay]
Programs shared from RCC : Clearsight 6, GM-Nissan Doberman Maneuvering 3, Smartsoft, Targeting 6: AK97
Sensors: Atmosphere sensor, camera, motion sensor, ultrasound
Arasaka Model 5 (AK 97) [assault rifle, Acc 7, DV 11S –1, SA/BF/FA, RC 7, 250(b), w/ gas-vent 3, imaging scope
[low-light, thermographic vision, vision magnification], smartgun system: internal, 250 rounds gel ammo]

31 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Encountering the HTR Team
A fight with the HTR team on the way in to the lab could lead to an extended combat that burns up a lot of time. Only
run an encounter with the HTR team on the way in if you have a capable group of runners, time to spare and they do something
that justifies the encounter. An encounter on the way out however, is another story. The HTR Team consists of the following:
 6 HTR Security Officers patrolling the facility in a Roadmaster HTR response vehicle
 1 HTR Security Rigger operating the Roadmaster HRT response vehicle and 2 roto-drones
 1 HTR Security Mage in the Roadmaster HRT response vehicle with 2 bound Spirits of Air
If the HTR team does engage they will use non-lethal attacks intended to capture intruders but will switch to lethal
force it is used against them or the other officers.


4 (7) 4 (6) 4 (5) 4 (6) 4 3 3 3 2.1

Initiative: 8 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Limits: Physical 7 (8), Mental 5, Social 4
Armor: 18 (+4 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Athletics skill group 3, Close Combat skill group 5, Firearms skill group 6, First Aid 3, Gunnery 4, Leadership
2, Perception 5, Pilot Ground Craft 3, Pilot Watercraft 2, Throwing Weapons 3
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English 3, Japanese N
Qualities: Toughness
Augmentations: Cybereyes [Rating 2 w/ flare compensation, image link, smart link, thermographic vision, vision
enhancement 2] datajack, muscle replacement 2 / bone density augmentation 2, boosted reflexes
Gear: Antidote patch rating 4 (2x), full body armor [auto-injector: jazz (x3), biomonitor, fire resistance 4, flashlight, MCT-
3500 commlink (device rating 3), nonconductivity 4], full body armor helmet [audio enhancement (rating 2), spatial
recognizer, trodes], medkit rating 3, metal restraints, stimpatch rating 4 (x3), trauma patch
Arasaka Model 74 (Yamaha Raiden) [assault rifle, Acc 9, DV 9S(e), AP –5 (or DV 11P, AP –6), BF/FA, RC 7, 60(c)
w/ gas-vent system 3, (factory silencer/ suppressor removed to install gas-vent system), personalized grip, smartgun system,
imaging scope (low light, thermographic, vision magnification), improved range finder, shock pad, 60 rounds Stick-n-Shock
ammo (loaded), 60 rounds APDS ammo]
Nambu Model 72 (Ares Predator V) [heavy pistol, Acc 8, DV 6S(e), AP –5 (or DV 8P, AP –5), SA, RC 0, 15(c) w/
personalized grip, smartgun system, 15 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo (loaded), 15 rounds APDS ammo]
Katana [Blade, Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 9P, AP –3, w/ Personalized Grip]
Shock Glove [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 7P, AP –]
2 Flash-Bang Grenade [thrown grenade, DV 10S, AP –4, Blast 10m radius]
Note: Stats already include Jazz’s effect


3 3 4 2 5 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 6 6

Initiative: 9 + 1D6
Astral Initiative: 8 + 2D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 7, Social 7, Astral 7
Armor: 18 (+4 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Assensing 4, Athletics skill group: 1, Blades 3, Conjuring skill group 4, Etiquette 3, First Aid 3, Leadership 4,
Perception 4, Pistols 4, Sorcery skill group 6, Unarmed Combat 2
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English 3, Japanese N
Qualities: Shinto Tradition / Addiction (psychological, mild: psyche)
Spells: Blast (limited), Clairvoyance, Detect Life Extended, Fireball, Flamethrower, Increase Reflexes (limited), Manabolt,
Mass Confusion, Phantasm, Physical Barrier
Gear: Antidote patch rating 4 (2x), contacts [Capacity 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light], Fetish [Blast], Fetish
[Increase Reflexes], full body armor [auto-injector: jazz (x3), biomonitor, fire resistance 4, flashlight, MCT-3500 commlink

32 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

(Device Rating 3), nonconductivity 4], full body armor helmet [audio enhancement rating 2, spatial recognizer, trodes],
medkit rating 3, metal restraints, psyche (x20), reagents [tainted raw (dram): Shinto] (x20), stimpatch rating 4 (x3), subvocal
microphone, trauma patch
Nambu Model 72 (Ares Predator V) [Heavy Pistol, Acc 8, DV 6S(e), AP –5 (or DV 8P, AP –5), SA, RC 0, 15(c) w/
personalized grip, smartgun system, 15 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo (loaded), 15 rounds APDS ammo]
Katana [Blade, Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 5P, AP –3, w/ Personalized Grip]
Shock Glove [Unarmed, Acc 4, Reach –, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 4, Reach –, DV 2S, AP –]
Note: HTR Security Mage gains +1 Reaction, +1 Physical Limit, and +2 initiative dice after taking Jazz.


3 8 9 2 5 5 5 5 3 5

Initiative: 14 + 2D6
Astral Initiative: 10 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10/11
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 7, Social 7, Astral 7
Armor: 0 (10H vs non-magical attacks)
Skills: Assensing 5, Astral Combat 5, Exotic Ranged Weapon: Elemental Attack 5, Perception 5, Running 5, Unarmed
Combat 5
Powers: Accident, astral form, concealment, confusion, elemental attack:cold, engulf, materialization, movement,
sapience, search
Elemental Attack [Exotic, Acc 6, DV 10P (cold), AP -5]
Engulf: Air [Melee, Acc 6, Reach -, DV 10S, AP -5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 6, Reach -, DV 2S, AP -]


4 4 5 (8) 4 4 4 4 3 2.8

Initiative: 12 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 6, Social 5
Armor: 18 (+4 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Athletics skill group 2, Close Combat skill group 3, Electronic Warfare 3, Firearms skill group 4, First Aid 2,
Gunnery 6 (Remote Operation +2), Navigation 4, Perception 5, Pilot Aircraft 5 (Remote Operation +2), Pilot Ground Craft 5,
Pilot Watercraft 5, Throwing Weapons 3
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English 3, Japanese N
Qualities: Gearhead
Augmentations: Control rig 2, cybereyes [Rating 2 w/ flare compensation, image link, smart link, thermographic vision,
vision enhancement 2], reaction enhancers 3
Gear: Antidote patch rating 4 (2x), full body armor [auto-injector: jazz (x3), biomonitor, fire resistance 4, flashlight, MCT-
3500 commlink (Device Rating 3), nonconductivity 4], full body armor helmet [audio enhancement (rating 2), spatial
recognizer, trodes], medkit rating 3, Maersk Spider RCC [Device Rating 4, 0/0/4/5 ASDF], metal restraints, stimpatch rating
4 (x3), Trauma Patch
Autosofts: Arasaka Model 5 Targeting 6, clearsight 6, MCT-Nissan Maneuvering 3, Smartsoft
Arasaka Model 74 (Yamaha Raiden) [assault rifle, Acc 9, DV 9S(e), AP –5 (or DV 11P, AP –6), BF/FA, RC 7, 60(c)
w/ gas-vent system 3, (factory silencer/ suppressor removed to install gas-vent system), personalized grip, smartgun system,
imaging scope (low light, thermographic, vision magnification), improved rang finder, shock pad, 60 rounds Stick-n-Shock
ammo (loaded), 60 rounds APDS ammo]
Nambu Model 72 (Ares Predator V) [heavy pistol, Acc 8, DV 6S(e), AP –5 (or DV 8P, AP –5), SA, RC 0, 15(c) w/
personalized grip, smartgun system, 15 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo (loaded), 15 rounds APDS ammo]
Katana [Blade, Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 9P, AP –3, w/ personalized grip]
Shock Glove [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 7P, AP –]

33 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
4 4 2 4 7 3 3

Initiative: 6 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8/10
Upgrades: Armor Upgrade 3, Rigger Interface, Weapon Mount (Large) w/ expanded ammunition bay, doubled
Autosofts: (all shared from RCC) Arasaka Model 5 Targeting 6, Clearsight 6, MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone Maneuvering
3, Smartsoft
Sensors: Camera, Imaging Scope [low-light vision, thermographic vision, vision magnification]
Arasaka Model 5 (AK 97) [Assault, Acc 7, DV 10S, AP -1, (or DV 10P, AP -2), SA/BF/FA, RC 7, 100b
(x2), w/ Gas-Vent 3, Imaging Scope [low-light vision, thermographic vision, vision magnification], smartgun system:
internal, 100 rounds Gel ammo, 100 rounds Standard ammo]
Weapon can switch between ammo belts with a simple action


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seating
4/4 4 3 18 24 3 3 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 21 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, armor +6, dash and emergency light bars, 2x drone rack (landing, medium - MCT-
Nissan Roto-Drone), gridlink and override, passenger protection system 5, personal armor 4, ram plate, rigger interface,
searchlight, siren
Autosofts: Clearsight 3, Maneuvering 3, Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo]
Sensors: Camera [low-light vision, vision enhancement 2], MAD Scanner, radio signal scanner
Water Cannon [heavy pistol, Acc N/A, DV 6S AP +4, FA, RC N/A, 200(tank)*] *Includes 100m of hose, if
attached to a water supply, ammo capacity is effectively infinite.
Note: Water Cannon may only make suppression fire attacks (see pg. 179, SR5); any characters struck must succeed on
a Body + Strength (6) test or be knocked down (see pg. 194 SR5).

Once again getting bogged down with a fight against security on the way in would be the most likely problems. One
violent encounter gone wrong will put the facility on alert, activating the security systems in the lab elevator lobby. Try to keep
the Runners focused on non-violent infiltration methods.

34 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

After stealing the prototype weapon and setting the demolition charge the runners exit the lab elevator to find the
facility on alert. The runner team hired by the CEO has run afoul of security while heading for the R&D labs. When the two
teams meet up they realize the player’s team has beaten them to the prototype and they decide to try and take it.


If the facility was NOT on alert when the runners entered the lab
As the elevator car ascends from the lab you can’t help but congratulate yourself a little. Breaking into the lab has been
the smoothest run you can remember. Everything that could have gone right, has. Now all you need to do is make your way to the
extraction point before the demo charge trips the alarms in the lab.
As the elevator doors to the upper lobby slide open the lighting in the lobby flashes red, you can hear an insistent buzz
start up on the security desk letting the absent officers know that the facility has gone into alert.
Well Frag…
Your first thought is that you need to get out of this room, fast. As you turn to look at the security door, the maglock on
it makes a loud chunk, slamming into place and you can also hear the quiet whine of servos from the gun turrets deploying above
you. Within a few seconds you see the targeting lasers from the gun turrets start to run across the room, looking for a target.

If the facility was on alert when the runners entered the lab
As the elevator car ascends from the lab you start getting ready for anything. The facility was on alert when you came
in and the damage to the automated defenses is easy to spot. Worst case scenario there’ll be a room full of corp-sec waiting and
you’ll have to fight your way to the extraction point. As the elevator doors slide open there “is” someone in the lobby, but not
who you were expecting, three blond Caucasians, two women and a man, dressed about as far as you can get from corp-sec.
This must be the other Shadowrunner team that’s been prepping the facility. Guess they decided to move their time
table up a little. Well, they look a little more surprised to see you than you are to see them, so let’s see what they have to say.


This is the climax of the mission so don’t be afraid to make things challenging here. Exactly what happens when the
runners exit the elevator will mostly depend on what was happening when they entered the lab. If the facility was on alert the
runners would have already taken out the automated defenses and bypassed the maglock on the security door so just skip to the
encounter with the opposing team, (to keep things straight I will be using the terms “player’s team” and “opposing team”) just
have it happen inside the Lab Elevator Lobby instead of the corridor. Same thing if the players left a rearguard outside the lobby,
the first encounter will still be as the player’s team leaves the lab, it doesn’t really matter exactly where that happens.
The following section is used if the facility was NOT on alert when the runner entered the lab. The opposing runner
team will be just entering the Engineering Center as the player’s team exits the elevators.

Back in the Lab Elevator Lobby

As the player’s team exits the elevator the alarms in the lobby start going off, the facility goes into an active alert and
the defenses of the Lab Elevator Lobby deploy. The maglock engages on the security door, locking the runners inside and the
automated gun turrets deploy. There is a Neuro-stun VIII gas release system here but it will not be activated on just an alert, it’s
controlled from the Security Dispatch Desk and the camera bypass is keeping them from seeing anyone in the room. The runners
will have 1 turn to act as the pop-out doors of the gun turrets open, after that roll initiative. Once the turrets deploy they will
target anyone in the room that is NOT directly behind the security desk or prone on the floor. Each turret will fire a 6 round long
burst each pass until the alert ends, there are no active targets, or they run out of ammo. Again, anyone laying prone on the floor
or standing within 1 meter of the back of the 3 meter wide security desk will not be considered a valid target by the automated
system and will not be fired upon.
The door to the room is heavily armored with a rating 6 maglock using internal and external keycard readers with
keypads, the walls are 1 meter thick reinforced concrete. Opening the door with the facility in alert will require bypassing the
maglock or opening it with a control device action in the security host. There is no wireless access in the room, or through the
meter thick walls, but if a data tap is placed on the wiring inside the security console, the door maglock or the gun turrets (5
meters off the floor) a decker can get access to the security host.
Let the runners deal with the automated security system for a few turns to see if they can extract themselves from the
room. If they can’t, the security door will be opened by the opposing Shadowrunner team. The opposing team has just run into a
security patrol outside the Engineering Center and the fight has set off the facility’s alarms. While the player’s team is dealing
with the automated security system they are in the corridor outside attempting to bypass the maglock.


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor

35 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

- - - 2 6 3 3

Initiative: 6 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 7/10
Upgrades: Immobile, hardwired to security host, weapon mount (standard), expanded ammo bay
Autosofts: (all shared from host acting as RCC) Clearsight 6, Smartsoft, Uzi IV Targeting 6
Sensors: Camera [low-light vision, vision enhancement rating 3], upgraded single sensor [ultrasound rating 3], laser sight
Uzi IV [SMG, Acc 6, DV 7S, AP +1, BF, RC 6, 100(b) w/ gas-vent system 3, laser sight, smartgun system: internal,
100 rounds Gel ammo]

The Opposition
As soon as the security door (or the elevator door) opens, the player’s team will be face to face with Dusty, Daisy, and
Desire, three members of the opposing shadowrun team. The rest of their team will initially be out of sight but close by guarding
the teams escape. At a minimum this will be the rigger Speedy who will join the group as soon as they start moving.
Depending on exactly what the player’s team did to take advantage of, or even sabotage, their preparations the 3D’s
will be somewhere between annoyed and outright angry. Regardless, once they see that the player’s team in the lab elevator
lobby with the prototype laser in hand their goal will become taking the prototype. The exact method will depend on the
appearance of the player’s team.
If the majority of the player’s team is dressed in Arasaka Buki uniforms the opposing team will mistake them as facility
employees. Having tripped the facility alarms prematurely the opposing team is trying to salvage something from the run and will
make snatching the prototype the priority and following that up with a quick trip the lab to pick up the research data. Dusty will
issue an ultimatum to “hand over that box or else” and when the players group refuses they will attack using non-lethal force.
If the player’s team is obviously dressed as Shadowrunners then Desire will attempt a little subterfuge. She will start
off with “we‘re your back-up, let’s get out of here”. After getting the player’s team away from the Lab Elevator Lobby she will
attempt to split off the most combat capable members with “you go scout out ahead” or “fall back for a rearguard” then they
will attack the player’s team member carrying the prototype with non-lethal force.
Once Daisy realizes that they are up against another Shadowrun team, whenever it happens, she will start hacking the
player’s team’s electronic devices in AR on the assumption that they have the project research data stored somewhere. If a
cyberdeck is visible it will be the prime target for this attack.
Although the opposition team starts out with non-lethal force, if the player’s team starts using lethal force or if they kill
one of the opposition team, they will respond in kind, professional courtesy only goes so far. Regardless of how things progress,
the opposing team will not get bogged down in a “fight to the death”. The goal will stay “take the prototype and get away”. If it
becomes obvious that they can’t do that with a quick fight they will pull back, gather the rest of their team, follow the player’s
team and try again when they can arrange an advantage.

Outside of the Lab Elevator Lobby

Once outside of the elevator lobby it will be a foot race to get to whatever vehicle is planned for use in the escape. If
the players left a vehicle parked in the Engineering Center loading dock or parking lot one or two security patrols will be around
the vehicle, examining it and trying to figure out why it has been left there.

The distance from the Lab Elevator Lobby to various locations is;
 30 meters to the Engineering Center loading dock – anything the players may have parked here.
 50 meters to the Engineering Center parking lot – anything the players may have parked here.
 100 meters to the Vehicle Garage – 4 GMC Bulldogs, 1 Mitsubishi Nightsky, and 3 Honda Artemis patrol cars are here.
 100 meters to the Material Warehouse – 2 GMC Bulldogs are here.
 150 meters to the Emergency Services Building – 2 Ares Roadmaster Fire Trucks are here.
 200 meters to the Naval Pier – 2 Tugboats and 2 GMC Riverine Security watercraft are here.
 250 meters to the perimeter fence (both to the south-east and the south-west) – Any boats either team brought are here.
 1000 meters to the Maglev Station – The next maglev train arrives in about 20 minutes (probably a bad escape plan).

The opposing team will do everything they can to prevent the players team from escaping if they have the device.
Alternately if they are the ones being perused, they will do whatever they can to slow down the players team down. Speedy will
join the group as soon as they exit the building and use his drones to track, slow and harass the players group. Daisy will also try
to get the facilities security forces involved, marking the player’s team’s location on the security host, letting the security forces
soak up causalities and wear the player’s team down. If at any time they can get the prototype away from the player’s team they
will immediately head for their entrance / exit point on the perimeter fencing where they have a heavily modified Samuvani Otter
watercraft waiting on autopilot. If the players keep the prototype and try to escape the facility by land, the opposing team will
steal the nearest available ground vehicle and give chase.

>>>>>Sidebar Begins

36 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

The Basics of Stealing a Car
Keeping a car that you’ve stolen is an extremely difficult task in the 6 th world; there are just too many ways to track
down a vehicle. However boosting one for a quick ride is deceptively easy if you have the right gear. Drive it like you stole it
is still a thing. Less matrix-capable thieves can also make off with a vehicle in a process similar to bypassing a maglock (use
Pilot rating instead of Maglock rating, anti-theft rating adds to the pilot rating for this also) it’s just a matter of rewiring the
correct circuits. The problem happens once the theft is reported. The NTMP will quickly locate the stolen vehicle (in 2d6 x
10 minutes) and make an arrest if the overconfident thieves are still inside.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends
Unless the facility’s security forces are examining a vehicle that is “out of place” parked by the Engineering Center,
they will take a little time to get organized. Use the security force profiles from Scene 5. At first it will be the foot patrols
engaging the runners as they spot them, starting as they exit from the Engineering Center. They will close and give chase to any
group they encounter. If you have the time and the team has the talent pull out the HTR Team from the Scene 5 “Pushing the
Envelope” and fight both teams of runners for a turn or two just they are making their escape from the facility. Either way the
HTR team will show up for Scene 8 and give chase in either the Roadmaster or Riverine as appropriate. The standard security
forces will also pursue, following behind the HTR team by whatever method is available.

The Opposing Runner Team

The opposing team includes the following four members, if you want to add more see “pushing the envelope.”


2 3 5 1 4 5 (6) 4 2 5 5.5

Initiative: 9 + 1D6
Matrix Initiative Cold Sim : 7 + 3D6
Matrix Initiative Hot Sim : 7 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 10
Limits: Physical 3, Mental 7, Social 5
Matrix Limits: Attack 3, Sleaze 6 (8), Data Processing 5 (6), Firewall 5 (6)
Matrix Damage Resistance: 11
Biofeedback Damage Resistance: 10
Armor: 12 (+5 vs acid , +5 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Skills: Biotech skill group 2, Cybercombat 6 (vs. IC +2), Electronic Warfare 6, Electronics skill group 6, Engineering skill group
2, Etiquette 4 (Matrix +2), Forgery 5, Hacking 6, (vs Hosts +2), Locksmith 4 (Maglock +2), Perception 5 (Visual +2), Pistols 5
(Tasers +2)
Languages: English N, Japanese 3
Qualities: Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly), Overclocker (Sleaze), Quick Config / SINner (national SIN: UCAS)
Augmentations: Cybereyes [rating 2 w/ flare compensation, image link, low-light vision, smartlink, vision enhancement 2],
datajack / cerebral booster 1
Gear: Autopicker rating 2, Globetrotter jacket: [chemical protection 5, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 5], hardware
tool kit, locksmithing tool kit, medkit rating 3, Renraku Sensei commlink [device rating 3], Renraku Tsurugi cyberdeck [Device
Rating 3, ASDF 6/5/5/3, hardening], sequencer rating 5, stim patch rating 6 (x3), subvocal microphone
Programs: Armor, encryption, stealth, toolbox, virtual machine
Typical Matrix Action Pools: Matrix Perception 10 [6], Hack on the Fly 14 [8], Brute Force 12 [3], Data Spike 12 [3], Erase
Mark 12 [3], Reboot Device 12 [6]
Tiffani-Defiance Protector [Taser, Acc 6, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC –, 3(m), w/ personalized grip, smartgun System:
internal, 10 rounds taser dart ammo]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 3, Reach –, DV 1S, AP –]


3 5 (6) 3 3 5 3 5 8 2 5.28

Initiative: 8 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 12
Armor: 12

37 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Skills: Con 5, Etiquette 6, Impersonation 5, Negotiation 6 (Bargaining +2), Perception 5 (Visual +2), Pilot Ground Craft 2 (Bike
+2), Pistols 4 (Tasers +2), Stealth skill group 5
Languages: English N, Japanese 6
Qualities: First Impression / SINner (national SIN: UCAS)
Augmentations: Cyberfinger: Injector [Narcoject] (alphaware), Flare compensation (alphaware), image link (alphaware),
smartlink (alphaware) / clean metabolism (alphaware), muscle toner 1 (alphaware), tailored pheromones 1 (alphaware)
Gear: bug scanner rating 4, cellular glove molder rating 4, contacts [Capacity 3 w/ vision enhancement 2, vision magnification],
glasses [Capacity 4 w/ vision enhancement 4], jazz (x4), jammer: area rating 4, medkit rating 3, nanopaste disguise: small
container (x2), smart wig, stealth tags (x20), subvocal microphone, Synergist Business Line [custom fit, holster (concealed)],
Synergist Business Line Longcoat [custom fit (+3 stack), holster], tag eraser, theatrical cosmetics kit, disguise tool kit, Transys
Avalon commlink [Device Rating 6], trodes, white noise generator rating 6
Ares Light Fire 75 [light pistol, Acc 9, DV 6S, AP +1, (or 6P, AP –4), SA, RC 2, 16(c), w/ Ares light fire silencer,
personalized grip, smartgun system: internal, 48 rounds APDS ammo, 48 rounds gel ammo]
Tiffani-Defiance Protector [taser, Acc 9, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC –, 3(m), w/ personalized grip, smartgun system:
internal, 10 rounds taser dart ammo]
Unarmed Strike [Reach -, Acc 5, DV 3S, AP –]
Note: Jazz is already factored into stats.


3 5 3 (4) 3 5 4 4 5 5 3

Initiative: 8 + 2D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 6, Social 6
Armor: 14 (+4 vs acid , +6 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Blades 4 (Knives +2), Con 5, Etiquette 3, Exotic Ranged Weapon: Grapple Gun 2, Gymnastics 4, Impersonation 4,
Locksmith 3 (Maglocks +2), Perception 4 (Visual +2), Pistols 5 (Semi-automatics +2), Stealth skill group 5
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English N, Japanese 6
Qualities: Catlike / SINner (national SIN: UCAS)
Augmentations: Attention co-processor, cybereyes [rating 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low-light, smartlink,
thermographic vision, vision enhancement 2, vision magnification], datajack, orientation system, wired reflexes 1
Gear: Antidote patch rating 6 (x2), autopicker rating 6, bug scanner rating 6, catalyst stick (x2), cellular glove molder rating 4,
chisel/crowbar, climbing gear, customized ballistic mask [respirator 6], Globetrotter jacket [chemical protection 4, fire resistance
4, holster, nonconductivity 6], grapple gun, Hermes Ikon commlink [Device Rating 5, w/ diagnostics], jammer: directional rating
6, keycard copier rating 6, lockpick set, maglock passkey rating 3, micro-transcever, micro-wire (x100 meters), miniwelder,
rappelling gloves, sequencer rating 4, stealth rope (x100 meters), subvocal microphone, tag eraser, theatrical cosmetics kit,
disguise tool kit, locksmithing tool kit, white noise generator rating 6
Ares Light Fire 75 [light pistol, Acc 8, DV 6S, AP +1, (or 6P, AP –4), SA, RC 2, 16(c), w/ Ares light fire silencer,
flashlight: low-light, smartgun system: internal, 48 rounds Gel, ammo, 48 rounds APDS ammo]
Colt Government 2066 [heavy pistol, Acc 8, DV 5S(e), AP –5, (or 8P, AP –2), SA, RC 5, 14(c), w/ flashlight: low-
light, laser sight, silencer / suppressor, smartgun System: internal, 42 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo, 42 rounds Explosive
Combat Knife [Blades, Acc 6, Reach 0, DV 5P, AP –3]
Cougar Fineblade Knife, Long Blade [Blades, Acc 7, Reach -, DV 6P, AP –1]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 3S, AP –]
2 Flash-Bang Grenades [thrown grenade, DV 10S, AP –4, Blast 10m radius]
3 Thermal Smoke Grenades [thrown grenade, Thermal Smoke, 10m radius]
2 Flash-Pak Grenades [thrown grenade, Flash]


3 4 (5) 5 (6) 2 (3) 4 5 4 4 2 1.68

Initiative: 10 + 2D6
Matrix Initiative 10 + 4D6 (Hot Sim VR)
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10

38 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Limits: Physical 5, Mental 6, Social 5
Armor: 14 (+5 vs acid , +5 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Engineering skill group 2, Gunnery 6, Hardware 2, Perception 3 (visual +2), Pilot Aircraft 2 (Remote Operation
+2), Pilot Ground Craft 5, Pilot Watercraft 4, Pistols 4 (Semi-automatics +2)
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: Japanese N, English 2 (Speak +2)
Qualities: Gearhead, Steely Eyed Wheelman
Augmentations: Control rig 2 (alphaware), cybereyes [rating 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light, smartlink,
thermographic vision, vision enhancement 2, vision magnification] (alphaware), muscle replacement 1 (alphaware), wired
reflexes 1 (Alphaware)
Gear: Aeronautics mechanic tool kit, automotive mechanic tool kit, customized ballistic mask [gas mask], Globetrotter jacket:
[chemical protection 5, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 5], hardware tool kit, Hermes Ikon commlink [device rating 5],
industrial mechanic tool kit, miniwelder, nautical mechanic tool kit, subvocal microphone, Vulcan Liegelord RCC [Device
Rating 5, noise reduction 2 / sharing 5, w/ sim module: hot sim, add a module: vectored signal filter]
Programs / Autosofts: Biofeedback filter, signal scrub, wrapper / Clearsight 6, Maneuver 3 [GMC-Nissan Doberman],
Maneuver 3 [MCT Fly-Spy], Maneuver 3 [MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone], Smartsoft [GMC-Nissan Doberman], Smartsoft [MCT-
Nissan Roto-Drone], Targeting 6 [GMC-Nissan Doberman - AK97], Targeting 6 [MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone - Ruger 101]
Ares Predator V [heavy pistol, Acc 8, DV 6S(e), AP –5, (or 8P, AP –5), SA, RC 2, 15(c), w/ flashlight, low-light:
personalized grip, silencer / suppressor, smartgun system: internal, 45 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo, 45 rounds APDS ammo]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach -, DV 3S, AP –]
Note: Speedy’s drones use programs shared from the RCC, but he can only have 5 running at any time.


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
5 3 1 4 4(8) 3 3(5)

Initiative: 6 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8 / 10

Upgrades: Armor upgrade (4), sensor upgrade (2), weapon mount [standard]
Programs: shared from RCC
Sensors: Camera, imaging scope [low-light vision, thermographic vision, vision magnification]
AK97 [Assault, Acc 7, DV 11S –1, SA/BF/FA, RC 7, 250(b), w/ gas-vent 3, imaging scope [low-light vision,
thermographic vision, vision magnification], smartgun system: internal, 250 rounds Gel ammo]


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
4 4 2 4 4 3 3
Initiative: 6 + 4d6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8 / 10
Upgrades: Weapon mount (huge) w/ expanded ammunition bay, doubled (x2)
Programs: shared from RCC
Sensors: Camera, imaging scope [low-light vision, thermographic vision, vision magnification]
Ruger 101 [Sniper, Acc 6, DV 9S(e) –5, (or DV 11P, AP –7), SA, RC 5, 16m, w/ imaging scope [low-light vision,
thermographic vision, vision magnification], smartgun system: external, 16 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo, 16 rounds APDS
Weapon can switch between ammo bays with a simple action


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
4 3 2 1 0 3 3

Upgrades: Realistic features 1,

Programs: shared from RCC
Sensors: Camera [Low-Light Vision, Thermographic Vision, Vision Magnification]
Weapons: None

39 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

SPEEDY’S SAMUVANI CRISCRAFT OTTER* (This vehicle is detailed in scene 7)


If you decide to push this scene in the Lab Elevator Lobby you can increase the firepower or armor of the gun turrets,
go ahead and start releasing the Neuro-Stun VII gas as soon as the alert starts, or increase the rating of the maglock.
However, where you will be most likely to push the envelope is the opposing shadowrun team. This encounter starts
with the core group of Dusty, Daisy, and Desire with Speedy and his drones acting as the rearguard. Six more runners are
included here for you to balance the opposing team to match the player’s team’s capabilities. This should be a challenging
encounter that matches the capabilities of the player’s team. Add the number and type of runners to the opposition team as
needed to make for a challenging fight. If the players overpower or get past the main group too easily have a second group drawn
from this list nearby to outflank or ambush the player’s team around the next corner.


3 5 3 4 6 3 3 5 4 6 6

Initiative: 6 + 1D6
Condition Monitor: 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 5, Social 8, Astral 8
Armor: 12 (+5 vs acid , +5 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Skills: Assensing 3, Blades 6 (Swords +2), Gymnastics 3, Intimidation 3, Perception 3 (Visual +2), Running 3, Sorcery skill
group 6, Throwing Weapons 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Languages: Aztlaner Spanish N, English 3, Japanese 3
Qualities: Aspected Magician (sorcery) Aztec Tradition, Mentor Spirit: War, Witness My Hate / Prejudiced (outspoken, Non-
Mentor Spirit Effects: +2 dice for Combat spells / Victory At Any Cost
Gear: Azteca Raptor commlink [Device Rating 2], binoculars (optical), glasses [Rating 4 w/ flare compensation, image link, low
light, thermographic vision], Globetrotter jacket: [chemical protection 5, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 5] Novacoke
(x20), reagents: tainted raw (dram): aztec (x40), subvocal microphone, trodes
Spells: Fireball, Flamethrower, Manabolt, Stunball, Stunbolt
Macuahuitl (sword) [Sword, Acc 6, Reach 1, DV 7P, AP –2]
Obsidian Knife (Sapphire knife) [Blade, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 6P, AP –3]
Unarmed Strike [Reach –, Acc 5, DV 4S, AP –]


8 5 (6) 5 (7) 7 (8) 4 2 4 2 3 .56

Initiative: 11 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 12/10
Limits: Physical 11, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor: 22 (+4 vs acid, +6 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Exotic Melee Weapon (riot shield) 3, Perception 4 (Visual +2), Running 3, Sneaking 5 (Urban +2), Throwing
Weapons 4, Unarmed Combat 6 (Cyber-Implants +2)
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English 1, Filipino (Tagalog) N, Japanese 5
Qualities: Biocompatibility (cyberware), Toughness
Augmentations: Cybereyes [rating 2 w/ flare compensation, image link, low-light vision, thermographic vision], dermal plating
2, muscle replacement 1, spurs, wired reflexes 2 / Reakt
Gear: Ballistic mask [gas mask], Globetrotter jacket [chemical protection 4, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 6],
Renraku Sensei commlink [Device Rating 3], stim patch rating 6 (x3), subvocal microphone, trodes
Cyber-spurs [Unarmed, Acc 11, Reach –, DV 11P, AP –2]
Riot Shield [Exotic, Acc 4, Reach –, DV 9S(e), AP –5]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 11, Reach –, DV 8S, AP –]
10 Throwing Knives [Throwing, Acc 11, DV 9P, AP –1]
5 Flash-Bang Grenade [thrown grenade, DV 10S, AP –4, Blast 10m radius]
3 Thermal Smoke Grenade [thrown grenade, Thermal Smoke, 10m radius]

40 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

5 5 5 (7) 5 4 3 4 2 5 6 6

Initiative: 11+ 3D6

Condition Monitor: 12/10
Limits: Physical 8, Mental 5, Social 4
Armor: 18 (+4 vs acid, +6 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Athletics Group 2, Blades 6 (Knives +2), First Aid 2, Perception 5 (Visual +2) Sneaking 5 (Urban +2) Unarmed
Combat 6 (Jeet Kune Do +2)
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English N, Japanese 6
Qualities: Ambidextrous, Mentor Spirit: Shark, Tough as Nails (Physical) (1), Toughness, Poor Self Control - Combat Monster
Adept Powers: Critical Strike (unarmed combat), Elemental Strike (electricity), Improved Ability (unarmed combat) 2,
Improved Reflexes 2, Killing Hands, Mystic Armor 2, Penetrating Strike 2
Mentor Spirit Effects: +2 dice for Unarmed Combat tests / Berserk
Gear: climbing gear, contacts [capacity 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light vision], customized ballistic mask [gas
mask], globetrotter jacket: [chemical protection 4, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 6], medkit rating 3, rappelling
gloves, Renraku Sensei commlink [device rating 3], savior medkit, subvocal microphone
Maneuvers: Jeet Kune Do [Counterstrike, Kick Attack]
Ceramic Knife [Blade, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 6P, AP –1]
Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 7P, AP –3, personalized grip]
Cougar Fineblade Knife, Long Blade [Blades, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 8P, AP –1]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 8, Reach –, DV 6(S or P), AP –]


3 3 5 2 6 5 4 4 2 6 6

Initiative: 9 + 1D6
Astral Initiative: 8 + 2D6
Condition Monitor: 10/11
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 7, Social 7, Astral 7
Armor: 12 [+5 vs acid, +5 vs electricity, +4 vs fire]
Active Skills: Arcana 4, Assensing 5, Blades 3, Conjuring skill group 5, Counterspelling 5 (combat spells +2), First Aid 2,
Pistols 2 (tasers +2), Perception 5 (visual +2), Spellcasting 6 (detection spells +2)
Knowledge Skills: Magic Theory 5, Magical Forensics 5
Languages: English N, Japanese 4, Latin 4
Qualities: Focused Concentration 3, Mage Hermetic Tradition, Mentor Spirit: Snake / SINner: UCAS
Mentor Spirit Effects: +2 dice for Arcane Tests, +2 dice for Detection spells / Pursuing Secrets
Gear: Antidote patch rating 6 (x3), Globetrotter jacket: [chemical protection 5, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 5],
goggles [Capacity 5 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light, smartlink, vision magnification], Hermes Ikon commlink
[Device Rating 5], mage sight goggles, medkit rating 3, reagents [tainted raw (dram) hermetic] (x100), subvocal microphone,
Spells: Analyze Magic, Chaotic World, Clairvoyance, Detect Magic (Extended), Flamethrower, Increase Reflexes, Levitate,
Mana Barrier, Mind Probe, Stunball
Tiffani-Defiance Protector [taser, Acc 6, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC –, 3(m), w/ personalized grip, smartgun system:
internal, 10 rounds Taser Dart ammo]
Sapphire Knife [Blades, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 4P, AP –3]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 4, Reach –, DV S, AP –]


7 4 4 7 6 2 3 3 3 6 6

41 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Initiative: 7 +1D6
Astral Initiative: 6 + 2D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 12 / 11
Limits: Physical 9, Mental 5, Social 6, Astral 6
Armor: 15 (+5 vs acid , +5 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Assensing 4, Banishing 4, Blades 5 (Axes +2), Counterspelling 3 (Combat spells +2), Perception 3 (Visual +2),
Spellcasting 5 (Combat spells +2), Summoning 5, Tracking 2
Languages: English N, Japanese 4
Qualities: Focused Concentration 4, Mentor Spirit: Wolf, Shamanic Tradition / SINner: UCAS
Mentor Spirit Effects: +2 dice for Combat spells, +2 dice for Tracking tests / No Retreat
Spells: Ball Lightning, Chaotic World, Flamethrower, Heal, Increase Reflexes, Stunbolt
Gear: Customized ballistic mask [gas mask], Globetrotter jacket: [chemical protection 5, fire resistance 4, holster,
nonconductivity 5], glasses [Capacity 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light], Meta Link commlink [Device Rating 1],
subvocal microphone, trodes
Combat Axe, [Blades (Axes), Acc 5, Reach 3, DV 12P, AP –4, personalized grip]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 9, Reach 1, DV 7S, AP –]


5 7 (8) 4 (6) 5 (6) 3 3 3 5 2 3.48

Initiative: 9 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 11/10
Limits: Physical 8, Mental 4, Social 6
Armor: 16 (+5 vs acid , +5 vs electricity, +4 vs fire)
Active Skills: Athletics skill group 2, Blades 6 (Swords +2), Etiquette 5, First Aid 1, Perception 3 (Visual +2), Throwing
Weapons 5, Unarmed Combat 6 (Cyber-implants +2),
Knowledge Skills: Small Unit Tactics 4
Languages: English 4, Gaelic 4, German 4, Japanese 4, Sperethiel N
Qualities: Agile Defender, Biocompatibility (bioware), Linguist / Code of Honor: Paladin’s Code, SINner: UCAS
Augmentations: Bone density augmentation 2, electrical discharge, muscle augmentation 1, muscle toner 1, orthoskin 2, synaptic
booster 2
Gear: Customized ballistic mask [flare compensation, image link, respirator 4, single sensor: ultrasound 4, trodes], Globetrotter
jacket: [chemical protection 5, fire resistance 4, holster, nonconductivity 5] medkit rating 3, Renraku Sensei commlink [Device
Rating 3], stim patch rating 6 (x3), subvocal microphone, trauma patch
Electrical Discharge [Unarmed, Acc 8, Reach –, DV 8S(e), AP –4]
Katana [Blades (Swords), Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 9P, AP –3 w/ customized grip]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 8, Reach –, DV 8S, AP –]
10 Throwing Knives [Throwing, Acc 8, DV 7P, AP –1]
5 Flash-Bang Grenade [thrown grenade, DV 10S, AP –4, Blast 10m radius]
3 Thermal Smoke Grenade [thrown grenade, Thermal Smoke, 10m radius]

One problem may be if the opposing team gets the device away from the players and makes it to the water, if the
players didn’t make a contingency plan and aren’t sure what to do you may need to drop a hint about the boats in the dock.

42 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

The runners must make their escape from the compound and lose any pursers without attracting the attention of the
NTMP, then make their way to the safehouse. Depending on the outcome of Scene 7, they may either have to escape the
competing Shadowrun team, or attempt to run them down and re-acquire the prototype.


“Get this thing in gear and floor it!” said everyone.


This concludes the climax of the mission and the only thing that can be said for certain about it is that there will be a
chase. Exactly who is chasing who and what vehicles are involved will be decided by the choices and successes (or failures) of
the players. The opposing team will board their boat if they get to the perimeter fence with the prototype. The player’s team will
have no choice but to follow with their own watercraft or steal one of the facilities GMC Riverine Security watercraft. If the
players start to escape by land the opposing team will be the ones stealing some transportation to follow. The facilities HTR force
will chase both teams in whatever vehicle is appropriate and available with lights and sirens blazing.
After all of the parties involved in this scene are inside vehicles switch to the vehicle chase rules (CRB p. 203-205).
Once it’s decided who is in what vehicle, see who took off first. Whoever that was is in the lead and will decide on the Chase
Environment each Combat Turn. Things may start in a Speed Environment by blasting down the road or the open channels
between the Odaiba, then switch in the next turn to a Handling Environment, weaving a boat between pier supports or skidding a
car through back alleyways dodging dumpsters. Either the player’s team or the opposing runner team will be in the lead and
Arasaka security forces will be in the rear chasing both groups of shadowrunners.
BTW if a land escape is attempted, don’t forget about the Ground Vehicle Gate. It’s the only way out of the facility by
land and it will be closed while the facility is on alert. Hacking the Security host will be the only way to get it open short of
scaling the wall, overpowering the guards stationed there, and manually opening the gates.

In addition to any vehicles that the players may own and have ready for the escape, the following may be involved.


If Jimmy Quick is piloting the boat have one of the players roll his piloting tests rolls for him
5 6 3 12 8 3 4 9

Condition Monitor (P/M): 18 / 10

Upgrades: extra entry/exit, increased seating, life support, personal armor 8, rigger cacoon, satellite link, signature masking 4
Autosofts: Aztech Nightrunner Maneuvering 3
Weapons: Smoke projector


4 4 3 12 10 4 4 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 18 / 10

Upgrades: 2x drone rack (landing, medium), personal armor 4, rigger interface, signature masking 4, smuggling compartment
Programs: Clearsight 3, Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo], Samuvani Criscraft Otter Maneuvering 3
Weapons: None


4 5 3 16 12 4 4 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 20 / 10

Upgrades: Emergency light bars, rigger cocoon, rigger interface, satellite Link, searchlight, siren

43 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Autosofts: GMC Riverine Maneuvering 4
Weapons: Water Cannon [heavy pistol, Acc N/A, 6S AP +4, FA, RC 20, Ammo N/A, suppressive fire only)


3 2 1 20 8 1 2 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 20 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, rigger interface, winch (x2)

Autosofts: Tug Boat Maneuvering 1
Weapons: None


5/4 4 3 15 18 4 5 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 20 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, life support 1, passenger protection system 6, personal armor 8, ram plate, rigger interface
Programs: Mitsubishi Nightsky Maneuvering 4
Weapons: None


3/3 3 1 16 12 1 2 6

Condition Monitor (P/M): 20 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, rigger interface

Autosofts: GMC Bulldog Maneuvering 1
Weapons: None


3/3 3 1 18 18 3 3 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 21 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, dash and emergency light bars, rigger interface, searchlight, siren
Autosofts: Ares Roadmaster Maneuvering 3
Weapons: Water Cannon [heavy pistol, Acc N/A, 6S AP +4, FA, RC 20, Ammo 200*, suppressive fire only]


4/4 4 3 18 24 3 3 8

Condition Monitor (P/M): 21 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, dash and emergency light bars, 2x drone rack (landing, medium - MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone)
passenger protection System 5, personal armor 4, ram plate, rigger interface, searchlight, siren
Programs: Clearsight (3), Maneuvering (3), Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo]
Sensors: Camera [low light, vision enhancement 2], MAS Scanner, radio signal scanner
Weapons: Water Cannon [heavy pistol, Acc N/A, 6S AP +4, FA, RC 20, Ammo 200*, suppressive fire only]



44 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

4/2 4 4 9 8 3 3 4

Condition Monitor (P/M): 17 / 10

Upgrades: Anti-theft system 1, dash and emergency light bars, drone rack (landing, medium – Renraku LEBD-2, passenger
protection system 5, personal armor 4, ram plate, rigger interface, searchlight, siren
Programs: Clearsight (3), Maneuvering (3), Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo]
Sensors: Camera [low light, vision enhancement 2], MAD scanner, radio signal scanner
Weapons: None


So many ways to push this… But probably the best way is to add in some NTMP vehicles that turn up ahead of the
runners and join the chase. If the chase is on land use a few of the Ground Vehicle Patrols detailed in Scene 5 or if this is in the
water use the following Harbor Patrol


4 3 4 (5) 3 3 2 3 3 6

Initiative: 8 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 10
Limits: Physical 5 (6), Mental 4, Social 5
Armor: 12
Active Skills: Clubs 3, Gunnery 4, Perception 3, Pilot Watercraft 3, Pistols 4, Swimming 3, Unarmed Combat 4,
Knowledge Skills: Crime 3 (Neo-Tokyo +2), Law Enforcement 4
Languages: English 3, Japanese N
Gear: Armor jacket, Jazz (x2), Renraku Sensei commlink [Device Rating 3], sunglasses [Capacity 2, image link, smartlink]
Ares Predator V [heavy pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP –1, SA, RC 0, Ammo Capacity 15(c) w/ 15 rounds standard ammo]
Defiance EX Shocker [taser, Acc 4, DV 11S(e), AP –5, SS, RC –, Ammo capacity 4(m), w/ 4 rounds taser dart ammo]
Defiance EX Shocker used as melee weapon [Clubs, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 8S(e), AP –5]
Stun Baton [Clubs, Acc 4, Reach 1, DV 9S(e), AP –5, 10 charges]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach –, DV 3S, AP –]
Note: Stats include Jazz usage


5 5 3 16 14 3 6 6

Condition Monitor (P/M): 20 / 10

Upgrades: Emergency light bars, satellite link, searchlight, siren, winch (x2)
Programs: Clearsight 3, Maneuvering 3, Mapsoft [Neo-Tokyo Harbor]
Sensors: Camera [low light, vision enhancement 2], MAD scanner, radio signal scanner
2x ArmTech MLG Launcher w/ Flash-Bang Grenades [Grenade Launcher, Acc 4, DV 10S, AP –4, Blast 10m
radius, SA, RC 0, Ammo capacity 12(m), w/ 12 Flash-Bang grenades]


Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Pilot Sensor
4 2 1 3 9 4 4

Initiative: 8 + 4d6
Condition Monitor (P/M): 8 / 10

Upgrades: Weapon mount (mini), expanded ammo: doubled

Programs: Clearsight rating 4, Smartsoft: Legal Codes rating 4, Targeting: Yamaha Pulsar rating 4
Sensors: Camera [low light, vision enhancement rating 2], MAD Scanner, motion sensor, ultrasound

45 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Yamaha Pulsar [taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC 0, Ammo capacity 8(m), w/ 8 rounds taser dart ammo]

Ideally the scene ends when the players escape all pursuit, however if the opposing team starts with the prototype and
manages to lose the players give them a second chance. They can pick the trail back up with drones, spirits or just plain dumb
luck, catching the opposing team while they are transferring the prototype to another vehicle, or some such event, so that the
player’s team will have a second chance at keeping the prototype.

46 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

After lying low in the safehouse for a few hours, the team’s Tanaka-san contacts them to set up a meet and receive the
prototype with the data files. The players may pass along the information about the CEO’s actual treachery at this time.


Sunrise, 7:00 AM. Ghost! The last 24 hours have been a hell of a ride. It took a while to shake off all the pursuers but
you finally lost the last of them and shot straight to Tanaka-san’s safehouse. The abandoned warehouse may be ready to fall
down but it’s a spot to hide and best of all, it has a fully loaded soykaf maker.

Adrenaline is still pretty high and there’s nothing to do but wait for Tanaka-san to call. The roof seemed like a good
spot to wind down so you’re standing up here watching the sky lighten and the sun crest over the horizon. The scattered clouds
look like smears of blood streaking the sky. On the track next to the river a maglev train packed full of work-bound wage slaves
roars by, out of sight almost as fast as it appeared.

About an hour later the bodyguard, Misha Rudov, calls with the time and place to deliver the prototype and data files.
The meet with will be at 5:00 PM sharp at a private hanger at the Narita International Aerospaceport about 50 km east of Neo-
Tokyo’s center, he puts some emphasis into “do not be late”.

The meeting with Kaito Nakamura

It was a long drive out to the Narita Aerospaceport, you don’t normally get this far out of the city. When you arrive at
the address the hanger is closed and there doesn’t appear to be anyone around. At exactly 5:00 a Nissan Hound with Evo
markings comes into view from the West and a sleek Mitsubishi Nightsky rolls in and parks next to you. As the rotors on the
Hound come to a stop, Tanaka-san and her troll bodyguard exit the helicopter and walk over to you.

If all of the mission goals incriminating Ryota Nakagawa were successful

With a pleased expression Tanaka-san says “I believe congratulations are in order, I have already received reports that a
commlink was found in Arasaka Buki’s lab that implicates Ryota Nakagawa in the theft of a valuable research project.
NTMP officers raided his house searching for evidence and there is an order out for his arrest as we speak. I have also heard
that Arasaka Buki’s board of directors has asked for an emergency meeting with the board of YNT.”

If the team DID NOT succeed in incriminating Ryota Nakagawa

With an anxious expression Tanaka-san looks you over and says “The news so far has not been good. I am
starting to have some concerns about the outcome of the entire enterprise. The incursion into the lab and the theft has
been acknowledged but so far no one has tied Ryota Nakagawa to it. At the moment he is meeting with Arasaka Buki’s
board of directors and spinning a tale that places the entire blame on Evo’s security procedures. He is even going so far
as to openly advocate that the board accept a Renraku buyout offer.”

If the team hands over the evidence of Ryota Nakagawa’s “actual” treachery [use the text for what the players know]
Once the initial pleasantries are over you report on the events of the run. You hand over the optical data core from
Nakagawa’s data terminal. You also mention the message from Renraku about the planed hostile takeover.
Tanaka-san looks surprised for a moment before she regains her composure. “Well, that is some enlightening news.
The timing of your endeavor was indeed serendipitous, another day later in our planning and events would have had a far
different outcome. I believe that the value of this information merits a small show of gratitude on my part.” She pulls out her
commlink and makes a few adjustments to the numbers there..

If the team has the Aki-Inazuma Device

Then with a slight smile she continues “Regardless, I believe you have something to deliver to me?” She motions
toward Misha Rudov who walks over and relives you of the Aki-Inazuma device, downloads the research data then hands
you a small credstick carrying case. Tanaka-san continues “Excellent, I believe that this will conclude our business, perhaps
you will hear from me again in the future, if I am again in need of your group’s particular skillset.” After a slight bow she
steps toward the Mitsubishi Nightsky, the driver hurrying around to open the door for her. Rudov places the device in the
trunk then joins his mistress in the limo, giving you a slight nod as he gets inside.

If the team lost or destroyed the Aki-Inazuma Device

Then with a slight smile she continues “Regardless, I believe you have something to deliver to me?” As you
explain that you do not actually have the device the smile fades from her face. “This is distressing; that prototype
represented a significant investment and it will be both expensive and time consuming to replicate it. I am afraid that I
have no choice but to pass some of that cost along to you.” She gets out her commlink, scrolls through a few screens
then motions toward Misha Rudov. The large troll approaches and hands you a small credstick carrying case. Tanaka-

47 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

san steps toward the Mitsubishi Nightsky and the driver hurries around to open the door for her. Rudov joins his
mistress in the limo, giving you a slight scowl as he gets inside. Once they are driving off you get a chance to check the
balance of the credsticks, it’s substantially less than what you agree to. That was one really expensive gun.


Once the team has lost all of their pursuers they can relax for a moment. Rudov calls the players shortly after they
arrive at the safehouse to set up the 5:00 PM meet at the Narita Aerospaceport. He doesn’t want to hear any extra chatter, if the
runners try to tell him they failed in any on the missions objectives he simply says that “you’ll have to explain that to Tanaka-san
in person” or if the runners attempt to pass along the information about the CEO’s “actual” treachery he assures them that they
can deliver that information to Tanaka-san when they meet her.

The success or failure of the mission actually hinges on implicating Ryota Nakagawa. If the runners fail to plant the
evidence that implicates him in the theft of the prototype at both the lab and in his house, he will use the theft as an excuse to
break away from Evo and sell out the corporation to Renraku. It will be a major win for the Japanacorps and a blow to the foreign
corporations. In a similar way success in implicating Nakagawa will be a success for Evo and a loss to the Japanacorps.
If the team fails to acquire the prototype it will cost Evo some Nuyen but for the primary goal of both sides it really
doesn’t matter which team steals it. For Nakagawa, as long as the break-in at the facility can be blamed on Evo’s security and
events do not point back to him, either team’s success will serve his purposes. Same for Tanaka-san, the goal is to frame
Nakagawa, other than the cost to the tech to Evo, she does not care about the prototype.
Dressing up as the Patriot, or not,

48 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

 7,000¥ each + 500¥ per net hit, up to a maximum of 10,000¥, for successfully completing the job.
 If the team lost or destroyed the Aki-Inazuma Device then reduce the payment by 2,000 per runner.
 500¥ each if the team gives the optical core data from Nakagawa’s home to Tanaka-san.
 500¥ each if the team gives Director Kozlov’s commlink to Tanaka-san.
 Paydata from the Arasaka Buki Research Lab host is worth 1,000¥ per runner.

 2 Karma – Surviving the Adventure
 2 Karma – Overall Adventure Challenge
 2 Karma – Incriminating Ryota Nakagawa (swapped the data core and placed both commlinks)
 1 Karma – Delivering the Aki-Inazuma Device

When running this adventure you may choose to count the Missions as “played” for their personal Shadowrun Missions
character. You must choose to do this the first time your run this Mission only, and take the optional results to match those to the
team you gamemastered for earned. You may not choose to wait for a “better” attempt to choose your rewards. You’re on the
honor system here, so please don’t skew the adventure to help the players gain extra rewards just so that you can get better
You will earn a flat amount of karma and nuyen, regardless of how well (or poorly) the players do, listed below. For
other missions results and rewards that you track on the Debriefing Log (Objectives completed, reputation and contacts earned,
etc), take the average results of the group you’re gamemastering for. So if four out of six players earned a point of notoriety, you
will earn one as well. If only two players out of five earn a +1 Loyalty with Simon, you would not get that +1 Loyalty. Along
those lines.
Karma Earned: 7
Nuyen Earned: 9,000¥

During the adventure, runners may perform actions that will add to their Street Cred, Notoriety, or Public Awareness
(p. 372, SR5). Besides the scenario specific gains listed below, gamemasters should consider the characters actions throughout
the game and award additional points as appropriate. If a player earns Public Awareness or Notoriety, don’t be afraid to give
them extra points.

+1 Street Cred for dealing with the opposing shadowrunners without using lethal force.
+1 Notoriety for any player who kills any of the competing shadowrunners.
+1 Notoriety for any player who kills any civilians, Arasaka security officers, or NTMP officers using lethal force.
+1 Public Awareness if a firefight occurs with the residents or NTMP outside of the house in Bunkyo in Scene 5
+1 Public Awareness if a firefight occurs with Arasaka security or NTMP on the streets of Neo-Tokyo in Scene 8
+1 Public Awareness for any runner with the Distinctive Style quality if they otherwise gained any Public Awareness
during this Mission.

Successfully completing objectives or performing the actions listed below will earn characters specific Missions
contacts at a Loyalty of 1, and should be given the Contact Sheet included with this Mission. If they already have that contact,
they gain a +1 loyalty to that contact (up to a maximum of 4).
Characters might interact with NPCs not specified by the Mission, and may earn these NPCs as a contact at Loyalty 1.
They may also work with non-Mission specific contacts that they have already earned or that they bought at character creation,
and gain a +1 Loyalty to these contacts, with a maximum Loyalty of 4. Gamemasters should not grant these lightly, and players
should have to work to earn these contacts by going the extra mile to impress the NPC, offering up favors, or paying them well
above the standard rates for information or services.

 Gain Kaito Nakamura (Connection Rating 5) as a contact or add +1 Loyalty if the runners successfully complete all of
the Mission objectives without any excessive property destruction or casualties of Arasaka employees.

49 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

 Gain Misha Rudov (Connection Rating 2) as a contact or add +1 Loyalty with if the runners successfully complete the
Mission without any excessive property destruction or casualties of Arasaka employees and without causing trouble for
Kaito, such as forcing her to leverage her Connection to allow a disruptive runner to the meet in Scene 2.

When a PC gets in touch with a contact, make an unopposed Connection + Connection test for the contact. The results
of this test determine how many ranks of information the contact knows about the question. If the relevance of the subject is a
specialty of the contact, they get +3 to this test. The player then makes an unopposed Charisma + Etiquette + Loyalty test, the
results of which determine how many ranks of information the contact is willing to divulge for free, up to the max ranks of
information they know. If the contact knows more, they will require a payment of 500¥-(Loyalty*100¥, minimum 100¥) per rank
of information they still know.
If the PCs have worked all of their contacts, and are still missing important information, they may request that a contact
ask around. If they do so, have the Contact make an extended (Connection + Connection (1 hour)) test. Additional information
will be available at a cost of 1000¥-(Loyalty*100¥, minimum 200¥).
A Matrix Search action (p. 241, SR5) may also be utilized to gather information from the following charts, using the
appropriate thresholds and search times.


Contacts to Ask: Corporate Executive, High Society, Entertainment

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 I wish that was MY Tanaka-san!
1 1 I do believe that is Ms. Kaito Nakamura, an up and comer in the shadows.
2 3 She showed up about three years ago and actually runs contracts exclusively for Evo.
3 6 Kaito Nakamura is an assumed name for Moa Nakamoto, a former aidoru who just disappeared
from the scene five years ago.
4 -- Turns out, a few years ago, she was recruited by Buttercup. She must have seen something
special in the girl.
5 -- Rumor has it that she was experimented on as a child, some weird attempt to make the perfect
aidoru star, but it didn’t work out quite right.

Contacts to Ask: Security, Fixer, Corporate Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 I don’t know if you’re in the right sprawl for someone like that, chummer.
1 1 Foreigner that hires out for security work.
2 3 He’s actually been off the market for a while, been a few folks looking to hire and he’s had to
turn them down.
4 6 His current contract is with Evo Corporation for a job in based in Japan.
6 -- Heard he’s taken a shine to his new ward, it’s turned into something more than a job.
Dangerous if you ask me, chummer.


Contacts to Ask: Corporate Executive, High Society, Entertainment Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Isn’t that the name of a mall in Nishi-Shinjuku?
1 1 A high end hotel that caters to visiting corporate executives.
2 3 Security at both the mall and the hotel’s are pretty tight, the main entrances are all giant MAD
scanners. The doormen are actually security and they all carry.
4 -- A lot of the guests are high-level corporate executives. I hear that the discrete in-room massage
service is a big moneymaker for the place, would love to see the customer list for that.

Contacts to Ask: Corporate Executive, News Reporter, Government Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

50 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

0 0 Is he related to Leo “The Crusher” Nakagawa, the troll center for the Cowboys?
1 1 CEO for Arasaka Buki KK, local Neo-Tokyo A rated corp.
2 3 He’s out of town right now on some big executive training retreat, took all of the Arasaka upper
management up to Tsunoshama Island while the factory is shut down this month.
3 6 The guy is a major raciest, hates troggs and I hear that he doesn’t get along with most of his
bosses in Vladivostok because of it. Not a poster boy for Evoculture
4 -- He’s been floating the idea of a Japanacorp buyout of Arasaka to anyone that would listen to
him for years now. Surprised someone in Evo hasn’t taken him out over it.
5 -- He dumped his wife years ago after he was caught sleeping with his bodyguard, then married
the bodyguard, big scandal at the time. Word now is that she’s turned the tables on him, met a
good looking marine twenty years her junior and keeps him around the house as a “gardener”.
6 -- I heard he was looking for hire a shadowrun team a few weeks ago, not sure what it was for but
I believe he did get a group of foreigners out of UCAS to agree to some kind of job.


Contacts to Ask: Corporate Contact, Military Contact, Government Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Sorry, never heard of it
1 1 Home town small arms corporation. They’ve been around since the start of the Imperial State.
Supplied rifles to the army for like forever, how could you not know that.
2 3 They lost their government contract back in 72, everyone thought they would go under but they
caught a lucky break and picked up the contact to manufacture the Raiden for Yamaha.
3 6 Back in 60 when Evo pulled out of Japan some Evo executives took demotions and transferred
to Arasaka so they could stay in Neo-Tokyo. Guess they didn’t like the weather in Vladivostok.
4 -- Old corp but never got very big and they were snapped up by Yamatetsu back in the 30’s.
Worked out good for them in the end, word is that they are using Evo’s Monad derived tech
now. Weaponizing it to create some type of breakthrough in laser weapon technology.
5 -- You didn’t hear this from me but word is that Renraku has plans for a hostile takeover,
snatching the corp from Evo, they’ve been buying shares through various shells for months.


Contacts to Ask: Delivery Driver, Corporate Wageslave, Military Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Where?
1 1 Corporate compound for Arasaka Buki KK, the factory, offices, R&D, everything in one place.
2 3 The factory is shut down right now for a refit and refurbish of the production lines. They’ve
been hiring tons of subcontractors lately to get it done with minimum downtime.
3 + Security for the entire place is a throw-back. Everything is hardwired in and they don’t use any
drones for security patrols, just metahuman security officers walking around everywhere.
4 6 The entire R&D team shipped out last week on an Evo sub-orbital. Talk was that they were
visiting some top secret Evo lab in Africa. I bet half of them come back as headcases.
5 -- Security is really tight in the factory. Some chummers of mine tried to break in last year to
boost a rail car full of Raiden rifles, half the team was chewed up by the automated defenses at
the rail car door and the rest are still sitting in some Evo black site in Siberia.
6 -- Something major is going on there today, I heard there was a bioweapon attack last night that
took down half of the facilities corp-sec, sounds like prep for a shadowrun to me. I won’t be
surprised if I hear there is actually some big run that happens there today or tonight.

Contacts to Ask: Arms Dealer, Researcher, Military Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Red Lightning! Shiawase’s new energy drink! I can’t get enough of that stuff!!!
1 1 Arasaka’s new laser weapon, rumors are that it will change the weapon industry
2 3 Someone keeps leaking info about it. From the spec’s I’ve seen it look like its years ahead of
the competition. If you ask me though it’s just a ploy to drive their stock value up.
4 -- The word in the industry is that it relies on some major Monad generated breakthrough in

51 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

power generation, Arasaka could never have done that without Evo’s help.
5 -- There was a lab experiment at Arasaka last year that killed half the research team, word was
that it was the power supply for a laser weapon project, supposed to be extremely unstable.

Contacts to Ask: Security Contact, Corporate Contact, Shadow Contact

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Wasn’t he the President of the Russian Federation back in the 60s?
1 1 Corporate security specialist. Foreigner out of Vladivostok
2 3 He is a citizen of Evo, last I heard he had been transferred to a subsidiary of YNT here in Neo-
Tokyo, Arasaka Buki I believe.
3 6 Director of Security at Arasaka Buki, word is there’s some friction between him and the CEO
4 -- He can be found prowling the antique shops of Kanda in his off time, looking for books. You
know those old hard copy data files.
5 -- Matches the description of a “donor” that showed up a Tanamous chop shop this morning with
a terminal case of lead poisoning.

2 2 3 2 4 3 6 (7) 7 5 6 6

Initiative: 10 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 10
Limits: Physical , Mental , Social
Armor: 9 (+2 vs electricity)
Active Skills: Artisan 5 (Writing +2), Athletics skill group 3, Automatics 3, Computer 1, Con 1, Etiquette 4, Intimidation 1,
Leadership 1, Negotiation 4, Perception 3, Performance 4 (Singing +2)
Knowledge Skills: Aidoru Culture 5, Megacorps 3 (Evo +2), Neo-Tokyo Sprawl 4, Shadow Scene 3
Languages: Chinese 5, English 5, Japanese N
Qualities: Adept, Biocompatibility (bioware), Jack of All Trades-Master of None, Prototype Transhuman, School of Hard
Knocks, Technical School Education / Allergy (common, mild, soy), Creature of Comfort (high lifestyle), SINner (corporate
limited SIN, Evo)
Adept Powers: Authoritative Tone 2, Combat Sense 3, Cool Resolve 1, Eidetic Sense Memory, Kinesics 4, Kinesics Mastery,
Lie Detector 3, Memory Displacement, Voice Control 2
Augmentations: Cerebellum booster 1, reception enhancer, tailored pheromones 3, vocal range enhancer
Gear: AR nails, chemical detection nail polish rating 4 (x10), contacts [Capacity 3 w/ image link and vision enhancement 2],
Fuchi Cyber-X7 commlink [Device Rating 7], holo bracelet rating 3, Nightshade [nonconductivity 2], Second Skin, qi focus 6
(phoenix tattoo – left hip, Combat Sense 3), smart wig [w/ trode net]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV2S, AP –0]


9 5 (8) 4 (6) 9 (12) 4 4 4 2 3 1.06

Initiative: 10 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 13 / 10
Limits: Physical 13, Mental 6, Social 6
Armor: 16
Skills: Computer 1, Etiquette 1, First Aid 1, Hardware 1, Intimidation 3, Palming 2, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Vehicle 3, Pistols
4, Running 3, Unarmed Combat 6
Knowledge Skills: Corporations 3 (Evo +2), Neo-Tokyo Sprawl 4 (back alleys +2), Security Procedures 5
Languages: English 2, Japanese 4, Russian N
Qualities: Blandness, Perceptive 1, Sense of Direction / Impassive, SINner (corporate limited SIN: Evo)

52 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Augmentations: Biowaste storage 4 (alphaware), bone lacing: titanium (betaware), internal air tank 1, nutrition storage system 4
(alphaware) / muscle augmentation 3, muscle toner 3, pain editor, platelet factories, reception enhancer, synaptic booster 2 / reakt
Gear: Bug scanner rating 6, chemsniffer ring rating 6, contacts [Capacity 3 w/ imagelink, smartlink, and vision enhancement 1],
earbuds [Capacity 3 w/ select sound filter 1 and spatial recognizer], Fuchi Cyber-X7 commlink [Device Rating 7], jammer (area)
rating 6, medkit rating 3, trauma patch, white noise generator rating 6; Zoé Executive Suite
Savalette Guardian [heavy pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 6S(e), AP –5, Modes: SA/BF, RC 6, 12 (c), integral smartgun, guncam,
safe target system, 2 spare clips (1x Stick-n-Shock, 1x APDS), concealable holster]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 13, Reach 1, DV 15P, AP –0]


5 (8) 6 (8) 4 (6) 3 (5) 4 3 3 5 4 3.4

Initiative: 9 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 11 / 10
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 5, Social 6
Armor: 8 (Armor at Night: 0)
Skills: Blades 3, Con 4 (Seduction +2), Etiquette 5, Perception 4, Pistols 5, Sneaking 5, Unarmed Combat 7
Languages: English 5, Japanese N
Augmentations: Bone density 3 (betaware), Cats Eyes (betaware), claws: retractable (betaware), muscle augmentation 2
(betaware), muscle toner 2 (betaware), synaptic booster 2 (betaware),
Gear: Armante Dress with matching bag, Transys Avalon commlink [Device Rating 6]
Claws [Unarmed, Acc7, Reach –, DV 6P, AP –3]
Tiffani-Defiance Protector [taser, Acc 6, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC –, 3(m) w/ laser sight, 9 rounds taser dart ammo]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach –, DV 7P, AP –]


4 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 3 3.7

Initiative: 11 + 1D6
Initiative on Jazz: 12 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 6, Social 8
Armor: 12 (Armor at Night: 0)
Skills: Pilot Ground Craft 6, Pilot Aircraft 6, Gunnery 6, Engineering Skill Group 5, Armorer 5, Electronic Warfare 5, Close
Combat Skill Group 4, Firearms Skill Group 5, Perception 4
Languages: Japanese N, English (4)
Augmentations: Control rig 2, cybereyes [rating 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light, smartlink, vision magnification]
Gear: Armor jacket, desktop RCC [use Maersk Spider: Device Rating 4 0/0/4/5 ASDF], Jazz (x3)
Autosofts: Clearsight 6, Group, Targeting 6
Arasaka Model 74 (Yamaha Raiden) [assault rifle, Acc 9, DV 9S(e), AP –5, BF/FA, RC 7, 60(c) w/ factory silencer /
suppressor, personalized grip, smartgun system: internal, imaging scope (low light, thermographic, vision magnification), shock
pad, 60 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
Nambu Model 72 (Ares Predator V) [heavy pistol, Acc 8, DV 6S(e), AP –5, SA, RC 0, 15(c) w/ personalized grip,
smartgun system, 30 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
Katana [Blades, Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 9P, AP –3, w/ personalized grip]
Tanto (combat knife) [Blades, Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 9P, AP –3, w/ personalized grip]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 6, Reach –, DV 7P, AP –]


1 2 2 1 5 3 4 5 3 6 7

Initiative: 6 + 1D6
Astral Initiative: 8 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 10 / 11

53 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Limits: Physical 2, Mental 5, Social 7, Astral 7
Armor: 6 (Armor at Night: 0)
Skills: Arcana 3, Assensing 5, Astral Combat 2, Con 3, Conjuring skill group 7, Enchanting skill group 4, Etiquette 5, Instruction
3, Negotiation 3, Perception 5, Sorcery skill group 5
Languages: Japanese N, English 2
Qualities: Shinto Magician
Initiate Grade: 2
Metamagic: Spell Shaping, Spirit Expansion: UMT (spirit of earth)
Spells: Clout, Detect Life, Glue Strip (Limited), Healthy Glow, Ice Sheet (Limited), Levitate, Lightening Bolt, Magic Fingers,
Manabolt, Physical Barrier, Stunbolt
Alchemical Formulas: Armor, Combat Sense, Heal
Alchemical Preps: Armor [Potency 5 Force 5] (x4), Combat Sense [Potency 5 Force 5] (x4), Heal [Potency 5 Force 5] (x4)
Bound Spirits: Spirit of Earth: Buster [Force 6, 4 services], Spirit of Earth: Doug [Force 8, 3 services]
Gear: Transys Avalon commlink [Device Rating 6], binding focus: spirits of earth [rating 2], glasses [Capacity 3 w/ flare
compensation, image link, low light], stim patch rating 6 (x3), Vault of Ages rating 5
Unarmed Strike [Natural, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 2S, AP –0]



12 6 7 12 8 7 8 8 4 8

Initiative: 15 + 2D6
Astral Initiative: 16 + 3D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 14 / 12
Armor: 0 (16H vs non-magical attacks)
Skills: Assensing 8, Astral Combat 8, Perception 8, Unarmed Combat 8
Powers: Astral form, binding, confusion, engulf, guard, materialization, movement, sapience, search
Engulf: Earth [Unarmed, Acc 15, DV 16P, AP –8]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 15, DV 12S, AP –]


3 4 5(6) 2 3 4 3 4 2 1.15

Initiative: 9 + 2D6
Matrix Initiative 8 + 4D6 (Hot Sim VR)
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 5, Social 6
Armor: 9
Active Skills: Archery 6, Con 4, Engineering skill group 2, Etiquette 4, Gunnery 4, Hardware 2, Negotiation 4, Outdoors skill
group 5, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Craft 2, Pilot Watercraft 5, Sneaking 4, Swimming 5
Languages: Japanese N, English 2 (Speak +2)
Qualities: Gearhead, Steely Eyed Wheelman
Augmentations: control rig 2 (alphaware), cybereyes [rating 3 w/ flare compensation, image link, low light, smartlink,
thermographic vision, vision enhancement 2, vision magnification], cyberfin, internal air tank 1, wired reflexes 1 (used)
Gear: armor vest, hardware tool kit, Hermes Ikon commlink [device rating 5], industrial mechanic tool kit, miniwelder, nautical
mechanic tool kit
Harpoon Gun [exotic ranged, Acc 8, DV 9P, AP -2, SS, 1, w/ personalized grip, smartgun system: internal, 6 rounds
harpoon ammo]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, Reach -, DV 3S, AP –]

54 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds


55 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds


Waiting Message 1

Greetings Tanaka-san,
As per your plan the specialists that were selected have carried out the preliminary steps of the
assignment. They are now in position and waiting for you and the research team to be clear of the facility
before they move to the next phase. As you assured me the badges and uniforms you made available were
not questioned and were most useful, they allowed the team to make a full survey of the facility. With the
information gathered I can assure you the prototype will be removed from the facility without any
possibility of failure. I have also been in contact with the buyer you suggested, he is eager to receive the
prototype and the research data. Evo’s research material on the cold fusion power core will also be an
extremely profitable bonus to the sale.
I will send you a message soon to let you know that the specialists have succeeded in their task
and the prototype had been delivered to the buyer.

Waiting Message 2

Respectful greetings Nakagawa-sama,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I have been eagerly reading of your progress, the
news that your plan is nearing the completion of the first phase was greeted with much joy here at
Renraku. I look back today with wonder at the distance we have moved forward from the first time you
contacted me, expressing your desire to seeing Arasaka take its rightful place with the true children of the
emperor. The days until you are free of the shackles imposed on your glorious corporation by the sub-
humans of Vladivostok can surely be counted now. Let me know as soon as the need for subterfuge is
over and my superiors can openly assist you in your transition to our family.
Eagerly awaiting further news,
Hiroaki Sasaki
Assistant to the VP of Acquisitions, Renraku Computer Systems

56 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

Player_________________________ Character__________________________ Location______________ Date __/__/___

Synopsis Mission Results

SRM 10- 02 One Stone: Two Birds O – Delivered the Aki-Inazuma Device
O – Lost or Destroyed the Aki-Inazuma Device
Yamatetsu became Evo twenty years ago, but the old O – Incriminated Ryota Nakagawa
guard continues to resist Evo-culture.  To encourage a (swapped the data core and placed both commlinks)
return to the fold, Evo sets up an old Yakuza trick, O – Failed to incriminate Ryota Nakagawa
employing your team to make it happen.

Other Notes on Reverse – O

Team Members Advancement

____________________________________ Character Improvement Karma Cost

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

____________________________________ __________________________________ __________

Karma Reputation Contacts and Loyalty Gained or Lost

Previous Available _________ O Gain Kaito Nakamura (Connection 5) as contact

Street Cred _________ O +1 Loyalty to Kaito Nakamura
Earned _________
O Gain Misha Rudov (Connection 2) as a contact
Spent _________ Notoriety _________ O +1 Loyalty to Misha Rudov

Remaining Avail. _________

Public Aware. _________
New Career Total _________


Previous Available _________ GM’s Name

Earned _________ _____________________________

Spent _________
GM’s Signature
Remaining _________

57 SRM 10-02: One Stone: Two Birds

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