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Unit 8 Test Review

Due Friday 4/22 for 5 bonus points on your test

Prepare for the test by studying all classroom notes and your own chapter notes
and Identify- who, what, when and why it is important for each of the following

1. McCarthyism
- Joseph McCarthy: junior senator serving on a lower level of the
government claimed [speech] to hold 200 communist agents working
inside the government
- No has ever been as bold as him; especially being a junior senator
- Rocked to intense power
- HUAC: Houst of UnAmerican – radical ideals, out of the norms, “un-
American attitude”, neighbor complaints -> leads to public humiliations,
black listed. Example: Hollywood – actors blacklisted for communists
- Previous red scare in the 1920s
- 2nd Red Scare: debate whether give up certain liberties to maintain law
and order
2. Launch of Sputnik
a. Russian satellite by the Soviet Union; launched before Americans did
b. America’s action: feeling of embarrassment and failure b/c it
destroyed American’s initial dominance
c. Specific Results: Eisenhower emphasizes more on math and science,
3. Great Society
a. LBJ – his favorite president was FDR (New Deal: ends depression)
FDR’s fav president was Teddy Roosevelt [progressive reforms],
ultimate goal of Great Society was end poverty. Great Society was
most similar to Progressive Era.
b. Increase in social programs -> increase in government spending ->
increases the size and focus of government
c. Success: Urban and Housing development, Medicare and Medicaid,
reduces poverty rate substantially, expands Social Security
4. Civil Rights movement
a. Who: MLK – peaceful non-violence protests [sit ins, forced
integration (for example in restaurants), boycotting], some people
have been violent [black panthers, black power] in the 1960s
b. Success: Civil Rights Act 1964: no discrimination, eliminated poll tax,
Voting Rights Act: no discrimination in voting, ending literacy tests
and grandfather clause.
c. Drawbacks: de-facto segregation
d. State Governor: Segregation now, Segregation Tomorrow,
Segregation Forever
5. Government spending during the 1960s
a. Spending on Great Society
b. Spending on Vietnam War: With GS and Vietnam War spending, he
did not increase taxes
6. Vietnam War (include protests)
a. Contain communism in Vietnam: fought the Korean War earlier
b. LBJ plays a major role in the Vietnam War
i. More troops and Escalation
ii. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
iii. Attrition – keep pushing until the enemy breaks
c. Criticism about LBJ and War
i. Spending increased -> economy was down
ii. Protests: unnecessary war that they don’t need to be a part
b/c it was a civil war
iii. Credibility gap: government lied to people that war is going
well: journalism exposed them. The Tet Offensive made people
realize the war is not going well.
iv. Draft: the people would rather go to jail and save their lives
d. Civil Rights Movement was occurring at the same time: Blacks were
majority part of the troops
e. Noble Defeat – US withdraws from Vietnam and then North and
South reunite under a communist regime
7. Containment
a. Committed to Containment b/c
i. Domino Theory?: all the nations follow communism
ii. Access to international free market: don’t want USSR ideology
to take over international market
iii. Fear of totalitarianism
b. Truman Doctrine
8. Watergate Scandal
a. Nixon wanted to win the elections by the largest margin: he sent
people, part of CREEP, stole documents about the Democrat’s VP
mental illness to publish it.
b. Problem: Other than breaking in [little to no impact], Nixon ordered a
cover up and lied to the American public that he had no knowledge
of the break in.
c. People lost faith in the government since LBJ lied too
9. Truman Doctrine
a. Contain communism
b. Emphasis of science
c. Expansion in science and technology
d. Sending money to Greece and Turkey to stop Russian influence in the
form of aid to fund rebellions etc.
10.Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
a. Against Plessy v. Ferguson: “Separate but equal” but the reality
wasn’t equal
b. 50 years later acknowledges
c. Desegregation of schools
d. South Schools ignored this: disallowed black people to enter school,
closed schools
e. Parallel Cases: Earl Warren handled most of the civil rights cases
11.Feminine Mystique
a. Bettie Fernand: sociology background, she was expected to be a
house-wife – felt a sense of incompleteness even when she had a
husband, a good house, wealth etc. -> conducts interview with other
white middle class women and found out that a lot of women feel
the same way. She tried to argue that women are forced [by society]
to stay at home, be a house-wife. But there were women involved in
the Civil Rights.
b. Feminists Movement: Questioning traditional gender roles regarding
women, started from WWII,
a. Equal Rights Amendment, beyond the legal right to vote for women
b. Doesn’t pass b/c of Schlalfy b/c she wore a stop sign
c. Feared divorce rates would increase and draft
13.Silent Spring
a. Rachel Carson: pesticides were used in crop production which is
harmful to environment, people, ecosystems: Environmentalism
b. Muckraker [journalist]: relates to progressive era. Her thesis was that
new tech after WWII were not always safe, she wants change
14.Impact of Television in the 1950’s and 1960’s
a. Reinforces traditional roles of women, traditional family, husband
goes to work, women stay at home, most were white
b. Similar to Radio’s rise in the 1920s
c. Advertising fed consumerism culture
15.Democrat’s voting base in the 1950’s and 1960’s
a. Industrial workers, factory workers, women, Catholics: JFK is catholic
b. South wanted Nixon: At first, South tended to be Democrats b/c of
Republican and Reconstruction Era, but then shifted
c. Nixon strategy to appeal to white southerners:
16.Middle Class prosperity
a. affordable housing in the suburbs: suburbanization
b. The GI bill
c. A lot of money -> spent on automobiles
d. Baby boom
17.Marshall Plan
a. Purpose: support Europe after WWII; giving them money to rebuilt
their economy to resists communism
18.Military Industrial Complex
a. Idea that defense industry and military have a relationship: funding
weapons, building nuclear weapons, the military industrial complex
grows -> Massive Retaliation -> problem was Mutually Assured
b. Warned against Military Industrial Complex: Eisenhower realized that
he messed up

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