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Appendix 1 - Anexo 1
A. Write the “ing” form of the verbs. Note the excepitons in spelling when
adding “ing”. // Escribe la forma ‘ing’ a los verbos. Tenga en cuenta las
excepciones de deletreo cuando se agrega “ing”.
 Example : Rain → Raining → It has been raining all day (ha estado lloviendo todo
el día)
 run → arrive → chat → sit → bark → move → cycle → travel→
tie → dial → watch → read → sing → brush → clean→ search→
play→ see→ listen → sail → work → argue → fight→ write →
snow→ Garden → hang up lie → study →

 Run-Running- He has been running all day
 Tie- Tying- She has been tying a shoe
 Play- Playing- I have been playing soccer
 Snow- Snowing- It has been snowing
 Arrive- Arriving- We have been arriving at park
 Dial- Dialing- It have been dialing the phone
 See- Seeing- He has been seeing a cat
 Garden- Gardening- He has been gardening
 Chat- Chatting- She has been chatting with my sister
 Watch-Watching- She has been watching a dog
 Listen-Listening- We have been listening music
 Hang up- Hanging- He has been hanging flowers
 Sit- Sitting- You have been sitting in my chair
 Read- Reading- We have been reading books
 Sail-Sailing- They have been sailing for internet
 Lie-Lying- She has been lying
 Bark-Barking- My dog has been barking
 Sing-Singing- Karla has been singing in the nights
 Work- Working- Jose has been working on weekend
 Study-Studying- you have been studying much
 Move-Moving- Karol have been moving
 Brush- Brushing- Miguel has been Brushing teeth
 Argue- Arguing- They have been arguing for money
 Cycle- Cycling- Jenny has been cycling every day
 Clean-Cleaning- Maria has been cleaning my room
 Fight-Fighting- You have been fighting for many days
 Travel-Traveling- They have been traveling a new country
 Search-Searching- We have been searching to my cat
 Write-Writing- We have been writing a book

B. Put a tick if the sentence is correct , if it is incorrect, please write in a correct form //
Coloca un tick si la oración es correcta, si es incorrecta, por favor escribala en forma

 Carlos have been driving the car for all the morning- Carlos has been driving the car for all
the morning.
 My grandfather has been visiting the countries in Latin America-Correct
 They has been decorating the house for Christmas-They have been decorating the house
for Christmas.
 We has been playing soccer since 1:00 o´clock- We have been playing soccer since 1:00
 Anguie and Andrés has ben living in Usa since December- Anguie and Andres has been
living in Usa since December.
 Andrew have been talking on the phone for 2 hours- Andrew has been talking on the
phone for 2 hours.

C. Choose the correct verb and write in present perfect tense

Rain - study - look - wait - work - cry - camp - cook - learn - teach - swim - bark - jog
Appendix 2 - Anexo 2

A. Fill in the correct form (Pronoun + Verb) and add a complement to each one.// Rellena
con la forma correcta (pronombre + verbo) y adiciona el complement a cada una.
I / speak I have spoken to my aunt I have been speaking to my aunt for two hours
he / do You / Swim Karla / eat Jose / jump Michel / write Cody / sweep
Luis/type I / Search Paula/look We / enjoy Juan / cook Carlos/ ride
B. Complete the dialogue using either present perfect simple or present perfecto continuos.
Then, create one dialogue with one member in your family // Completa el dialogo usando ya
sea presente perfecto simple o presente perfecto continuos. Luego, crea un dialogo con un
miembro de la familia.

1. Tom: Hi Ana. I have tried to ring you several times today. Where you been?
2. Ana: I have been at home all the time. But I have cleaned the house all day, so maybe I didn't
hear the phone ring.
3. Tom: You have been cleaning everything now?
4. Ana: No, not yet. I have tidied up the kitchen yet. But why are you here?
5. Tom: Don’t you remember? Jane has invited us to her birthday party and we have not buying a
present for her yet.
6. Ana: Oh, that's right. you have already find out what she wants?
7. Tom: Well, she has learned Spanish for a year and wants to spend her next holiday in Mexico.
Maybe we could get her a guide book.
8. Ana: That's a good idea. There is a good bookshop in the big shopping Centre. I have been
seeing some nice books about Mexico there recently.

Example conversation
Karol: Hello cousin a long time without seeing you.
Maria: Hi! How are you?
Karol: Very good thank you, what are you doing here in Algeciras?
Maria: I’ve been living here for four months.
Karol: Really? What happened to your job in Cali?
Maria: I decided it wasn’t for me.

In the last 30 years, genealogy have been becoming one of America’s most popular hobbies. If you
type genealogy in a search engine, you can find about 90 million hits. If you type family history,
you will get about 50 million hits. The percentage of the U.S. population interested in family history
have been increasing steadily. This increase probably has to do with the ease of searching on the
Internet. The number of genealogy Websites have grown accordingly as people ask themselves:
Where does my family come from? How long has my family been in the U.S.? Why did they
come here? How did they come here? What kind of people were they? Genealogy is a
lifelong hobby for many. The average family historian have done genealogy for 14 years,
according to a 2001 study. Most family historians are over 40. Cyndi Howells, from Washington
State, quit her job in 1992 and has been working on her family history ever since. She has been
creating a Web site called Cyndi’s List to help others with their search. Her Web site has over
260,000 resources. Since its start in 1992, her Web site has millions of visitors. Every day it gets
about 15,000 visitors. Over the years, she has added many new links and deleted old ones. Although
the Internet have been making research easier for amateur genealogists, it is only the
beginning for serious family historians. Researchers still need to go to courthouses and libraries to
find public records, such as land deeds, 4 obituaries, 5 wedding notices, and tax records. Another
good source of information is the U.S. Census. Early census records are not complete, but since
the mid-1800s, the U.S. Census have been keeping detailed records of family members, their ages,
occupations, and places of birth. Are you interested in knowing more about your ancestors and
their stories, their country or countries, and how you fit into the history of your family? Maybe
genealogy is a good hobby for you.
1. What has increased as a hobby in the youth?
Genealogy has become the most popular hobby among youth and adults.

2. Have you been interested to know your family’ history?

If it has interested me, since it is very interesting for me to know everything about my ancestors
and my family nucleus.

1. Why has been genealogy so fascinating?

Because it explores everything related to our family, and the simple fact of knowing where you
come from, creates in people a feeling of exploration.

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