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Commission on Higher Education

Region III – Central Luzon
Pulong Gubat, Balagtas, Bulacan
A.Y. 2020 - 2021

The 7 Philosophies of Education

Philo = Love
Sophy (Sofia) = Wisdom

What are difference between teacher centered philosophy of education and student centered
philosophy of education?

Teacher-centered philosophies required that children are educated using certain methods put
into action by their teacher

Student-centered philosophies teaching methods are formed according to the needs and
learning styles of individual students.

Known Philosophers in Education

Socrates did not tell his students what to think. Instead, he forced them to challenge their
thinking and to develop their logical thinking skills and understanding.

Plato believes that talent was not distributed non-genetically and thus must be found in
children born in any social class He built on this by insisting that those suitably gifted were to
be trained by the state so that they might be qualified to assume the role of a ruling class.

Aristotle placed great emphasis on balancing the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects
taught. Reading, writing, arithmetic, music physical education; literature and history; a wide
range of sciences and play.

The 7 Philosophies of Education

 Essentialism
Teachers teach for learners two acquire basic knowledge, skill and values.

 Progressivism
Progressivist believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one's

 Perennialism
A teacher-centered educational philosophy that focuses on everlasting ideas and uaniversal

 Existentialism
Existentialists believes that a good education emphasizes individuality. the primary step in any
education then is to grasp ourselves
 Behaviorism
Behaviorists believe that if teachers provide positive reinforcement, or rewards, whenever
students perform a desired behavior, they will learn to perform the behavior on their own

 Linguistic Philosophy
Linguistic philosophy is the view that many or all philosophical problems can be solved (or
dissolved) by paying closer attention to language, either by reforming language or by
understanding the everyday language that we presently use better.

 Constructivism
theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information
Philosophy Why teach? What to teach? How to teach?

 Not  The emphasis is  Essentialist

Essentialism radically to on the academic teachers emphasiz
reshape the content for e the mastery of
society but students to learn the subject
to transmit the basic matter.
the skills andfundame
traditonal ntal r’s –  They are
moral reading,‘riting, expected to be
values and ‘rithmetic and intellectual and
intellectual right conduct. moral models of
knowledge  their students.
thats  The teachers and  
students administrators  They are seen as
need to decide what is “fountain of
become a most important knowledge” and
model for the students to as “paragon of
citizen learn. virtue”.

2.  Progressivis  The progressivists  Progressivist

  t teachers are identified teachers employ
Progressivism teach to with need-based experiential
develop and relevant methods.
learners curriculum.
into 
enlightened  The curriculum
and should respondto
intelligent students’ needs
citizens of a and that related to
democratic students’ personal
society. lives and
 experiences.

   To develop  The perennialist  The perennialist

3. the curriculum is a classrooms are
  students’rat universal one on “centered around
Perennialism ional and that all teachers”.
moral human beings
powers. possess the same
 essential nature.  The students do
 not allow the
  students’ interests
 It is not a and experiences to
specialist substantially
curriculum but dictate what they
rather a general teach.

  To help  In an  Existentialist
4. students existentialist methods focus on
  understand curriculum,studen the individual.
Existentialism and ts are given a
 appreciate wide variety way  They help
  themselves of options from students know
 as unique which to choose. themselves and
  individuals   their place in
who accept  Provide students society.
complete with vicarious
responsibili experiences that
ty for their will help unleash
thoughts, their own
feelings and creativity and self-
actions. expression.

 To help
students to
Submitted by: Jonamay Caranto
Matea Villagane
Yr/Section: BEEd II
Subject: EDUC 110

Submitted to: Mr. Chrisjhosep Santiago

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