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Instructions: Answer as directed.

You should have already studied and understand the

READINGS for this UG for you to answer easily the questions below. You can
use Filipino to answer.

A. Answer each with a YES or NO and explain your answer in a sentence.

 Essentialism:
1. Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society?No, because they hope to
teach in students the traditional moral values and intellectual understanding needed to
become model citizens.

2. Is the model citizen of the essentialist the citizen who contributes to the re-
building of society?No because the model student demonstrate the basic
skills while living to the traditional moral values.

3. Do the essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not
interested? No, because essentialist persuade the students to memorize or
master the subject taught even if they’re not interested.

4. Do the essentialist teachers frown on long academic calendar and core

requirements? No. To gain mastery basic skills, teachers have to
observe core requirements longer school day, a longer academic year.

 Progressivism:
1. Do the progressivist teachers look at education as a preparation for adult life? No. The
progressivist teachers look at education as life.

2. Are the students' interests and needs considered in a progressivist curriculum?

Yes. This is a curiculum that responds to students needs and that relates to students
personal lives and experiences.

3. Does the progressivist curriculum focus mainly on facts and concepts?

No. Progressivist teachers would rather focus their teaching of skills or
processes in gathering and evaluating information and in problem-solving.

4. Do the progressivist teachers strive to simulate in the classroom life in the

outside world? Yes. Progressivist teachers are more concerned with
teaching the learners the skills to cope with change.

 Perennialism:
1. Are the perennialist teachers concerned with the students' mastery of
the fundamental skills? No. The perennialist teachers are concerned
with the study of the great books.

2. Do the perennialist teachers see the wisdom of ancient, medieval and modern
times? Yes. These are repository of knowledge and wisdom, a traditional
culture which must initiate each generation.

3. Is the perennialist curriculum geared towards specialization? No. It is geared towards

general education subjects.
4. Do the perennialist teachers sacrifice subject matter for the sake of students'
interests? No. The perennialist teachers are like the essentialist, prioritizes
subject matter.

 Existentialism:
1. Is the existentialist teacher after students becoming specialists in order to contribute
to society? No. They help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique
individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.

2. Is the existentialist concerned with the education of the whole person? Yes

3. Is the course of study imposed on students in the existentialist classroom? No. The students
given a choice.

4. Does the existentialist teacher make heavy use of the individualized approach? Yes because
they are allowed to study in their own pace.

 Behaviorism:
1. Are behaviorists concerned with the modification of students' behavior? Yes

2. Do behaviorist teachers spend their time teaching their students on how to respond
favorably to various environmental stimuli? Yes

3. Do behaviorist teachers believe they have control over some variables that affect learning?

4. Do behaviorist teachers believe that students are a product of their environment? Yes

B. To which philosophy /ies do/es each theory of man belong?

A Person:
1. BEHAVIORISM - is a product of his environment.
2. EXTENTIALISM - has no universal nature.
3. PERENIALISM - has rational and moral powers.
4. EXTENTIALISM - has no choice; he is determined by his environment.
5. EXTENTIALISM - can choose what he can become.
6. BEHAVIORISM - is a complex combination of matter that responds to physical stimuli
7. BEHAVIORISM - has no free will.
8. PERENBIALISM - has the same essential nature with others.
9. PERENIALISM - is a rational animal.
10. EXTENTIALISM - first exists then defines him/herself
11. PROGRESIVISM - is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others

C. We are interested in what is true. Our teaching methodologies are based on our quest for truth.
Likewise, our teaching-learning goals are based on what we value or what we cherish as good.
Identify what each philosophy considers as good and valuable and true. Complete the table given
below. The first one is done for you.

Philosophy Theory of Methodology to Theory of what Goal of teaching-

Truth arrive at the is valuable/ learning
truth good

Progressivism The universe We must relate Values differ To help

is real and to the universe from place to * develop
is in con- and interact with place, from students
stant others intelli- to time, from who can
change. gently, scientifi- person to adjust to a
cally and person; what is changing
experientially. considered good world and
The curriculum for one may not live with
stresses on be good for others in
science and another harmony
learning such as
"hands on-

Philosophy Theory of Truth Methodology to Theory of what Goal of teaching-

arrive at the is valuable/ learning
truth good

Essentialism The teacher focus Teacher The teacher decide Teachers teach to
on academic emphasize mastery what is the most transmit the
content for of subject matter. important for the traditional moral
students to learn students to learn values and
the basic skills. and place little intellectual
emphasis on knowledge that
students interest. students need to
become model
Existentialism Existence Teachers teach Learning is self- To help students
precedes essence. students to define paced, self- understand and
their own essence directed. It appreciate
by creating an includes a great themselves as unique
environment in deal of individual individual who
which they take in contact with the accept complete
life and by creating teacher who relates responsibility for
an environment in to each students their thoughts,
which they freely openly and feelings and actions.
choose their own honestly.
preferred way.
Perennialism Perenialist The teachers do The teachers Students engaged in
curriculum is a not allow the appal;y whatever Socratic dialogues, or
universal one on students interest or creative technique mutual inquiry
view that all experiences to and other tried and sessions to develop
human beings substantially true methods an understanding of
possess the same dictate what they which are believed history’s most
essential nature. teach. to be most timeless concepts.
Behaviorism Behaviorism are Teachers ought to Values are also Develop students
concerned with arrange caught (catch) not behavior
shaping of students environmental only taught (teach)
behavior by conditions so that
providing for a students can make
favorable the responses to
environment. stimuli.

D. With which philosophy do you associate the following quotations?

1. "Education is life not a preparation for life" - Progressivism

2. "Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself..." - Extentialism

3. "Gripping and enduring interests frequently grow out of initial learning efforts that are not
appealing or attractive." - Essentialism
4. "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well informed, and my own specified world to bring them up in
and I'll guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist 1 might
select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief; and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless-of his
talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors." - Behaviorism
5. "Existence precedes essence." - Existentialism

E. Upon which philosophy /ies is each program/practice anchored?

1. Back-to-the Basics movement - Essentialism

2. Conduct of National Achievement Test to test acquisition of elementary/secondary
learning competencies - Essentialism
3. Use of the Great Books - Perennialsm
4. Use of rewards and incentives - Behaviorism
5. Use of simulation and problem-solving method - Progressivism
6. Learners learning at their own pace - Existentialism
7. Mastery of the 3 r's - reading, writing and 'rithmetic - Essentialism
8. The traditional approach to education - Essentialism
9. Subject matter- centered teaching - Essentialism and Perennialism
10. Student-centered teaching - Progressivism and Existentialism
11. Authoritarian approach to teaching - Essentialism and Perennialism
12. Non-authoritarian approach to teaching - Progressivism and Existentialism

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