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Department of Education


Division of Batangas
Bulsa, San Juan, Batangas

Week 1 Oct. 5-
9, 2020

WEEK 1- OPENING OF CLASSES… WE are all nervous but excited to

face the new challenges that we going to
IT was not the usual opening of encountered in this new normal
classes were able to happened starting situations in teaching and learning
October 5, 2020 (Monday). Instead of process.
June was the month of opening of
classes, it was happened first week of WE, in ALISHS were able to
October because of the pandemic we are prepare a lot of things that we need.
facing right now. From having different virtual
orientations and meeting up to the
making of weekly home learning plan,
activity sheets, lesson exemplar and
SINCE it was not the usual thing even in the distributing of learning kits
we do in school during class, there are to the students.
many problems and challenges that we
encountered. During the preparation, at
BUT, even we prepared all the
first, it was a big burden to all of us on
things we need to accomplish before the
how we are going to start our first day
most awaited opening of classes, there
of school. But with the help of our
are some lapses that we encountered
DepEd community and other persons
during and after class.
involved, we successfully entered and
started the first week og the SY 2020-
IN terms of classes, one of the
major problems that I encountered was

Soaring on the Highest, Aiming for the Best

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Bulsa, San Juan, Batangas

the poor internet connection. We, in that the students didn’t understood on
ALISHS offered online classes for those the lesson.
who were not able to do the modular
WITH all of that I experienced
distance learning. Aside from that, we
during the first week of classes, I
use online as supplementary in teaching
realized that we need to exert extra
for us to monitor our student’s progress.
effort to overcome this challenges in
On the other hand, some of the students
giving quality education for our
were not able to attend or join the
students. In this time of pandemic, I
virtual class/ online kamustahan
handed on the saying “PATIENCE is a
because of that poor internet
VIRTUE”. We need to be patient,
connectivity. Some of them go to other
especially to our students so that we can
places where they can get a strong
really help them in guiding and in
internet connection for them to follow
understanding what they need to learn.
on the given instructions of the subject

IN line with that problem, most

of the parents /guardians are
complaining because of their child‘s
situation. They feel worried and
concerned about the safety of their
children. And since my subject is
English, it was so hard not only for me
but for the parent-teacher to teach the
lessons during this kind of situation. On
that case, I was able to contact each
student who was not able to update and
follow in our time and subject. I
contacted them through text messages
and phone calls to explain the things
Teacher I- English

Soaring on the Highest, Aiming for the Best

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