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Chap 16

Multiple choice

1.C 2.B 3.D

4.D 5.B 6.B
7.A 8.D 9.B
10.D 11.C 12.C
13.A 14.B 15.A


16. An individual who have a significant requirement for accomplishment will

in general carry duty of a important job to the office. Moreover, they will
autonomize their work, being imaginative and challenging themselves. High-
request needs additionally have promotion to higher status work and gain
validation from their manager.

17. Participation is crucial in setting goals. It lets team members get more
motivated through target setting and performance evaluation process. It also
clearifies the awareness of mission targets, as well as their own dedication to

18. There is general perception with “higher order needs” in three views of
human existence. Maslow’s self -actualization and pride are associated with the
development needs of Alderfer, McClelland’s needs of success and
Maslow's social needs are connected to Alderfer's related needs and
McClelland's need for association. Maslow's desire for stability is related to
Alderfer's needs for survival. Maslow's higher needs relate to Herzberg's more
rewarding causes, Alderfer's development needs, and McClelland's desire for

19. Employers do not want to give workers the option of a reduced workweek
schedule as it may lead to an rise in exhaustion and family issues for individual
employees. In addition, it can cause employee scheduling issues.

An individual with a high need for accomplishment enjoys goals that are both
moderately demanding, and progress response. The presence of both the
manager and the team leaders in the goal setting offers an opportunity to select
goals to which the team members will react and will also be suitable for the
benefit of the entire organization. Additionally, both the manager and team
leaders can easily identify performance standards by adopting the power of goal
setting. Progress towards these goals can be improved in a productive way by
the manager. These improvements may serve as guidance to anyone with a
strong need for achievement, thereby contributing to their need for success
response. The managers should define whether or not it's an excellent job
attitude, maintain a wide incentive inventory. They should also remind
followers about the tasks that must be completed to receive the rewards. Finally,
managers should be focused on the laws of constructive strengthening force

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