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FAC 190720
28 AUGUST 2019
TITLE : Boyle’s Law,Charles’ Law And The Ideal Gas Law

 To measure the volume and pressure of a given amount of gas for constant as well as
varying temperatures and study the relation between pressure, volume, and
temperature of a gas.
 To study the relationship between pressure and volume by performing Boyle’s Law
experiment as the temperature constant.
 To determine the effect of temperature on the volume of gas when the pressure is
constant by performing Charles’ Law experiment.
 To study the relationship between volume ratios and the relative number of
molecules that react.


Boyle’s Law states that the volume of a fixed mass of a given gas is inversely proportional to
its pressure at constant temperature,i.e. V ∝

Charles’ Law states that the volume of a sample of gas is directly proportional to its absolute
temperature at constant pressure, i.e. V ∝T

Ideal Gas Law is derived when the four factors – pressure,volume,temperature and the
number of moles are combined into one equation, i.e. PV =nRT

Avogadro’s Law states that all gases of equal volume measured at same temperature and
pressure will contain the same number of molecules.The volume of one mole of an ideal gas
is 22.4 L at STP.

Thus according to,

Avogadro’s Law : V ∝n at a constant P and T

Boyle’s Law : V∝ at a constant T and P

Charles’s Law : V ∝T at a constant P and n

Therefore,the ideal gas equation is obtained when the proportional symbol in the above
equation is replaced by an equivalent constant i.e. the gas constant, R.

V =R × n × ×T

or PV =nRT

At STP,one mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4 L.The gas constant,R can be
calculated by solving the above equation.

1.00 atm× 22.4 L

¿ =0.0821 L atm mol−1 K −1
1.00 mol ×273 K

R can also be expressed in different units.

R=101.325 kPa× 22.4 dm 3 mol−1 × 273 K

¿ 8.314 kPadm 3 mol−1 ×273 K

The number of mole (n) is the mass (m) in gram,divided by its molecular mass ( M r ¿


Thus,the ideal gas equation can be written as:


A Boyle’s Law

In this experiment,an open-tube manometer as shown in Diagram 5.1 below is used to

verify Boyle’s Law.The manometer consists of two glass tubes with a uniform cross-sectional
area which are connected together by rubber tubing.One end of the tube is left open to the
atmosphere whilst the other end is closed by attaching a piece of rubber tubing and
pinching it with a screw clip.The system contains mercury.

Diagram 5.1: Experiment setup for Boyle’s Law

The height of the column of mercury at the open tube is determined by the pressure of the
trapped gas.The volume of the trapped gas is the volume of the tube between the column
of the mercury and the screw clip of the closed tube.In this experiment,we are going to
determine the pressure and the volume of the trapped gas.

For these purposes,the temperature of the trapped gas is assumed to be the same as room
temperature and is constant throughout the experiment.Another assumptionis that the
cross-sectional area of the tube is constant throughout the tube.


1. The clip holding the closed tube from the retort stand was loosen and moved it up
and down until the heights of the two columns of mercury are equal.The clip was
tighten and the heights of mercury level in both tubes from your table was recorded
in millimetres (mm).The height of the screw clip of the closed tube also recorded.

2. Carefully moved up the open tube to the highest point as possible and the heights of
mercury level in both tubes was recorded.

3. Carefully moved down the open tube to the lowest point as possible and the heights
of mercury level in both tubes was recorded.

4. Step 2 and step 3 was repeated twice.


Calculate the pressure of the gas, Pgas .The pressure of the gas is given by,

Pgas =P atm + P Hg or Pgas =P atm + P Hg

where Patm is the atmospheric pressure and P Hg is the height of the column of mercury as
shown in Diagram 5.1 A and 5.1 B.
In Diagram 5.1 A,the atmospheric pressure is greater than the gas pressure.Thus the
heightof the column of mercury, P Hgis subtracted by the atmospheric pressure, Patm.

In Diagram 5.1 B,the gas pressure is greater than the atmospheric pressure.Thus the height
of the column of mercury, P Hg is added by the atmospheric pressure, Patm .


The atmospheric pressure, Patm =( A ) 765.20 mmHg (the barometer reading)

Height of the screw clip of the closed tube ¿ ( B )1028 mm

The height of The height of The The gas *The volume Pgas ∙V gas
the column the column difference in pressure, of the gas,
of mercury of mercury the height = Pgas V gas
in the closed in the open P Hg
tube tube

(mm) (mm) (mm) (formula) (mm)

(C) (D) |C−D|=E A ± E=F B−C=G F∙G

584 658 74 839.2 444 372604.8
580 643 63 828.2 448 371033.6
569 618 49 814.2 459 373717.8
547 547 0 765.2 481 368061.2
533 512 21 744.2 495 368379.0
509 461 48 717.2 519 372226.8
495 428 67 698.2 533 372140.6
Table 5.1 : Boyle’s Law

*Assumption : The cross-sectional area of the tube is constant throughout the tube. Thus,
the height of the column of the gas ¿ V gas .

1. Compare the PV values obtained for each experiment.Discuss.

 The PV values obtained for each of the experiment are almost the same.The
PV value from the first one is 372604.80 while in the second,the PV value is
371033.60 which is less than the first one.Next,the PV value is 373717.80
which is a little bit higher than the first and the second one.The fourth PV
value is 368061.20 and in the fifth one,the PV value is 368379.00 which is
higher than the fourth.In the sixth,the PV value is 372226.80 and in the
seventh,the PV value is 372140.60 which both are almost the same value as
the first one.So, as the pressure is doubled, the volume decreases by a factor
of two.The relationship between this two quantities is described as PV =
2. Plot graph of volume against pressure on a graph paper.By using the graph,explain
the relationship between pressure and volume.
 The pressure is inversely proportional to the volume. A simple plot of V
versus P gives a curve and reveals an inverse relationship between pressure
and volume .This is because as the volume of the gas decreases, the rate of
collision between the gas particles and the walls of container increases.
Therefore,the gas pressure will increase.So,when the volume of the gas
increases,the rate of collisions between the gas particles and the walls of
container decreases.Therefore,the gas pressure will decreases.

B Charles’ Law

In this experiment,a quantity of air is trapped between the sealed end of a thick-wall glass
tube with a small cross-sectional area and moveable plug of mercury.If the glass tube is held
upright,the plug of mercury will move to a position where the pressure of the gas in the
tube is equal to the air pressure plus a small pressure exerted by the plug.Thus,the pressure
of the trapped gas is constant throughout the experiment.

The volume of the trapped gas or the volume of space in between the sealed end and the
plug of mercury is the product of the cross-sectional area of the tube (A) and the height (h)
of the column gas.

Assuming that the cross-sectional area is constant,the volume is directly proportional to the
height of the column gas,i.e. V ∝h.The height of the column of the gas can be used as a
measure of the volume of the space in this experiment.

By measuring this height at different temperatures we can determine the relationship

between the volumeof the trapped gas and the temperature at a constant pressure which is
known as Charles’ Law.We will also use the data from this experiment to determine the
equivalent Celsius for the absolute zero temperature.
CAUTION : Mercury is very toxic and may enter the body through the skin absorption.It
vapourized at high temperature and form poisonous vapours.DO NOT SPILL OR TOUCH ANY
MERCURY WITH THE HANDS.Use the fume cupboard and report any spillage immediately.


1. A glass tube with a diameter of 0.5mm containing a plug of mercury as shown in

Diagram 5.2 was obtained. The tube was handled with care.The plug of mercury may
separates into more than one globule.The globules of mercury can be merged by
inserted a thin copper wire into the mercury.

Diagram 5.2 :Experimental setup for Charles’ Law

2. A thermometer was tied to the tube with a rubber band. The bulb of the
thermometer was placed approximately half-way up the column of the trapped gas.

3. A 100cm3measuring cylinder was filled with 50 - 60 cm3 warm water (40 – 50 ℃ ) and
the tube and thermometer was immersed into the water until the column of the gas
in the tube is totally submerged.

4. The measuring cylinder was left for 2 minutes to ensure that the temperature of the
gas is equivalent to the temperature of the warm water.

5. The temperature of the water was recorded. The tube was removed out and
immediately measured the height of column of the gas that is from the lowest end of
the plug of mercury until the sealed end tube.

6. The above method was repeated by replacing the warm water in the measuring
cylinder using :
a) tap water
b) a mixture of ice and water
c) mixture of ice and methanol


Condition Temperature (K) The height of the column of the gas (mm)
Warm water 314 56
Tap water 304 55
Ice-water 291 53
Ice-methanol 285 47
Table 5.2 :Charles’ Law


1. Plot the height of the column (h) of the gas against the temperature (T) in Kelvin on a
graph paper.Extend the line until h = 0.The temperature at h = 0 is known as
absolute zero temperature.

2. Based on the graph :

a) state the relationship between volume and temperature.
 The volume of the gas is directly proportional to the temperature of
the gas.

b) calculate the gradient and state the unit.

y −y
m= 2 1
x 2−x 1
56 mm−43 mm
314 K ❑ −0 K
13 mm
314 K
m=0.04 14 mm K−1

C Determination of Molecular Mass of the Gas

The ideal gas law serves as the basis for the Dumas Method for the determination of
molecular mass.According to the ideal gas law


Where P,V,n,R and T are the pressure in atm, the volume in litres,moles of the gas,the gas
constant ( equal to 0.082061 L. atm . K −1 . mol−1) and the absolute temperature,respectively.
Letting n= where m is the mass of gas in grams and M r is its molecular mass,the ideal
gas law gives M r= .

Thus,the molecular mass of an ideal gas can be calculated if their mass, pressure,
temperature, and volume are known. In the Dumas Method a small volume of liquid
compound whose molecular mass is to be determined is placed in a flask of known mass
and volume. The flask has a small opening to the atmosphere. Heating the flask and
contents in a boiling water bath causes the liquid to vapourize.The resulting vapour fills the
flask ,driving air out through the hole.Excess vapour escapes until the pressure of the vapour
inside the flask equals that of the atmosphere outside.The flask now contains pure vapour
at atmospheric pressure. The small hole reduces the diffusion of air into the flask.

If the vapour in the flask is assumed to be an ideal gas, the equation above can be used to
determine its molecular mass. In equation;

The pressure of the vapour is that of the atmosphere.

The volume of the vapour is that of the flask.
The mass of the vapour is determined by removing the flask from the water bath,allowing it
to cool,weighing the flask and condensed liquid, and subtracting the mass of the empty

CAUTION : Please do WEAR EYE PROTECTION throughout this experiment.


1. A clean,dry 100 cm3conical flask was covered with a piece of aluminium foil and
loosely tied with a rubber band.See Diagram 5.3.

2. Only ONE TINY hole was made in the middle of the foil with a needle to avoid
explosion.The flask was weighed along with aluminium foil and rubber band

3. The rubber band was untied and the foil was removed.5.0cm3of the unknown was
pipetted into the flask.The foil was placed back the flask was y=tied with the rubber

4. The 600 cm3 beaker was filled with water so that as much of the flask as possible was
immersed in the water and boiling chip was added to the water to prevent
bumping.See Diagram 5.3.

5. The water bath then placed along with flask and the water was boiled using a hot
plate (Do not use the bunsen burner).
6. The water bath along with flask was resumed heating to bring the water to boil.The
plume coming from the little hole was observed closely in order to decide when all of
the liquidhas evaporated.The heating was stopped after can no longer see the
escaping vapour.The temperature of the bath was recorded.

7. The flask was removed from the water bath.The flask was allowed to cool to room
temperature.The flask and aluminium foil was dried.

8. The flask,aluminium foil,rubber band and condensed liquid was weighed.

9. The atmospheric pressure was measured with barometer in the laboratory.

10. The volume of the flask was measured by filling it with water and measuring the
volume of water with a graduated cylinder.A single volume measurement is

Diagram 5.3: Experimental setup for determination of molecular mass of the gas


Mass of flask + rubber band + aluminium foil + condensed vapour (gram) 52.5585
Mass of flask + rubber band + aluminium foil 52.1742
Barometric pressure (atm) 1.0068
Mass of condensed vapour (gram) 0.3843
Volume of vapour (litre) 0.120
Temperature of vapour (kelvin) 368
Table 5.3: Ideal Gas Law


1. Calculate molecular mass of the unknown.

mRT ( 0.3843 g ) ( 0.082061 L . atm . K −1 . mol−1 ) ( 368 K )
M r= M r=
PV ( 1.0068 atm ) ( 0.12 L )
M r=
M r=96.1 g mol−1

2. What would be the value of the molecular mass obtained if the amount of the
unknown liquid used is insufficient?
 The value of molecular mass is less than the molecular mass obtained of the
unknown if the amount of the unknown liquid used is insufficient.

3. What is the main cause of error in the determination of the molecular mass?
 The mass determination are the main cause of error in the determination of
the molecular mass.This is because when the liquid in the final flask has
evaporated, the vapour pressure at room temperature has led to the
displacement of some air. Since that air was in the flask at the outset, it
should be weighed, too, so the gas in the flask was a mixture of air and
unknown so the resulting mass will be too low.
4. What would be the effect to the molecular mass if the flask is not dry?
 It would affect and influence the weight of the flask which means the molar
calculations will be wrong because of the mass calculated. This type of error
would be called random error.
 If the flask is not clean and not dry and some chemicals was added to it, what
ever chemical residue that was on the glass before will react with the
chemicals that was added thus give a different compound and larger molar
mass because both were added together in reaction.


The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure and directly proportional to its
temperature and the amount of gas. Boyle showed that the volume of the gas is inversely
proportional to its pressure (Boyle’s law), Charles demonstrated that the volume of a gas is
directly proportional to its temperature (in kelvins) at constant pressure (Charles’s law).
Plots of the volume of gases versus temperature extrapolate to zero volume at −273.15°C,
which is absolute zero (0 K), the lowest temperature possible. Charles’s law implies that the
volume of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.The molecular mass of
the unknown is 96.1 g mol−1 .



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