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Short circuit calculation

For simplification purposes, the value of the negative & zero sequence impedances will be equal to
the calculated positive sequence impedance of the utility and power transformer. For 15kV XLPE
cable, except for the zero sequence impedance that will be taken from the manufacturer, the
calculated positive sequence impedance is also equal to the negative sequence impedance

1. Per unit values base on 100MVA power base

 Utility (ZUT)

Θ =Tan-1 (15) = 86.186°

ZUT = 100 / 1000

ZUT = 0.100∟86.186° → Positive sequence impedance

ZUT-1 = ZUT-2 = ZUT-0 = 0.100∟86.186°

 Power TR (ZTR)

Θ =Tan-1 (6) = 80.538°

ZTR = 0.08 x 100 / 20

ZTR = 0.400∟80.538° → Positive sequence impedance

ZTR-1 = ZTR-2 = ZTR-0 = 0.400∟80.538°

 15kV XLPE (ZCA)

ZCA = Z x MVABASE / (No of Conductor/phase) kVBASE2

Z = Conductor actual impedance value in ohms

Conductor data:
Actual Impedance
Values in Ohms
(Manufacturer Data)
ZCA-1 0.010+j0.013
ZCA-2 0.010+j0.013
ZCA-0 0.015+j0.033

Convert to per unit values, therefore;

For positive (ZCA-1) & negative (ZCA-2) sequence per unit impedances;
ZCA-1 = ZCA-2 = (0.010+j0.013 Ω) x 100 / (2) (13.8) 2

ZCA-1 = ZCA-2 = 0.004∟52.431°

For zero (ZCA-0) sequence per unit impedance;

ZCA-0 = (0.015+j0.033 Ω) x 100 / (2) (13.8) 2

ZCA-0 = 0.010∟65.556°

 Summary of sequence impedances

Impedance Sequence impedances in per unit values

ID Positive-1 Negative-2 Zero-0
ZUT 69 0.100∟86.186° 0.100∟86.186° 0.100∟86.186°
ZTR 13.8 0.400∟80.538° 0.400∟80.538° 0.400∟80.538°
ZCA 13.8 0.004∟52.431° 0.004∟52.431° 0.010∟65.556°
2. Calculation of three phase fault (I3F) current

 Three phase fault (I3F) at Bus1-69kV

General equation;

I3F = I1 x IBASE

IBASE = 836.740A
I1 = VPU / ZTH
= VPU usually 1 per-unit
= ZTH is the thevenin’s fault point impedance

Note that a three phase fault is considered also as balanced fault, thus, only the positive
sequence were involve. Also, based on the single line diagram, we can see that the fault
contribution is mainly from the utility side, therefore, the impedance coming from XLPE
cable and transformer can be neglected, thus;

ZUT = Z1 = ZTH = 0.100∟86.186°

I1 = 1.0 / 0.100∟86.186°
I1 = 10∟-86.186°

I3F = 10∟-86.186° x 836.740A

I3F = 8367.400∟-86.186°ASYM

 Three phase fault (I3F) at Bus2-13.8kV

Repeating above procedure with the following base values;

IBASE = 4183.698A

ZTH = ZUT + ZTR = 0.100∟86.186° + 0.400∟80.538°

ZTH = 0.500∟81.703°

I1 = 1.0 / 0.500∟81.703°
I1 = 2.002∟-81.703°
I3F = 2.002∟-81.703° x 4183.698A
I3F = 8,373.800∟-81.703°ASYM

 Three phase fault (I3F) at Bus3-13.8kV

Repeating above procedure with the following base values;

IBASE = 4183.698A

ZTH = ZUT + ZTR + ZCA = 0.100∟86.186° + 0.400∟80.538° + 0.004∟52.431°

ZTH = 0.503∟81.444°

I1 = 1.0 / 0.503∟81.444°
I1 = 1.988∟-81.444°

I3F = 1.988∟-81.444° x 4183.698A

I3F = 8,317.491∟-81.444°ASYM

3. Calculation of single phase to ground fault (I SLGF) current

 Single phase to ground fault (ISLGF) at Bus1-69kV

General equation;


IBASE = 836.740A
I0 = I 1 = I 2
I1 = VPU / ZTH
= VPU usually 1 per-unit
= ZTH is the thevenin’s fault point impedance

If ZUT = Z1 = Z2 = Z0 = ZTH

ZTH = 3ZUT = 3(0.100∟86.186°)

ZTH = 0.300∟86.186°

I1 = 1.0 / 0.300∟86.186°
I1 = 3.333∟-86.186°
I0 = I1 = I2 = 3.333∟-86.186°

Calculating ISLGF;
ISLGF = 3(3.333∟-86.186°) x 836.740A
ISLGF = 8,366.563∟-86.186° ASYM

 Single phase to ground fault (ISLGF) at Bus2-13.8kV

Repeating above procedure with the following base values;

IBASE = 4183.698A

If ZTH = Z1 + Z2 + Z0

Z1 = ZUT + ZTR = 0.100∟86.186° + 0.400∟80.538°
Z1 = 0.500∟81.919°

If Z1 = Z2

Z1 = Z2 = 0.500∟81.919°

Also, adding the total zero sequence impedance (transformer zero sequence impedance)
going to the fault point and considering the transformer delta-wye construction, yields to;

Z0 = ZTR = 0.400∟80.538°
Z0 = 0.400∟80.538°

ZTH = Z1 + Z2 + Z0
ZTH = 2(0.500∟81.919°) + 0.400∟80.538°
ZTH = 1.400∟81.524°

Calculating ISLGF;
I1 = 1.0 / 1.400∟81.524°
I1 = 0.714∟-81.524°

If I0 = I1 = I2 = 0.714∟-81.524°
ISLGF = 3(0.714∟-81.524°) x 4183.698A
ISLGF = 8,965.599∟-81.524° ASYM

 Single phase to ground fault (ISLGF) at Bus3-13.8kV

Repeating above procedure with the following base values;

IBASE = 4183.698A

If ZTH = Z1 + Z2 + Z0

Z1 = ZUT + ZTR + ZCA = 0.100∟86.186° + 0.400∟80.538° + 0.004∟52.431°
Z1 = 0.503∟81.444°

If Z1 = Z2

Z1 = Z2 = 0.503∟81.444°

Also, adding the total zero sequence impedance (transformer zero sequence impedance)
going to the fault point and considering the transformer delta-wye construction, yields to;

Z0 = ZTR + ZCA = 0.400∟80.538° + 0.010∟65.556°

Z0 = 0.410∟80.176°

ZTH = Z1 + Z2 + Z0
ZTH = 2(0.503∟81.444°) + 0.410∟80.176°
ZTH = 1.416∟81.077°

Calculating ISLGF;
I1 = 1.0 / 1.416∟81.077°
I1 = 0.706∟-81.077°

If I0 = I1 = I2 = 0.706∟-81.077°

ISLGF = 3(0.706∟-81.077°) x 4183.698A
ISLGF = 8,861.072∟-81.077° ASYM
 Summary of the calculated short circuit currents

BUS ID kV Three phase fault (I3F) Single phase to ground fault (ISLGF)
Bus1 69 8367.400∟-86.186° ASYM 8,366.563∟-86.186° ASYM
Bus2 13.8 8,373.800∟-81.703° ASYM 8,965.599∟-81.524° ASYM
Bus3 13.8 8,317.491∟-81.444° ASYM 8,861.072∟-81.077° ASYM

B. Current Transformer Selection


CT primary = CT secondary x Pick-up current / 3.5

1. For CT1 at Bus1-69kV

Transformer primary FLC = 20MVA / √3x69kV = 167.348 A

CT secondary = 5A

CT primary = 5 x 167.348 A / 3.5
CT primary = 239.068 A

Use 300:5

2. For CT2 at Bus2-13.8kV

Transformer secondary FLC = 20MVA / √3x13.8kV = 836.740 A

CT secondary = 5A

CT primary = 5 x 836.740 A / 3.5
CT primary = 1,195.342 A

Use 1400:5

3. For CT at Bus3-13.8kV

Pick-up = 2-1Cx300mm2 15kV XLPE continuous current rating = 901.400A

CT secondary = 5A
CT primary = 5 x 901.400 / 3.5
CT primary = 1,287.714A

Use 1400:5

 Summary of the Current Transformer Ratings

BUS ID kV CT Ratio
Bus1 69 300:5
Bus2 13.8 1400:5
Bus3 13.8 1400:5

C. Overcurrent Protection Coordination

For the coordination of Overcurrent relays, the extremely inverse (EI) curve/equation will be used

T = TD x 80 / (M2-1)


T = operating time in seconds

TD = time dial setting
M = multiples of pick-up

Coordination time interval (CTI between relay to relay) = 0.2 sec.

1. Setting of Relay-3

 Phase Time Overcurrent element (51) – 22MJ4

Pick-up relay setting = 100% x Cable ampacity x CT Ratio

Pick-up relay setting = 100% x 901.400 x 5/1400
Pick-up relay setting = 3.219

Operating time of circuit breaker 22MJ4 (T 22MJ4)

Fault seen by Relay-3 = 8,317.491 A

IPICK-UP = 100% of cable ampacity = 901.400 A
M = 8,317.491 / 901.400 = 9.227

When calculating the settings for the relays situated at the end of the circuit i.e. Relay-3, the
minimum time dial setting can be selected, thus 0.05 will be used

T22MJ4 = 0.05 x 80 / (9.2272-1)

T22MJ4 = 0.048 sec

 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent element (50) – 22MJ4

Pick-up relay setting = 8,317.491 / CT Ratio

Pick-up relay setting = 5.9411 A

Time delay = 0 sec

2. Setting of Relay-2

 Phase Time Overcurrent element (51) – 21MJ4

Pick-up relay setting = 125% x Transformer secondary FLC x CT Ratio

Pick-up relay setting = 125% x 836.740 x 5/1400
Pick-up relay setting = 3.735

To discriminate Relay-2 with Relay-3, time of operation of Relay-2 is determine by T 21MJ4 =

T22MJ4 + CTI = 0.048 + 0.2 = 0.248 s

Fault seen by Relay-2 = 8,373.800 A

Required TD setting;
M = Fault seen by the relay / Pick-up current

Fault seen by the relay = 8,373.800 A
Pick-up current = 125% x Transformer secondary FLC x CT Ratio
Pick-up current = 125% x 836.740 = 1,045.925 A

M = 8,373.800 / 1,045.925 = 8.006

TD = T21MJ4 x (M2-1) / 80
TD = 0.248 x (8.0062-1) / 80
TD = 0.196
Calculating operating time (T21MJ4-B) for a line to line fault;

ILINE-LINE = I3F x 86.86%

ILINE-LINE = 8,373.800 x 86.86%
ILINE-LINE = 7,251.711 A

M = 7,251.711 / 1,045.925 = 5.275

T21MJ4-B = 0.196 x 80 / (5.2752-1)
T21MJ4-B = 0.333

 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent element (50) – 21MJ4

Setting for instantaneous = disabled

3. Setting of Relay-1

 Phase Overcurrent element (51) – 51MJ4

Pick-up relay setting = 125% x Transformer primary FLC x CT Ratio

Pick-up relay setting = 125% x 167.348 x 5/300
Pick-up relay setting = 3.486

The back-up to Relay-2 is obtained by considering the operating time of a line-to-line fault at
the 13.8kV side of the transformer T 51MJ4 = T21MJ4-B + CTI, thus;

T51MJ4 = 0.333 + 0.2 = 0.533 sec

Through fault current = 8,373.800 x 13.8kV / 69kV = 1,674.760 A

Pick-up current = 167.348 A x 125% = 209.185 A

M = 1,674.760 / 209.185 = 8.006

TD = T51MJ4 x (M2-1) / 80
TD = 0.533 x (8.0062-1) / 80
TD = 0.420

 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent element (50) – 51MJ4

Pick up setting = Inrush current / pick-up current

Inrush current = 2008.176 A
Pick-up current = 209.185

Pick-up relay setting = 2008.176 / 300:5 = 9.600

4. Summary of relay settings for phase Overcurrent element

Pick-up current setting Time Dial setting

Relay ID
51 50 51 50
Relay-1 3.486 9.600 0.420 -
Relay-2 3.735 Disable 0.196 -
Relay-3 3.219 9.227 0.05 -

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