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Tables and figures (data sets)

At times, you may need to insert tables and figures (e.g. graphics, photographs, diagrams,
maps, graphs, drawings, flowcharts) into your essay. These data displays may have been
copied or adapted from your information sources, or you may have created the data from
your own research. All data displays must be relevant, aligned to the LEFT, correctly labelled
and appropriately referenced; however, you are not required to reference your own work.
1. About tables and figures in your writing
2. Inserting tables in-text NOTE: Citation style
APA 7th Edition. Modify
3. Inserting figures in-text for other citation styles.
4. Tables and figures in the appendices

1. About tables and figures

Tables and figures may be used as evidence to support academic argument in report and essay
writing. Usually, tables and figures are placed immediately below their first mention in the text.
When you refer to data sets in the text, use wording that lets the readers know what to look for
(e.g. as shown in Table X, Figure 2 reveals, see Table 3, Figure 2 demonstrates the complex
relationship. But, do not use ‘table above’, ‘figure below’ or page numbers to refer to data sets.)
The format for tables is the same as the format for figures, and each has its own numbering
system. All tables and figures that are part of the main text require a number using Arabic
numbers (e.g. Figure 1, Table 1). Numbers are assigned based on the order in which tables and
figures appear in the text and are bolded and left aligned.
2. Tables
Tables typically show numerical or textual information in columns and rows. Number all
tables with numbers in the exact order that you place them in your text.
Example: Table modified from reading material Make specific reference to the table in your paragraph. Then
place the table immediately below the paragraph using the
same font, size and double spacing as the rest of the essay.
In text
As shown in Table 3, the choice of reporting verbs can reflect the considered position of an
author, so writers must be careful to choose reporting verbs that reflect their attitude to the
topic. Table number: Place above the table. Use capital
for first letter, space, number, plain text, bold,
Table 3 double spaced
Reporting Verbs: Examples of Degrees of Endorsement Table title: Place beneath the table number. Use
italics, title case, double spaced

Less endorsing Neutral More endorsing

admits according to concurs

asserts argues emphasises
assumes details identifies
believes remarks proves
implies proposes reasons
suggests states refutes
(leave a line) The table note:
Note. (capital for first letter, full stop, italics, not all tables
Note. Table contents are representative list only. Adapted from include table notes)
A visual guide to essay writing by V. Rao et al., 2007, pp. 74-75. AALL. Use the table note for general notes including explanations
Reference information is then reproduced in the reference list in APA format. of definitions and abbreviations, followed by a reference
note in the format of Reprinted from or Adapted from title,
author, date, publisher details or retrieval URL

Academic Skills Office (ASO) – Fact Sheets
Last updated 27/5/20
3. Figures
All graphical displays other than tables are considered figures in APA Style (APA 7th
edition). A figure is an image or graphic information that encapsulates the point you are
trying to make (e.g. photographs, diagrams, maps, graphs, drawings and flowcharts).
These may be directly copied, modified/adapted from text descriptions or be entirely your
own production. Number all figures with Arabic numerals in the exact order that you place
them in your text. Place any explanatory legends with the figure.
Make specific reference to the figure in
Example: Figure copied with permission from the author your paragraph, then place the Figure
immediately below the paragraph using
In-text the same font as the rest of the essay.

Students who are assisted with writing skills during assignment writing can show significant
improvement in their assessment marks. Godwin (2004, pp. 24-26) describes an
assignment intervention initiative whereby students who obtained less than 50% on the
essay could resubmit, provided they consulted a study skills adviser at least twice. After
resubmission, each student showed improvement in their mean score between 21.5 and
31.5 marks (see Figure 1). In the next semester, student results in assignments continued
to show the same progress in their capabilities.
Figure 1 Figure number: Goes above the table. Use bold,
capital for first letter, space, number, double spaced
Writing improvements from resubmission strategies Figure title: Place beneath the table number, italics,
title case, double spaced

The explanatory legend is

part of the figure.

(leave a line)
Note. Comparison of original and resubmission scores. The figure note:
Reproduced from “Every Which Way,” by J. Godwin, 2005, Note. (same as Table note)
Poster presented at Language and Academic Skills in Higher Use the figure note for general notes including explanations
of definitions and abbreviations, followed by a reference
Education Conference, Canberra, November, 24-25. note in the format of Reprinted from or Adapted from title,
author, date, publisher details or retrieval URL
Reference information is then reproduced in the reference list in APA format.

4. Tables and figures in the appendices

Tables and figures can be placed in your Appendices section if they do not fit into your
essay text. Begin Appendices on a new page after References with a centred, bold heading
“Appendix A” and a Title on the next line. Place appendices in numerical order. When you
refer to a table or figure from an appendix in the text of your essay or report, use the label
Appendix (if only one) and Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C etc. (for more than one).
e.g. As shown in Appendix B, the choice of reporting verbs can reflect the considered
position of an author, so writers must be careful to choose reporting verbs that reflect the
author’s attitude to the topic.
See detailed instructions ASO factsheet Appendices

Academic Skills Office (ASO) – Fact Sheets
Last updated 27/5/20

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