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Hello teacher!

Evidence: My profile.

My name is Viviana Jiménez Martínez, I am from Colombia, I am 35 years old. I´m a lawyer. I speak
Spanish. In my free time I read legal notes and listen to music.I am 1:50 meters tall, I am currently
studying a specialization in administrative law.I have a great sense of belonging in the work field. I
love to dance and drink beer in my free time, when the opportunity is given.
Interactive activity Personal information.

At present I am working as an online advisor for life, well-being, equity and coexistence, in which
orientation, information and advice are given to the Manizales on any type of illegal conduct of which
they are victims or any behavior contrary to the coexistence in which a citizen is incurring and that
affects citizen coexistence.
My big dream is to study a master's degree in disciplinary law. After finishing the specialization.

I live in free union with Ruben Dario Gonzalez. He is an administrative assistant, he is 38 years old. I
have a 3 year old daughter, My husband's big dream is to study law in the second court of next year.
her name is Saray, she studies in pre-garden and she is very affectionate.I live in the city of Manizales.
This is my family.

My parents are gladys and javier. They are from Colombia. My father is five of the House of
Representatives and my mother is a housewife. I have a brother named Richard, he is a police
patrolman, he is 39 years old and he is married. Richard's apartment is very nice and big. She has a dog
named Any as a pet. Your dog's bed is very comfortable.

I have another brother named Javier, he is a police patrolman, he is 37 years old and he is single.I have
another brother named Javier, he is a police patrolman, he is 37 years old and he is single. He has a
luxurious and very spacious apartment. He lives with our mother and he likes to travel and go for
walks. He does not like to drink liquor or dance. He is happy traveling and enjoying walks with our

My father lives with his current wife. He likes to travel to other countries and learn about new customs.
He loves that I study and that I am passionate about my profession.. My father is complacent with me;
he is incredible; he bought me a puppy! it's so cute and fluffy.

Ruben Dario: “Do you have any siblings?”

Viviana : If I have two siblings. And you?

Ruben Dario: “I have 2 brothers and a sister!”

Viviana: “Wow, a big family… I would have liked a sister.”

Ruben Dario: “Yes, my brothers are both married and have kids. Family gatherings can be quite

Viviana: “So you have nieces and nephews then?”

Ruben Dario: “Oh yes. My sister divorced my brother-in-law before they had any kids but my

Viviana: “Your parents must be very proud!”

Ruben Dario: “It’s Gran that is most proud. Grandfather and her love to baby sit.”

Viviana: “how do you get along with your sisters-in-law?

Ruben Dario: “very good, they are very kind and attentive to me!”.

Viviana: “I can’t believe that your grandparents are still alive!”

Ruben Dario: “Hah! You should sit down then, because I still have both great-grandparents on my
mom’s side!”

Viviana: “Goodness! I have a great uncle living in U.S, but I never see him.”
Ruben Dario: “You should get in touch. It’s great to have a sense of one’s family tree.”

Viviana: “Where do you all live?”

Ruben Dario: “Well, Troy lives in New York and has really done well.”

Viviana: “What does he do?”

Ruben Dario: “He became a lawyer right out of school and became partner of his firm within 3 years!”

Viviana: “Wow, he really has gone far quickly.”

Ruben Dario: “My other brothers both work for my dad in the family business.”

Viviana: “Do you have any dreams to travel or work overseas?”

Ruben Dario: “I am very happy at home. I have a good job and having weekends and public holidays
off is very important to me”.

Viviana: “What do you do in your spare time?”

Ruben Dario:
“I like to travel to the small towns of Colombia, they are quieter and safer”

Viviana: “who usually accompanies you on trips?”

Ruben Dario: Most of the time I have traveled alone and on a motorcycle

Ruben Dario: “And what do you like to do in your free time”

Viviana: “I love to dance and drink beer”

Ruben Dario: “I loved knowing you a little more. I hope you allow me to continue knowing you. Until
the next opportunity”
Viviana: “I also loved meeting you. And I also hope to see you again, take care of yourself.

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