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No. Hari/Tanggal Do’a Pembuka D’oa Penutup Games

1. Selasa, 13 Agus Arianto Yeni Yuli Astuti Scrabble Untuk melatih
Oktober 2020 kemampuan mahasiswa
dalam menyusun
2. Senin, 19 Ceciy Anti Yeheskiel Word Match Untuk melatih kata
Oktober 2020 Games sinonim dan kata
3. Selasa, 20 Devia Wiri Worda Anagram Untuk melatih
Oktober 2020 kemampuan dalam
menemukan kosakata
4. Senin, 26 Frimanto Silvia Lestari Word Jumble Untuk melatih
Oktober 2020 kemampuan mahasiswa
dalam menyusun
5. Selasa, 27 Muhammad Zaini Serda Ervana Scrabble Untuk melatih
Oktober 2020 kemampuan mahasiswa
dalam menyusun
6. Senin, 2 Noor Anisa Muhammad Zaini Word Match Untuk melatih kata
November Wulandari Games sinonim dan kata
2020 antonim
7. Selasa, 3 Serda Ervana Noor Anisa Word Jumble Untuk melatih
November Wulandari kemampuan mahasiswa
2020 dalam menyusun

Keterangan Games :
1. Scarbble = permainan mengatur huruf untuk membentuk kata.
​Contoh : Nstile = Listen
2. Word Match Games = permainan kata-kata untuk mencari persamaan atau lawan kata tersebut.
​Contoh : smart = stupid
3. Anagram = permainan mengubah kata menjadi kata lain.
Contoh : heart menjadi earth
4. Word Jumble = permainan untuk menebak jawaban atas sebuah pertanyaan. Menyusun
kalimat yang tidak berurutan menjadi berurutan.
​Contoh : Have-played-football-they = they have played football

No Nama Motivation
My motivation to enter D3 nursing is because I want to
1. Agus aprianto graduate quickly and want to work quickly so that it doesnt take
too long for people to know,thank you
I chose this study program because I finished college quickly
2. Anisa noor wulandari and because I wanted to work quickly whereas now there is a
work program with three nursing D graduates and the strong
reason I want to make my parents happy is because I am the
first child so I have to be an example for my younger siblings
The reason I chose nursing major. The reason I chose to major
in nursing was because of my own desire and support from both
parents and family. Since childhood, my dream was to become
a nurse. Especially nurse who are professional,and are
responsible for every action taken. I want to work especially in
the health sector because the job opportunites are very wide.
Both at home and abroad. We can work anywhere such as in
Hospitals,Clinics,Puskesmas,Health Offices as lecturers and
3. Ceciy anti many more. Being a nurse is a very noble job.
To become a nurse is also not easy, because a nurse is an
individual who has a minimum education diploma in
nursing,namely primary to high school education. Nurse is a
profession whose job is to help other people,both healthy and
sick people.both known an unknown.I will live this profession
well and mean it. So that what I want has always been easy for
me to achieve. Even though the process is difficult, god will not
give a trial beyond the capacity of his people.
“ Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing
is really over until the moment you stop trying”.
That’s the reason why I entered the depertement of nursing.

My motivation to enter STIKES Eka Harap and take D3

4. Devia Nursing study program because I want to be a useful person in
the future and can make my parents proud
5. Frimanto Motivation I take DThree Nursing (DIII Keperawatan),is
because indeed ambition from small and so that I can continue
lecture I while work
6. Muhamat zaini because I want to be a big family of STIKES, I hope, and I
want to make my dream of becoming a nurse in STIKES a
7. Sarda ervana My motivation for choosing a nurse was because I wanted to
care for my family and society. i will continue my education
after working for 2 years for the program profession Ners.
8. Silvia lestari My motivation to enter D3 Nursing is because I want to be a
good, professional, disciplined and responsible nurse. why did i
enter the nurse? is to help and help the sick. I also happened to
be sick often so I wanted to go to nursing even more to learn
about illness. why did I enter D3 nursing, because I wanted to
quickly graduate and apply my knowledge to my family,
relatives and also the community.
9. Wiri worda My motivation fot choosing Nursing DIII was so that I could
quickly graduate and find a job and be able to countine

10. Yeheskiel My motivation to enter I hope is because I want to work fast, so

that I don't bother my parents
11. Yeni yuli astute My motivation to study at the STIKES EKA HARAP was
because of the wishes of my parents and I also thought that the
nursing profession was a noble profession. So with this I hope I
can help many people who need help.

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