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Some Suggestive Uses of Alliteration in Sanskrit Court Poetry

Author(s): Kenneth Langer

Source: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 98, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1978), pp. 438-
Published by: American Oriental Society
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Alliteration in Sanskrit court poetry is frequently utilized to suggest an integral relation-

ship or bond of shared qualities between words with similar sounds. Part I of this paper
briefly examines Vedic literature in respect to 1) alliteration as a semantically binding
force, 2) folk etymology, and 3) the tradition of equating certain sounds with correspond-
ing objects and phenomena. From the perspective of these three traditions we can fully
appreciate the classical poets' employment of alliteration to produce semantic bonds.
Drawing from a variety of classical poems and collections representing a wide range of poets
and time periods, Part II cites and discusses striking alliterative clusters which involve
Sanskrit words for woman. This paper explicates six distinct types of semantic relationships
suggested by these words so bound.

I. THE TRADITIONAL CRITICISM of the alamkdra- disparate entities, processes, etc., by an appeal
Sdstra recognizes the importance of suggestion to word origins. This long tradition of folk
in Sanskrit poetry. And yet the alamkdrasastra etymology was based not on the rules defining
fail to discuss certain subtle suggestive devices: historical sound shifts that are known to modern
alliteration, assonance, paronomasia, and figura comparative and historical linguistics, but was
etymologica,1 as these techniques have been utiliz- founded on the presumption that similar sound
ed to suggest an integral relationship or bond of patterns were criteria for positing historical
shared qualities between words sharing similar relationships between words. Third is the theory
sounds.2 This is particularly surprising in the which equates certain sounds with distinct entities
light of three distinct pre-classical traditions to which they belong. The relationship between
each of which served to imbue well-versed Indians the word and thing is accepted as real, not sym-
with the notion that similar sounds may suggest bolic.
that the entities "represented" by those sounds Let us briefly turn to the Vedas for a look at
are likewise similar. First Gonda, in his Stylistic how similar sound clusters translate into semantic
Repetitions in the Veda has proven beyond a messages. Throughout this paper I shall often
doubt that alliteration, which semantically binds rely on the term alliteration in its widest sense to
the words involved, informs Vedic texts. Second, include the aforementioned processes.3
the authors of religious texts were known to RV. 3,39,6 rather conveniently illustrates not
indulge in excessive attempts at binding seemingly only alliteration and paronomasia, but rhyme and
1 Gonda, in distinguishing this term from parono-
gdhd hitdm gihyaam gufham apsdl
masia, rejects Marouzeau's definition of figura etymo- hdste dadhe ddkSineddksinadanll
logica and applies the term solely to that type of parono-
masia in which a verb is used with an accusative case 3 For definitions and the history of the term "allitera-
noun deriving from the same root. As one example he tion," see Gonda, Stylistic Repetitions, p. 177. It should
gives "vivre sa vie." See J. Gonda, Stylistic Repetition be noted that these Vedic seers (as well as the classical
in the Veda, Amsterdam: N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uit- poets) made little, if any, distinction between allitera-
gevers Maatschappij, (1959), p. 273. tion, assonance, paronomasia, etc. ". . . because it was
2 The use of alliteration for this purpose is, of course, the mere repetition of sounds which could strike them in
not peculiar to Sanskrit literature. See, for example, R. the first place and which made the greatest appeal to
Jacobson, "ClosingStatement: Linguistics and Poetics." their imagination." (Gonda, "The Etymologies in the
in Style in Language, ed. T. Sebeok (Cambridge:M.I.T. Ancient Indian Brahmagas,"Lingua, 5 (1955-56), pp. 69-
Press, 1975), pp. 357; 367-73. 70.


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LANGER: Suggestive Uses of Alliteration 439

Him (Vrtra) that had secretedhimself in a hiding place, verb with any other case noun, may be found in
deserved to be concealed, concealed in the waters, the Veda.
he (Indra) took in his right hand, the giver of sacrificial Numerous alliterating word groups, often
presents.4 etymologically paronomastic (or, to use Gonda's
phrase, "pseudo-paronomastic"), create semantic
Gonda cites this verse as an example of how bonds. Sukrena Socisd "with bright light" (RV.
alliteration, etc. "... help to picture a variety
of sentiments 1,48,14) and prdtar jarethe jaraneva "in the
or dispositions or to express con-
morning ye wake up like two old men" (RV. 10,40,
sistency, obsession, insistence . . . ." This verse
merits a closer examination. 3)10 exemplify these respective types. Many
Alliteration, as- formulaic word clusters, which are used to express
sonance, etc., combine the demon Vrtra's activities a single idea bound by its opposites, as in our
and traits in the first half verse and the god
Indra's in the second. Not only does the verse expressions "from top to toe," and "last but not
least" often express a unity of diverse elements
succeed in sharply differentiating the shameful
through alliteration and related techniques.1
Vrtra, who is associated with one set of sounds, The comparison in a simile or metaphor (upa-
from the victor of this cosmogonic battle who is
associated with another, but the verse also sug- mdna) may alliterate with the thing compared
(upameya). Here like sound patterns may rein-
gests, through assonance, that the waters (apsd) force the comparison.12 In this context, as well
were the proper place for him who "deserved to
as others, we should not ignore the purely stylistic
be concealed" (guhyam). "Gdha," "gdhyam" factors that may motivate a poet to alliterate
and "giilham," each, contain two vowels, "u" and
words. Gonda, in his Stylistic Repetitions, does
"a," in the same order. The word "apsd" is not fail to illustrate with copious examples the
formed with the same two vowels although their
order is reversed.6 Similarly, by alliteration, potential import (both stylistic and semantic)
of alliteration, as when it possesses a connective
assonance, paronomasia, and rhyme, it is wholly function in versification or emphasizes strongly
appropriate that "the giver of sacrificial presents emotional passages.13
(ddksindvan) took (dadhe) [Vrtra] in his right It is not surprising that the authors of the
hand (haste . . ddksine).
Other Vedic verses utilize alliteration and Brdhranas, unlike the Rgvedic seers, were hardly
content with the mere suggestion of identity
assonance to associate a subject with a verbal
notion. Gonda cites the following example which through like sound patterns. These ritualists
were relating aspects of the sacrificial, as well as
he accompanies with a translation that aptly
retains the sound correspondences: yavo 'si, non-sacrificial, world to their homologues in
heaven, air and earth. In showing these relation-
yavasmad dvesah "thou art barley; bar from us
ships they were not willing to risk misinterpreta-
enemies, bar evil spirits."? tion. Accordingly they employed definite terms
Vocatives frequently alliterate with imperatives,
of equivalence rather than the ambiguous hints
suggesting that the persons addressed are indeed
suitable subjects for the pronounced command.8 9 Ibid., p. 194ff.
Alliteration between subject and verb, verb and 10 Ibid.,
pp. 179-180.
object, verb and an instrumental, as well as 11 Ibid., p. 179ff. Gonda's research shows
that in
Sanskrit 1 of every 13 phrases is alliterative (p. 180).
4 This verse, with its translation, is from J.
Gonda, He concludes, "alliterationwhich must have been
Vedic Literature,(Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1975), deeply
rooted in at least part of the pre-historic Indo-European
p. 225. soil underlines the notional relations between the main
5 Ibid. terms of these expressions." (Stylistic Repetitions,p.
6 The reversal of vowels in apsd, the word which ends 12
Gonda, Stylistic Repetitions, p. 196.
the description of Vrtra and his exploits, may serve to 13 For the connective function of alliteration in Ka-
stop or even reverse the flow of words. This effect might lidasa, see W. Schubring, "Jinasena, Mallinatha, Ka-
suggests that Vrtra himself is "self-contained"and, like lidasa," Zeitschrift der Morgenldindischen Gesellschaft,
the flow of words, does not easily mix with the world of 105 N.F. # 30, (1955), pp. 331-337. A discussion of
Indra. different semantic functions of alliteration can be found
7 Gonda, Stylistic
Repeitions, p. 190. in Gonda, Stylistic Repetitions, p. 178ff. and 211
8 Ibid., p. 196. p. (for

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440 Journal of the American Oriental Society 98.4 (1978)

carried by alliteration. The threat of ambiguity sophical notions that equate sounds to real entities
motivated these ancients to couple alliterative were developed in India long before the advent of
devices with unambiguous statements of identities. classical Sanskrit poetry.18 Ingrained in the
Obsessed with two needs-to relate the seemingly minds of all well-versed Indians was surely the
disparate entities of the cosmos and to discover belief that alliteration and other such stylistic
the origins of these entities-these ritualists fre- processes, as well as etymologies which were based
quently resorted to etymologies14 and etiologies,15 on corresponding sound patterns, suggest a
many of which had a correct etymological basis. semantic bond between the terms so bound.
However much there may have been a sincere If we are to accept the thesis that Sanskrit
desire to discover, as linguists, the true origin court poetry utilizes alliteration and like sab-
and relationship of words, it is irrefutable that dilamkcras to this end, our evidence will have
the major thrust of such etymologizing had the to be internal. Nevertheless, it is my hope that
establishment of linguistic bases which would these pages which have merely touched on an
reveal real bonds between word-concepts for its important traditional function of alliteration and
end. The context in which we find profuse folk similar techniques in pre-classical literature will
etymologies in Indian religio-philosophical texts encourage the reader to accept in Sanskrit court
compels us to conclude that for these Indians poetry these stylistic devices which bear semantic
etymological relationships were intended not so weight. Much kdvya does not abuse this type of
much to furnish historical linguistic insights as sabddlarrlkdra for the sake of merely achieving
to reveal eternal ties between phenomena.'6 striking repetitions of sound. Kalidasa, for
Vedic thought, not to mention the Mimdnfsd example, does not dull our senses by a contrived
school of religious exegesis, admits the notion that overuse of alliteration but heightens them through
sounds-far beyond their suggestive or etymolo- his restraint.19 I believe that it has been necessary
gical functions-correspond to realities. For to stress that "meaningful" alliteration has been a
example, the word "udgitha" (chanting of the rigorous tradition in pre-classical India. The
Sdma Veda) is broken down into three syllables, acceptance of this fact should not only add per-
each corresponding to aspects of the phenomenal spective to the stylistic techniques under consid-
world. "Ud" is equated with breath, heaven, eration, but should help to minimize the reader's
sun, and the Sama Veda, "gi" to speech, atmos- scepticism as we now turn to the classical poetry.
phere, wind, and the Yajur Veda, while food,
earth, fire, and the Rg Veda are reduced to the II. As in Vedic and later literature that preceded
syllable "tha.'l7 Sanskrit court poetry, alliteration and related
In short, the traditions of alliteration and techniques may serve a variety of ends in kavya
similar sound parallelisms, etymologies based on literature.20 Nevertheless, we must here confine
such sound correspondences, and religio-philo-
Rhyme has long been acknowledged as an ancient
14 See J. Gonda, Old Indian (Leiden-Koln: E. J. Brill, device which served to bind words semantically. Gonda
1971), pp. 197-223; P. Poucha, "Vedische Volksetymo- (Stylistic Repetitions,p. 204f.) quotes H. Seidler: "Durch
logie und das Nirukta," Archiv Orientalni, 7 (1935); eine gleiche Lautung in zwei oder mehreren Wortern
Gonda, "The Etymologies in the Ancient Brahmanas"; wird das mit dieser Lautung verbundene oder verbind-
M. A. Mehendale, "Upanisadic Etymologies," Bharatiya bare Gefiihl starker aktualisiert. Die Einheit von Lau-
Vidya, 20-21 (1960-62), 40-44. tung und Gefiihl schafft einen Stimmungsgrund,auf dem
15 Ibid. See particularly Gonda, "The Etymologies in nun die Wortgehalte in besonderer Durchleuchtung
the Ancient Indian Brahmanas,"p. 80. erstehen." T. Todorov goes so far as to classify rhyme as a
16 It must be admitted that a fair numberof
etymologies type of folk or, to use his term, "poetic" etymology:
were motivated by a sincere desire for the historical "... for riming words are perceived as being related in
truth of the relationship between words. Furthermore, their meanings as well." "Meaning in Literature,"
certain etymologies were not intended to be taken Poetics [1971], p. 10).
seriously. See Gonda, "The Etymologies in Ancient 19 I have noticed countless instances
where Kalidasa
Indian Brahmanas," p. 64. has intentionally avoided the use of a word for woman
17 Ibid., pp. 84-85. In his note 56, Gonda cites other which would have created alliteration in the verse.
references exemplifying this notion: AiB. 3,46,8; gB. 20 A. Hillebrandt, among others, has noted the use of
10,6,2,8; TaittU. 2,6. alliteration to create various moods. An example is

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LANGER: Suggestive Uses of Alliteration 441

ourselves to a review of these techniques where Here "nat&igim" (my love ... whose body bends)
they create semantic bonds between the words which ends the third pdda alliterates with "ariga-
involved in these processes. I have chosen to marigam" (every limb) which closes the verse.
exemplify this process by an examination of Bhavabhiuti has succeeded in uniting the hearts
words for women. Confining myself to one such of these two lovers enduring physical separation.
set will later enable me to reach conclusions about It is worth noting that the word "pavana" (wind)
one important function of alliteration, and to comes directly between the words "natarigim"
see how these devices often determine a poet's and "argamarigam." Thus the flow of words
choice of words where a large number of synonyms reinforces the intent of their meaning. The
are available. separation of the emotionally harmonious lovers
Let us begin by considering verses in which the is to be bridged by the wind alone.
alliteration of two or more nouns, in addition Srligdrasataka 39 proclaims that two things alone
to the direct designations of the nouns and the are worthy of man's attention-the youth (yau-
syntax of the sentence, furnishes a semantic vanam) of women and the forest (vanam).
message. SRK. 754 reads:
kim iha bahubhir uktair yuktigiinyaih praldpair dva-
unmilanmuku lakar lakundakosapracyotadghanamaka- yam iha purusnadm sarvada sevaniyaml
randagandhagarbhah/ abhinavamadaliladdlasam sundarinadm
tam isatpracalavilocandm natdagim daligan pavana stanabharaparikhinnam yauvanam va vanam vd//22
mama sprgdngamangam//
VairdgyaSataka 120 expresses the dichotomy
Perfumed, oh wind, with the rich scent of pollen between a beautiful wife (bhdrya sundari) and the
dripping from jasmine branches dentate with opening ascetic's cave (dari): ". . . eka bhdryd sundari
buds, va dari va."23 In the first example, the word for
embrace my love forest (vanam) is embedded within the word for
whose eye half flirts, whose body bends; and then, youth (yauvanam). The verse of the Vairdgya-
touch me on every limb.21 Sataka has the word for cave (dari) contained
within the word for beautiful (sundari) in "beauti-
ful wife." Might Bhartrhari be suggesting that
Raghu. IX. 23. on which he writes, ". .. in den Worten hidden within each of the latter and, I dare say,
ranarenavo rurudhire rudhirena suradvisam... hat die more attractive alternatives lies the former?
haufige Wiederholung des r nicht nur den Zweck, Form- Is it not suggested that the differences between
geschick zu zeigen, sondern das furchtbare Blutbad beautiful youth, or wives, and ascetics' forests
klanglich zu malen, das der dahinfahrende Held unter and caves fade after an intensive pursuit of
den Feinden der Gotter anrichtete: 'Des Schlachtfeldes either ?
(der Sonne entgegenwirbelnder) Staub erstarrte durch An explicit grouping is often reinforced by
das Blut der Gotterfeinde Man wird das hier nicht fir alliteration. In Kum. V. 71 the disguised trident-
eine blosse Spielerei des Dichters halten, sondern fur eine bearing god tells the forest dwelling Parvati that
Verwendung sprachlicher Kraft, die uns abhanden ge- two things, in their desire for Siva, have fallen
kommen ist. In Indien geht das Verstandnis hierfiir into a pitiful state-"the splendid digit of the
auf alte Zeit zuriick und hat schon bei dem feindlichen moon [kald ca sd kdntimati kaldvatas] and you,
Zauber die Rauheiten der Sprache, d.h. hartklingende the moonlight of the eyes of the world [tvam asya
Worte verwendet; es hat aber, auch ausserhalb der Magie, lokasya netrakaumudi]." SRK. 377 proclaims
fur die ja die Wahl des Wortes Bedeutung hat, den that a vine (lata) and a beloved when
Poeten des Landes seit altester Zeit nicht gefehlt .... "budding" entice men. In Raghu. XIX.13 the
Wenn die spateren Kunstdichter solchen Formen sich lap of the hedonist King Agnivarna was occupied
bedienen, so sind sie nur dem ursprunglichen Gefiihl solely by the lovely-sounding vind (vallaki ca
dafir gefolgt, haben denn allerdings davon Gebrauch
gemacht, der alle Grenzen iiberschritt und sich in For-
malismus verlor." (Kdliddsa, [Breslau: M & H. Marcus, 22 grngaragataka 39 of
Subhaditatrigati, ed. D. D.
1921], S. 106-7). Kosambi, (Poona, 1957), p. 80.
21 D. H. H. Ingalls, An Anthology of Sanskrit Court 23
VairagyaSatakam 120 (Oriental Publishing Co.,
Poetry (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965), Bombay) cited in Apte's Sanskrit-English Dictionary,
p. 243. p. 803.

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442 Journal of the American Oriental Society 98.4 (1978)

hrdayam,gamasvani) and his lovely-eyed lass with and the lovely locks of Parvati. Siva, as many a
her sweet voice (valguvag api ca vCmnalocand). clever man in Sanskrit poetry, has devised a way
Countless instances of alliteration merely suggest of praising that which is not his beloved without
a semantic connection rather than reinforce an being accused of divided loyalties.
explicit notion of unity. Raghu. VII.25 offers a Elsewhere (SRK. 506) the maid asks the young
challenging example of multiple alliterations and woman: "Oh doe-eyed girl [mrgdksi] the path [mdr-
word plays. gam] of what lucky man do you honor with your
nitambagurvi gurund prayukta vadhur vidhatrprati- glances . . ." Not only is a tie established between
mena tenal the young woman's eyes and the path that she
cakara sd mattacakoranetrd lajjdvati ldjavisargam watches-her eyes have become truly fixated-
but one can almost see the margam reflected in
the fawn eyes of this mrgdksi.
Heavy-hipped (Indumati) with eyes like a maddened
cakora bird, In Raghu. XIII. 57 Sita is addressed by Rama
after being instructed by her guru, the very image of as "anavadhydngi" (oh lady of faultless limbs)
as he points out the "Garigd" in all the river's
embarrassed, made an offering of rice into the fire. splendor. (The river is also "iva bhasmangaraga
tanur isvarasya.") In Kum. VIII. 68 Siva directs
In the first two padas, the association of Indumati, Parvati's eyes to the crest of wishing trees (kal-
who is "nitambagurvi vadhur," and her preceptor, pavrksasikharesu) adorned by the pearl-rays of the
a "guru" who is the image of "vidhdtr," is strength- moon. Here Siva's bride is addressed as "avikalpa-
ened by these Sabddlamkdras. The other connec- sundari" (oh you of unimaginable beauty). Not
tions-that she of maddened cakora eyes made only is there a suggested transfer of beauty from
(cakdra) an offering of rice (Idja) while embarrass- the well-pictured tree to the woman Parvati,
ed (lajjdvati)-are hardly expressing one to one but we can speak of a subtle "suggestion through
correspondences. Nevertheless, I believe that it dissimilarity" (vyatirekhadhvani) in that Parvati's
can be said that the consistencies of sound between loveliness is "avikalpa" (unimaginable) while the
words referring to Indumati's physical attributes, poor wishing tree is of the genus "kalpa," a word
actions, and objects of action suggest the overall which by contrast suggests an "imaginable" or
harmony of Aja's newly acquired bride. lesser beauty.
A second major category may be established in Vocatives may alliterate with imperatives that
which vocatives, in our case women addressed, are directed towards the person addressed. "Ta-
alliterate with nouns designating aspects of the rarigaya drso 'igane" (Oh woman, send forth your
scenery being indicated by the speaker. In the glances in waves) in SRK. 518 suggests that the
last canto of the Kum. (VIII.52), Siva, eager to woman is able to project such coquettish glances
perform his rites to the twilight, consoles Par- since her designation is of a like sound pattern.
vati who has become angry at the prospect of As when an aspect of the scenery alliterates with
being ignored. Explaining why the dusk demands a word for woman in the vocative case,
his worship, the god speaks of the twilight's "form" creating a
bond between that woman and the
(tanu) after which he immediately inserts the landscape, alliteration, etc., may serve to associate
vocative "sutanu" (oh, slender formed woman). an addressed woman with a verbal notion that
The suggestion is clearly that the two "forms" exists outside of herself. Consider Raghu. XIII.
share like qualities. Consequently, Siva's wor- 47: "Oh woman with rounded limbs (bandhura-
ship of the twilight is hardly a full turn away gdtri), [the Citrakiuta mountain] binds (badhndti)
from his wife. Rather it can be interpreted as an [my eye]." Is it not she that binds this man's
indirect worship of her or her qualities. In short, eye? Kum. IV. 11 alliterates the vocative, the
Parvati needn't be upset. verbal infinitive associated with the addressed
In another verse of the same canto (VIII. 45) person, and the object of that infinitive. Suggest-
Siva addresses Parvati as "kufilakesi" (oh you ed is that Rati's beloved (priya =
with curls) immediately after introducing the Kama) alone
can ensure that the young lasses
word "kotayah," the edges of clouds which he has (priyds) arrive
(prdpayitum) safely at their lovers' dwellings.
just pointed out in a description of the clouds' "Tanvaingi tarahgitdsi" (Oh lady, you are
splendid hues at twilight. Again the alliteration shaken . ..) of SRK. 413 exemplifies a vocative
suggests a similarity between the clouds' beauty alliterating with a past passive participle. In the

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LANGER: Suggestive Uses of Alliteration 443

same vein, adjectives frequently alliterate with women's physical appearance in Sanskrit poetry,
the words for women, regardless of their case it is little wonder that poets frequently combine
endings. Such alliteration clearly emphasizes words for women which will alliterate with other
that the qualities represented by these predicates words (and usually there is again a wide choice)
truly belong to or are inseparable from the women denoting parts of the female body. In every case
they describe. Kdntds are frequently klantd the similarity of sound encourages the reader to
(weary) from lovemaking; bdlds are often abald associate the entire woman with her hips, breasts,
(weak) and pramadds often madd (intoxicated) and so forth. The word "stana" (breast) is often
with love, etc. Figura etymologica comprise a used in connection with "tanvi" or "tanvangi"
large percentage of this group. Sometimes words (slender woman). Words ending in visarga (which
sharing sounds create inventive alliterative pat- becomes "s" before "t") often precede the words
terns. When in SRK. 832 we read, "nirastabhiyo "tanvi" and "tanvangi," creating the effect of
'bhisdrikds" (the women setting out to meet their "... s-tanv. .." "Arga" (limb) frequently com-
lovers [proceed] without fear) we are struck by the bines with "tanvarigi," "sarangdksi" (fawn-eyed)
fact that there is almost a complete reversal of and other words sounding similar. The streak of
letters from "irastabhiy" to "abhisdri." hair above the navel (romavali) of a beautiful
Words for women alliterating with adverbs woman (rdmi) is a word play encountered in SRK.
may invite suggestive overtones. Consider grnigd- 338. In Kum. VII 64 the women (ndryo) seeing Siva,
rasataka 4: drink him up with their eyes (nayanaih). They
kvacit subhrfibhaigaih kvacid api ca lajjaparigataih have become all eyes, as it were.24 SRK 416
kvacid bhititrastaih kvacid api ca lilavilasitaih/ contains the phrase tanvangydh (katham api)
kumarinam etair vadanasubhagairnetravalitaih sphu- nitambasthalam" (of the slender woman ... the
rallilabj anam prakaraparikirna iva diSah// region of hips). We may note an interesting verbal
icon in the reversal of two pairs of consonants
The semantic value of the four kvacids merely from "tanvargydh" to "nitambasthalam," i.e.,
tell us that the women's "prolific" glances are t, n; v, n: n, t; m, b. (Of course, Sanskritists
seen everywhere differently. That lovely women permit the alliterative interchange between the
lie behind every one of these glances strewn in nasals "n" and "m" and the letters "v" and "b.")
some (kvacit) direction is perhaps reinforced by Does not this symmetry of letters suggest a sym-
the alliterating "k" letters and the "v" and "u" metry of bodily form? Consider SRK. 399 which
(semivowel to its corresponding vowel) of the four is more explicitly suggesting such a shift from
kvacits and the word kumdrinim. My proposal is stylistic to semantic symmetry. In this verse we
admittedly questionable. I leave it to the reader's read "kucadvandve kurarigidrsah" (the pair of
discretion whether or not to accept this interpreta- breasts of the deer-eyed woman). Examples of
tion and consequently this entire category. words qualifying important features of women
Unfortunately I have found no examples of words alliterating with the word for woman are Sri-
for women creating obvious bonds with adverbs garasataka 25 which speaks of the "... m ad-
through alliteration. This category must remain in haramadhu vadhundm ..." (nectar of lips of the
question. women) and SRK. 356 which portrays the "pan-
Amaru. 3 reads "the face of the young woman dutarau tarunydh (very pale [breasts] of the young
[tanvyd] . . . may that [face] protect you [tat tvdm woman).
pdtu]. Although tattvdm (written together in We have already spoken of verbs alliterating
devandgari) is properly a combination of "tat" with women addressed in the vocative. Let us
(that) and "tvdm" (you), no reader of Sanskrit
could fail to see the total effect of this coalescence 24 tain ekadrsyam nayanaih pibantyo
ndryo na jagmur
in its resemblance to "tattvam" (truth). Whereas visaydntarini
we may not have the liberty to read "may the tathd hi gesendriyavrttir dsdm sarvdtmand caksur iva
face of the young woman... protect the truth," pravistd
we cannot prevent ourselves from associating- Cf. Raghu. VII. 12. which differs only in the beginning:
consciously or subliminally-this woman with the td rdghavam drstibhir dpibantyo .... While this verse
"truth." seems to undermine the "meaningful" alliteration of
In the light of the large number of Sanskrit Kum VII. 64, we cannot be certain that Kalidasa did not
designations for woman and the importance of consider the latter version more successful.

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444 Journal of the American Oriental Society 98.4 (1978)

now turn to a few noteworthy examples of words this is sweet as honey [madhumadharam]
for women not in the vocative case, sharing sounds this truly strikes the heart [antardhunoti]:
with verbs that in some way are to be associated when with a household of young wives (vadhandm)
with these women. In SRK. 469 the beloved ... a man may spend his days in dalliance.26SRK.566
(priyd), resisting her newly acquired husband's Here three of the four comparisons, like the upa-
advances, reaches (yait) a greater charm. In
adolescence the figure of the slender girl (tanvyi) meya, "vadhanam" contain the cluster "dhu"
preceded or followed by a nasal. Rtusamhara III.
grows (tanute) beautiful (SRK. 352). The way- 28 invokes the autumn, resplendent (kantih) like a
farer of SRK. 780 questions how the long days
lover (kamini). Indumati is "uttama-saukumaryd
of separation pass (yanti) for his frail darling
kumudvati" (the most tender woman, like night
(priydydh).25 In Bhartrhari's verse 66 of the
lilies) in Raghu. VI. 36. In one of Bhartrhari's
Srrigrasataka a traveller, having become in- less flattering moments (Srngdragataka 41) the
different towards his wife, rationalizes, "what's
the use of journeying home if my beloved no longer poet likens a woman (striyam) to an unclean
leather bag (pratyaksaducibhastrik&m).
lives or merely breathes [prdniti priyatama]?"
Another traveller laments, "when will I see [drak- Finally we should note the bond created between
couples, often separated, by the frequent use of
sydmi] the loosened robe of my fawn-eyed love
alliterating words for "man" and "woman."
[mrgadrsa]?" (SRK. 758). Elsewhere (SRK. 425) The most common of such pairs are: pati/patni;
it is said that the full moon steals away (harati)
the splendor of the fawn-eyed maid (harinak- kami/kamini; vara/vadhul; and nara/nari. Serving
the same end would be the pairs: pramada/pra-
syah). The sprouts placed on the ears of women vasin (Rtu. II. 12); katara/kanta (Amaru. 8);
(dayitd) are excitants (madayita) to the lovers of
Raghu. IX. 31. Of course sprouts alone could jayd/jano (Meghadufta 8); and, with a proper name,
never excite men's desires. The word play sug- rama/Rama (Raghu. XII. 23).
In conclusion, alliteration and related tech-
gests that the dayitd (granted, with sprouts on
their ears) have become the madayita of men. niques are indeed employed in Sanskrit court
The harmonious situation of a good woman giving poetry not only as word plays that charm the ear
birth to a son at the auspicious time is left doubt- but as devices that reinforce or suggest a semantic
less by the alliteration in Raghu. X. 66: prasati bond between the words involved in alliteration
and similar Sabdilamkdras. Of the Sanskrit
samaye sati." An angry woman (manini) earns the
first syllable of her name when she cries to her words for women that I have found to alliterate
lover "ma ma munca" (no, no, let me go) in Amaru. with this intention, the majority were involved in
36. SRK. 521 exemplifies a comparable type of some connection (explicit or implicit) with 1)
". . . the falling
other nouns, 2) an aspect of the beautiful scenery
suggestion. of every glance from
the fair-browed lass [subhruvo] trips me up [vib- [in this category the words for women were usual-
hramanti]." The alliteration suggests that the ly in the vocative casel, 3) adjectives describing
brows themselves play a large role in this decep- these women, 4) adjectives qualifying one of their
tion. The reader should note that the consonants physical attributes, 5) the major terms of meta-
of "subhruvo" also "trip up" when they reach phors and similes to which these women are
"vibhramanti" (bh, r, v, to v, bh, r). compared, and 6) words for men who usually
enjoy a love relationship-and are often separat-
Alliteration and similar sabddlamkdras are ed from-these women. Although we cannot say
employed quite effectively in metaphors and whether or not certain of the many epithets
similes to bind the upamdna with the upameya. women were
(usually vocatives) designating
This is measureless ambrosia formulated for the purpose of having a larger
this the river [sindhu] of bliss; access to alliterating vocabulary, the examples
cited illustrate that a poet's choice of one word
for woman over another was not infrequently
25 Cf. Raghu. IX. 7 in which the word priyatamd determined by his desire to create such a "mean-
alliterates with and puns on yatamdna. For word plays ingful" alliteration.
involving priyd and a form of the verb ya, see SRK. 780,
469, 806; Rtusamnhdra 2.19; Meghadaita 22; and Srngd-
radataka 66, 95. 26 Ingalls, An Anthology, p. 202.

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LANGER: Suggestive Uses of Alliteration 445

In the study that I have made of words for poets or critics (had this technique been in-
women in Sanskrit poetry, 343, or 31 %, of 1091 corporated into the alamkarasastras my figures
instances are involved in an alliterative type of would be much higher I); nevertheless, "meaning-
sound cluster. Of these 146 or 42 % (13 % of all ful" alliterative and similar techniques are indeed
words examined) contain sound similarities that an important aspect of kdvya to which readers of
translate into a semantic message or suggestion. Sanskrit poetry should be alerted, lest we over-
Granted, the use of such techniques was never look or minimize the significance of this under-
standardized nor even acknowledged by Sanskrit stated and often elusive stylistic device.

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