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The two hour re-heat storage volume figures can provide a guide to the peak water volume used

during a peak two hour usage period.The same hot water output could also be achieved by the use
of low volume/rapid reheat 'semi-storage' types of hot water generators, if the energy input
capacity is available. The 'semi-storage' type of hot water heaters can meet shorter peak demand
periods i.e. 1 hour, or less, although detailed secure information about peak period demands
during periods of less that 1 hour are not sufficiently available, and therefore a design risk margin
will be required. The established two hour peak usage figures cannot simply be evenly subdivided
into shorter periods without the risk of seriously under estimating the actual hot water volume that
will be required during that shorter period. The shorter the period, the greater the disproportion of
the two hour peak storage figure will be required. For example, the recommended two hour re-
heat period storage volume fora budget hotel is 35 liters per bedroom. For a 50 bedroom hotel the
stored volume would need to be 1750litres, which when supplemented by the re-heated water
during the envisaged peak two hour draw-off period ,less the loss (25%) of hot water due to the
mixing effect of the incoming cold water feed, is capable of providing a notional 2625litres,
should that demand occur. This is because 1750 liters of 65°Chotwateris notionally available at the
start of the notional peak draw-off period, and whilst the stored hot water is being drawn off it is
also being re-heated at a rate of 1750 liters per two hours, less the loss through the mixing of
incoming cold water and the stored hot water(25%)
Therefore it can be seen that the stored water is there to provide for a peak 1750 litre draw-off
occurring over any period from, say ten minutes upwards. For consideration purposes 1750 litres
equates to 35 baths, each using50 litres of 60°Cstored hot water. Dependent on the bath usage ratio
ofeither1200, 2400, or4800seconds frequency ofuse (see simultaneous demand data) the hot water
stored could be used up after a 63 minute period. Alternatively 1750 litres could provide for73
persons having a shower, each lasting 5 minutes using 24 litresof60°Cofstored hot water(mixed
with cold).Dependent on the shower usage rate of 900, 1800, or 2700 seconds frequency of use,
the hot water stored could be used up aftera45 minute period. These two examples are based on a
peak statistical usage which would likely not reoccur during the remaining time of the two hour
re-heat period. A 'semi-storage' hot water generator requiring to meet the same demand for bath
should need to be capable of providing, approximately a 3.3 litre per second flow rate of
65°Ccontinuous hot water output, assuming an initial stored volume capacity of 500 litres. These
potential peak demands could be considered as being extreme examples. However they clearly
demonstrate the demands capable of being put on hot water generation, when taking account of
the maximum simultaneous usage that is imposed on draw-off fittings by the building occupants,
and accordingly has to be considered for design purposes. Whatever the building, the likely
pattern of hot water usage should be assessed and considered. The hot water usage will be directly
related to the building function, its occupancy and the type of Figure8 Typical demand pattern
histogram activity that is likely to take place. In determining the pattern of usage, itis important to
differentiate between a maximum daily demand and an average daily demand, so that the
implications of the system not meeting the buildings hot water requirements can be recognized,
and the maximum requirements designed for where necessary. Measured quantities of hot water
consumption should not stand alone as a sizing guide. The rate at which these amounts are drawn
off must also be considered. To project the demand pattern over the operating period of the
building, an hour by hour analysis of likely hot water usage should be made, taking into account
the number of occupants, the type and level of activity and any other factors that may affect hot
water demand. The projected pattern of demand should be recorded in the form of a histogram
profile. Typical examples of daily demand in various types of buildings are illustrated in Figures 8
and 9. By establishing a hot water demand histogram a representative peak demand volume can be
established. Typically the peak hour’s between 15-20% of the day's total usage. When selecting a
'semi-storage' hot water production unit(s) it needs to be recognized that the small stored volume
is thereto meet the short period peak draw-offs that occur in any water supply system. The shortest
of these peak draw offs is the ‘maximum' simultaneous demand litre per second flow rate figure
calculated from the sum of the draw off 'demand' or ‘loading' units used for pipe sizing. However,
periods of time that these flow rates occur are very short, and are based on the period of individual
draw- off, i.e. length of time to fill a basin sink, or bath, have a shower, and the number of times
the draw-off is used during the peak demand period, i.e. every 5, 10,or20 minutes, or more. The
'maximum simultaneous demand 'must not be applied to periods greater than the period and
frequency of’ maximum simultaneous demand.
能量输入能力可用)。 “半存储”类型的热水器可以满足较短的高峰需求期,即 1 小时或
更短,尽管尚不足以提供有关少于 1 小时的高峰期需求的详细安全信息,因此存在设计风
室 35 升。对于 50 间卧室的酒店,存储量将需要为 1750 升,在预计的高峰期两小时取水期
入的冷水进料能够提供 2625 升的名义值。这是因为名义上峰值抽水期开始时名义上可获得
1750 升 65°C 热水,并且在抽出存储的热水的同时,还以每两小时 1750 升的速度重新加热,
1750 升的排出量。出于考虑目的,1750 升等于 35 个浴池,每个浴池使用 50 升 60°C 的热
水。根据浴池的使用频率(使用频率为 1200、2400 或 4800 秒)(请参见同时需求数据),
存储的热水在 63 分钟后即可用完。另外,1750 升可以为 73 个人提供淋浴,使用 60 摄氏度
的 24 升热水(混合冷水)持续 5 分钟。根据 900、1800 或 2700 秒的淋浴使用频率,所存
储的热水 45 分钟后可能会用完。这两个示例基于高峰统计使用情况,该高峰统计使用情况
可能不会在两个小时的再加热时间的剩余时间内再次出现。假设最初的存储容量为 500 升,
那么需要满足相同浴池需求的“半存储”热水发生器应该能够提供大约 3.3 升/秒的流量,
可连续输出 65°C 热水。这些潜在的峰值需求可以看作是极端的例子。然而,当考虑到建筑
热水使用量将直接与建筑功能,其占用率以及可能发生的图 8 典型需求模式直方图活动的
形式记录。图 8 和 9 显示了各种类型建筑物中日常需求的典型示例。通过建立热水需求直
方图,可以建立代表性的峰值需求量。通常,高峰时段为一天总使用量的 15-20%。当选择
的时间以及排水的次数。在高峰需求期间(即每 5、10 或 20 分钟或更长时间)使用-off。

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