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MATH 4 Q3 (4) 18. Find the sum of $24.

99 and 5¢

3 19. What is 0.001 less than 2.04 ?

1. How many fourth are there in 1 ?
2. Which of these fractions is the greatest ? 20. Express 2 as a decimal.

18 5 4 5 45
1 2 1
9 6 5 12 21. Express
as a decimal ..

4 1
3. of a number is 16. What is the number ?
9 22. What is
as a decimal ?

5 23. 26. 459 rounded off to the nearest 1 decimal

4. Sakura had 266 ml of oil. She used of the oil for
7 place is ……
How much oil had she left ?
24. What is the value of 7 – 3.807 ?

5. What is the missing number ?

25. Arrange 0.4, 2.05, 2.75, 3 in decreasing order.
4 ❑
3 =
7 7
26. Express 2 as an improper fraction
6. How many fourth are there in 3 ?
27. 38 – 23.16 = ...

1 4
7. of a number is 35. What is of the number ? 18
5 5 28. Express as a decimal

8. There are 27 blue ribbons and some yellow

29. Express 21 tenths as a decimal
ribbons in a box.
of the ribbons are yellow. How many yellow 30. What is 0.01 more than 4.993 ?
ribbons are there?
31. What is 0.1 more than 2.903 ?

9. `How many ninths are there in 4 ? 32. What is 0.001 more than 2.908 ?
1 33. Find of 24.
10. Express 4 as an improper fraction. 8
3 7
3 2 34. Find the sum of and . Give your answer in its
11. What is the sum of and ? 4 12
5 5
simplest form.

7 1
12. What is the value of - ? 5 4
12 4 35. Subtract from . Give your answer in its
12 5
simplest form.
1 3 3
13. What is the value of 1 + + 2 ?
2 5 4
36. A pail contains 1.575 ℓ of water. Round the
volume of the water to 1 decimal place.

4 37. 18.26 x 4 =...

14. Livia had 4 m cloth. She used 3 m of it to make a
table cloth. How many metres of cloth was left ? 38. 30.27 ÷ 3 =....

3 1
15. What is the value of - ?
4 3

16. What does the digit 7 in 8.357 stand for ?

17. Which digit in 18.025 is in the tenths place ?

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