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Are you a high achiever? (let us have a check)

One of the most important characteristics of a successful entrepreneur is the desire to be a high
achiever. The following 10 questions are designed to help identify your achievement drive. Select
the letter that best matches your answer and write it down. Calculate your score based on the
scoring information provided below.

[be honest in reflecting your inner belief in answering the questions]

Q1. An instructor in one of your classes has asked you to vote on three grading options. Which of
these options would you choose?
a. Study the course material, take the exams and receive the grade I earn
b. Roll a dice and get an A if I roll an odd number and a D if I roll an even number
c. Show up for all class lectures, turn in a short term paper and get a C

Q2. How would you describe yourself as a risk taker?

a. High
b. Moderate
c. Low

Q3. You have just been asked by your boss to take on a new project in addition to the many tasks
you are already doing. What would you tell your boss?
a. Since I’m already snowed under, I can’t handle any more
b. Sure, I’m happy to help out; give it to me
c. Let me look over my current workload and get back to you tomorrow about whether I can
take on any more work

Q4. Which one of these people would you most like to be?
a. Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers
b. Donald Trump of Apprentice television show fame
c. Richard Branson, Virgin Airlines

Q5. Which one of these games would you most like to play?
a. Monopoly
b. Bingo
c. Roulette

Q6. You have decided to become more physically active. Which one of these approaches has the
greatest attraction for you?
a. Join a neighbourhood sports team
b. Work out on my own
c. Join a local health club
Q7. With which one of these groups would you most enjoy playing poker?
a. Friends
b. High-stake players
c. Individuals who can challenge me

Q8. Which one of these persons would you most like to be?
a. A detective solving a crime
b. A politician giving a victory statement
c. A millionaire sailing on their yacht

Q9. Which one of these activities would you prefer to do on an evening off?
a. Visit a friend
b. Work on a hobby
c. Watch television

Q10. Which one of these occupations has the greatest career appeal for you?
a. Computer salesperson
b. Corporate accountant
c. Criminal lawyer

Transfer each of your answers to the following scoring key by circling the appropriate number (e.g. if
your answer to question 1 is c, you will circle the number 2 in row 1). Then total all three columns to
arrive at your final score.

Get the total score as per your response (add all circled numbers in column a, b, and c) = 96

Scores interpretations will be discussed in the class.

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