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AP World History Modern

Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization from c. 1750 to c. 1900
Imperialism: this was a version of nationalism. It is Cixi: she was a Chinese empress and dowager. She is Trail of Tears: this was when the Cherokee Indians
important to world history because it is even still important to world history because she modernized were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from
prevalent today. and reformed China in many ways. North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee,
Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas to the
Nationalism: this is a particular tie that one has with Manifest Destiny: this was a widely held belief that Indian Territory. It is important because it greatly
his own country, believing that it is better than others. American settlers were destined to expand across affected how America is today.
It arose during the Enlightenment period in Europe North America. It is important because it drove US
because many of the great thinkers wanted leaders expansion and was used to justify the forced removal Tupac Amaru II: he was a member of the Inca
who responded to their people more, and more of Native Americans. aristocracy who led a rebellion against Spanish
participation in government. authorities in Peru in 1780-1781. He was later
Boer Wars: this was a conflict between Dutch captured and executed with his wife and other
Sino-Japanese War: this was a conflict between colonists and the British where they competed for members of his family.
Japan and China over the territory of Korea. It is control of territory in South Africa.
important because it showed how powerful Japan Jose Rizal: he was a Filipino revolutionary leader
was, and how weak China could be. Seven Years’ War: also known also as the French who fought for sovereignty from the Spanish. He is
and Indian war, this was the war between the French important because he inspired the Phillipine
Charles Darwin: he was an English naturalist, with their Indian allies, and the English, that proved revolution.
biologist, and geologist. He is important to world the English to be the more dominant force of what
history because he created the theory of natural was to become the US. Muhammad Ahmad: He was a Nubia Sufi religious
selection. leader. He is important because he led a successful
Taiping Rebellion: this was a revolt led by the war against the Ottoman-Egyptian empire, and also
Social Darwinism: this was the theory that humans people of China during the Manchu Dynasty because defeated the British.
are subject to the same laws as animals and plants are of their failure to deal with the opium problem and
by natural selection. It is important because it was a the interference of foreigners. Indian Rebellion 1857: this was a huge uprising of a
revolutionary and influential idea. large part of India against British rule; it is also called
Boxer rebellion: this was a rebellion in Beijing that the Indian Mutiny or the Sepoy Mutiny because the
David Livingstone: he was a Scottish physician. He was started by a secret society of Chinese who rebellion first started among Indian troops in British
is important to world history because he brought opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was employ.
Christianity and civilization to Africa. ended by British troops.
Berlin Conference: this was a meeting where a
King Leopold II: he was the second king of the Spanish-American War: this was a conflict in 1898 bunch of representatives from European nations
Belgians. He is important because he started a between the United States and Spain, in which the US agreed on rules surrounding Africa. It is important
force-labor system in the Congo that was very supported the Cubans' fight for independence. because it greatly affected the colonization and rule
influential. of Africa even to this day.
AP World History Modern
Treaty of Waitangi: this was a treaty allowing the Treaty of Paris: this was the treaty that ended the Opium War: this was when the Chinese tried to
British and Maori people to live together in New Spanish American war. It is important because it outlaw the opium trade, but the British declared war
Zealand. made Cuba free from Spain. and won against Chinese.

Monroe Doctrine: this was an American foreign Indian National Congress: this was a movement Treaty of Nanking: this was the treaty that ended the
policy that opposed any interference in the Western and political party founded in 1885 to gain greater Opium War. It gave Britain protection from the Qing
hemisphere from other countries or powers. It is Indian participation in government. It is important Empire, opened other ports of residence to Britons,
important because it greatly affected who controlled because it was an influential and radical movement at and ceded Hong Kong to Britain.
America and how it was founded and ruled. the time.
Spheres of Influences: these were areas in which an
Maori Wars: this was a war that took place in New Cash crops: these are crops that are produced for outside power takes exclusive investment or trading
Zealand between the Colonial government and the commercial value and purposes rather than for use by rights. It is important because it affected how
Maori settlers. It is important because it affected New the grower. They are important to world history countries, nations, states, and territories were ruled,
Zealand greatly. because they affect the economy and how people and their economy.
choose what they grow, when, and where.
Anglo-Zulu War: this was a war between the British Great Famine: this was a great famine that affected
Empire and the Zulu Kingdom, best known for Cecil Rhodes: he was a British politician and mining Ireland as a result of four years of potato crop failure,
having bloody battles, and also for being a landmark magnate in South Africa, and Prime Minister of the a country that had grown dependent on potatoes as a
in the timeline of colonialism in the region. It is Cape Colony. He is important to world history staple food. It is important because it caused a lot of
important because it ended the Zulu nation's because he was one of the most prominent figures in death and Irish emigration.
independence. British imperialism.

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