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Choose to BE RICH System

S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Instructions: Using the S.M.A.R.T. criteria outlined in this module, write out your goals below.

Goal #1

Buy Mac for Studio

Why? (List specific benefits):

Having a computer that works is essential to run the studio how it should.

What? (Objective Statement):

I will buy a mac to complete the entire Studio Experience in order exploit it to the mac

When? (Begin):

As soon I recive the Chase Credit Card

When? (Finish):

When I receive the Computer i will Spend no more than 2 days setting up the entire Studio to be able
to function Efficiently.

Intermediate Steps (Weekly/Daily activities)

How? (List specific steps):

ASAP -Talk to Morgan Storage to make sure I get a Mail box in order to get the credit cardASAP -Do
Research and figure out what computer to get, -how to protect it from theft or data corruption, -Create
Studio Template, -fix studio monitor system, -label compressor and preamp, -make sure channel 2 on
preamp is active, -figure out a temporary access to computer, password etc,When mac received - -
Install Pro tools, waves, Dropbox (to sync cv33 and gk files and password protect),-GK Must Run a
session and do a complete in-depth mix to make sure everything is running smooth.

Goal #2

Promote the DNS

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Page 1

Choose to BE RICH System

Why? (List specific benefits):

Make $10,000 a Month, Create income to invest, Create Passive income to Transition to Business

What? (Objective Statement):

I will make sure that DNS is easily discovered everywhere, promote on google and facebook with a
good budget to increase the studio revenue to $10,000 a month.

When? (Begin):


When? (Finish):


Intermediate Steps (Weekly/Daily activities)

How? (List specific steps):

Get all the necesary ImagesTalk to Josue to create WebsiteCreate a Business Plan --How to increase
Income (VIP Package, Snacks, Pricing)--How to pitch the idea of Becoming a Official Producer of
DNS--Gift CertificatesWrite up ads and all necessary text for websiteOpen all Social Media Accounts--
Create even bios, pictures and info--Come up with #'s, DNS Filters, Figure out how to be on yelp,
google, facebook location, snapchat etc.Register DBA - Dream Noise Studio

Goal #3

Buy an 4Plex

Why? (List specific benefits):

to break all fears, Create passive income and start on the path of finacial wealth

What? (Objective Statement):

I will buy a 4 Unit Building to break all fears and start on my path to financial wealth.

When? (Begin):


When? (Finish):

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Page 2

Choose to BE RICH System

February 2021

Intermediate Steps (Weekly/Daily activities)

How? (List specific steps):

I will search 100 dealstake notesdo mathgo to the bank to see what it feels like to do something
bigger than meI will learn to do research on properties and do the mathEveryday i will search for a
deal, and come up with the numbers for infinite return

Goal #4

Why? (List specific benefits):

What? (Objective Statement):

When? (Begin):

When? (Finish):

Intermediate Steps (Weekly/Daily activities)

How? (List specific steps):

Goal #5

Why? (List specific benefits):

What? (Objective Statement):

When? (Begin):

When? (Finish):

Intermediate Steps (Weekly/Daily activities)

How? (List specific steps):

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Page 3

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