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EEP 3 English for Employability

Second Semester, AY 2020-2021

Name: Phoebe Marie L. Calo Program/Year: BS-ABE 2

Course Instructor: Mr. Enrique Taragua Class Schedule: M-1:00-3:00pm

ASSESSMENT 1: Introduction to the New Metrics of the 4IR Labor Market

Directions: With the tracer study titled The Employability of CSU Graduates: From 2011 to 2015 by Paluga, R.
et al. as point of reference, it is noteworthy that majority of respondents perceived on-the-job (OJT) training ‘very
useful’ in their career (see figure below).

Relative to this finding, answer the question below. Write/Encode your answer on the space provided (15 pts).
What do you know about these new metrics of Industry 4.0 and how will you optimize them during your
on-the-job (OJT) training?

OJT is designed to immerse learners in work environments relevant to their area of study in an attempt to learn knowledge on,
productivity in, and respect for the workplace. Beyond helping students apply the principles, ideas, and theories learned in the
classroom, it enables them to level up their technical skills, knowledge, and attitude towards work (Career, n.d). This way, it
enables students to gain work experience and the very not useful is % and useful is 26%, while the very useful is 66%.

Legend : 5- Exceeds
Proficiency 4- Meets
3- Satisfactorily Meets Proficiency
2- Partially Meets Proficiency
1- Does Not Meet Proficiency

Criteria Description Score

The answer is complete. All information provided is accurate. There is an in-depth
Response understanding of the content.
Mechanics and The answer has no errors in punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and spelling.
Knowledge of the The answer clearly shows that the student read and understood the lesson content
Topic by correctly describing and accurately synthesizing/applying key concepts.


*Submit this worksheet through the platform prescribed/described by your EEP 3 instructor.

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