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Student Progress Report School Year: 2022 - 2023

Ecole Richard Secord School

4025 117 St NW Edmonton, Alberta T6J 1T4

Phone: 780-436-9839 Fax: 780-432-1319


Principal: Marion Ramsey

Student Name:Mia Nguyen Date: March 24, 2023

Reporting Period: 2
E.P.S. Number: 16396457 Grade: 5 Homeroom: 10 Alberta Student No: 308520733

Edmonton Public Schools Mission

Our commitment to high-quality public education serves the community and empowers each student to live a life of dignity, fulfilment,
empathy and possibility.

Purpose of Reporting Student Progress

This progress report is designed to communicate your child's performance at this time. If you want more detailed information, or
have any questions about the information contained in this report or about programming, you are encouraged to contact the school
at your earliest opportunity.

Student Performance
The quality of performance, or how well your child is demonstrating curricular expectations, is reported as follows:

(Adapted from Alberta programs of study)
Learning goals are met in an Learning goals are met in a Learning goals are met in an Student has demonstrated
astute and comprehensive way practical and thorough way appropriate and reasonable insufficient performance in
way relation to learner outcomes

Assignments are well crafted, Assignments are complete, Assignments are generally
organized in a purposeful organized in a competent complete, organized in an
fashion, and demonstrate fashion, and demonstrate acceptable fashion, and
attention to precise details. attention to relevant details. demonstrate attention to
predictable details.

Demonstrates an in depth Demonstrates a substantial Demonstrates a satisfactory

understanding and degree of understanding and degree of understanding and degree of
skill on summative skill on summative skill on summative
assessments. assessments. assessments.

Has assembled an in depth Has assembled a thorough Has assembled a basic

understanding of the concepts, understanding of the concepts, understanding of the concepts,
generalizations, and skills generalizations, and skills generalizations, and skills
fundamental to the program fundamental to the program fundamental to the program

How Student Performance Is Determined

Student academic performance is judged by teachers against a broad range of learning outcomes from the Alberta Programs of
Study, based on evidence collected from a variety of sources.

Grade Level of Programming (GLP)

Grade Level of Programming (GLP) refers to the grade level of the Alberta Program of Studies. For most students, the GLP will be
the same as their enrolment grade. If the GLP is different from the enrolment grade, this means that instruction and learning activities
have been adjusted to a different grade level of the Alberta Program of Studies, that will better meet the learning needs of the
student. Student performance is reported relative to the student's GLP.
Ecole Richard Secord School Date: March 24, 2023
Student: Mia Nguyen AB Student No: 308520733 E.P.S. Student No: 16396457

Homeroom Teacher: Richard Ribeiro Homeroom: 10 Enrolment Grade: 5

Attendance: Days Absent: 9.5 Times Late: 1

This student is an English Language Learner.

English Language Arts 5 R. Ribeiro

Term 2 Term 1 A GLP: 5
Grade Level of Programming: 5 Term 2 A GLP: 5
Topic of Study: Letter Writing, Novel Study

Mia has demonstrated an excellent understanding of MOST curricular concepts this term:

Areas of Strength:
- use effective openings and closings that attract and sustain reader or audience
- use structures encountered in texts to organize and present ideas in own oral, print and
other media texts
- organize ideas and information in presentations to maintain a clear focus and engage
the audience
- identify and discuss the main character's point of view and motivation
- identify the main problem or conflict in oral, print and other media texts, and explain how
it is resolved
- use knowledge of organizational structures, such as tables of contents, indices, topic
sentences and headings, to locate information and to construct and confirm meaning
- support own interpretations of oral print and other media texts, using evidence from
personal experiences and the texts

Areas of Growth:
- revise to add and organize details that support and clarify intended meaning

Strategies for Improvement:

Mia is encouraged to devote time to check mechanics, punctuation, grammar, and the
clarity of their writing before submission.

Mathematics 5 R. Ribeiro
Term 2 Term 1 A GLP: 5
Grade Level of Programming: 5 Term 2 A GLP: 5
Topic of Study: Division,Fractions and Decimals, Adding and subtracting decimals,
Patterns, Algebra

Mia has demonstrated an excellent understanding of MOST curricular concepts this term:

Areas of Strength:
- demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to
- demonstrate an understanding of fractions by comparing fractions with like and unlike
denominators, and creating equivalent fractions
- relate decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals (to thousandths)
- solve problems involving single-variable, one-step equations with whole number
coefficients and whole number solutions (algebra)
- demonstrate an understanding of division (3-digit by 1-digit), and interpret remainders to

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Student: Mia Nguyen March 24, 2023
solve problems
- construct and interpret double bar graphs to draw conclusions

Strategies for Improvement:

Mia can work on rereading the questions to ensure they understand, remembering to
showing all work or calculations, and taking time to carefully check over their work.

Social Studies 5 R. Ribeiro

Term 2 Term 1 A GLP: 5
Grade Level of Programming: 5 Term 2 A GLP: 5
Topic of Study: Physical Geography of Canada: Geographical Regions and Histories and
Stories of Ways of Life in Canada: European Settlers

Mia has demonstrated an excellent understanding of MOST curricular concepts this term:

Areas of Strength:
- understand the differences and similarities among the geographical regions of Canada
- acknowledge the contributions made by diverse cultural groups to the evolution of
- design and follow a plan, including a schedule, to be used during an inquiry process,
and make revisions to the plan, as necessary
- evaluate ideas, information and positions from multiple perspectives

Areas of Growth:

Strategies for Improvement:

Mia can ensure that their work and explanations are thorough and clear by
communicating ideas and information in an informed, organized, and persuasive manner.

Science 5 R. Ribeiro
Term 2 Term 1 A GLP: 5
Grade Level of Programming: 5 Term 2 A GLP: 5
Topic of Study: Electricity and Magnetism; Mechanisms Using Electricity

Mia has demonstrated an excellent understanding of MOST curricular concepts this term:

Areas of Strength:
- recognize and appreciate the potential dangers involved in using sources of electrical
currents: household electrical currents are dangerous; batteries are relatively safe; short
circuits are dangerous and wasteful
- demonstrate that a continuous loop of conducting material is needed for an
uninterrupted flow of current in a circuit
- distinguish electrical conductors from insulators
- design and construct circuits that operate lights and other electrical devices
- design and construct vehicles that use a battery powered electric motor to produce

Strategies for Improvement:

Mia is encouraged to explain their scientific conclusions with more detail and clarity. They
can do this by asking new questions and researching additional scientific information to
support the topics learned in class.

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Student: Mia Nguyen March 24, 2023

Physical Education & Wellness 5 R. Ribeiro

Term 2 Term 1 A
Grade Level of Programming: 5 Term 2 A
Topic of Study: Boundaries and Concent, Healthy Relationships, Volleyball, Basketball,
Badminton, Floor Hockey, Dance

Mia has demonstrated an excellent understanding of MOST curricular concepts this term:

Areas of Strength:
- reflect on how the results or consequences of personal actions and decisions can affect
the well-being of self and others
- examine the impacts of a variety of factors on personal actions and decisions
- practice digital citizenship by being considerate of others
- demonstrate proactive decision making through the application of strategies and tactics
- demonstrate respect for the contributions and perspectives of others when working
together to make decisions or achieve team goals
- describe how nutrition can affect physical and mental health and well-being

Music 5 Mr. R. Urquhart

Topics of Study: Playing Orff Instruments, Melody, Rhythm, Harmony Term 1 A
Term 2 A
Mia has demonstrated an exemplary understanding of most curricular concepts
this term.

Areas of Strength:
- Playing melodies on the Orff instruments
- Playing harmonies on the Orff instruments
- Playing bass lines on the Orff instruments
- Playing scales with 1/16th note and 1/8th note rhythms and rests on the Orff instruments
- Demonstrates proper mallet posture and technique on the Orff instruments

Art 5 R. Ribeiro
Term 2 Term 1 A
Grade Level of Programming: 5 Term 2 A
Topics of Study: Felted Needling, Drawing with Shading and Cross-Hatching, Positive
and Negative Space

Mia has demonstrated an exemplary understanding of most curricular concepts this term.

Areas of Strength:
- add details, patterns or textures to three-dimensional works (felted needling)
- use models to make drawings with increasing accuracy
- use shading and cross-hatching
- use foreground to background movement to hold interest within a composition
- use transitions of colour to relate the parts of a composition to a unified whole

Areas of Growth:
- ensure attention is given to well-distributed negative space and positive forms

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Student: Mia Nguyen March 24, 2023

French as a Second Language 5 Mme A. Lizaire-Szostak

Topics of Study : Term 1 A
This term, instruction has focused on the following learner outcomes from the Alberta Term 2 A
curriculum. Students:
- give and follow a simple sequence of instructions.
- use French for fun and to interpret simple amusing texts.
- recognize and use some basic spelling patterns.
- understand a variety of short, simple texts in guided situations (listening, reading).
- produce a sequence of simple sentences in guided situations (speaking).
- use simple conventions to open and close conversations and to manage turn-taking.
- identify elements of Francophone cultures in the community.
- identify similarities between their first language and French, or English and French.

In FSL, students actively engage in acquiring language and constructing their own
understanding of language. They also work on letter identification, letter sounds,
grammatical notions including verb conjugation, and spelling. Elements of the French
language were presented in the following contexts: The Calendar; Greetings; Homes,
Families, and Communities; Winter Clothing and Celebrations.

Mia can understand and follow routine simple instructions in French.

Mia sings along with the French song videos.
She consistently recognizes words in a text and spells many words in the weekly spelling
test, la dictée.
She expresses the date and tells of an activity, following a model.
Mia can use words like "oui svp" and "merci" and recognizes Francophone cultural
elements in Edmonton.
She can say greetings and salutations in French as well as expressions of turn-taking
(e.g. J'ai le ___. Qui a le __?).
Mia is working on comparing French with other languages.

Moving forward, Mia is encouraged to continue to adopt successful study habits, and to
continue to sing the French songs learned in class. Mia could also try the challenge of
taking out a French library book.

Year-End Recommendation

Administrator Signature:

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Student: Mia Nguyen March 24, 2023

Please complete, detach and return to school

Parent Comments:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Student Comments/Goals:

Student Signature:

Progress Report Confirmation:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

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