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panjang silinder 37 m

DI 1.5 m
Head ellipsoidal
Jumlah Plates 50 buah

1 m (dari bawah)
Manhole Diameter
1.5 m (dari atas)

P 1200 kN/m^2
T 150 °C
Corrosion allowance 2 mm
insulasi (mineral wool) 50 mm 0.0500
Material construction Stainless Steel 304

Design Pressure 1.2 N/mm^2
Design Temperature 302 °F
Max allowable stress 15000 psi 103.4210
Joint Effisiency 1.0000

Cylindrical section
t= 8.7633 mm
plus max allowance 10.7633 mm 0.4864

Domed Head
Rc=Di 1500 mm
Rk 90 mm
t= 15.4210 t+corrosion
mm allowance
t= 8.7124 t+corrosion
mm allowance

Ellipsoidal lebih tipis lbh ekonomis, lebih dekat dengan diameter pipa silinder sehingga sambun

Part Nozzle Size (Need) Nominal Pipe Size

Umpan (tengah) 1.9685 in 2
Vapor (out) 9.8425 in 12
Bottom Product (Tengah Vessel Head) 1.9685 in 2
Reflux 1.9685 in 2

Internal Pressure 1.2 N/mm^2

Weight of Vessel
Cw 1.15
Dm 1.5130
Hv 37 m pjg silinder
t 13.0 mm
Wv 207.4307 kN

Weight of Plates
Plates Area 1.7671 m^2
Weight of 1 Plate (icld. Liq.) 2.1206 kN liq (weight loads)
Total Plates' Weight 106.0288 kN

Weight of Insulation
Mineral Wool Density 130 kg/m^3
Volume Insulation 8.7179 m^3
Weight 11.1180 kN 0.0098
Weight for Fitting 22.2359 kN
Dead Weight 335.6953 kN

Wind Loading
Vw 100 km/h
Pw 500 N/m^2
Mean Diameter 1.6260 m
loading(w) 813.0000 N/m
Mx 556498.5000 N/m

Analysis of Stresses
σL 30.00 N/mm^2 Do
σh 60.00 N/mm^2 Iv (mm^4)
σw -4.70 N/mm^2
σb 20.78 N/mm^2
σz(up wind) 46.08 N/mm^2
σz(down wind) 4.52 N/mm^2

Kesimpulan MSI < MSA 59.4000 <

Internal Pressure 1.2 N/mm^2

Weight of Vessel
Cw 1.15
Dm 1.5125
Hv 37 m
t 12.5 mm
Wv 199.3846 kN
Weight of Plates
Plates Area 1.7671 m^2
Weight of 1 Plate (icld. Liq.) 2.1206 kN
Total Plates' Weight 106.0288 kN

Weight of Insulation
Mineral Wool Density 130 kg/m^3
Volume Insulation 8.7179 m^3
Weight 11.1180 kN
Weight for Fitting 22.2359 kN
Dead Weight 327.6492 kN

Wind Loading
Vw 100 km/h
Pw 500 N/m^2
Mean Diameter 1.6250 m
loading(w) 812.5000 N/m
Mx 556156.2500 Nm

Analysis of Stresses
σL 32.1429 N/mm^2 Do
σh 64.2857 N/mm^2 Iv
σw -4.9205 N/mm^2
σb 22.2683 N/mm^2
σz(up wind) 49.4907 N/mm^2
σz(down wind) 4.9541 N/mm^2

Kesimpulan MSI < MSA 63.6857 <

Internal Pressure 1.2 N/mm^2

Weight of Vessel
Cw 1.15
Dm 1.5120
Hv 37 m
t 12.0 mm
Wv 191.3439 kN

Weight of Plates
Plates Area 1.7671 m^2
Weight of 1 Plate (icld. Liq.) 2.1206 kN
Total Plates' Weight 106.0288 kN

Weight of Insulation
Mineral Wool Density 130 kg/m^3
Volume Insulation 8.7179 m^3
Weight 11.1180 kN
Weight for Fitting 22.2359 kN
Dead Weight 319.6086 kN

Wind Loading
Vw 100 km/h
Pw 500 N/m^2
Mean Diameter 1.6240 m
loading(w) 812.0000 N/m
Mx 555814.0000 Nm

Analysis of Stresses
σL 34.6154 N/mm^2 Do
σh 69.2308 N/mm^2 Iv
σw -5.1723 N/mm^2
σb 23.9829 N/mm^2
σz(up wind) 53.4260 N/mm^2
σz(down wind) 5.4601 N/mm^2

Kesimpulan MSI < MSA 68.6308 >

Umpan (tengah) 50
Vapor (out) 250
Bottom Product (Tengah Vessel Head) 50
Reflux 50

0.6000 m


N/mm^2 12 bar

in 0.4238



er pipa silinder sehingga sambungan lebih dikit/tdk ada sambungan

Nozzle and Flanges

Nominal Pipe Size Working Pressure Class (12 bar, 150 °C) Outside Diameter (O)
in 150 6.00
in 150 19.00
in 150 6.00
in 150 6.00

Tebal + 2mm per bagian

Trial 1 11.0000
t rata2; 13.0000 13.0000

1530.0000 σ1
20484794658.5143 σ2 (up wind)
σ2 (down wind)
MSI σ1-σ3
103.4210 42.5649 σ2-σ3

Trial 2 11.0000
12.5000 12.5000
1528.0000 σ1
19081068064.8891 mm^4 σ2 (up wind)
σ2 (down wind)
MSI σ2-σ3
103.4210 38.4209 σ2-σ3

Trial 3 11.0000
12.0000 12.0000
1526.0000 σ1
17682842678.0312 mm^4 σ2 (up wind)
σ2 (down wind)
MSI σ1-σ3
103.4210 33.6394 σ2-σ3
mm 1.9685 in
mm 9.8425 in
mm 1.9685 in
mm 1.9685 in

Flanges' Thickness (tf) Hub's Diameter (X) Diameter beginning of chamfer (A)
0.69 3.06 2.38
1.19 14.38 12.75
0.69 3.06 2.38
0.69 3.06 2.38
0.0110 m
+2 0.0130 m
0.0150 m

60.0000 N/mm^2
46.0802 N/mm^2
4.5156 N/mm^2
0.6000 N/mm^2
13.9198 N/mm^2
55.4844 N/mm^2
59.4000 N/mm^2
45.4802 N/mm^2
3.9156 N/mm^2

64.2857 N/mm^2
49.4907 N/mm^2
4.9541 N/mm^2
0.6000 N/mm^2
14.7950 N/mm^2
59.3316 N/mm^2
63.6857 N/mm^2
48.8907 N/mm^2
4.3541 N/mm^2

69.2308 N/mm^2
53.4260 N/mm^2
5.4601 N/mm^2
0.6000 N/mm^2
15.8048 N/mm^2
63.7706 N/mm^2
68.6308 N/mm^2
52.8260 N/mm^2
4.8601 N/mm^2
Posisi (dibawah head) 0.7 m

Posisi (dibawah head) 1 m

Length through hub (Y) Bore (B)

2.44 2.07
4.44 12.00
2.44 2.07
2.44 2.07

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