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Female Psychology

3 Sub-communications to turn a them on -

1. Adding to the fun

2. Challenging - Push/Pull

3. Commanding

There is always someone in the vicinity who is judging them. Take them out of their line of sight
and they will be more susceptible to your choices. Your helping her with the rationalisations. You
should do this to remove any future hesitance/resistance from her. Take the accountability off her

Always focus on changing her mood not her mind since women are emotional not logical

Focus on -

Adding to the fun - Everyone loves it

Challenging - Masculine Polarity

Commanding - Masculine Energy

Apply this to every one of them you talk to and constantly visualise and remind yourself mentally
that they are thinking about sex all the time and they craze for it. Doing this will ensure the
"humph" behind your words.

* Try to come from a pov that your giving them what they want and that is score. If ur
coming from a pov of taking. It will come off as a leechful vibe. And the words and sub-
communications will be bad.

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