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Recount text about activities at pandemic covid-19

Two weeks ago, my school was suspended for a while and our learning system was
changed to electronic learning or called by e-learning, that’s caused by the corona virus which
started to become an epidemic in Indonesia. all Indonesian people are advised to take care of
themselves and get used to social distancing. During my school suspended for a moment, my
grandparents and I also started to get used to a healthy and clean life. Me, grandfather and
grandmother wash our hands, ate fruits and vegetables more often.

In addition, during my school suspended for a while we also often sunbathe in 9 a.m untill
10 a.m with exercises and gymnastics. Other than that, when my school suspended for a while in
my country built the sterilizations post at the entrance gate. The head of the village prohibit all
community in my village to applied social distancing. Until now no association is allowed, even
if it is a gathering like recitation, haul, etc.

During my school suspended for a while, there were some habits that had increased in my
village environment. Likely starting on April 28, all the youth in my village were rotated to spray
disinfectant twice a day until an unspecified time limit. Besides that I also take great care my
granparents to keep stay at home. When my grand mother wanted to went to market I had
forbidden and asked to buy in vagatables walkers.

Covid-19 epidemic is indeed not light, because it can easily spread through direct contact.
So we also had to reduced holding our face with our hands directly, and close our mouth with
our elbows when we sneeze or cough so that the virus that is released does not spread to the
people around us. Therefore we must really maintain a healthy lifestyle and really reduced direct
contact with anyone so that we belong to the community who break the chain of distribution

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