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Cagayan de Oro City

Identifications/Fill in the blanks:

1. Digestion  is the process by which large food particles are broken down into simple absorbable forms.
2. Extracellular Digestion  is the process by which food is broken down in a digestive cavity. The resulting basic
food units are then absorbed by the body.
3. Intracellular Digestion  is the process by which a food particle is acted upon and changed into simple forms
within the cell.
4. Digestion begins in the  Mouth
5. The thick semi-fluid mass of partly digested food expelled by the stomach into the small intestine.  Chyme
6. What do you call the final waste products in the digestion of food after bacterial actions?  Feces
7. The wastes that accumulate in the colon of the gastrointestinal tract which further digestion no longer possible in
the human body.  Roughage
8. ___ What is the first part of the digestive system where food enters the body?  Mouth
9. ___ What is the other name for large intestine?  Colon
10. ___ What is the opening at the end of the digestive system from which feces exits the body?  Anus
11. ___ What is the long tube between the mouth and stomach?  Esophagus
12. ___ What is the other name for digestive system?  Gastrointestinal Tract
13. ___ The digestive system disorder in which it is loose watery stools.  diarrhea
14. ___ is the process by which organisms obtain their food.  feeding

Identify the various methods of feeding.

15. ___  engulfing
16. ___  use of cilia
17. ___  filter feeding
18. ___  ingestion of large food masses
19. ___  fluid feeding
20. ___  use of specialized structures in capturing prey

21. It is a bitter-tasting, dark green to yellowish brown fluid, produced by the liver of most vertebrate animals, which
aids the process of digestion of lipids in the small intestine. In many species, it is stored in the gallbladder and
upon eating is discharged into the first part of the intestine.  Bile
22. The sweat glands of the skin get rid of excess water and salts from the body. How many percent of the sweat is
water?  99%
23. It refers to the tip of a toe of an ungulate mammal, strengthened by a thick horny (keratin) covering. It consists of
a hard or rubbery sole, and a hard wall formed by a thick nail rolled around the tip of the toe usually found in
sheep, goats, deer, cattle, and horses.  Hoof
24. ________ is a substance that grows out of the skin of mammals.  Hair
25. ________ is a special growth of the epidermis that is made up of hardened skin cells.  Nails
26. Branch of horns of a male deer or stag is _______________.  Antler
27. Tiny pits/elevations on the undersurface of the epidermis which help connect the dermal layer to the epidermal
layer of the skin.  Papillae
28. Layer of the skin that is composed of closely woven network of connective tissues that contains glands, nerves,
and hair follicles.  Corium (Dermis)
29. These microscopic glands in the skin which secrete an oily/waxy matter/material in order to lubricate the skin and
hair of mammals. What do you call that matter/material?  Sebum
30. It refers to the hard projecting appendages growing on heads of some animals usually found in goats, deer, and
cattle.  Horns
The Parts/Layers of the Skin
31. ____  Epidermis (or Corneum or Cuticle)
32. ____  Dermis (or Corium)
33. ____  Hypodermis or Subcutaneous Tissue

34. ___ refers to the dark and shapeless pigment of the skin.  Melanin
35. ___ a substance produced in the outer 1/3 of the human ear canal.  Earwax or Cerumen
36. ___ the skin glands pertaining to grease that act as a lubricating substance that eventually moisturizes the skin
thus prevent drying of the skin.  Sebaceous Glands
37. ___ the muscles in the skin that causes the hair to raise when stimulated.  Arrector Pili Muscle
38. ___ the cells that is/are responsible for the synthesis and production of melanin.  Melanocytes

Identify the stratum of the epidermis.

39. ___  Stratum Basale or Stratum Germinativum
40. ___  Stratum Lucidum
41. ___  Stratum Spinosum
42. ___  Stratum Corneum
43. ___  Stratum Granulosum

44. It refers to the bone of palm.  Metacarpals

45. The theory that states that muscle cells are made up of long parallel chains of protein molecules that can slide
over each other – thus the muscle contracts.  Sliding Filament Theory
46. What do you call the alternating light and dark band areas in the muscle?  Striations
47. The waste(s) substance produce by all muscle fibers?  Lactic Acid
48. The location where bones are attached to the neighboring bones at which two or more bones make contact. 
49. It is composed of non-cellular materials secreted by the epidermis which function as a protective armor for the
softer body parts and as a waxy barrier preventing excessive water loss.  Exoskeleton
50. It refers to the bone of the lower back.  Lumbar Vertebra

51. It refers to the progressive increase in the body’s complexity to carry on the different functions.  Organ
52. The blood forming tissues in the bones (skeletal system).  Bone Marrow

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