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Learning Competency: Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in Tropical
Rainforests, Coral Reefs, and Mangrove Swamps (K to 12 Code: S6MT-IIi-j-5)

I. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
_______1. Tropical rainforests offer shelter and living conditions to animals.
_______2. You can get medicines from plants found in tropical rainforests.
_______3. Tall trees comprise the upper canopy of the tropical rainforests.
_______4. Most animals in tropical rainforests live in the forest floor.
_______5. The trees in the understory of tropical rainforests compete for sunlight in order to survive
II. Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____6. What can you do to conserve tropical rain forests?
A. Plant more young trees
B. Destroy the breeding places of animals
C. Have a hobby of collecting wild flowers
D. Buy souvenir items made from endangered forest products
_____7. Which of the following activities can restore denuded forest?
A. illegal logging C. reforestation
B. deforestation D. kaingin system
_____8. How does the human population affect the ecosystem?
A. Animals are conserved.
B. Plants and animals remained in the ecosystem.
C. Plants are conserved for the need of the people.
D. Forests are cleared to give way to large subdivision
_____9. Which of these is something that happens after people cut down rain forests?
A. there will be more oxygen in the air
B. there will be more water in the air
C. there will be less rain, and there may be droughts
D. millions of plants and animals will find new homes and continue to live
_____10. What can you do to fight deforestation?
A. Leave forests standing and plant more trees
B. Reduce your use of products made from wood fiber including paper and cardboard
C. Demand forest products from sustainable sources
D. All of the above
III. Color the box BLUE if the sentence is TRUE and RED if it is FALSE.
11. A rise in temperature in the water affects the growth of corals.
12. Muro-ami fishing is an effective way of fishing that protects the coral reefs.
13. Any kind of trash thrown in the ocean can cause pollution that may destroy the reefs.
14. Dynamite fishing can cause much damage to coral reefs.
15. Coral reefs serve as shelter to many species of fish and other marine animals.
IV. Put a check mark (/) on the line if the sentence tells a way of conserving or protecting mangrove
swamps. Put cross mark (x) if it does not.
_____16. During Christmas season, some people cut mangrove branches to make Christmas trees.
_____17. The mayor proposes a project on constructing a concrete footway along the mangrove swamps in the town.
_____18. The residents in a community practice waste segregation to avoid throwing waste in the swamps.
_____19. Some fisherfolk dispose of their used motor oil near mangrove swamps.
_____20. Jose hangs a poster near a mangrove swamp to inform people that cutting mangroves is prohibited.
V. Among the Ecosystems that we have learned (Tropical Rainforest, Coral Reefs, and Mangrove
Swamps), which one do you like the most? Why? (2pts)
Choose one type of ecosystem (tropical rainforests, coral reefs, mangrove swamps). illustrate /draw it
showing its defining features and interactions of living and non-living things. Do this on a short bond

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