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Lefort Inventory System

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirement for the Subject

System Analysis and Design


Reyan Aduana

Carlo King Chu Andoy

Charlie Capacete Banguran

Nehemiah Gil Salonoy Duero

Catherine German Pajigal

Diana Simbul Viray


Table of contents

Chapter Page

1 A. Background of the study 4

B. Importance/Significance of the Study 6

C. Statement of the Problem 7

D. Objectives of the Study 8

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study 9

F. Definition of terms 10

2 A. Data Gathering Technique 11

3 A. Data Flow Diagram 17

B. System Requirement 18

C. Hardware and software specification 19



The automated sales and inventory monitoring gives a company a competitive advantage

by linking different automated processes within the supply chain. For example, automating the

ordering process for customers and the production scheduling, then adjusting manufacturing

based on up-to-date inventory levels, makes a company more flexible, capable of deciding how

to best satisfy customer orders. When automated activities are linked — ensuring information

flows rapidly from one part of the supply chain to another — a company can exploit these


Management can make rapid decisions to increase revenues, such as ramping up

production immediately in one location because of a sudden surge in demand in another part of

the country/world.

The problem of the conducted research is about the company’s sales monitoring and

inventory system. Keeping records of sales and inventories manually are the current method used

by the company. Due to this current method of inventory system, the company has encountered

several problems regarding the monitoring and stocks checking.

For example, in Lefort Medical Trading Corporation store they are currently using the manual

sales and inventory system wherein computing for these are done manually. But in dealing with

these transactions, accuracy, reliability and speed of human skills in performing these

transactions are limited because clerical errors are often inevitable. Because of these, we propose

a system of sales and inventory monitoring. With the Lefort Corporation, the tracking of sales,

controlling of inventory, recording of products, calculating of numerical data and searching,

sorting and filtering of item will have translated into an automated process which considers

speed accuracy, orderliness and maintainability of the system.

Background of the Study

Foreign Study

According to AgnesTe Stuubes (2019), operating a retail store calls for a range of

administrative, management and marketing skills. From ensuring that there’s enough inventory

to putting together monthly sales reports, these skills are necessary in ensuring that your store

runs smoothly.

According to the study of Matthew Hudson (2018), the Point of Sale (POS) refers to the

area of a store where customers can pay for their purchases. The term is normally used to

describe systems that record financial transactions. This could be an electric cash register or an

integrated computer system which records the data that comprises a business transaction for the

sale of goods or services.

According to Thomas M. Mchugh (2011), computerized inventory management systems

provide many benefits that are hard to obtain using paper methods or an in-house spreadsheet.

Systems that are specific to the lab can be used relatively quickly without a significant learning

curve or system customization. The ability to analyze the inventory, item usage, purchasing

history and other areas.

According to the U.S Small Business Administration (2010), “Inventory refers to stocks

of anything necessary to do business” (U.S. Small Business Administration,2010). The U.S

Small Business Administration publication describes what consists successful inventory

management balancing cost versus benefits of inventory, including maintaining a wide

assortment without spreading the rapidly moving items too thin, increasing inventory turnover

without sacrificing service, and keeping stock low without sacrificing performance.

Local Study

According to J. De Leon (2009), uunder the Korea Red Ginseng Enterprise Sales

and Inventory System, the researchers came up with computerized sales and inventory system.

The proponents used database to easy access of files and for easier and faster processing of the

selling and inventory transaction. The program was designated to generate reports such as

monthly reports, inventory reports, sales invoice and list of items.

Based on the research entitled “Computerized Sales and Inventory system for Ronmon

Trading” by de Alday (2010), the replacement of the manual system with the proposed

system provided more efficient and accurate processing of transaction. The said system is much

reliable, eliminated errors and inaccurate information, and provided valuable reports with


Also stated in the research, “Sales and Inventory System For Schema Megacenter” by (year), the research are not just only accurate, reliable, and fast in processing transactions

rather it is also provided more systematic way of transacting with the members and through the

billing system also helped the employees to save a lot of time on transaction processing.

Importance of Study

To the lefort medical trading corporation : The proposed system will help to lefort

medical trading corporation to have a Point of Sales with Inventory System to monitor the

Inventory of product more accurately.

To the Employee : The proposed system will provide the Employee to have a fast

transaction to the stakeholders and to secure important production records.

To the Researcher : The proposed system will help to the researcher about Point of

Sales with Inventory System using Online web-based system and also give them specific

information about it.

To the Future Researcher : This Point of Sales with Inventory System may serve as a

reference for the future researchers for the improvement of the project system in the near future.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is in how to develop inventory system and

1. How to develop sales and inventory monitoring system for Lefort Medical

Trading Corporation?

2. How the proposed sales and inventory monitoring system reduces the manual

computations of sales and inventory system?

3. How the proposed sales and inventory monitoring system provides the previous

monitoring of sales and inventory?

4. How the proposed sales and inventory monitoring system’s accessibility made

easier for the admin?

5. How the proposed sales and inventory monitoring system monitors the acquired

and distributed products?

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to develop a Point of Sales with Inventory System Specifically

1. To provide a system that will lessen the time being used in looking for

existing in the warehouse.

2. To provide system that will fastens the generation of inventory report and

updating records.

3. To provide a system that will be secure important records.

4. To provide a system that will compute the amount purchased by the


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the proposed system can cover many needs, including valuing the

inventory, measuring the change in inventory and planning for future inventory levels. The value

of the inventory at the end of each period provides a basis for financial reporting on the balance

sheet. Measuring the change in inventory allows the company to determine the cost of inventory

sold during the period. This allows the company to plan for future inventory needs.

 The system has a capability to secure and retrieve a password of admin/user if

he/she remembered their pin code.

 The system has a capability to accurate generation of reports.

 The system has a capability to easily inventory all the products.

The limitations of an inventory system include a false sense of reliability and dependence

on human entry. Although the system updates each time a transaction enters the system, it might

lack information regarding stolen, damaged or scrapped units. The company remains unaware of

the theft or waste, known as shrinkage, until it performs a physical count at least once per year.

The other limitation is that an employee might enter data incorrectly, introducing inaccurate

information that can compromise decision-making.

Includes also “Network Traffic”.


Inventory The stock of any item or resource used ins and outs of the materials,

finished products, supplies, and work-in-process.

Point of Sale The time and place where a retail transaction is completed.
Stock Available items that are in the stock area.
Invoice A document issued by a seller to a buyer, relating to a sale transaction and

indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or

services the seller has provided by buyer.

Purchase Order A commercial document and first issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating

types, quantities, and agreed prices for the products or services.

Retail The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or

consumption rather than for resale.

Shrinkage Is the loss of inventory that can be attributed to factors such as employee

theft, shoplifting, administrative error, vendor fraud, damage, and cashier

Transaction An instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.

Chapter II Methodology

Rapid-application development (RAD) also called rapid-application building (RAD) is both a

general term for adaptive software development approaches and the name for James Martin's

approach to rapid development. In general, RAD approaches to software development put less

emphasis on planning and more emphasis on an adaptive process. Prototypes are often used in

addition to or sometimes even in place of design specifications.

RAD (Rapid Application Development)

Figure 1: Rapid Application Development diagram shows how the research and process is being

develop from the start of the process until it was been finished, Rapid Application Development

is easy to use as a methodology model because as you can see from the diagram above it was

been processed step by step so that the problems that might encountered can be polished or be

refined. In RAD model the function are developed as the prototype is being integrated to make

the complete process faster for product delivery, it makes it easier to incorporate the changes

within the development process and can quickly give the customer something to see and use to

provide feedback regarding the delivery and their requirements. The advantage of RAD model

from the other methodologies is that it reduced the development time, it encouraged the customer

to give feedback to the prototype system, and the integration that was been done from the

beginning solved a lot of integration issues.


 Conduct Interview

In our analysis the proponents first conducted an interview to the company of Lefort Inventory

System. We ask them information about their Company, their staffs, the owner, but foremost are

all about the system that their company is using on their Inventory System, the Lefort

Inventory System used manual system that gave them the burden on computing their sales

reports, it also gives them hard time in securing their stocks and monitoring if there is an



After conducting an interview, the researchers then plan on how they will make a system that

will lessen the problem of the said company. The researchers gathered some of the information

that the other company uses in order to make an ease of access, can obtain accuracy, and lessen

the time consuming during some process to their company.

Quick Design:

The system design should be a user- friendly so that the user can obtain the ease of access so that

the processes will be fluently followed. But before that we just created sample designs, with that

we could checked either if it’s correct or should be revised so that the system will meet the

expectation that the client wants or will provide the processes that the company’s system



Prototype is somewhere that has the typical qualities of a particular system that will base or an

example that will be used as model that what comes later should be developed. In the

prototyping process we have the following processes also:

 Build

In order to create a prototype model for the system we first create forms and also we

provide the gathered data’s about the company. In line with this process, we also try to

code so that we can run and test if there is some instances that will be polished or errors

that might be encountered, after building the prototype model the demonstration of the

prototype model follows.

 Demonstrate

After designing the prototype of the system it should be demonstrate to the client on how

and what will be the flow of the said system so that they can easily manage and know on

how to use it. If there are incorrect process the client can easily notice, or if the client will

add some features for the system.

 Refine

If the client wants to add new features to the system or change, refining of the system will

follow. In refining process the suggested features or changes of the system will be

provided, but first it will be rebuild, then will be demonstrate again and if the client

approves the system or they are satisfied, then afterwards it will be tested to the company.


Testing is where the system be used by the respondents of the project so that they would

know if the system is really reliable, efficient and effective in terms of its uses, more

advance than on their manual system.  The testing of the proposed system plays an

important role because in this process the company will see if the system is totally

effective and can make the work of the respondents easier and faster.


After the testing of the proposed system, implementation of the system follows, during

this phase the new or the created system will be installed in the production process, the

users will be trained or will be guided on how the system works. The system will be

given to the client and the processes will be evaluated. In this phase the effort are also

required to be implemented, resolving the identified problems, and also planning for

sustaining the system.

The following are the ways how you gather our data to create the phases of our research by:

Observational Data One of our members was a former employee at Lefort Medical

Trading Corp. He observes and learned the process and he learned that manual inventory takes a

lot of time and the data is not secure that is why we decided to build an inventory system for this

company, we also observed that if a client, patient or Doctor ordered an specific implants they

will prepare all the sizes available for that implant because the doctor will only know the correct

size that he need to use for the patient is when the surgery is ongoing the doctor first need to

open the patient to be able to know the correct size. The company will prepare at least 5 to 10

implants sizes and deliver it to the doctor. After the surgery is complete the remaining unused

implants will be returned to the company. According to our observation it is hard to track all the

implants that are going in and out that is also the reason why we want to use this opportunity to

study and create a system that could help the company to perform better.

Direct interview- the researchers were conducted an interview to Mr Tabuzo an

employee of Lefort Medical Trading Corp through online interview. According to him the

inventory system is desperately needed by the company because it is part of the steps to because

a modernize company, the company is growing bigger that is why it is getting harder every day

to keep all the records manually. It is hard to find data and it is taking a lot of time and human

power to accomplish a task that the system could do in seconds.

This study was based on descriptive development method of research. Descriptive research often

involves collecting information through data review. This method helps the researchers to

determine the flaws regarding manual inventory process.

Research Instrument

The proponent’s tool used in gathering a data is questionnaire is distributed to the respondents to

determine if the system is usable. They can say if they are agreed on it or not.

To gather information needed in the study the following data gathering method were use:

Interview. The proponents were conducted an interview to collect information to single person

to another. The data collected can be used throughout the data gathering process. Although the

process is time-consuming, it is very useful because the proponents can gather specific

information and ask follow-up questions to get more detail on a particular aspect of the study. It

is very helpful in the exploratory stage of research.

Survey. The researcher conducted a questionnaire to get some information from the


Furthermore, the survey has 5-pionts rating scale with equivalent and verbal

interpretation was used in survey Strong Agree, Agree, Fairly Agree, Disagree, and Strongly


Internet Research. Internet research is the partner of all researcher, it is one of the most

important sources of information that the proponents used. These were useful in the

conceptualized of the methodology specifically in providing the proponents on the type of data to

be used and considered in the conduct of the study. By surfing in the internet, the proponents had

gathered significant information and ideas, which are related to the project by means of

principles and functions, like related literature and related studies.

Library Research. The library was the main provider of information of the proponents.

It provides a wide range of reference materials to the proponents. Books, magazines and previous

studies were used as references in the design and analysis of the present study.

Chapter 3 Project Design

A. Data Flow Diagram

B. System Requirement

Visual Studio Windows 10 version 1507 or higher: Home Professional,

Education and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported)

Windows Server 2016: Standard and Data Center
Wammp Download MediaWiki (current stable version is 1.31.0)
Web server such as Apache or IIS. Local or command line access

is needed for running maintenance scripts.

PHP version 7.0.0 or later with Perl Compatible Regular

Expressions with Standard PHP Library.

Database Server, one of the following: MySQL 5.5.8+ Maria DB

C. Hardware and software specification
Hardware Requirements

System unit: 1.1.8 GHz or faster processor. Dual-core or better


2. 2GB of RAM; 4GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if running on a virtual


3. Hard disk space: up to 130 GB of available space, depending on features installed; typical

installation requires 20-50 GB of free space.

4. Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state

drive (SSD).


1. Display: HD (1366 x 768)

2. Aspect Ratio: 16:9

3. Response Time: 5ms

Keyboard and Mouse:

1. USB wired keyboard and optical mouse combo

2. A-shaped patented keyboard anti RSI

3. Compatibly Designed Mouse for any hand size.

4. Compatible with desktop and laptop


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