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Every five and a half months, when the Sun is near one of the moon's nodes, eclipses can
occur. New moons become dramatic solar eclipses, when the Moon comes between the
Earth and the Sun and blots out the Sun's light. Full moons become lunar eclipses, where
the Moon is obscured by the Earth's shadow. These "failures of the Light" have instilled
awe over the centuries and have long been known as times of critical transformation.

Eclipses are about change, sometimes radical change. For people that have grown happy
with the status quo, changes can be quite unwelcome, even uncomfortable. This is
perhaps the reason eclipses have gotten such a bad reputation over the years, since they
tend to disrupt situations in our lives that we'd rather keep intact. In my experience, if you
concentrate on these shifts as a normal part of your growth process, leaving behind
outmoded behaviors, the results are usually positive.

Also, eclipses are stronger and more long lasting in their effects than normal new or full
moons. They seem to influence the following 6 to 12 months quite heavily and the eclipse
degree itself remains an active "hot spot" in the zodiac for a long time. Become aware of
the themes and events entering your life at these times (often described by the house
position in your birthchart of the eclipse degree), since you will likely be working on these
themes for quite some time. Treat these influences with respect and full awareness if
you're going to make the most of them. Eclipses really aren't such bogeymen...

All of these eclipses (and more, going back to 1990), have been captured and made into
HCW remedies for people who seriously want to work with these powerful energies. These
remedies are available both as individual eclipses or as combinations of all the eclipses for
a calendar year. The Eclipse HCW page contains more information on these unique

See the Current Transits for interpretations of individual eclipses. For an excellent source
of current eclipse information from NASA, visit Fred Espenak's Eclipse Home Page.

Information Listed on each Eclipse

The eclipse information listed below contains the following data for each eclipse:

 Eclipse Type: Broadly speaking, eclipses fall into two categories, either "solar"
(where the Sun is obscured by the Moon) or "lunar" (where the Earth's shadow
hides the Moon). These categories are sub-divided into "eclipse types" based on
how completely the Sun or Moon is eclipsed. The solar eclipse types are:
o Total Solar -- the Moon's dark umbra touches the Earth, so the Sun is
completely darkened at small regions of the Earth's surface.
o Annular Solar -- the Moon is too far away for the umbra to touch the Earth,
leaving a thin ring of sunlight (the "annulus") visible around the Moon's dark
o Partial Solar -- the Moon's dark umbra misses the earth, but the lighter
penumbra part of its shadow touches the Earth near the North or South Pole.
The Sun is only partially blocked.
o Annular/Total Solar -- a "hybrid" eclipse that starts out annular, turns total,
and finishes annular once more.
The lunar eclipse types are:

o Total Lunar -- the Full Moon passes through the Earth's umbra and turns
completely dark.
o Partial Lunar -- the Moon moves across the boundary of the Earth's umbra
and penumbra, so it appears dark except for a normal looking crescent of
o Appulse Lunar -- also known as a "penumbral lunar eclipse", the Moon
moves through only the Earth's penumbra and is only slightly dimmed.
 Zodiac Position: The zodiac position (in degree-sign-minute notation) of the Sun or
Moon at maximum eclipse. This becomes a "critical degree" for the coming months.
 Date: The date of the eclipse, as seen in the Central Standard Time (CST) zone. If
you're working in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), this may shift over to the next date.
 Saros Number: Eclipses come in families that are designated by their "Saros
Number". These "Saros Cycles" are explained on another page.

1995 to 1999:
Year Eclipse Type Zodiac Position Date Saros Number
1995 Partial Lunar Eclipse 25Li04 1995-4-15 L112
Annular Solar Eclipse 8Ta56 1995-4-29 S138
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 14Ar54 1995-10-8 L117
Total Solar Eclipse 0Sc18 1995-10-23 S143
1996 Total Lunar Eclipse 14Li31 1996-4-3 L122
Partial Solar Eclipse 28Ar12 1996-4-17 S148
Total Lunar Eclipse 4Ar17 1996-9-26 L127
Partial Solar Eclipse 19Li32 1996-10-12 S153
1997 Total Solar Eclipse 18Pi31 1997-3-8 S120
Partial Lunar Eclipse 3Li35 1997-3-23 L132
Partial Solar Eclipse 9Vi34 1997-9-1 S125
Total Lunar Eclipse 23Pi56 1997-9-16 L137
1998 Total Solar Eclipse 7Pi55 1998-2-26 S130
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 22Vi24 1998-3-13 L142
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 15Aq21 1998-8-7 L109
Annular Solar Eclipse 28Le48 1998-8-21 S135
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 13Pi40 1998-9-6 L147
1999 Appulse Lunar Eclipse 11Le20 1999-1-31 L114
Annular Solar Eclipse 27Aq08 1999-2-16 S140
Partial Lunar Eclipse 4Aq58 1999-7-28 L119
Total Solar Eclipse 18Le21 1999-8-11 S145

2000 to 2004:

Year Eclipse Type Zodiac Position Date Saros Number

2000 Total Lunar Eclipse 0Le26 2000-1-21 L124
Partial Solar Eclipse 16Aq02 2000-2-5 S150
Partial Solar Eclipse 10Cn14 2000-7-1 S117
Partial Lunar Eclipse 24Cp19 2000-7-16 L129
Partial Solar Eclipse 8Le12 2000-7-30 S155
Partial Solar Eclipse 4Cp14 2000-12-25 S122
2001 Total Lunar Eclipse 19Cn39 2001-1-9 L134
Total Solar Eclipse 0Cn10 2001-6-21 S127
Partial Lunar Eclipse 13Cp39 2001-7-5 L139
Annular Solar Eclipse 22Sa56 2001-12-14 S132
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 8Cn48 2001-12-30 L144
2002 Appulse Lunar Eclipse 5Sa04 2002-5-26 L111
Annular Solar Eclipse 19Gm54 2002-6-10 S137
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 3Cp11 2002-6-24 L149
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 27Ta33 2002-11-19 L116
Total Solar Eclipse 11Sa58 2002-12-4 S142
2003 Total Lunar Eclipse 24Sc53 2003-5-15 L121
Annular Solar Eclipse 9Gm20 2003-5-30 S147
Total Lunar Eclipse 16Ta13 2003-11-8 L126
Total Solar Eclipse 1Sa14 2003-11-23 S152
2004 Partial Solar Eclipse 29Ar49 2004-4-19 S119
Total Lunar Eclipse 14Sc42 2004-5-4 L131
Partial Solar Eclipse 21Li06 2004-10-13 S124
Total Lunar Eclipse 5Ta02 2004-10-27 L136

2005 to 2009:
Year Eclipse Type Zodiac Position Date Saros Number
2005 Ann./Tot. Solar Eclipse 19Ar06 2005-4-8 S129
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 4Sc20 2005-4-24 L141
Annular Solar Eclipse 10Li19 2005-10-3 S134
Partial Lunar Eclipse 24Ar13 2005-10-17 L146
2006 Appulse Lunar Eclipse 24Vi15 2006-3-14 L113
Total Solar Eclipse 8Ar35 2006-3-29 S139
Partial Lunar Eclipse 15Pi00 2006-9-7 L118
Annular Solar Eclipse 29Vi20 2006-9-22 S144
2007 Total Lunar Eclipse 13Vi00 2007-3-3 L123
Partial Solar Eclipse 28Pi07 2007-3-18 S149

Total Lunar Eclipse 4Pi46 2007-8-28 L128

Partial Solar Eclipse 18Vi25 2007-9-11 S154
2008 Annular Solar Eclipse 17Aq44 2008-2-6 S121
Total Lunar Eclipse 1Vi53 2008-2-20 L133
Total Solar Eclipse 9Le32 2008-8-1 S126
Partial Lunar Eclipse 24Aq21 2008-8-16 L138
2009 Annular Solar Eclipse 6Aq30 2009-1-26 S131
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 21Le00 2009-2-9 L143
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 15Cp24 2009-7-7 L110
Total Solar Eclipse 29Cn27 2009-7-21 S136
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 13Aq43 2009-8-5 L148
Partial Lunar Eclipse 10Cn15 2009-12-31 L115

2010 to 2014:
Year Eclipse Type Zodiac Position Date Saros Number
2010 Annular Solar Eclipse 25Cp01 2010-1-15 S141
Partial Lunar Eclipse 4Cp46 2010-6-26 L120
Total Solar Eclipse 19Cn23 2010-7-11 S146
Total Lunar Eclipse 29Gm20 2010-12-21 L125
2011 Partial Solar Eclipse 13Cp38 2011-1-4 S151
Partial Solar Eclipse 11Gm01 2011-6-1 S118
Total Lunar Eclipse 24Sa23 2011-6-15 L130
Partial Solar Eclipse 9Cn12 2011-7-1 S156 -- New Saros!
Partial Solar Eclipse 2Sa36 2011-11-25 S123
Total Lunar Eclipse 18Gm10 2011-12-10 L135
2012 Annular Solar Eclipse 0Gm20 2012-5-20 S128
Partial Lunar Eclipse 14Sa13 2012-6-4 L140
Total Solar Eclipse 21Sc56 2012-11-13 S133
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 6Gm46 2012-11-28 L145
2013 Partial Lunar Eclipse 5Sc45 2013-4-25 L112
Annular Solar Eclipse 19Ta31 2013-5-9 S138
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 4Sa08 2013-5-24 L150 -- New Saros!
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 25Ar45 2013-10-18 L117
Ann./Tot. Solar Eclipse 11Sc15 2013-11-3 S143
2014 Total Lunar Eclipse 25Li15 2014-4-15 L122
Annular Solar Eclipse 8Ta51 2014-4-29 S148
Total Lunar Eclipse 15Ar05 2014-10-8 L127

Partial Solar Eclipse 0Sc24 2014-10-23 S153

2015 to 2019:
Year Eclipse Type Zodiac Position Date Saros Number
2015 Total Solar Eclipse 29Pi27 2015-3-20 S120
Total Lunar Eclipse 14Li24 2015-4-4 L132
Partial Solar Eclipse 20Vi10 2015-9-13 S125
Total Lunar Eclipse 4Ar40 2015-9-27 L137
2016 Total Solar Eclipse 18PI55 2016-3-8 S130
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 3Li17 2016-3-23 L142
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 25Aq51 2016-8-18 L109 -- End of Saros!
Annular Solar Eclipse 9Vi21 2016-9-1 S135
Appulse Lunar Eclipse 24Pi19 2016-9-16 L147
2017 Appulse Lunar Eclipse 22Le28 2017-2-10 L114
Annular Solar Eclipse 8Pi12 2017-2-26 S140
Partial Lunar Eclipse 15Aq25 2017-8-7 L119
Total Solar Eclipse 28Le52 2017-8-21 S145
2018 Total Lunar Eclipse 11Le37 2018-1-31 L124
Partial Solar Eclipse 27Aq07 2018-2-15 S150
Partial Solar Eclipse 20Cn41 2018-7-12 S117
Total Lunar Eclipse 4Aq44 2018-7-27 L129
Partial Solar Eclipse 18Le41 2018-8-11 S155
2019 Partial Solar Eclipse 15Cp25 2019-1-5 S122
Total Lunar Eclipse 0Le51 2019-1-20 L134
Total Solar Eclipse 10Cn37 2019-7-2 S127
Partial Lunar Eclipse 24Cp04 2019-7-16 L139
Annular Solar Eclipse 4Cp08 2019-12-25 S132

Bibliography of Eclipse Information

Information from a number of source texts was used to create these eclipse pages. The
following books were particularly helpful:

 The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century. Neil Michelsen.

 The American Ephemeris for the 21th Century. Neil Michelsen.
 Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses, 1986-2035. Fred Espenak.
 Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses, 1986-2035. Fred Espenak.
 Explanatory Supplement to The Astronomical Ephemeris and The American
Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac (1974 version).
 Interpreting the Eclipses. Robert Carl Jansky.
 Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark. Bernadette Brady.
The program "Star*Sprite" from Time Cycles Research (with its 3000 years of built-in
ephemerides) has been a god-send.

Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

Revision date: 2006-3-16

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