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I. Introduction.

Each person has his own reasons, goals and dreams. But above all, people want to be successful
and respected by society. Therefore, in order to achieve those achievements, each person needs to
identify goals, plan in detail what to do and commit to always carry out with a sense of responsibility. In
addition, to achieve success each person also needs to identify their own abilities, whether they are
capable to achieve the goals that they set or not? There are many people who fail to identify their own
abilities leading to work failures. Finally, to become a successful person, it is indispensable to identify
and manage well the risks that will be encountered, this will help people avoid future failures and
develop their careers in a stable manner.

II. Personal profiling and relationship management toolkits

2.1 Reflection on personality test, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning results and skills audit

Psychometric tests are one of the most effective methods for measuring or assessing mental
abilities and personal behavioral styles. Based on Psychometric tests, the employer can determine the
extent to which the candidate's personality and cognitive abilities are appropriate for those required to
perform the role. When setting up Psychometric tests, employers are looking to evaluate the types of
intelligence of candidates fit with the requirements. The main benefit of Psychometric testing is the
ability to evaluate candidates. By comparing the results, the employer can determine the ability of each
candidate and therefore see which candidates do outstanding work (or lag behind) for certain skills. The
Psychometric Testing method helps the hiring process be more effective and avoids the risks of
recruiting incompetent people into the organization[ CITATION Dan19 \l 1033 ]. Psychometric testing
methods commonly used to measure the ability of candidates include: Verbal Test, Numerical Test,
Personality Test.

First, with the verbal test, I achieved a score of 36.7 points corresponding to the number of
points on my percentile that achieved 25. Before taking this test I had high expectations because I was a
person who likes to read and is eager to learn, after getting results I feel a little disappointed. Based on
the results of the test, I think I'm not a person who is suitable for jobs related to written information
analysis and academic and translation-related jobs.

Secondly for the numerical test, in this test I achieved 61.1 points and corresponding to the 71th
percentile. This result surprised me, because I rarely calculated. Based on the above results, I found that
I was a person capable of calculating and working with numbers. This ability is very suitable for jobs
related to finance and accounting.

Finally, the personality test. The results of the test are very relevant to my personalities and it
makes me very satisfied. The test results show that I am an extrovert, good at teamwork and a natural
leader. This is very true for me because I am a person who loves to participate in collective activities and
I always want to help people achieve success or overcome difficulties. From the above personality
analysis, I was able to fit in the job of being a good business manager or leader in a company.

2.2 Reflection on developmental network and cultural intelligence toolkits

Based on the psychometric test, I could see my strengths and weaknesses. In order to become a
good manager and achieve success, people need a lot of skills, but the skills I feel are most important to
develop include: Time management skills, Communication skills, financial management skills.

Time is a very important thing in life that we can not touch or can buy, every human being has a
certain amount of time so effective use of time is essential for everybody. Time management is defined
as the effective use of all resources to achieve goals, tasks, and activities during a defined start and end
time[ CITATION Aka03 \l 1033 ]. Once person have mastered the time management skill and put it into
practice, the benefits that can be seen from this skill include: People can accomplish a lot of work with
little effort but still bring a lot of effectively, decision-making will improve, reduce stress. In a paper by
Cemaloğlu, N ve Filiz, S on "The Relation Between Time Management Skills and Academic Achievement
of Potential Teachers" The results have shown that time management skills that are very effective for
student achievement and student expertise.[CITATION Cem10 \l 1033 ].

Communication is considered one of the basic human skills to convey information to others, but
if this skill is developed and practiced well, it will bring many benefits to everyone in all aspects of life.
However, I will only mention the aspect of career development, developing good communication skills
that will help people build positive relationships that can work together and develop. Good
communication helps people avoid conflicts, especially effective in managing an organization or
company. Based on research by Mirjana Radovic Markovic and Aidin Salamzadeh on "The Importance of
Communication in Business Management" shows: In a stressful situation, an effective communicator will
be able to defuse the situation. [ CITATION Mir18 \l 1033 ].
Finally, financial management skills are defined as actions that include planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling for the efficient use of financial resources. Developing financial management
skills brings a lot of benefits to everyone from individuals to organizations in both the short and long
term. In the short term, financial management helps individuals and organizations to see the financial
revenues and expenditures so that they can make plans to adjust. For each individual, financial
management helps people have a stable life in the future if they follow the rules of financial
management. For business organizations, good financial management helps businesses grow strong,
ensure investor confidence and an accurate balance between risks and maximize profits. Based on Lori
A. Koenig's study of Financial Literacy Curriculum: The Effect on Offender Money Management Skills,
This study found that most criminals lack knowledge of financial management and this leads to morally
degrading behaviors. So helping prisoners learn financial management knowledge will help them after
they leave prison to avoid recidivism and become a good person[ CITATION Koe07 \l 1033 ].

2.3 My personal brand statement.

For everyone to succeed in their careers, everyone needs to build a development network for
themselves now and in the future. The DRIVE method will help people identify their developers and
show them the developers' importance and connection. Since then, the people most influential in my
career development in the present and the future include: My Family, Teachers, Friends and my idol. My
family is the most important factor in the development of my career, in addition to giving me the
resources and conditions to develop myself, besides they are also people who help me find the direction
of My career in the future. Teachers are people who provide me with the important and necessary
knowledge for my career development. My friends and colleagues are very kind and happy people, they
help me to share my feelings and work together for a common purpose. My idol is Jack Ma, he is a very
successful person despite a very ascetic past. Thanks to him we have a lot of motivation to overcome
difficulties in life.

After doing CQ Test, I draw out assessments of the ability to develop in my cultural intelligence.
As for the cognitive factor and motivational / emotional, have achieved the expected results. However
for the physical factor, this is the factor I was most underestimated in my CQ test.Although there have
been studies of different cultural candles in the world, I am quite cautious in showing body language to
people from other cultures. Because I always wanted to be polite to others, I felt that improper physical
actions could affect that image. When interacting with strangers I usually shy and avoid contact, I usually
only communicate with strangers when they take the initiative first. However, in order to develop a
successful career, I need to improve my communication skills through body language, while removing
my personal prejudices to better connect with people from the Different cultures around the world. To
further improve on this factor, reading books and watching research programs on other cultures is very
important to help me improve my love points better. In addition, I can directly learn and cultivate
knowledge through traveling and experiencing new lands and different cultures. Or maybe take courses
to improve your ability to communicate, connect with others from people with better experience.

III. Global & Commercial Awareness

3.1 Comparison of two selected industries/sectors

From the techniques that are oriented through psychological tests, the skills given above with
my own feeling feel that I am endowed with two disciplines: Construction and Electronic Commerce.

The construction industry is an industry that attaches to the need for human safety in Maslow's
demand pyramid, the building industry is associated with human development from the past to the
present. The construction industry will still hold an important position in the future because of its
specific characteristics. There are three main sectors in the construction industry: buildings,
infrastructure and industry. The current development trend of the construction industry focuses on all
three above-mentioned areas.However, due to the influence of the development of Industry 4.0 and
translating Covid-19, construction industry trends in 2020 include: The first trend is to integrate more
technologies in the construction industry including: Drones, 3D Printing, Mobile and Cloud Applications,
BIM Technology etc[ CITATION Fro19 \l 1033 ]. The next trend is to build a quality and sustainable
workforce, as the construction workforce in 2020 has been badly affected by the Covid-19 Disease.
Finally, there is a trend to increase standards and use of safety equipment. Human safety needs are
increasing, so the safety trend in construction is using technological advances that will help ensure a
safe working environment for workers and ensure the quality of products[ CITATION LPB20 \l 1033 ].

In the future, the trend of the construction industry does not seem to have changed
significantly, the trends still focus on the safety and quality of products. At the same time the trend of
the construction under pressure to protect the living environment, the future trend of the construction
industry will develop in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way: using good materials for the
environment, reducing the lack of dust and construction waste etc[ CITATION Fro19 \l 1033 ].
Next is the e-commerce industry, the emergence of the Internet brought change and
development for the entire world and the e-commerce industry was born on a large scale Currently, the
e-commerce industry is contributing a lot of economic profits to most countries in the world with
estimated revenue of 4.8 trillion USD by 2021[CITATION Ada20 \l 1033 ]. Certainly e-commerce is
becoming a sustainable and long-term business trend now and in the future.

The current development trend of e-commerce industry is greatly influenced by the

development of Internet, market factors, and especially the epidemic. The first trend was the explosion
of e-commerce following the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic. Due to the impact of the Covid-19
epidemic, countries around the world have to implement social restrictions and isolation from the
people, which has created very favorable conditions for the development of the e-commerce industry.
Because e-commerce makes it possible for buyers to make purchases without having to buy through the
seller directly[ CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 ].

The next trend is the boom of mobile shopping, thanks to the technological development of
mobile manufacturing companies and the convenience of mobile. It is predicted that by the end of 2021,
73% of e-commerce sales will take place on a mobile device[ CITATION Dyf18 \l 1033 ].

The last important trend is the development of e-commerce based on the development of social media.
With the growth of shopping on Facebook and Instagram Checkout, social media is playing an important
role in the world of e-commerce[ CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 ].

In the future, e-commerce industry promises to develop new trends due to the impact of
competition and technological development. The first future trend of e-commerce industry is to
personalize and attract customers. Compared to traditional retail shopping, e-commerce stores lack
face-to-face personal interaction. Therefore, using personal online data such as search queries, page
visits and purchase history, brands convert their online stores to best serve the needs and preferences
of their customers. Goods will become the trend in the future[ CITATION Ada20 \l 1033 ].

Next is the influence from the development of technology, the trend of using technological
achievements such as AI, Assistant and Chatbots will and will become important to manage the business
and increase the experience of others. goods when using the service[ CITATION Ada20 \l 1033 ].

Next is the trend of product visualization for customers, the more specific the customer request
is, and the knowledge of the product has become a customer request. Therefore, product visualization
technology will interactively seek to bring a tangible in-store experience to online consumers and lessen
their hesitation before buying[ CITATION Ada20 \l 1033 ].

3.2 Comparison of three key organisations in one construction industry.

The above assessments have shown all the trends and opportunities of the construction and e-
commerce industry, although the e-commerce industry will be the more promising industry in the
future, but businesses New will be very difficult to compete with large corporations such as Amazon,
Alibaba etc. Currently the construction industry in Vietnam, although there are many large companies,
the construction industry has many different segments. So choosing the construction industry to build
and develop your career is a safe step. To get an overview of all aspects of the construction industry, the
method of comparing leading enterprises in the industry is very effective. Three businesses selected for
The core value of the company
The leaders of HOA BINH People are a valuable asset and The core values considered to
CONSTRUCTION GROUP JOINT bring strength to VINACONEX. be permanent and absolute
STOCK COMPANY have built 7 Teamwork spirit, discipline & include: Responsibility; Always
core values for employees and industrial working style create keeping quality and prestige;
the company including: Conduct VINACONEX's business culture. Actively cooperate and share;
civilized; Behave with integrity; Quality is constantly improved Discipline and organization;
Enforce commitments; and committed to customers. Healthy competition; Constantly
Discipline; Integrating Essence; Profit plays an important role in improving to reduce costs,
Creativity; Active maintaining the operation of improve productivity and
cooperation[ CITATION VINACONEX. Always interested profitability; Completing the
HOA20 \l 1033 ]. in contributing to social plan and goals set out; Balance
issues[ CITATION VIE20 \l between work and life; Respect
1033 ]. ethics and law[ CITATION
SON20 \l 1033 ].
HOA BINH CONSTRUCTION Established in 1987, after more than 32 years, Hoa Binh Construction Group has made rapid progress while

GROUP JOINT STOCK ensuring safety, prestige and quality. Hoa Binh has made great contributions to Vietnam's construction market in
terms of the number of construction works and the quality of construction industry with high technical and
professional qualifications[ CITATION HOA203 \l 1033 ].
The company's main activity is to design and execute works requested by customers, especially in the
internationalization trend of Hoa Binh, which is also the first construction contractor of Vietnam to enter foreign
markets. in Malaysia and Myanmar. In the coming period, Hoa Binh will step up to foreign markets such as the

Middle East, Australia and Canada[ CITATION HOA202 \l 1033 ].

VIET NAM CONSTRUCTION The operational goals of VINACONEX are: "Constantly expanding, constantly reaching out". With the principle of
AND IMPORT EXPORT JOINT "Building values, setting dreams". Vinaconex constantly strives to become the leading economic corporation in
key Vietnam operating in the field of construction and real estate business.
Vinaconex has built a strong solidarity team in which the intelligence, creativity, dynamism and enthusiasm of
each individual are always evoked and promoted highly.
of the Production and business activities of the Corporation always achieve high and stable growth, total revenue, profits

compan as well as the budget and social welfare are increasing [ CITATION VIN16 \l 1033 ].
SONG DA CORPORATION JSC Song Da Corporation is a state-owned enterprise established in 1961. Song Da Corporation focuses mainly on
y business areas such as power plant construction, infrastructure construction, delivery systems. pine, industrial
plants, civil constructions, manufacturing and supplying construction equipment, construction technology or real
estate business ...
Song Da also pays special attention to the development of human resources, organizes annual training courses for
officials and employees. Many of them have been sent to study and practice new technologies and knowledge
In its long-term development plan, especially in the current period when the Corporation has operated under the
model of a Joint Stock Corporation, Song Da Corporation continues to orient and strive to become one of the The
company is strongly built in Vietnam and in the region, committing to sustainable development with the highest

social responsibility, contributing to the development of the country. [ CITATION SON201 \l 1033 ].
HOA BINH CONSTRUCTION As one of the large-scale enterprises in the construction strategy of a joint-stock construction
GROUP JOINT STOCK company, it focuses on finding high quality employees to meet the standards of the job. After being
COMPANY recruited in the company, besides the benefits of income, the employees are often trained to build
new skills and have many opportunities to develop themselves, cooperate, and work together in the
international environment[ CITATION HOA201 \l 1033 ].

VIET NAM CONSTRUCTION For VINACONEX is a company associated with many large construction corporations in the world, so
Strengths AND IMPORT EXPORT JOINT the company attaches great importance to the quality of human resources. In order to ensure the

STOCK CORPORATION quality of the labor force for the company and towards sustainable development, VINACONEX
of the
implements its own strategy to build human resource training centers and schools. When the
company employee finishes the training process, the employees will be committed to work, work in an
international environment with huge remuneration policies, and they will also become high quality
workers and can work on construction companies worldwide [ CITATION Huy08 \l 1033 ].
SONG DA CORPORATION The recruitment policy of Song Da Construction Corporation also focuses on finding and selecting
JSC highly qualified and knowledgeable candidates. Every year, the company organizes management
training courses, specialized operations for employees according to job needs, meeting the needs of
integration and cooperation. Unlike other companies, Song Da Construction Corporation has a
precursor is a company under the management of the Vietnamese government, so in addition to
salary and bonus benefits, the company's employees have the opportunity to develop and working in
Vietnamese state agencies. This helps employees realize their responsibility for building the
country[ CITATION SON18 \l 1033 ].
HOA BINH CONSTRUCTION GROUP Most of the recruitment process of the company takes a lot of time to evaluate candidates.
JOINT STOCK COMPANY The recruitment strategy of the company lacks long-term human resource training
strategies to ensure quality supply when the market is short of human
Weaknesss resources[ CITATION HOA201 \l 1033 ].
VIET NAM CONSTRUCTION AND For VINACONEX, the company has very carefully recruiting and training strategies for its
in workforce, which requires the company to spend a lot of time and resources to meet the
recruitmet CORPORATION company's training requirements. ty. After quality training for employees, VINACONEX has
not yet set out specific strategies and appropriate incentives to avoid losing human
policies of
resources to rival companies.[ CITATION Huy08 \l 1033 ].
the SONG DA CORPORATION JSC As a predecessor company under the government, the recruitment process of the Song Da
Construction Corporation still has to go through a lot of unnecessary processes. At the same
time, the company does not have major staff building centers, still relying on the employees
available in the recruitment market. The working environment still follows the state-
oriented trend which can lead to a lack of attraction for high quality freelance
employees[ CITATION SON18 \l 1033 ].
As a person who tends to work well with numbers and has the ability to lead and connect well with
people, working in a construction supervision position at Song Da Construction Corporation is a very
consistent with my field of study and expectations. Song Da Construction Corporation is one of the
construction companies that has been established for a long time and was formerly a Vietnamese state-
owned company. Therefore, when working in this company, I will have opportunities for promotion and
may work in Vietnamese state organizations in the future. Working here, I also receive the love from
everyone and at the same time contribute to the labor force of my country.

IV. Career management.

4.1 Reflect on how you would manage your job searching efforts and strategy.

4.2 Job application.

4.3 Reflection on (mock) interview.

With the help of the participants, the mock interview was successfully conducted and helped
the participants gain more knowledge and experience to apply in real interviews. During the Mock
interview, all the members have performed their roles well. For overserver, this is a very important
position in the Mock interview because this person is responsible for observing and giving evaluation for
the interview. This position requires the person in charge to be highly focused in order to avoid missing
important details during the interview, and must be a fair person to make impartial assessments.

Followed by the role of the employer, the person who plays the role has done well what an
employer must do. As an employer, the most important thing is to know the position and the job you
are looking for. In the interview, the employer Mock lacks the introduction of his position and the
vacancy in the company. The interviewer then needs to ask different types of questions in order to fully
understand the candidate's information, this step requires employers to have observational skills and to
all the details. In the interview Mock, the employer did quite well and created pressure for the

Finally, assessment skills are an important skill that interviewers need to select candidates
suitable for the vacancy. However, in reality, interviewing or evaluating candidates through employers is
not fair and effective. Therefore, in managers' evaluation skills, it is necessary to take care to avoid
letting emotions or relationships affect the interview process. According to a study showing that many
employers have been influenced by cultural and ethnic factors, this shows that the interviewers are
irresponsible, they create barriers and refuse black men[ CITATION Phi95 \l 1033 ]. Finally, as a
candidate, being a candidate for an interview is extremely stressful, this position requires candidate to
prepare in advance to answer interviewer's questions and all relevant information about positions and
companies applying. Because the candidate is well-prepared with a strong sense of confidence, it is very
limited to have too intimate gestures that affect the quality of the interview and may be uncomfortable
for the interviewer. When participating in the Mock interview, the candidate did quite well. After
participating in mock interviews, there are many important experiences and notes that need attention,
but the most important thing for a successful interview is communication skills, attitudes, and behavior
of the candidate. For communication skills, this is the skill most appreciated by managers after the
candidates' qualifications and information requirements. Because, having good communication skills
proves that the candidate can clearly communicate his or her thoughts in writing and verbally during the
interview process, it helps the candidate have a solid start. Listening well also improves the candidate's
interviewing and communication skills. Although it can be difficult when a candidate is worried, focus on
the questions the interviewer asks and the information they provide to the candidate during the
interview[ CITATION Per97 \l 1033 ]. Besides communication skills, body language is also a very
important part. Because the candidate's body language sends a message to the interviewer, whether the
candidate is focused on controlling it or not. Candidates may not even notice their posture, facial
expressions and other factors, but they affect the way hiring managers feel about you. The candidate's
non-verbal communication begins when you walk in the door with a handshake and eye contact, making
them important skills for an interview. Therefore, training these skills well and practicing them with
confidence will surely help candidates achieve success in the interview[CITATION Zim97 \l 1033 ].

After working with the team members to build a mock interview, I assessed the interconnection
of the team members was not good. Although there are thorough preparation of documents, places and
good mental state to make the best mock interview, but due to a member having problems, their
execution time I was stretched. This does not affect too much the result however shows our lack of skill
in risk management. As for the central part of the job, after the mock interview was done, we put
together the knowledge and experience gained by each mock interviewer. There are some members
before the mock interview did not have confidence and had to repeat many times, so we found that
although there was preparation in advance, but to have a successful interview The public must always
have a confident spirit. In order to improve my confidence, I encourage team members to take steps to
gain confidence such as practicing mirroring many times, or relax before doing the interview to avoid
the influence of Other problems.
Dear Mr. Ho Van Dung

I am writing this letter to apply for the position of Construction Supervisor at Song Da Construction
Corporation. I have graduated from Greenwich University and I have learned very good management
skills here, and I have had 2 years of experience in construction industry at the construction company
itself, these will be of great benefit to Song Da Corporation. I know that I meet all the company's
requirements like advertising and will fulfill this role.

With more than two years of working in a private construction business as a construction supervisor, I
am good at safety compliance, cost control and materials management, proficiency in requirements and
regulations of local construction law. I excel at:

 Responsible, trustworthy and dedicated, leading the team towards shared success.
 Implement smart solutions and strategies to achieve high performance.
 Maintain a safe working environment with minimum safety issues.
 Streamlining the company's project management structure results in increased profits

I know that any organization needs a team with individuals working effectively to succeed. As a liaison
between the teams, I have the ability to handle all aspects of my supervisory position and will be part of
the Song Da Construction Corporation.

Please review my attached resume for more details on my professional qualifications and
accomplishments. It will please me very much if you can give me time to discuss these aspects with you
at a time that is convenient for you.

Thank you for taking your time and interest to review my application and I look forward to hearing from
you soon.

Best regards,

Quach Ngoc Tuan

SMART Career Planner

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Overall goal ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Action steps Resources Support Cost Success criteria Completion
Who? By when?
How? What? How much money, time, How will I know once I’ve
emotional support? achieved it?
A= Available

N = Needed
Step 1: A:

Step 2: A:

Step 3: A:

Step 4: A:

Step 5: A:


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