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English homework #22

Activity 1, page 1

Select the correct word to complete the conversation.

Helen: Hi, Max, glad to see you. How’s your summer?

Max: Boring! I’m looking forward to going back to college. Sitting in front of the computer all day is not
my idea of a holiday.

Helen: Why don’t you go somewhere to have a break? I think it’s really important to get away from
everything once in a while.

Max: Travelling is a waste of time. I remember visiting Paris last spring. I tried seeing the Mona Lisa in
the Louvre, but there were so many people I couldn’t even get in the room, which was just as well as I
had forgotten to take my camera. Anyways, I’m not interested in walking around in crowds of tourists.

Helen: Sorry to hear that, but look, stop being so negative. You obviously like art, that’s why you were in
the Louvre, so why not do something connected with that? I can see you doing something creative.

Max: I’ve tried painting and I wasn’t too bad at it.

Helen: There you are, you may go on being in the Louvre yourself.

Milk and dairy products, the house of nutrition and flavor.

Milk and dairy products should be an essential part of anyone's diet. First, they are full of nutrients.
A glass of milk provides a mix of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are the macronutrients, plus
vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B 12, D, calcium, zinc, phosphorous, and potassium.
Furthermore, other dairy products exist: yogurt, which is packed with probiotic; cheese, a great source
of protein and fat; butter, a great source of anti-aging fat; finally, in moderation, ice cream for
celebration. Milk and dairy products are tasty. Although milk is compounded of various macro and
micronutrients, those who give milk its incredible flavor are fat and lactose. Fat is responsible for
texture, color and taste. It can also absorb and intensify flavors. The more fat, the more flavor you will
get. Lactose is the 'milk sugar': it provides sweetness, and adds to the fat to make a good tasting mix. So,
not only are milk and dairy products healthy, but they are also full of natural flavors.

Nutrition within dairy. (body paragraph 1)

There are many benefits to consuming dairy products; they are healthy and can be adjusted to people’s
needs. Let’s take milk for example. Besides being a good source of calcium for strong bones and almost
the perfect food, milk is considered to be an immunity-boosting food due to certain nutrients like zinc
and vitamin D. It can be found in full-fat, low-fat, fat free and lactose free foods for those who prefer it.
In addition to milk, each dairy product has its own benefits, so let’s take a look. Yogurt is a fermented
product that contains live active bacteria, which are added to the milk in order to produce the yogurt.
These bacteria are known as probiotics, and they help you to have a healthy digestive system when
consumed regularly. Cheese is the product obtained from the coagulation of the milk protein (casein). It
provides mostly protein and fat in lesser volumes of product. The protein found in cheeses and dairy
products contains all the essential amino acids our bodies need; these amino acids help us build muscle
and have strong bones. Butter is the product obtained from milk cream (fat). It contains an essential
fatty acid named linoleic acid, which plays an important role in supporting heart health, improving
insulin sensitivity and regulating blood pressure. In addition, studies have shown that linoleic acid has
anticancer properties, which means that it reduces the risk of cancer. Milk and dairy products are
essential for people, and each dairy product has a benefit. Three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free
dairy provide essential nutrients that work together to build strong muscles and bones, strengthen the
immune and digestive system, and help prevent cancer.

Flavors within dairy (Body paragraph #2)

Many people wonder why milk’s flavor is so strong. As it was previously mentioned, the main characters
in making milk tasty are fat and lactose. When these two are combined, milk has a better flavor. So, let’s
take a look at the factors behind that. First, let’s talk about flavor concentration by cooling. As with any
other food, milk’s flavor is concentrated when it is cooled. This happens because the molecules are kept
from releasing the flavor since there is no molecular movement due to the cooling effect that keep it all
together. This, along with the fat content and the sweetness of lactose, intensifies the flavors. Next,
there is concentration by heating. This concentration occurs by removing water from the emulsion of
milk. As the milk is heated, water is evaporated. This process allows the milk nonfat solids to
concentrate. Since fat enhances flavor, the concentrated nonfat solids (protein, lactose and minerals)
combined with the fat intensify the flavor. Finally, there is another factor that gives dairy such an
incredible flavor, it is known as aging. This process is done with cheese using beneficial bacteria and
mold. When cheese is being made, these elements are added to the milk. then after the cheese-making
is completed, it is left in optimal conditions to age for not less than 3 moths and up to 1 year. The aging
process concentrates the flavors as the acidification made by the bacteria and mold make it possible by
creating a new taste. As has been discussed, milk flavor is strong due to certain factors. Milk flavor can
be concentrated through various processes, the main ones being: Cooling concentration, aging
concentration and concentration by heat. These enhance the flavor through the concentration of milk
nonfat solids such as protein, lactose and minerals, and the fat content that intensifies flavor.

Gabriel Grullon Reinoso

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