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Jl. Gajah Mada No. 100 Jempong Baru Mataram Telp 0370-620783, Fax. 0370-620784


Mata Kuliah : Basic English Grammar
Total SKS : 2 SKS
Semester/Kelas :ID
Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Syarifudin, M.Pd.

Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.

Passive Voice
1. The dog . . . . . every morning.
a. was fed
b. fed
c. were fed
d. is fed

2. Because of dry land, Corn . . . . . in East Lombok.

a. was grown
b. is grow
c. is grown
d. is grew

3. The fried chickens . . . . . by Ogik, Abi, and Mail.

a. is eat
b. eaten
c. are eaten
d. eating

4. The girl . . . . . by a policeman.

a. is help
b. were helped
c. helped
d. was helped

5. My bag . . . . . by someone last night.

a. is stolen
b. stolen
c. was stolen
d. were stoled
6. Airplane crack theory . . . . . by B.J. Habibie.
a. is invented
b. invented
c. were invented
d. was invented

7. The class has . . . . . by students.

a. clean
b. been cleaned
c. cleaned
d. being clean

8. It was incredible that the bomb . . . . . by the S.W.A.T Team.

a. was diffused
b. diffused
c. were diffused
d. has diffused

9. The new restaurant . . . . . before the end of this month.

a. will completed
b. will be completed
c. was completed
d. will complete

10. Raflesia Arnoldi Flower . . . . . in Indonesia since eighteenth century.

a. have been discovered
b. were discovered
c. they discovered
d. were discover

Degree of Comparison

11. These are the …… I have ever had.

a. better
b. well
c. best
d. good

12. He is …….than his brother.

a. tall
b. taller
c. more tall
d. tallest
13. Story books are …….. than textbooks.
a. most interest
b. interesting
c. more interesting
d. interest

14. Who is the …….. man in the world?

a. richest
b. rich
c. richer
d. more rich

15. This flower is ….. than that one.

a. more beautiful
b. most beautiful
c. beautiful
d. beautifulest

16. She was the ……. chef two years ago.

a. better
b. best
c. good
d. nice

17. Which is the ….. …animal in the world?

a. dangerous
b. more dangerous
c. most dangerous
d. dangerous

18. A holiday by the sea is ….. than a holiday on the hill.

a. good
b. goodest
c. better
d. best
19. My follower is ….. yours.
a. as interesting as
b. as interesting
c. interest
d. most interest
20. Mercury is the planet ….. to the sun in the solar system.
a. closest
b. closer
c. close
d. more close
Conditional Sentences
21. If I ..... to the forest, my grandmother would kill me.
a. go out.
b. gone it.
c. went out.
d. going.

22. I would have gone to hotel if I .... had money.

a. has.
b. keep.
c. have.
d. had.

23. If you study hard, you .......

a. going to be smart.
b. would be cleaver.
c. can be good.
d. will be cleaver.

24. We ..... go to the garden if the weather it ....... too hot today.
a. will, doesn’t.
b. would, don’t.
c. will, didn’t.
d. can, doesn’t

25. If I ..... the Islamic State University of Mataram entrance test, my father ..... buy me a
new laptop.
a. has passed, will.
b. had passed, would.
c. has pass, will.
d. had pass, would.

26. He ...... teach me martial art if my uncle ……..... alive.

a. would, was.
b. will, was.
c. can, were.
d. would, were.

27. They ..... have gotten it if they ........ here.

a. would, had been.
b. will, has been.
c. may, had been.
d. can, has been.
28. If you ...... the tasks early, your heart ..........
a. finished, would be feel relieve.
b. finish, would be feel relieve.
c. finished, can be feel relieved.
d. finish, will be feel relieved.

29. If you doens’t buy me a movie ticket, I ..... take you to the downtown.
a. can.
b. will.
c. want.
d. might.

30. If he .................... not been endure in here, he ......... to another place.

a. had, may have gone.
b. has, must has go.
c. had, might have gone.
d. has, may has went.

Relative Pronoun

31. The festival, _____________ lasted all day, ended with a banquet.
a. that
b. who
c. which
d. what

32. I am looking for someone __________ can watch my dog while I go on vacation.
a. which
b. who
c. whom
d. whoever

33. The police needed details _____________ could help identify the robber.
a. who
b. whatever
c. that
d. what

34. I’d like to take you to a café _______________ serves excellent coffee.
a. what
b. whatever
c. which
d. whichever
35. The clubhouse, in __________ the dance was held, housed about 100 people.
a. which
b. where
c. that
d. whom

36. You can choose one person, __________ you like, to share the cruise with you.
a. whomever
b. that
c. which
d. whom

37. I saw the shoes __________ you bought last week on sale for less this week.
a. when
b. that
c. who
d. whom

38. The winners, __________ known, will receive money and other prizes.
a. whoever
b. who
c. when
d. that

39. This is the place __________ we met.

a. when
b. where
c. who
d. that

40. The baby, ________ nap had been interrupted, wailed loudly.
a. whose
b. whomever
c. whom
d. who

41. My uncle, ……… speaks 3 languages, is a tourist guide.

a. whom
b. which
c. who
d. when
42. .Peter …. …..father is a dentist lives in New York.
a. whose
b. whom
c. who
d. that

43. This is my brother, …….. you met at the mosque last night.
a. whose
b. whom
c. who
d. which

44. This is the mosque …….. I pray every day.

a. where
b. when
c. how
d. which

45. I heard that you needed a job, that’s …... I offered you a job at my restaurant.
a. what
b. why
c. when
d. that

46. Did you see the plane ……...flew very fast this afternoon?
a. what
b. which
c. who
d. whose

47. I still remember …….. you fell into the sewer.

a. what
b. whom
c. when
d. why

48. Please do not tell him ……… I said earlier.

a. what
b. how
c. that
d. which
49. My brother works for a company …….sells cars.
a. who
b. whom
c. that
d. when

50. He told me ………. he would give you a gift.

a. why
b. that
c. where
d. which

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